
Caped Keeper of Mids'
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by humulass View Post
    This is just a.random idea.. But am I the only one that wishes thare was a mids smartphone app.
    I hear there are people making an iPod/iPad/iPhone build planner, and there are people making an HTML5-based planner.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    I have no idea where to find enhancement boosters in mids. Can someone point me in the right direction? Cheers.
    As with SOs and HOs, just hit + or - on your keyboard when you're setting the enhancement. It won't show the level boost in that, but it'll appear in the other popup and in the info box at the left.
  3. From the sound of what I read in various other topics, your rewards are applied at the END of your month for the previous month (still on the billing date), but the rewards from September were applied during the VIP Head Start.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn
    Any plans to add the GR Preorder Enhancements?
    I don't think that would be too terribly tough. As for the proc portions, I was thinking they'd either be always on or always off since Mids' would need a lot of work to enable level-specific data, but then I realized I could probably add both a proccing and a non-proccing version of each enhancement.

    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master
    in aura.disrupt it is still showing a knockback effect
    It will be fixed in the next release.

    Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
    Thanks again to everyone who keeps this current and working! Keep up the excellent job folks! Just got the new version. Haven't figured out how to add the enhancement... enhancers, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

    Thanks again!
    I'll look into implementing a visual interface for level boosters, in addition to adding the "+#" to the level.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
    Kudos to DeProgrammer for doing this while I'm away; I felt bad releasing a buggy version, even if that was the only way to get one out on time.

    Holy crap, I have a special title now! When did that happen?
    I noticed that the other day, and although I wasn't certain it was impossible to change it yourself since I hadn't looked at the user control panel much, I figured you weren't the one who put it there, because you know where the apostrophe belongs in Mids'.
  6. Now with fewer bugs!

    MidsÂ’ Hero/Villain Designer 1.951 - September 2011

    New features:
    • Enhancement boosters will now save and load with your builds.
    • Alignment and, therefore, Accolades will now save and load with your builds.
    • The Accolades, Incarnate, and Temporary Powers windows can now be accessed via the Windows menu.

    Fixes & changes:
    • Missing enhancement values in pop-ups have been restored.
    • Enhancement values will no longer be 100x too large when using a European locale
    • Patron powers' prerequisites have been restored.
    • Divine Avalanche, Parry, Entropic Aura, Vigilance, and Aim (Beam Rifle) can now be toggled and/or varied properly.
    • Fly speed is now properly hard-capped at 87.95 mph when Afterburner is boosted.
    • Afterburner no longer incorrectly applies a fly speed buff.
    • Spring Attack has had its damage value tweaked.
    • The icons for Time Manipulation and Beam Rifle are no longer swollen.
    • Any boosts applied to an Invention enhancement now show up in the pop-ups.
    • Spiritual Alpha Incarnate Abilities no longer apply an incorrectly large buff to healing.
    • Changing from Dual Pistols to another set with Swap Ammo still selected will no longer leave the ammunitions in the inherent powers.
    • Hovering the cursor over the 5th power in a pool now gives the correct error message.
    • If a scroll bar is present on the epic pool when switching to a Warshade or Peacebringer build, it will disappear since it is unneeded.

    Known issues:
    • Windows Vista and Windows 7 have issues with the updater due to UAC interfering with writing to the Program Files folder. Many of these problems can be resolved by (a) installing as Administrator, (b) running Mids as Administrator, or (c) installing Mids to a location other than the Program Files folder.
    • Diminishing Returns for PvP mode have not yet been added; all buffs currently show their full, unmodified values.
    • The Power Graphs for the current build do not display effects for pseudo-pet powers like Ice Storm. This does not affect the Powerset Comparison, which is now fully aware of pseudo-pets.
    • Power Boost affects some powers that should ignore its buffs, such as Ice Shields.
    • Temporary and Accolade powers are not being affected by buffs such as recharge rate.
    • In some cases, the Reactive Interface DoT damage doesn't correctly factor in the CancelOnMiss for the damage, resulting in slightly higher damage being reported.
  7. A new release should address most current bugs (including Accolades not saving!) within the next day or two (depending on how quickly and thoroughly the testers get to work).
  8. Agge, don't be such a funsucker.

    Originally Posted by Riora View Post
    Not sure if this is already a known issue, but I thought I'd mention it

    I decided to go with Musculature Radial paragon which among other things increases tohit buffs by 20%

    Time's Juncture, which unenhanced provides a -12,5% tohit debuff, suddenly went down to 9,38% -tohit. I really hope this is a mids bug, not an in-game bug >.>
    It'll be fixed in the next release, because it's caused by the same bug as Spiritual's broken healing enhancement.
  9. Some Incarnate abilities were messed up, but they're fixed for the next release.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ricohdah View Post
    Checking Mids 1.950 to prepare to respec my regen scrapper for the changes to Resilience and Regen Debuff Res and noticed my passive regen is almost 200% higher than what it was before without me making any alterations to the build.
    Do you have a Spiritual Incarnate Ability in the build? If not, could you send me the build? Otherwise, if you do have said Incarnate Ability in it, that would be why the passive regen was being calculated incorrectly.
  11. If it accepts ToHit Buff instead of ToHit Debuff in-game, it will do so in Mids' as well.
  12. DeProgrammer

    I21 Mids

    Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
    Well I broke down and overwrote Electrical Blast for Beam Rifle to go on my Beam/Time corr (already overwrote Storm Summoning for Time last month) and planned my build and sets, then got him done.

    So, after all that... I bet Mids updates tomorrow. It's the 'car wash/thunderstorm' effect.
    Not likely. There are a few more things that haven't been added yet, and some thorough bug-checking is necessary. I can assure you with some confidence that you won't be getting an update in the next couple days.
  13. It watched Bob the Biohazard (Guy Perfect's petless mastermind, pictured above) beat a level 50 Lt. Sefu Tendaji EB in 2:19. It also took him 1:03 to beat a level 50 Romulus Augustus EB. He didn't use any inspirations or temporary powers for either fight.
  14. I made a petless mastermind (or henchmanless, at any rate--it was demon summoning/traps) and got it to 50, mostly solo, partly on teams, and it wasn't hard, and I found it very fun. Since then, I got Ninja Run and the game has received upgrades, so now my mastermind can run without henchmen, but I've got the henchman powers too.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    My bet is on Incarnate Fragments, Solar Merits and Celestial Merits as the next tier. Because there will be a next tier, because the devs seem to like more currencies.

    That'd just be for the next four. Afterwards, for Omega? Incarnate Remnants, Commendation of the Well, Grace of the Well, a similar system as to Shards.
    I don't know if they'll use "fragments," because they already used the word for "fragments" to describe shards in the French translation. :P
  16. DeProgrammer

    Titan Waterworks

    "Why's there no subforum for Waterworks on the Titan website?"
    You can use the CityInfoTracker forum for it.

    New Character and New Database are different simply because you can store multiple characters in one database. In other words, a database is a file, but that file contains characters.

    Also, Titan Waterworks has been updated for the I20.5 Lore pets.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
    Freeps makes the most sense.

    However, I plan on re-activating my second account as free to play. I'd let it drop because of the extra expense. This is a perfect way for me to bring it back, because sometimes you just want the convenience of 2 accounts.

    Since I'm already established (1 level 50) on that account, I'm no means a noob. Should there be a reference for seasoned players going free to play as opposed to the new folks?
    Those are Premium players, though. Your previously-subscribed account is Preem.
  18. DeProgrammer

    7 yr noob

    Each additional team member makes each individual foe reward more XP, but it's split more ways. Duoing rather than soloing, for example, you'll earn only 60% as much XP per enemy.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neogumbercules View Post
    Why did you push this update live when you knew that it completely broke a huge number of powers in the game? I understand the need to fix the bug, but doesn't breaking stuff in the process kind of defeat the purpose?
    The test server isn't "live." It's "test."
  20. Well, there went any reason I had for taking rain powers. And my Volcanic Gasses power is no longer notably useful against targets with good hold protection, such as AVs. I'll miss it. :P But yes, I think a 5-second rule would be better, and it wouldn't be bad for the Interface debuffs to get a duration increase, in my opinion.
  21. DeProgrammer

    Titan Waterworks

    No, you have to manually enter the info for the time being.

    DarkGob: Not exactly. The game won't tell you the quickest route to your Very Rare based on whatever you may already have obtained. It won't tell you the components your other characters need. It won't remind you what abilities you want on a given character. It won't allow you to store your Incarnate Components in separate tabs to show that you have already designated them for use in that specific Incarnate slot. Saying that the game "already does it" is kinda like declining a car because your bicycle can already get you from New York to Florida. You can definitely get around it, but the point of the program is not to make your task possible, but to make it easier, much like Mids'.
  22. DeProgrammer

    Titan Waterworks

    From the Titan Network news post:

    "Titan Waterworks is a cross-platform, multilingual utility that will help you, the players of City of Heroes, keep track of your Incarnate crafting. Do you end up staring at the reward window for ten minutes after every Incarnate Trial? Are you unable to keep track of every Incarnate Ability you've crafted for each of your characters? Do you have trouble remembering which characters are working toward which abilities? Titan Waterworks is your solution."
  23. And it's going to be integrated with Facebook, and it's going to be on XBox and Playstation as well! <.<
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    We already have Mids designer available, and I saw there was another tool available to export builds directly from the game - but it makes me a bit nervous using 3rd party plugins. Especially given the hacks that have been going on in "the other game" with their scripting language.

    What would be nice is an in-game feature that allows you to export your build in a published standard format. While I wouldn't expect the dev team to create a replacement for the Mids designer (although it would be nice) - Mids could be changed to import from this new format.
    Titan Sentinel is perfectly safe. It was designed and programmed by a benevolent, intelligent, serious Christian. :P And indeed, it does not alter the game client in any way, and it will only go so far as to store your encrypted Titan key when you tell it to remember your login.

    Now... what I want to see is a build importer. Forget that respec interface that everyone seems to hate; forget opening Mids' in order to train up. Let's just import an XML build, or some generic format like that, and automatically respec or train up.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    Filthy Rich Aura; take the cog aura and change all the little pieces being dropped and turn them into green bills of money.

    Also; Hurray for Tunnel Rat, you're awesome!
    Yeah. Let us have the money aura that robbers in Safeguard Missions already have. (I wasn't kidding when I said that in the UStream chat, durn it! :P )

    I second the "Aura wings" suggestion from Samuel Tow. Such a neat idea!

    "Tiny objects orbiting us" aura: be they bullets, dollar bills, runes, feathers, cutlery, or fuzzy balls of light, having an aura with a consistent circular pattern would be awesome. A diagonal one would be great, but a horizontal one (and wrist ones) would be neat, too. And why not throw in a couple different speeds?