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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    I'm reminded of a scene in the series "Belgariad" by David Eddings, where Ce'Nedra asks an armorer to make her... more pronounced than she actually was.

    Think the guy laughed.
    If I recall correctly, the blacksmith initially refused to make the armor...on general principle. I don't think the book actually explained how they convince him to do it.

    Great memory for a fantastic book series.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darej View Post
    Way to work as a team!!
    Last I checked, division of labor was still considered team work.
  3. Desmodos

    Cloak of Fear?

    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    I dont see why fury is a problem. I dont see why fury was ever a problem for any brute. Just put brawl or your tier 1 attack on auto fire. Ta-da near max fury all the time. Its just easier to do this with brawl since it recharges so fast and costs zero end to do. This is also the same reason why I do not ever see ice armor being a problem for brutes.
    This will depend greatly on your primary. If you are relying on brawl, to generate Fury, your single target DPS will suffer. This becomes worst on a build that involves weapons. The ideal Dual Blades single target attack chain is Blinding Feint + Attack Vitals. Your goals should be to repeat this sequence with out pauses. Occasionally inserting brawl will decrease your DPS. Thankfully, Blinding Feint + Attack Vitals generates decent Fury on it's own; hence CoF is not much of an issue. The same could not be said for all primaries.
  4. No surprise here. I expected a sequel.

    I get some folks hated it, but I personally enjoyed the film. It seemed obvious to me it did well enough to justify a sequel.
  5. Today's show will feature segments of a recorded interview with Torroes Prime. Torroes does a great job of introducing folks to City of Comic Creators and his new project "CoH: Legacy of Sin."
  6. Desmodos

    Cloak of Fear?

    Originally Posted by Kinetoa View Post
    Also, I see that DB is a fast fury generator. While we are here... how would DB/DA compare with Brute vs. Scrapper?
    Keep in mind, I have yet to play DB/DA as a Brute, but I have a level 50 DB/DA scrapper.

    I would expect a DB/DA would do rather well. I played DB/WP and was rather pleased with how well I could generate and keep Fury. I don't see why CoF would interfere with that. With Incarnate powers, DB/DA Brute should be able to achieve (even if only for short periods) substantially superior survivablity.
  7. Desmodos

    Cloak of Fear?

    Originally Posted by Kinetoa View Post

    o Should probably be called Cloak of ToHitDebuff,
    Not really. It's the part a min/max build can take the most advantage of. With out IOs, the fear aspect would be the strongest portion of the power. The fear effects are generally over looked, but do increase your survivablity.

    o Like all Tohit Debuffs is very effective when closing in but not at a cap
    Not quite. While I personally advocate not soft capping Dark Armor because of CoF, CoF does add additional buffer at soft cap, particularly against LTs and bosses. Additionally, at soft cap, the fear element of CoF will start to play a larger role.

    o Is better when you have global/power accuracy and endurance management
    I STRONGLY recommend getting 3-5 purple sets and Cardiac Core alpha slot. This combination not only solves the Accuracy and Endurance problems but will substantially increases your resistances and recharge.
  8. Desmodos

    Cloak of Fear?

    Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
    I'm just guessing you were considering a lvl50(+1) player facing off against a lvl54 mob and accidentally mixed up 48% effectiveness with resisting 48% of the debuff.

    Is that still an issue after the change to Fury? I thought Fury came far easier, these days (though it caps lower).
    IMHO, yes. The caveat is the primary. While Fury does not degenerate as quickly as it used, CoF still works against Fury generation. On a fast recharging primary, like Dual Blades, Claws, or Super Strength, this will not be a significant factor as you can generate Fury quite well simply by attacking.
  9. Desmodos

    Cloak of Fear?

    I am a huge fan of Cloak of Fear. At base values, before considering IO builds, I agree with PleaseRecycle in that Oppressive Gloom and Cloak of Fear essentially cover the same niche. Considering the poor accuracy and high endurance costs of CoF, and Oppressive Gloom becomes considerably more attractive.

    Once you start factoring in IOs, things shift dramatically in Cloak of Fear's favor. Obviously, you must factor in endurance management and compensating for the poor accuracy. Both have various methods for achieving this.

    Once you start adding defense on to your build, Cloak of Fear becomes increasingly effective. Defense + tohit debuffs (after resistances) stack very nicely. In the same fashion that moving from 5% to 15% defense seems rather lack luster yet moving from 35% to 40% has jaw dropping affect. The same effect is seen in Cloak of Fear. By it's self, 5% To Hit debuff does very little. Stack that same 5% To Hit debuff on top of 35% defense and things improve dramatically.

    One thing to keep in mind at higher levels; + mobs have increased resistance to To Hit debuffs. That's before factoring any specific powers they may have that grants resistance. A +4 mob will resist 48% of the debuff. For this reason, when factoring the CoF Tohit debuff into your survivalblity, I advocate cutting the value in half.

    As mentioned, at lower levels, the 5% to hit debuff will have minimal impact. The fear affect will still increase your survivablity. Feared mobs will continue to attack you, but at a substantially reduced rate. Considering the poor base accuracy of the CoF, this will be difficult to notice initially.

    In other words, CoF starts off really rather crappy but on a final build, will substantially increase your durability.

    As for CoF on brutes, I generally fall into the camp that CoF interferes with fury generation. This can be compensated on with some primaries.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
    I'd rather man kind fix all problems on this Earth before venturing outwards, we might not be as welcome to leave this world as we may think, and yes.... I do know something.
    An argument could be made that the primary problem on Earth is people. Remove the people, and the Earth would have no more problems. The easy way out would be genocide. The intellectual approach would be space travel.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice Knight View Post
    Hi Everyone.

    The Hammi Raid is postponed till 11 pm Eastern tonight. Please meet in the Hive starting at 10:45 pm eastern. My apologies for the delay.

    Remember tonights theme is "Wedding Attire".

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pinrail View Post
    With all of this talk about slotting for defense, I have to simultaneously point out and ask: Since RttC includes an important, though small, tohit debuff, this could help by effectively adding to defense in most non-AV situations, yes? It's a point to keep in mind if you're making sacrifices to get defense gains (especially if you're striving for a particular defense value). Though, if you're making your build to solo AVs it's probably not the best thing to rely on.

    (You can also consider frankenslotting RttC for both regen and the debuff. I've done that when I've had extra slots available.)
    Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
    The problem with the tohit debuff is that it's very small (3.75% for scrappers), resisted by both the purple patch and rank resistances (AVs are not the only ones to resist debuffs), only applies to targets within 8 feet, and only to up to 10 targets at a time. If you're in a situation dangerous enough that you might actually *need* the debuff, you're probably fighting foes against whom the debuff will have almost no effect. I certainly won't turn down the presence of such a debuff, but neither would I use slots to enhance it or count on it to do anything in particular.
    Muon Neutrino is slightly over stating things, but the overall idea behind his post remains true.

    Yes, 3.75% to hit debuff will stack with your defense values. Because it's base value is rather small, enhancing it will net you minimal practical gain. Against minions, LTs, and bosses, it can contribute significantly to your survivablity, but only if you have significant amounts of defense to work with it. The closer you are to soft cap, the more effective it becomes.

    As Muon Neutrino pointed out, it can be resisted. Higher level mobs will have a greater level of resistance (A.K.A. The Purple Patch). So as a general rule of thumb, all debuffs will only be 48% effective against +4 mobs. 3.75 * .48 = 1.79 is still a significant amount of To Hit debuff when stacked on top of 35% defense.

    When fighting AVs, Muon Neutrino's point is completely correct. In addition to level shifting, Archvillains also get additional Archvillain Resistance. A level 50 Archvillain has 85% resistance to all debuffs. At level 54 it goes to 87%. 1.79 * (1-.87) = 0.23 % ToHit debuff, essentially nothing.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Just build for it all
    Defense is where it's important to build for, at least in my experience, when it comes to WP. And I think you want to build evenly for the S/L/E/N Defenses with a focus on S/L, as like mentioned, WP already comes with a sizable E/N Defense already.
    The focus on S/L is largely wasted. If you are soft capping to S/L/E/N then the debate is entirely moot. If you're trying to make the choice between S/L or E/Ne, then E/Ne is the superior choice. Keep in mind these statements are made is specific context to Kat/WP. Without Divine Avalanche, the focus would shift towards a focus on S/L.
  14. Gonna disagree with the S/L defense strategy. Yes, you want to get as much as you can, but it's not the priority. I prefer to prioritize HP, E/Ne defense, and then S/L.

    I think folks under estimate how powerful Divine Avalanche is, in terms of survivability. DA alone will make you really tough to kill. While it doesn't cover everything, it's deficiencies aren't significantly improved by adding more Lethal or Smashing defense. Comparatively speaking, you'll get more survivablity from additional E/Ne defense Will Power because you already have a sizable chunk of it, via Heightened Senses.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    Just curious.. what about it do you hate so much?
    The concept of asking half your league to sit out the fight just irks me.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    You count as a blaster.
    Oblivious as to whether this is an insult or a compliment.

    Either way, my first post stands
  17. Officially, I passionately hate this plan...however; I'd be willing to try it.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost_Ripper View Post
    So, 15% -resist is like saying 15% dmg bonus..what's the bonus to damage for the 75%?
    Roughly, about ~12.5 points of fire damage for each tick. Averaging 3-4 ticks each time so ~37.5 to ~50 points of fire damage over a 2 second period of time. That's with out stacking of course.

    I say roughly because I've never seen the actual damage value posted anywhere. I'm merely estimating based on comparison to Death Shroud.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    Unfortunately it is no longer true that damage auras proc reactive on each tick. It's been changed to be a once per ten seconds affair like ordinary procs now.

    Source please. Is this in a patch no somewhere?
  20. Desmodos

    Conan Red Band

    Young Conan is played by Leo Howard, same kid who played Young Snakes Eyes in the GI Joe movie.
  21. Desmodos

    Conan Red Band

    The video Mandu speaks of is not the Red Band Trailer. It is labeled Conan: Thirst for Bloood and can also be viewed on Trailer Addict. It does look like a possible early scene from the movie. Jason Momoa is not in the scene as it appears to take place during Conan's child hood, basically show casing Conan as a bad *** from a very early age. The scene is graphically violent, so I doubt it could be poster here as well.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Des if you still want me for this let me know.
    Heck yeah!! Sending you a PM.
  23. Split Infinity Radio is an online radio station that caters to all things geeky.

    UnMasked is a weekly show dedicated to City of Heroes. Join me, and special guests as we reveal the people behind the masks. Keep up with the news and events of Paragon City, The Rogue Isles, and Imperial City with the Super Heroes trying to save it and the Villains that plot to rule them.

    Special guests: Basically, you. We want players to join us for interviews and/or discussions about City of Heroes. We want your voice sharing why you like City of Heroes and what you like or don't like about new and current content. Which trials do you like, don't like? Excited about CoH: Freedom or think it was doom us all? Got a new AE mission you wanna tell folks about? Running an event on your server? Organizing a meet n greet in your area? Discussions take place live on air or can be pre-recorded to accommodate scheduling or modesty

    Shout outs: Don't have much to say, but wanna send out a special message to someone? Record a "shout out" and e-mail it to me, , and I'll play it during the show. Wedding proposals and love confessions welcomed. We'll even accept 'respectful' trash talking for those PvPers out there.

    Requests: Unmasked primarily features rock music, but there are no rules. Have something you want to hear during Unmasked? Send me a tell in game @Des or @Desmodos (I'll announce on air which account I am on during the show). I can't promise I have everything that's requested, but we make a good effort to find the music you like. Don't be shy, freaky requests welcomed.
  24. Always, always, always post the data chunk with your builds.

    The links do not work well for everyone. Copy pasting the build can cause errors.

    Easier it is for folks to import your build in to their Mid's, the more willing they will be to comment on it.
  25. Keep in mind the resistance debuff portion is rather small, 2.5% resistance debuff. Yes it can stack, but you would need to stack it 4 times to get a 10% resistance debuff, which is nothing to sneeze at either. So it boils down to your power sets.

    Which is the best Reactive? I've seen many places saying they took the Reactive that does 75%dmg or the 75% -Resist, but even still which out of those is better?
    I personally prefer Reactive Radial Flawless Interface (75% chance for fire DoT and 25% chance for resistance debuff). Since damage auras have 75% chance to trigger the DoT with each tick, this translates to a substantial amount of damage over time. On my DM/DA scrapper, when the fire dot goes off, it does about half the damage of Death Shroud per tick (assuming no Soul Drain), but it ticks faster. With 2 fire DoT ticks, I basically got an extra Death Shroud tick.

    I could see a case made for single target focused builds preferring the resistance debuff. For a single target focused build, the DoT is of limited value as you'll be dropping each target rather quickly, so stacking DoTs will not be of as a great benefit. The same single target focused build could easily stack 4-6 of these debuffs, making each successive attack do more damage.

    So in the end it depends on your build, your IO focus, and the other Incarnate choices you've made.

    The text says does 75% dot Fire. Does that mean I have to have a DOT attack to get the benifit?
    Virtually any attack that does damage has a chance to trigger the DoT. The attack used does not need to be a DoT.

    How much -resist actually is achievable?
    I am not aware of an actual cap on the stack, but folks seem to not be able to stack (or not notice) beyond six resistance debufffs (from Reactive, you can stack from other sources). Assuming 6 is the maximum, it's possible to achieve 6 * 2.5 = 15% resistance debuff.