256 -
Kheldians are good, and Nictus are bad.
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I'm not arguing with that.
Yes, perception will cause a debate, but I again say "Black is sometimes Black and White is sometimes just White"
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I'm not suggesting shades of grey. Just a factional difference instead of a racial one.
So are you calling my dark melee hero evil just cause he uses dark based powers?!
Can't wait. -
From my understanding The Council is Nictus, or Nictus run.
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No argument there. I still contend dark kheldian doesn't equal nictus, though.
Good luck with the mag! -
Basically, yes. The reason I believe what I believe is because the kheldians ARE supposed to be sentient beings themselves. And all sentient beings can make a choice. And we already know dark doesn't equate evil in Paragon City. (hell if negative energy is evil then we fight a lot of good guys based on how many damn villains use energy!)
And also because if i keep my expecations to normal proportions I will never get dissapointed. Kind of like expecting the devs would make some sort of bizarre "energy" bar for the epic AT, to replace health and endurance. Seriously, it's a fun idea, but sounds like an utter coding nightmare, not to mention it poops on quite a few abilities already out there. (stacking defender buffs come to mind.) -
You're on.
I hope you win, actually. I just doubt it. -
Well, so far the only Kheldian we've seen says the Nictus are evil, and the only Nictus we've seen is inhabiting a very bad man, so...
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Dark Kheld doesn't automatically equal Nictus. If we can take one small mote of information from the IGN review, It's a factional difference, not a racial difference. So you have dark kheldians on the Peacekeeper side, and Light Kheldians on the Nictus side. Makes sense, really.
We have dark powers for heroes already, so obviously dark doesn't automatically equal evil and light automatically equal good.
You may also note that Requiem was a very bad person already. All the nictus did was give him dark powers and "infernal flame." which allowed Requiem to furthur both their agendas far beyond what he could have normally done. (if only for the longevity it granted him.)
Seriously. I'll bet 5 bucks dark khelds are the second EAT. And even if it's that obvious choice, it will still be, IMO, very very cool. The dev's don't dissapoint... unless you set your expectations too high.
And the most obvious bit is the kheldians with their level 50 requirement are the first EAT's to come out... and others will come later with possibly different requirements. Later means later, I think. -
I would also like to add, we have no idea which of the new ATs will be based on reaching level 50, this is old news. It could be the new unreleased Epic or the Kheldian. We don't know
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Actually we do.Khelds are level 50 required. States has also said sometime in the past that level 50 first, other requirements come later as they figure them out.
Key word being : later.
So I still say khelds and dark khelds are the new two epic AT's!!! I mean, why force a dark kheld to be evil? That's like forcing my dark melee scrapper to be evil. Just because you draw your powers from a dark place doesn't mean you're bad. -
Epic Power Pools for the Epic ATs only, for 40+ only, or some kind of mix?
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I'm thinking a combo... but why let level 50's have all the fun? -
Cryptic rocks. No question.
That said, the IGN shpiel said "people will have the ability to create light or dark kheldians." Now while most of the information they gave about when the skills would be out, etc. was dated, it's safe to assume they got a few things right.
And anyway, Light/Dark Kheldians sounds like two distinctive types to me, even if the difference doesn't sound all that big on the surface.
And there's nothing that automatically makes a dark kheldian evil. All we have to go on is that there are two factions of the same beings. Right. The same beings. Meaning that there are very likely Light Kheldians and Dark Kheldians on both sides. The powers they grant when symbiotically fused with a human is what gives them their designation, but the khelds are living beings themselves, and can choose sides just as well.
Really. It's like saying that a fusion with a dark kheldian is automatically evil. And yet we have pretty evil sounding powersets in the form of dark melee/dark misama. (tapping energies of the netherworld, etc.)
Basically, I'm saying that Dark Kheldians and Light Kheldians can be on the same side - the dark/light is merely a reflection of the powers they grant, but not a reflection of the kheldian themselves. (like our heroes have dark miasma but are A+ supermen heroes)
That said, I'll be glad if i'm wrong and we get an entirely new and unknown AT... But I'm not betting on it. (mostly cause the devs said no wings for the time being many times.) And If i'm right, i'll be quite happy, because, well, it's what i was expecting.
done. -
Plus the Nictus are the same basiclly. No real reason to double up.
I think it is a new EAT, that they are keeping secret.
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The Nictus aren't the same at all. That said; Don't get your hopes up. IGN is stupid but while their information is usually incomplete and a bit dated, it IS close to the mark.
And the devs already said no winged AT for a while. Don't be so quick to bunk what the devs have said in the past.
Kheldians are the only epic AT in issue 3.
That includes dark and light, if the information from the IGN interview is to be trusted. (And it sounds simply too good to be wrong, as States has said a million times that the Khelds are the only new "epic" but never said anything about giving us multiple flavors.)
So two epic AT's.
Khelds.. No idea.
Nicti... Requiem type powers. Dark and Fire. Very snazzy I hope.
Anyway, they both may have potential to be evil or good... But the names are probably have the most impact based on their available powersets - Khelds do predominantly NRG attacks, Nicti do predominantly Dark. Nicti are supposed to be "beings of utter darkness." That being said, it seems up to the person being posessed as to how they attempt to use this power.
Reqiuem was a very bad person before he got fused. All the Nictus did was give him the power he needed to furthur his ideals, really. (world/universal domination etc.) -
When a content patch only happens every 3 months, players waiting for an End Game will grow frustrated. When update 3 activates people will have fun, the level 50s might enjoy themselves for a short time checking out new stuff, and then after a couple of weeks they will be bored again.
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That's why epic AT's were such a smart idea. A pity that 3/4ths of the level 50 population will just get their SG to PL the epic and get bored all over again. -
especially when level 50s are in the minority of overall game players.
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That's right. Even at this stage, they're still the minority. And you know why? Because the old ones have quit.
Hopefully the epic AT will be as fun as we're hoping. -
That is true - A lot of the cool stuff we've been hearing about isn't coming for a while. As it stands, beyond another villain group and the epic AT, and maybe difficulty sliders... not much we've heard of issue 3.
We do, however, know a bit of what ISN'T going to be in.
No new powersets outside of epic AT's. (apparently. No big surprise - new powersets are probably an insane amount of work.)
No changing power colors. (issue 4 and beyond)
No changing/altering weapons, (pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)
No skills system. (Pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)
No epic AT's with requirements outside of level 50. (Old news: Issue 4 and beyond.)
No Dark Armor/Rock Armor/Ice Armor/etc. stacking of armor powers. (Last I heard, To be looked at after Issue 3.)
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quoted for emphasis. -
Beyond epic AT and a new villain group, all I've heard is a lot of maybes for Issue 3. We also know absolutely nothing about the epic AT beyond backstory, and that their various primaries/secondaries combine elements from all AT's to form possible tank mages. (or EQ bards.)
May I say I don't like not knowing anything at this stage?
We do, however, know a bit of what ISN'T going to be in.
No new powersets outside of epic AT's. (apparently. No big surprise - new powersets are probably an insane amount of work.)
No changing power colors. (issue 4 and beyond)
No changing/altering weapons, (pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)
No skills system. (Pushed to issue 4 and beyond.)
No epic AT's with requirements outside of level 50. (Old news: Issue 4 and beyond.)
No Dark Armor/Rock Armor/Ice Armor/etc. stacking of armor powers. (Last I heard, To be looked at after Issue 3.)
I'm sure there's some more stuff of what ISN'T going to be in issue 3... but that list is very dissapointing, compounded mostly because we hardly have any idea of what is going to be in issue 3 beyond a new villain group available for everyone to fight, (vanilla. We've been getting new villains with each issue.) and a new AT that can be played by about 10% of the player population. (Cool, but not accessible to many.)
I heard mission sliders. I also heard it was pushed back. Hopefully a dev can comment - it's a great feature if it's in.
Beyond that though... not much. -
Recluse clocked statesman in the trailer.
Recluse seems to post more often.
I vote Recluse. -
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I hate you types. Voting for the third-party that never wins, stealing votes from good candidates like Lord Recluse! -
I really don't think this will happen...can't find the damn posts anymore but they've stated many times that if you are already paying your $15/mon for CoH you won't have to for CoV.
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That sure as hell better be the case, or I'll drop CoH out of principle. -
Voting Lord Recluse & CuppaJo. They actually have plans for the war.
I've never played for more than 8 hours straight. Ever.
So how will a Hero = 3 Minions change for the higher levels go through without a massive outcry of, "EVERYONE WAS NERFED!" which we can all expect?
Frankly, It WILL be a "nerf". Sure, some think it's better for the game, the dev's obviously do. Maybe it is- but most of the playerbase is oblivious to these changes... All they're going to notice is that...
" I can't seem to solo more than 3 whites anymore! [Censored] is going on!?"
We are, after all, only a tiny percentage of the playerbase.
Aw crap. It's HURRICANE TIME for me. -
Ay, I'll let you two sort it out... Stand corrected... Still think you need to calm down, though!
And, no..until you made a snide remark in your directly previous post, you were being perfectly great in the discussion...
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That's the problem with typing this crap out... I never meant to be snide, and If I got personal, I really apologize.
Edits coming up...
My stance on this subject does NOT change, though! -
I honestly don't feel like playing CoH until update 2...
And I honestly don't think these balancing changes are coming anytime soon...
So why am I worrying? I guess it's because I... REALLY REALLY LIKE COH!
*Edited this post out. -
Now how about you respond to a part of my post that promotes an actual discussion? -
The point is being more effective at fighting level 50 mobs than you were at level 1.
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I think, to a lot of people, this will feel like "Well i'm level 50 now and fighting Rikti... of course, since i can only take on 3 minions at a time, they might as well be hellions with superswords of anal probage."
Actually, he wouldn't even be fighting rikti... he'd probably be fighting their probes.
You want to be "heroic" by taking out massive groups?! Go after underlings like the superheroes in the comics...
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I really can't imagine superman looking powerful while fighting rikti monkeys...
If this is the way the game is going, I'll admit that I have some serious reservations about it, but I'll give it a chance. If i don't like it, I can always leave, after all.
And anyway, the "massive groups" argument really only flies against AoE... And I don't think these changes are going to help a whole lot against AoE... Single target heroes are deadlocked into 3 minions, but AoE heroes, (Say a spiney scrapper) can overpower the minions and...
...Wait a minute. Is the core of the "too easy" situation that people can rack up xp easily and quickly? Through AoE's, especially? Is the minion beef-up intended to protect them from Alpha Strikes? Is this a case of rebalancing the entire game thanks to FOTM?
I digressed, but the thought just occured to me.
I went from fighting well against Level 1s to fighting well against Level 50s, but I didn't get any more powerful!
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I think the reasoning behind that is that you are capable of no more than you used to be... The powers you gain are you trying to "keep up" with the game; Not get stronger. -
Leave minions mostly alone.
It makes us feel very powerful and super-heroey to be able to tackle a lot of minions at once.
Beef up Lieutenants.
I think that your 'standard of what a hero can take' should be based more around Lts. A hero should be able to take on a number of Lts equal to 1/10 his level. Level 50? Congratulations, you have an even fight with 5 Lts!
Beef up Bosses a lot.
Conversely, a Boss Fight should always be a mano-a-mano challenge for a hero.
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If this were how things were changed, I would be happy.