35 -
If I use a canon mob, it has a level range. Fine.
If I want to do a mission with custom mobs only how do I (say) limit that to level 1-5? Can't see where the option for that is.
I have a planned arc that starts "in your childhood", and having the mobs spawn at level 53 would make a farce out of it. -
I don't have a problem with OTHER PEOPLE farming, I just wish it could be more obvious that arc:nnnnn was a farming arc, so I could avoid it.
Ideally by a search option "farms yes/no" and a tag you put on a farming mission when you create it. -
Okay, as there's nothing else here yet, can I quickly point out that there are three Mission architect guides on Paragon Wiki:
Paragon Wiki Mission Architect
Paragon Wiki Mission architect Files
Paragon Wiki Custom Units
Hope this helps someone -
One thing that would help quality arcs rise to the top is the star rating of an arc NOT being shown until a statistically relevant number of players have played and/or rated it.
It is ludicrous that someone could sling together a heap of steaming something, put it out there, get his supergroup to play and all rate it 5-star and for a while at least it will be popping up in peoples searches as highly rated and they'll be playing it.
On the other hand a well crafted arc might never get played again after the first player one stars it because the villain's cloak was the wrong shade of black (or whatever).
On balance, from my vast exerience playing MA arcs (LOL, I wasn't in the beta, so it's been about 5 hours or so) it seems that:
- yes Sturgeons Law does apply
- yes, we need a better mission browser
- (we also really need a way of selecting missions that are soloable! One EB, One Lt and 6 minions in the first room is not soloable by 99% of the stalkers out there, I'd hazard!)
As to the farming/no farming discussion - here's my suggestion: How about a "farming mission" checkbox in the mission creation screens and a "show farming missions?" checkbox in the mission browser (and if you play an arc that is just a farming mish when you had answered "no farming missions" then flag it as inappropriate content)
But I have enjoyed some of the missions I've played and I am in the "glass half full" camp, not the "doom!" camp. -
Would think this was added to prevent anyone from creating multiple trial accounts and voting their own arcs to inflate their rating.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe, just maybe, preventing trial accounts from rating other content would have addressed that issue.
[/ QUOTE ]
That doesn't stop people posting missions that advertise cheap internet perscription meds, <bleep> enlargement and internet casinos. Sure they'd get banned - but so what if it's on a trial account?
I had it up to here with that on WoW and anything that stops CoH going the same way is fine by me. -
As long as PLers take a polite "no" for an answer and don't hassle me, I don't have a problem with them.
I'd never want to be PL'ed myself but if they're paying their fees to NCSoft then we're both supporting the continuing development and, let's face it, existence of the game.
And one of my level 30's just got the portal corp day job badge (after being sniped to death once!) Just wish she could sneak into Cimeroa in the same way! -
Has anyone else found that the base editor crashes once in a while, usually as you're hovering a selected item around part inside an already placed item? I never had any crashes in the base editor pre-i13 (at least not on the current PC).
Had about four crashes last night while trying to build a mezzanine level.
Also, it's a real shame you can't put items in doorways... sure I saw some pictures of people doing that in the Beta... I had planned that my mezzanine would extend into the next room
Mr Megawatt, blasting stuff on Defiant -
Thanks for that guys
I was planning to go from an 8x8 plot to a 12x16 secure plot immediately i13 goes live so space shouldn't be an problem and as I'd saved the money for a plot at the old prices, affording the temporary teleport rooms shouldn't be an issue either.
My only worry was whether if I sold the old room after i13, I'd get the NEW price back and be 1m out of pocket. But you've set my mind at rest there.
Thanks -
Quick clarification.... anyone?
I have a base with the huge Teleport room (1.4 million(ish) prestige) but the new huge teleport room price is 400k(ish).
If I want to save 1 million prestige, do I have to sell my current Tpad room *now* while it is still worth 1.4 mil and then buy a replacement when i13 debuts? Or can I wait till after i13 goes live and sell the huge teleport room for the ORIGINAL PURCHASE price before buying the cheap one?
Thanks in advance... -
Has anyone managed to glean any info or does anyone have any useful speculation about the base changes coming (or not coming) in issue 13?
"all you bases are ours"(or similar) was supposedly the working title for this issue, but base issues are strangely absent from the issue initial 13 release info. All that made it into Positron's release announcement was this cryptic comment:
First off is the issue name, Architect. I liked the correlation that the name has between some of the improvements we are making to bases (in the way new things are purchased for them) and to our Mission Architect feature.
[/ QUOTE ]
I can't find any discussion about issue 13 and bases on the EU forums though there is a little on the US forums. Someone there (can't find it again to quote reference, sorry) was saying he had talked to someone from NCNC at a show, and that the devs had tried to put in a load of changes for bases but it had been an absolute mess.
If this is true then I'm guessing that they're waiting to see what they can salvage of it before they announce anything to us.
I've been wanting a way to store recipes and a way to pass salvage between my alts for ages, and I hoped this was going to be it. My little guild has a million and a half prestige set aside ready... all revved up and nowhere to go
So anyone? Anything?
PS - (warning: rant begins!) Why are there two entirely different sets of forums for the same game; US and EU? No offence to the posters here, but because of the size of the player base in the US, all the interesting discussions are on a set of forums I'm locked out of (and it seems most of the red name traffic too)