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  1. You know what? I tried. This set isn't the 'king' of anything, except looking cool. I spent a lot of time testing this set - it needed more single-target damage, and chain induction apparently was never fixed.

    So I will move on. And thanks for all the fish. I doubt we'll be seeing any improvements until i8.
  2. Damn it dude, I've grinded well past 20, and I can tell you that the 'end drainback' that is advertised is about as good as the blaster's version - i.e. it's more of a random discount of endurance costs of a power than any actual drain.

    You just can't count on it to do anything except lower the other guy's endurance. You WILL need stamina until conserve power and power sink, and even then i'd have it so I won't have to depend on those powers.
  3. I wouldn't go EM without a self-heal. It's very easy to energy transfer yourself to death when fighting someone who hits hard.

    SS with Hasten and Lightning Reflexes will allow you to stack rages. That's pretty good. Add to that SS is both a good PvE and PvM set, and you'll be one happy camper with SS.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    My god... does anyone care about the 90% of the game that is NOT about PVP?

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    So is that a 'No, i won't help you test" ?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    As for Thunder Strike, ahem (cough).... ahem-ahem.... OMG! What the hell is wrong with some people!? It's FOOTSTOMP at level 8!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So footstomp deals only half it's damage in the AoE?

    It saddens me that it will not see a damage buff. No burst damage = don't expect to kill anything in PVP. I invite anyone to test their or test MY elec/ brute in arena combat and see what happens.

    Unless you don't actually care 'bout testing...
  6. Man, I really hope Castle takes a good look at electric/. All it takes is a couple changes to make the set great. Namely

    1) Make Thunder Strike equal to the blaster version... but for brutes. Thunder Strike for blasters is comparable to Total Focus for Blasters. Thunder Strike for brutes is not comparable to Total Focus for Brutes. And it would not unbalance the set if it were.

    2) Chain Induction. I am guessing that this power will not be able to stay the way it is. But the XP-leeching has GOT to go.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    * Thunderstrike is a great attack.

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    Great power maybe, but it is extremely lacking in the damage/disorient department. For a power that deals only HALF it's damage in AoE form, it still deals very little overall.
  8. As I've said - Lightning Rod needs it's recharge shortened. On top of that, the overall damage of this set could stand to be better. The Blaster Thunder Strike does a little less damage than the Blaster Total Focus. The Brute Thunder Strike does FAR less damage than the brute's total focus. Giving Brutes a Thunder Strike that does only a little less damage than their total focus would NOT overpower this set, merely make it closer on-par with what else is out there.

    Please consider it. PvP-wise, This set has little to no burst damage, a very minor disorient, No endurance drain to speak of, and a secondary effect that is all but negated due to everyone and their mother having Health, which resists sleep.

    PvE-wise, the set suffers from sub-par overall damage, and lengthy recharges. In PvE, it is certainly better off than in PvP, but still weaker than virtually any other brute set.

    Every set should have it's own strengths and weaknesses, and not simply be automatically weaker than the others. Electric Melee currently falls into the latter category. It has it's own strengths, but right now are far too limited for the set to stand on it's own.
  9. Electric melee has minimum BURST damage in PVP, (Thunder Strike being an insane dissappointment) and NO ENDURANCE DRAIN.

    Seriously, like the electric blasters have been saying forever is mirrored here. There is NO PVP ENDURANCE DRAIN in this set. Whaling on a poor level 20 blaster in siren's call, My attack string brought him to only half health, Thunder Strike, while stunning, lasted about 2-3 seconds, and his endurance bar didn't move. At all. Stamina alone was enough to take care of it.

    Electric Melee is just sub-par in almost every respect, now. Even if Lightning Rod recharged quicker, this set would still be outperformed by Stone, Fire Melee, Energy Melee, Super Strength, and Dark Melee.

    This set needs a buff, dev's. BADLY.

    The damage in Thunder Strike MUST be raised to Blaster's brawl index number. I.E. it should only be a little weaker than Total Focus. Since only HALF of it's damage is actually applied in AoE form, This would *NOT* be overpowering.

    Chain induction's XP bug MUST be removed. This is no question. I assume with the XP change, we will also see a change to the way the power works, (since in it's current incarnation, it acts as if the enemies are damaging each other, rather than you damaging them,) Either way, this power could stand either increased endurance drain enough to make a difference, or better damage than Havok Punch. It would not overpower the set.

    And Lightning Rod... jesus, Lightning Rod. Lower the recharge, PLEASE! Electric melee has no burst damage, no extreme damage attack. And Lightning Rod is no compensation,

    It's teleportation is a gimmick, chances are in PVP you aren't going to teleport ANYWHERE if you're in the middle of a fight, unless you're running away, in which case, LRod won't do that either. The power lets you react to ground-based AoE's quickly, but that is not worth a 3-minute recharge.

    Give this set a CHANCE, dev's. You are PERFECTLY CAPABLE of making it better WITHOUT overpowering it compared to other sets. Please, do so.

    Dawnslayer, after much testing, a very sad bear.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    So...time to find a new patron. Aside from being a whiny loser, Black Scorpion's brute powers suck.

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    Actually, since most of the brute PPP's blow regardless of what patron you have, I'd go Black Scorpion and only get Web Envelope for PvP purposes. Nothing like nerfing half the travel powers in the game with a single power.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    once the swat team appears all fun vanishes. Flashbangs and glue arrows stack up quickly from even a handful of these guys. Whether with Brute or Corruptor, if the swat team got the drop on me I was in for a VERY long fight (minutes). Miss, miss, miss... crawl, crawl, crawl... this is NOT fun.

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    The sticky and the flashbangs with awesome accuracy and godlike recharge and duration have GOT to go. These missions just ain't fun with them.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    , sure you can spend 3 recharge to get it to about 90s and then pull it down more with Hasten if desired. But it just seems too much.

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    Yes, because besides pigeon-holing people to take hasten, You cut down on the damage by slotting it with 3 recharges, making it pale even more in comparison to the other 32 powers.

  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I never relied on dropping someones toggles while using my scrappers to kill another scrapper or tank for that matter. That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. The fights would last longer, absolutely, but it felt more epic and challenging than using such a "cheap" tactic as dropping someone's toggles...please, give me a break!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, see, every time I have had a 1 on 1 with my Brute/Tanker/Scrapper vs. another tanker/scrapper (brutes generally being easy to kill) it has always ended in a stalemate, unless I try to drop their toggles for a victory, the fight generally doesn't go anywhere.

  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't wan to get in the way of all the doom here, but do we even know for sure if this isn't a bug?

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    What? The recharge, or the smashing damage?

    The smashing damage is obviously a bug. The power explicitly says ENERGY damage. You don't even need the power to know this, just leave your mouse cursor over the power on your power box and it'll say 'high damage (energy.) If it actually DOES smashing or Energy damage, or is simply misreporting, I'll leave to others to find out. I have no desire to test anymore.

    The recharge on the other hand... doesn't look like a bug. Looks like boneheaded design, not a bug at all.
  15. So basically, 1 vs. 1 PVP as we know it between tanks, brutes, and scrappers is dead, because no one will ever be able to drop the toggles to kill any of the above?
  16. Drop the recharge to a minute, keep everything the way it is. Absolutely no reason not to.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Totally false. Never seen anything even remotely like this happen after many hours in RV.

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    Actually, it seems to happen quite often. With FA up, hitting anything, including and of course stalkers, is no real problem to me. And I tend to see them despite their best efforts.

    Very discouraging as a villain player, very pleasing as a hero player.

    But bad for the game.
  18. SURPRISE! Chain Induction's extra damage is not counted as yours, so it actually LOWERS the amount of experience you get from defeating enemies!

    Huge bug.
  19. I'm amazed at how crappy this set is actually turning out. A mishmash of moderate and "high" damage ends up being surprisingly weak. And Chain Induction is, while cool looking, extremely crappy.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Whatdaya think?

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    I think that as long as Fire armor stays as it is, Electric Armor will too.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Also, can a Tank defeat a Brute? Tanker damage is weak, and they don't have the benefit of Fury.

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    Tanker base damage is more than brute base damage, and their defense a helluva lot better. My tanker has never lost to a brute in single combat. Brutes are not a challenge, anymore. Like you said, Scrappers have a decent chance, As do Blasters... but Brutes?

    Brutes in their current PVP incarnation are quite pathetic compared to the other melee archetypes. Fury *needs* to be fixed. Badly.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Can someone please post screenshots (preferably) of Chain Induction or describe in depth what it looks like?

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    It's a palm strike like Energy Transfer, lightning zaps from enemy to enemy.

    Or go to Nerva and say Hi to the Brute who keeps yelling SHAZAM and hitting lightning rod.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    i like! although, i feel like CB's animation has been slowed slightly. maybe it's just in my head.

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    The animation is certainly different.

    Charged Brawl for blasters uses brawl's animation.

    Charged Brawl for brutes uses Jab's animation.

    Personally, I like brawl better.
  24. I've been lied to, misled, tricked, cajoled, and deceived since the game went live.

    Game's still fun, though.