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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
    But that's just it. My Scraper, VEAT and Cor are good on all the other content. their is always a approach or strategy I can use to do well with those characters. Its just the MMs that constantly under-perform.
    Which Scrapper(s)? Which VEAT(s)? Which Corruptor(s)? Compared with which Mastermind(s)?

    Ever sense Incarnate content came out my BS/SR has been severely under preforming compared to all of my other mains. I know it's not the AT because I can watch others tear it up.

    On the other hand, my Fire/Dark Brute, Dual/Dark Corruptor, Electric/Force Controller, and my Kheld have been rolling with little effort. Only reason I don't list my Demon/Time among them is because she only has one set and is only half equip with Incarnate abilities.

    Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
    I don't think "struggle" is the word. I think the issue is that MMs are sorta binary. Either they do great or they're almost completely useless. If we could upgrade that useless to a struggle I'd be happy.
    If there's anything worth changing on Masterminds as an AT, I think making the inspirations they use buff their pets (within range) would fix that issue.

    Edit: That effect could even be cut in half, or a third, or a quarter for your pets, so that manually giving them inspirations still offers more benefit.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    I don't think it'd be weak. Only one power in Kinetics has to do with giving allies more recharge. You'd have an AoE heal, a way to buff all of your pets damage to the roof, a nice s/l resistance buff that also makes them nearly immune to mez... and even Speed Boost to buff their endurance recovery so you could get away without slotting endurance reduction in them.
    Never underestimate what a movement buff to your pets can offer. When they all move faster they tend to stay together better. Easier to heal them/easier to buff them.

    The main problem with Kinetics is that it's not terribly survivable on it's own. It's only slightly more survivable than Empathy (which needs to be buffed) because of the damage debuffs, which aren't that severe. In essence, Kinetics just buff up their damage/recharge and DPS race the enemy. Give that to a pet class and you'd have about the same effect as giving Illusion to a Dom; everything is dead and nothing can defend itself against you.

    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    I don't think that anyone is going to argue in favor of a buff to the top-tier MM sets (Bots, Thugs and Demons) they are fine as is. What people would like to see is the lower tier sets (Mercs and Ninjas in particular) bought up to par.
    Considering what my Demon/Time can do compared to my old Merc/Trap, I couldn't agree more.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
    besides "i did badge" is there any valid reason for doing this on a character? I can see sometimes where I get 2 tier 4s in the same ability (Clarion & Rebirth) for specific roles. But this seems a little like collecting photos of everybody who acted in "The Avengers" (no matter how small a role) by personally taking them. Is there a point?
    Allow me to explain.
  4. If you counted every T4 I've made on every character I have, I wouldn't even be halfway there.
  5. Demon_Shell

    Carp Melee

    Okay, technically tuna but that's got to be close enough.

    Remember, Devs, it's not about who finishes first. You just need to fish! I mean finish...

    As I understand it, these pictures are okay to post so long as the topic doesn't derail into discussion about another game. This is about carp melee, or to a lesser extent fish-based melee weapons. If I have misunderstood or the topic does derail, I understand completely if this topic needs to be removed.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Or perhaps Burn is a power like Radiation Infection or Enervating Field that does not cause redraw regardless of the weapon set used with it. I know for a fact that you will not put your pistols away when activating Rad toggles.
    Which is hilarious, because /Dark will incur redraw.
  7. Considering how many times I've been shot by a big green beam of death, or stuck in a circle of psionic death, or caught in a patch of burning blue death because of redraw, I'd rather they just remove the effect entirely. Make all weapon draws work like Fire Sword/Ice Sword/Stone Mallet and just materialize in your hand.

    Would it be a shame to remove the animations? Yes. They are immerse. But as the game moves more and more from DPS races to action-oriented combat, this is steadily becoming a greater and greater issue.

    But while we're on the subject, when are they going to fix the Titan Weapons Momentum animation-while-out-of-combat rooting bug? I can use Build Up on my Broad Sword character while moving no problem.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    What really sucks about that pic is the Pendragon armor, or rather the fact that players still do not have access to it.
    This is pretty much what I'm still stuck on too.
  9. I wasn't aware you could use stealth costume powers in PVP. If you can I could certainly understand why that could be the limiting factor these days, unfortunate though it may be.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    The purpose was to prevent stealth radius stacking.
    I understand the point you're trying to make. I'm not asking for all stealth lockouts to be removed. There is a difference between allowing stealth toggles and stealth costumes together (assuming there is an all or nothing issue to changing costume powers) and allowing all stealth toggles to stack. I'm not asking for that.

    But in a situation where you're supposed to be disguised, mechanically undetectable for immersion reasons, what imbalance is created by being more undetectable? You're already not being attacked.

    That was the theoretic reason (assuming the previously mentioned theory is true), but it never did anything. It served no purpose.
  11. Illusion Control - Issue 0 - Group Invisibility.

    And, again, group/ally stealth abilities being used by other players. I explained this in my first post.

    Edit: What you were quoting was about the mechanical effects of layered stealth.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    Sometimes those costumes can look weird if you have a semi-translucency effect in place.
    As I explained, nothing in the game has ever stopped you from attaining that semi-transparent state, even back when they were first introduced before stealth IOs.

    If it all does tie back to when costume powers were first introduced as means of stealth and it came down to an all or nothing decision (to either make it so stealth is available with all costumes or it isn't), what would using a stealth costume and a stealth toggle together really change? Even if you weren't a Stalker or an Illusion Controller and couldn't completely bypass the issue anyway, you could still always turn on Super Speed and/or a stealth IO (at least now).

    The point of those stealth costumes was to make enemies not attack you (in the story arcs). Having a stealth toggle active isn't going to make them not attack you less. And you can have all the stealth you want, but without something like Smoke Grenade enemies with high perception are still going to see through it.

    The first time I ran into a stealth costume was on an Illusion Controller who had Group Invisibility. If the theory that's been presented is correct (and it sounds right), even back when it was first instated it still never served a purpose.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    Why not PM Arbiter Hawk and ask him?
    Thank you for the recommendation. I did and he replied that he did not understand the question during the Q&A and will be looking into whether or not the restriction is in place for a reason.
  14. I wanted to make sure I rewatched the video to make sure I understood the response, or rather to confirm that the question didn't seem to be understood.

    At around 46:54 a question was addressed regarding costume powers and stealth toggles, but the answer didn't really address the question, as I understand it, properly.

    Costume change powers (not emotes, not model shifting like turning into a dog) like Freakshow/Knives of Artemis/Coralax/Malta all deactivate stealth toggle powers when turned on. The question is why this happens when it does nothing to suppress a character altering their transparency, since they can still use Stalker Hide, Group Invisibility, and most notably the stealth IO procs on themselves. All of this to say nothing about being stealthed/made more transparent by any ally stealth powers.

    A power costumed character can't use Steamy Mist, but they can be affected by an ally's Steamy Mist/Shadow Fall/Grant Invisibility/etc. Locking out the costumes that you can use in combat (fight back with) against stealth toggles (other than hide) neither stops or even deters characters from gaining the same visual effects. It's always been vary inconsistent (within its own rules) and without purpose to me.

    The argument in the video was about visual effects clustering together, but if that's the case, why are no other toggles suppressed? Or anything else at all? Even things like Rock Armor or the new Bio Armor toggles show up and work as you'd expect them.

    If the answer is ultimately no, I'm okay with that. I'd like to know why, but I don't need to. What I saw was a misunderstanding directed toward the notion that it was purely a design decision at some point, which doesn't make sense because it doesn't do anything but limit the characters that can use them.

    I'll give a personal example.

    I have a Coralax character. He has Grant Invisibility and Invisibility (largely for slotting) because I know I can't use Stealth while in combat. When I need to be sneaky, I just turn on Invisibility which detoggles my costume power. It's not a terribly big deal because I don't use Invisibility very often and can't fight with it active anyway. When the fighting starts, I just toggle the costume back on.

    I have a Freakshow character. Unfortunately, he's a /Devices Blaster. He can't use Cloaking Device with his costume power. There's no way around it, there's no limited usefulness to it; Devices Blasters use Cloaking Device while in combat. Right now, I could theoretically drop Cloaking Device and grab something like Maneuvers. It would be less defense out of combat and it would cost much more, but it would buff allies as well. It's a relative trade off.

    The problem comes from the buff to Cloaking Device in I24. I could theoretically switch one defense buff for another, but I can't switch a defense/regeneration/recovery buff for anything. Once I24 comes out, not taking that ability would make me a weaker character no matter what I do to try replacing it.

    If there's a reason for that limitation, which is what I always figured, so be it. There are more important things in the game to worry about. But I heard no indication that that was the issue.

    So, if there is no other reason why the the costume change powers (not emotes, not model shifting like turning into a dog) are locked out with non-hide stealth toggles, I'm formally requesting that lockout be removed at some point in the future.
  15. That was funny.

    Accidental leak.

    "[Blank], huh?"



    [Blank] was mentioned in one of the Wednesday streams, why is is still a secret?
  16. I would guess two reasons why no new set is being released just before a double xp weekend.

    1) Players that use the double xp in place of buying/using xp boosters for the new character(s) they make.

    2) Unfairness for people wanting that set to be Nature's Affinity instead of Bio Armor or vice versa.

    I rarely agree with Paragon's marketing, but I believe they do have the right idea here.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    But you either have to replace that gear with better more improved stats or you have to replace/upgrade the skills. That is to say, a weapon might have a specified number of damage points it deals in conjunction with your stats. That's replaced when a better weapon that has a higher value of damage becomes available that you can put your resources into improving over a weaker old weapon.

    Conversely, for static skills that perform a certain way, those are replaced by newer skills with higher value effects.

    There should always be an avenue of upgrading, modifying AND replacing *along with* increasing in level and obtaining new skills.

    That's kind of an attribute of RPG video games, the micromanagement of a character's skills, stats and level.
    I don't see how that compares to live where SOs don't get any stronger. You're just replacing the same thing over and over again. If they were static at least you could put enhancement boosters in them. Or maybe combine them like live up until +3 to maintain a potential growth, then use enhancement boosters beyond.

    I apologize. MajorDecoy has reminded me that this is the wrong thread to even be talking about this in. I'm just going to drop it.
  18. Yes you can, because most RPGs do. You level up and get stronger and you get better gear to get stronger.

    You slot an enhancement. That's your gear. You slot additional enhancements to stronger. That's your gear growth. Enhancements don't drop enough anymore in regular play to just slot what you get so you have to buy them. That's maintenance. Going to a trainer to get new moves and buying new enhancements for newly awarded slots is a pause in the action meant to stop players from going directly to max level in one sitting.

    Replacing everything you have to maintain the senselessly bungeeing stats they provide isn't anything. It's not maintenance. It's not growth. It's barely even an INF sink.

    Regarding IOs, I have to apologize for allowing you to rope me into this argument. The only issue with IOs, superior after level 30 anyway compared to SOs, are level 25 IOs. Where was the issue? People that buy invention licenses and play from 22 to 27 then stop? Because after 27 the IOs you can equip are better than SOs anyway. And anything before 22 to 27 and IOs are better than TOs and DOs.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    The improvement to the enhancement bonuses as the level increases is the growth.
    No. That's level growth. The SOs actually get weaker after you level up. This is most notable with things like endurance reduction, recharge reduction, accuracy, endurance modification, things that don't grow when you level.
  20. I'm not arguing with you about numbers that neither of us know with any real certainty. You know several. I know no one that buys them. Only people that, in conversations about it, will tell anyone asking about them to avoid them entirely as a waste of money. I don't have a preference one way or the other.

    But if people are buying invention licenses for badges and portable invention tables, then that subset isn't buying them to skip SOs. How large is the group that is buying invention licenses specifically to skip SOs? I'm guessing not many, and certainly not enough to warrant turning people off to the repetitive, unfun pause in the action replacing SOs for the 5th time causes.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Nearly every fantasy game (not just MMO) has gear wear. You have to spend your in-game money to repair your gear, which is maintaining your stats, not improving them. Replacing SOs is similar to gear wear.
    I'll conceit that point. But given no growth on the equipment, it means people that use SOs are wearing the same gear from level 25 to level 50 and just repairing it over and over again.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    There are plenty of Badgers and Crafters who are Prems that craft regular IO's for the badges they get on their portable workbench.
    Returning players that had crafting unlocked through the Reward system, not by buying a license.

    I still think there's a difference between getting a few drops that you rapidly out-level (which you wouldn't given a global, static, SO system and was my cause for concern), and the ability to just buy them at that level. If there really isn't an issue with lower level characters having SOs then I wouldn't be against TOs and DOs being replaced, but it's still not what I'm supporting.

    My argument for SOs being static is to fix a problem without needing new tech (like the formerly mentioned system that would search your slots for TO/DO/SO and replace the enhancements you have with better ones of the same type). Making static SOs rare doesn't fix anything. It would be cool, particularly the attuned IO version, but people who aren't using IOs until 50, if ever, are still having to replace their enhancements over and over again. SOs in particular 6 times with no equipment growth.

    If I only started playing a week ago, I wouldn't put up with that. I can't think of a single other game that asks the player to throw their in-game currency away just to maintain their stats.
  23. Unless you turn off your XP, you're not really getting enough to matter at a time where it will completely break things. Though that is something I hadn't considered, I will admit.
  24. Other than having never heard of anyone buying an invention license so they can make regular IOs, I don't see anything you said that conflicts with anything I've said. As bad of an idea as it is, if they're static like regular IOs, you could use enhancement boosters on SOs anyway.

    I'm not for removing TOs and DOs. Has nothing to do with INF, it creates a balance issue. Having attacks that do 66-99% extra damage at level 5 would wreck enemies. I'd like for TOs and DOs to be static too, but that's not my fight here. That change would sort of be implied.

    The whole point of reworking drop rates and vender prices would be to make sure whatever it is you're buying remains costly, but not impossible to attain. But I didn't say that in the post you quoted, because I already said it in the last one.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crystalline View Post
    I'd be pretty adamant about wanting them to still be craftable though; certainly wouldn't want to see IOs only be available through the Paragon Market (I know the OP never said anything about that. I'm just thinking that that's ultimately the source for all the Attuned IOs now, except Overwhelming Force. You can get them on the AH, but somebody initially had to get them from the Market).
    The reason market IOs are attuned is to make them more useful/accessible to those willing to purchase them. To be honest, I don't really see them making all IOs attuned either, no matter how many headaches it would eliminate. Reduces the appeal of the attuned market ones.

    I'm really just on the "make SOs static" side of things. Don't need to eliminate TOs or DOs. SOs don't need to get any stronger as you level. No arguments about screwing up the combat balance that's already in place. Just make them static.

    You buy a Damage SO, it gives you a 33% Damage bonus for that power. It remains 33% indefinitely. You don't have to buy another from out leveling it. Level 30-50 IOs are already better then 33%. Level 20 IOs are better than DOs and accessible before you can purchase SOs. Only conflict arises at level 25 IOs, which people only make now so they don't have to keep buying SOs over and over again anyway. They're technically weaker than SOs at +0 level difference.