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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post

    Here's hoping the dude doesn't interrupt precious gaming time.
    Nope, He fully interrupted any gaming time. Got a little time on late in the evening while my kid was asleep butoerwise the 3rd wtten off evening this week. A very unusual situation for me - outside of that 4 month window where I had no computer and the odd short period here and there where work , a sick daughter or my wife being in the hospital rudely interrupted my me/game time!
  2. Going to try to be there with Morgan Chance, but the landlord is supposed to visit this evening and never seems to follow any kind of schedule. Hope to make it but we'll see.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
    I think I have slipped up 3 times in my 4 years of playing. Giving 1,000,000 inf to some happy soul in exchange for a Kinetic Weapon Salvage piece *facepalm*. Or accidentally selling a Purple apoc proc for only 10 million! oops!
    lol Did that just the other day. Something like 500000 for a 500 common salvage. May have done once before...maybe twice...couldn't be more than that!
  4. Nice. As other's have said Free is Free, no matter what.

    Nice to see most of the repsonses so far are appreciative or amusing...I mean intentionally amusing!
  5. #1 if i'm being forced to choose between just those two options.

    Given the choice though i'd say an option of no skin would be nice - not that there is anything wrong with either one but when I have the option I always leave the skin turned off on any site or forum I regularly visit.
  6. Seen that a couple of time since I came back to the game after a 4 month hiatus and updated all my drivers. Not seen any fixes mentioned but it definitely goes away after logging out and back in. Bit irritating when it happens as you're putting the finishing touches on a new costume! <sigh>
  7. Great guide! Especially useful to me as i've spent little of my time here playing Doms or any kind of Dark characters. Especially interested in seeing thoughts on how well /Energy pairs up.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moly View Post
    Still, its a better idea than Not-So-Super Packs.
    lol Yeah!

    Honestly I don't care all that much about it as it won't ever have any effect upon me. I have a badger whom - thankfully - i'm not OCD about having to have every badge on. I get what I can when I can.

    I can see the appeal for the hard-core and the serious RPer's but I can't see myself spending real money on an alignment change...much like emotes and the silliness of collecting the super packs.

    Not my my cup of tea. To each there own.

    But. I do find it annoying that it's being offered up on the market after a couple of years or so (or however long it's been) of piously implying that they don't want it to be easy to switch alignments.

    I too will be curious to see which of the things that will never be touched are put up for sale next.

    'Course my sub comes up in May and I still have to make a decision on that. <sigh> That's another topic lol.
  9. An alignment change merit? Seriously? Like it's that hard and unrewarding to do it the 'long, hard way.' Maybe we can buy a merit to buy purples or incarnate abilities next.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Noble Savage has said that both genders will get all the main parts, specifically the helmet and spacesuit, with only a few incidental gender based add-ons.
    If that turns out to be true then fantastic, it'll be great to say grats for getting it right.

    Sadly at this point i'll remain cautiously hopeful until it's been delivered as the track record to date has been less than promising. I just wish they'd show some sense and revisit all the exisiting packs that folks clearly showed interest in by purchasing previously and flesh them out. Even just throwing a piece or two out here and there and fixing all the exisiting stuff that is broken would be a step in the right direction toward a happier playerbase.

    Continuously rushing out new, buggy stuff seems to be making few happy.

    At this point i'm actually glad that i'm having a few months of enforced down time (motherboard developing a problem before Christmas means I spend the money first on my kid and wife before saving up enough for a new or even a good, used computer).

  11. I'm really hoping that the spacesuit and helmet are available for each gender when it's released. Past history makes me mildly concerned even at this very early stage even if female character are only 10-20% of the new characters I make.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrMountie View Post
    I'll pass. I usually buy every costume piece that comes out, but I've had enough of pre-tinting and the really awful choices being made as regards female costume pieces. As others have said, it seems like a lot of missed opportunity here, too. Unfortunate.
    Sadly, /this.

    Had such high hopes for this pack until I caught the thread in the beta section right after it was released there.

    I have no problem with the Saloon Girl version being there for those who are looking for that but it would have been nice to have most of the pieces being universal so everyone else could make more western appearing characters. <sigh> Not even a damn gunbelt.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
    Ditto here with the targetable and renamable too along with inherit controls like an mm for like fetch eat, attack heel follow stay go-to. Maybe more animations like sniffing ground, ear moving listening stuff. Rolling around, occasional barking here and there. But not have it where you have to totally maintain like feed etc. that would be blah.
    And yeah the customizing of colors and maybe not like create a vet pet for every breed but have an option in costume to put the skins of breeds there that would cost less than making an entire new vet power.
    /This! Maybe give half a dozen breed skins with the pet and the option to buy packages of more - or individual - skin(s).

    I might never have actually used the pet (yeah, i'm looking at you MVAS, Rikti Mokey, Mekman, etc) but I would have likely bought it to support the concept.

    But 500 pts for a single breed that does nothing other than bounce around behind you. Nah, cheers, already got several of those for 'free' that I don't use.

    Still nice looking though.
  14. Darkscar


    Never mind. Problem with computer's motherboard so won't be on for a while...unless I can find a chance to borrow wife's laptop like I did for posting this !ol
  15. Nothing wrong with the items. Just still way overpriced for conceptual, vanity fluff. Nothing I have a current need for (much like the last several weeks). Pass.

    What do you know, this Freedom model isn't continuing to drain me after the initial layout after all!

    And from the looks of the Gunslinger costume set as it is now, that useless mess will not go on my menu either. Too bad, that one I was looking forward to.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    Though running the arcs is a great way of getting the various critter 'defeat' badges done
    I saw that on a none-badging toon who I was just running through First Ward solo out of curiousity. My badger jsut went at 50, AoE's flying and picked them all up in short order. Nice to see some new stuff while grabbing some badges!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    There are no completion badges for the FW arcs.
    Very good to know, cheers. I wasn't looking forward to going back and running all the arcs as well after charging through there on my Badger over the weekend. All he currently requires is Hami..sadly no teams were looking to do that on the server my badger is on while I was on - unlike right after it went live when it was being run pretty constantly. Dammit, ought to have brought him on then!
  18. Ack...I saw those First Ward arcs in Oro while I was getting the 3 new Hero badges. Does each of the arcs have a badge or is it just some of them? I've ran a bunch of first ward arcs on a lower level toon but wasn't paying attention to whether or not badges were being received. Now i'm curious for my badger?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PersonaMix View Post
    "Percy revealed his new ---> persona<---. "I am Master Midnight, your new lord and master!" They laughed at first, but this gross underestimation of Percy would be their last."

    So from the new page of lore.... i found a word that i could not help but laugh at. However, i am really tired and had ninth graders acting like third graders today.
    Just saw that...cleared up the Master of Midnight reference I guess i came across while running First Ward missions back when I started playing catch-up.
  20. Darkscar

    Pistol Scrapper

    Nice! First time I saw /Time in play I wondered if it would work well with DP/ for this type of character. If I already didn't have so many irons in the fire i'd be setting this up right now. Kinda reminds me of my DP/EM Blaster I levelled right after DP and DS were made available to those who pre-purchased GR. Damn, but that was fun!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    What's more worrying were the hysterical reactions from the players that saw an unfinished product.

    The CoT in tights were never the intended end product. They fully intended to cover the tights with more clothing.

    The very bright garish colors... now *that* was the intention. And when they got feedback, they pulled that back a bit.

    If people waited til the actual rollout ("Whatya think?"), and gave reasoned reponses ("Disappointed no actual robes, but, if going with the new look, tone down the colors"), then this epic thread of doom wouldn't have had to exist.
    Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
    Then don't show off an unfinished product.

    I get that you often feel the need to filter what others say, but people are allowed to post their opinions.
    And a simple word fromteh Powers That Be, saying that these were not the finished product wouldn't have hurt either. They have to be well aware about how most react to even minor change of existing product!
  22. ...and there's RL knocking. Have fun folks and hope to see you on Sunday!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    Ugh...I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with your puter. Hopefully, this is just post issue bugs and they'll get worked out.
    Sadly I see another event willbe on the servers during our usual time slot. That'll likely do it for me. Still, if RL doesn't suddenly interfere i'll be on and trying to run things, but fully expect there to be rubberbanding and lag even when solo. If I group i'll likely either be chasing after everyone trying to keep up or crashing.

    Hopefully if it's issues on their end they get them fixed soon. I can't see it being anything on my end as i've not changed my set up and haven't had any problems outside of the game in a while. Guess we'll see.
  24. i'll come on and have a look but if the lag's as bad as it's been of late then I may not stick around. I seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time eating floor due to excessive lag and rubberbanding. I used to play on Freedom and Virtue, so my threshold for annoyance at such things is fairly high. That may give a hint at how ...irritated i'm becoming. Anyway, hope to see you all there we'll see what we see.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    It's all in the reflexes

    My personal opinion is to let blasters in but not masterminds. There's a couple reasons for this. These superteams have always been, in my opinion, about working with a limitation and turning it into an advantage. Take the trick arrows for example, 1 trick arrow on their own doesn't do that much damage. Multiple trick arrows can decimate spawns. This team is a bit different from previous incarnations because it allows for multiple melee AT's. The only groups that also allowed melee AT's were the bladed group which was before Going Rogue, brutes and stalkers were allowed there. The earth team allowed for tanks and brutes. This team will allow scrappers, brutes and tankers. In fact, blasters, EATs and doms are the only AT's that aren't allowed.

    When played well, a dark mastermind doesn't need a group. My demon summoning/dark mastermind has soloed av's/full heroes. If someone were to bring a mastermind, it very well could turn into their team following them around and keeping them and their pets buffed. That is just not fun. Additionally, dark has been available for masterminds since Issue 6. There's nothing keeping anyone from rolling up a /dark mastermind. However, dark blasters are teh new shiny. This means people will want to play them because...well...they're teh new shiny.

    I'm not the one that's going to make the final decision about whether to allow blasters or not. This is just my opinion, take it with a grain of salt. I can understand not allowing dark masterminds. They can overshadow (pun intended) their team and can cause lag for those those with lower end machines and slower internet connections. Dark blasters are new and there are folks that would like a group that they could bring their new blaster to run with. But allowing blasters would add another AT to an already broad theme. So I'm not sure if they'll be allowed or not.
    lol I suspect i'm already good. I've got two Scrappers and a Corruptor already. The second Scrapped I set up in case I didn't care for the first.