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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
    No, I don't feel like being inconvenienced by extra steps that I don't need just because some stupid people can't be trusted with their own information.
    I think that they should make them available, but optional. I can see the protest if you assume they're going to make them mandetory, but there are plenty of people who just aren't good with their own security measures and know it, or are just inclined to worry anyways. Offering an authenticator would help relieve the concerns of those people, and making it optional would allow people like you to continue on without the "inconvenience". There's really no reason at this point that it needs to be all or nothing. With something like this, they would probably want to introduce it as optional at first anyways and see how it impacts their support queues.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    You realize that no one takes you seriously when you have several hundred posts and a four year reg date, right? If you hate this game so much, do us ALL a favor.
    *snifs* not all of us with 4 year reg dates and low post counts are like him, I swear! Some of us are just...quiet >.>

    And, on the topic of the thread, I would love it if they can separate belts and tails. The primary reason I don't use tails now is cuz I like my belts >.<
  3. I think that if CoH were to offer an authenticator setup, I would probably use it if they offered it as an iPhone app, as Blizzard has done. A fob, not so much...I have too many danglies to carry around as it is, but my iPhone is practically another limb for me.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    I really think they do Going Rogue a disservice by not allowing fans tidbits bi-weekly.

    It's hard to stay interested at all.

    Surely the advertising marketing people are not worried about stuff like DCUO and CO...
    I'm sure that when they have information that they're positive isn't going to change they'll start releasing things for us, but it's probably a bit early still in the development process for them to be positive of more than they've already given us. There's a reason they tend not to give us solid info until well into the betas. At this point, they're screwed if they do and screwed if they don't. If they do give us info and it changes during beta, there will be outcry, and possibly disappointment. If they don't give us info, people cry that they're losing interest because they don't want to wait a little longer. Personally, I'd rather that second one, and it seems reasonable to think that the devs (and marketing) may think the same. Or there may be other reasons, but that seems like a plausible one to me *shrugs*

    And, as for the song...*grins* good way to pass the time, Dark_Respite!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
    Which still leaves me as potentially doomed if the bug is real. I have a GW account, and I tried the Aion beta before it went live. The Aion account is therefore seriously dead, but there's no way to delete it or remove it from the rest of the account.
    At this point, you wouldn't be "potentially doomed". Your master account password can no longer be changed without the old password, so your whole account can't be hijacked the way they were doing it. They may be able to temporarily change your game account passwords, but as long as your master account is still intact that can be fixed. They seem to be leaving CoH game accounts alone, and the recent changes to GW will keep a password change there from doing them any good.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    I think it's more likely that key loggers and gold buying sites are more likely culprits than PlayNC.com. They're probably looking for accounts that happen to use the same username/ password for their GW accounts as their PlayNC accounts. Once you have the info, it's not hard to do by hand, yet alone through an automated program.
    That is probably where most of them are coming from, but the bug has been documented by Aion players since around October. No reliable reproduction steps have been found though. *shrugs* There have been accounts hacked of people who don't use RMT, don't bot, and take all the recommended security precautions. Am I saying all of the accounts hacked are like that? No, far from it, but there is a large enough number that are to be concerned. In Aion in particular the team is very, very thorough in investigating and banning accounts that RMT or bot, so I have no doubt that NC has a better idea of what may be happening than we do, now that they're finally looking into it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    So, is this affecting CoH players, or only GW players? Has CoH had to update their security or login procedures? I only ask because I only play CoH and not GW.
    It's noticibly affected GW and Aion players. If the RMT business for CoH were bigger, it would probably hurt us too, but thankfully all the stuff that our devs put in place to combat that seem to have made it less than profitable for them.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
    Out of curiosity, is there anything we could do to help bring this issue to the attention of someone that actually cares and can do something about getting it fixed? Since this is a problem with the NCSoft account interface, I don't think filing a support claim through CoH will really do anything - it's not a Paragon Studios problem. (Aside from the fact that it's not their job to handle rumor control, which probably all that this could be considered until after your account has actually been stripped.)
    The GW reps had mentioned that NCSoft Security is already looking into this, which is why the changes were made to the way you change your Master Account password this weekend. The chances of getting the bug were very, very small to begin with, so it may be hard for them to replicate and close. The people taking advantage of it are primarily from RMT companies. It used to be that you didn't have to enter your old password to change it, enabling the people taking advantage of this bug to lock you out of your Master Account entirely. As things stand at the moment, they can change your game account passwords, but not the Master Account password, so they lock you temporarily our of your game accounts, but not your Master, and once they're out they can't get back in unless they happen to get that account again. Not an ideal solution, but a step in the right direction for something that may take them weeks to confirm and fix. Now, if they would changing your game account password also requires the old password, that would be another step in the right direction. As soon as there's no profit in it, the number of people taking advantage of this will probably drop sharply.
  9. Eh, those are just standard responses for the support staff, pretty much a canned response thing. Really, the 'one warning' thing doesn't so much worry me as how long it's taken for the involved community reps to listen. At this point, I'm just glad that they're finally making the necessary changes. This hasn't impacted the CoH community much because RMT just isn't as big here as it is for GW or Aion, but it's been a little frustrating for people with those types of accounts. As long as NC gets this fixed, banning shouldn't become an issue for people who take the proper precautions.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Uhm . . . Unsub . . . Did you read what they are saying the actual problem is?

    Changing your password will not solve the problem. The bug is randomly bypassing your login and password and giving another person access to your account when they enter their login and password.
    Changing your password won't solve that part of the problem, no, but that wasn't the only vulnerability that was was being exploited, and it looks like NC made some changes this weekend that will make all of the issues harder to exploit while they look into fixing it (having just changed my own password, I can confirm that there's a new popup that looks to be put in place for that reason). That said, changing your password is still a good idea, and isn't going to hurt. If you look through the posts that the article links to, there is mention that some of the hackers are working off a list of account names and passwords.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    Unless they change your password they have no way back in after login timeout right?
    Correct, however the ones taking advantage of this issue change your master account password and the password for the game account they're after right off the bat, as well as the email associated with the account in some cases. That was my friend's first clue that something was wrong...he got home to find an email in his inbox that his Aion account password had been changed, and then when he tried to log in to his Master account he found himself locked out. Luckily, he keeps every email he's gotten regarding his accounts, so it didn't take long for Support to authenticate him and get him back in, but the fact that it's happening at all is rather discouraging.

    Support also doesn't seem to acknowledge that it's a security issue on their end. He was given the standard "don't buy from RMT or use third party programs" notice. They hadn't been looking at the account for more than an hour, so there's no way that they could have investigated something like that in the time given. He was told that if it happens again his account will be banned, which is also a standard response. Now, despite it not seeming like something he would do, it's not a comment on whether or not he did do it. I just think it's entirely too easy to change a lot of important information in our Master accounts. Considering how much they control, the security is entirely too light. It kind of makes me wish I'd put my Aion account on a separate Master account, but it's too late for that now.

    Edit: Having read through some of the recent stuff on the issue, it appears that NCSoft made some changes to password security this morning that look like a step in the right direction (though there are probably more to be made). I would definitely encourage people to change their Master account passwords ASAP.
  12. Yeah, there were some accounts taken over by Aion goldspammers that way. It happened to a very good friend of mine a couple weeks back. He changes his master account password regularly and it still got taken over, but Support was able to reset his password and restore it, thankfully.
  13. It's run really well for me on Win 7. No need to run it in compatability mode, but running it as an admin helps with the UAC issues, if you choose to keep the UAC on.
  14. >.> I got six new D&D books, Dragon Age, the cutest meowing kitty plushy (yeah, I'll admit I spent quite some time playing with it...), a bunch of clothes and a trip to see Sherlock Holmes with my family since I'm at the 'rents place for Christmas (yay college break!). It's been a nice holiday so far ^.^
  15. This has been brought up before, with pretty much the same responses each time. And my answer will also be the same...if someone were to come up with a way to do it that made it easy to tell exactly who was who without being either ugly or immersion breaking (and I consider adding numbers, unless that was intentionally done by the player as part of the character concept, or appending our global names to the end, to be both) then I might get behind it. But I like the fact that names are unique, so probably not. All of the ideas I've heard so far for making the duplicate names unique for purposes of eacy identification have been quite immersion breaking, and in a game where immersion is considered so important I can see why it hasn't been done. Nor would I want it to be.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Also, if you use gadgets - at least in beta/RC - and turn UAC off, it turns off gadgets. The few I use, I find useful enough not to turn it all the way off.

    I'm familiar with how annoying it is in Vista, having worked on others machines and had to "confirm" something almost continually. It's not so bad on Win7, at the second lowest setting. Though I do agree on the exceptions list - I was hoping for something similar. (OTOH, I'm sure it'd take less than a week for a malware writer to create something with a little script that puts itself on said list.)

    With that setting, I have to confirm almost nothing - installs, running COH... that's about it on win7.
    They did end up fixing the gadgets/UAC thing shortly before release...I believe it was in one of the August or September updates, but I could be wrong. All I remember was seeing it mentioned that it was fixed.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I can actually try these now and see if that won't solve my current problem (3D Sound plays at 1/8 the normal speed, for some reason, so I can't use it) and what Support ultimately advised me to do was contact Creative, basically to fix my drivers. I'm not sure if simply installing new ones will fix anything, as a lot of people seem to suggest I uninstall the old ones, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that. Scratch that, I found it. "Uninstall" under the device's settings. Obvious, really. Should I?
    The top link on the page I linked there won't work with XP, actually, those are Vista/7 specific drivers. The bottom link, however, most definitely will. And definitely uninstall the old ones first, if you're going to give that a try.

    That's actually by far my biggest gripe with Windows 7 - abominable interface! Windows XP is butt ugly, but at least all the tools are in the right places, and I can kick it in the nads by reverting back to a Windows Classic theme. Vista, eyesore that it is, still had that option, but so far I have been completely unable to find the theme in Windows 7. I don't want colourful kindergarten pictures and fancy aero effects that flash me in the face every time I do anything. I want an operating system that works and is as simple and efficient as I can get it. I mostly want to play games on it, and I'd like to "play" the operating system as little as possible.
    Changing to a basic, older type theme and disabling Aero is actually pretty easy >.> Right click on your desktop, click on Personalization, and then scroll down to the bottom row of theme options, under "Basic and High Contrast" themes. The one you're looking for will be "Windows Classic". If you want to change fonts/bar sizes/colors after that, click on the "Window Color" option at the bottom and it'll let you adjust it the same way you would have the old systems. About the only thing I can see that doesn't change is the way the new quickbar works, though if you mouseover it only gives you a list of open windows instead of mini pictures of them.

    It's annoying, because I know all the same menus and options still exist, it's just that the Microsoft tricksters have hidden them away such that I can never find them. The operating system is constantly rubbing some kind of new and useless shell in my face, and it kind of does some of the same things, but not really. It's like I'm an idiot who's seeing a computer for the same time, and someone's worried that I might poke my eye out with my TCP/IP settings! The whole of Microsoft's approach is like this. I went through hell and high water trying to get XP Service Pack 3, because auto-update wouldn't snatch it, and all links on the Microsoft site sent me back to auto update, because it's simpler and I'm an idiot. I eventually had to claim I'm some kind of IT professional who's going to install the thing for an entire company before the site would let me have a frikkin' self-extracing self-installer! Argh!

    Personally I find that, while I may have to hunt for some of the options, things like the Control Panel are better laid out for the way I use it. That said, there are so many things that just aren't where they were in previous OS's that it takes some getting used to. If there's ever anything that you need to find and just can't for the life of you figure out where they've stashed it, one of us 7 users that are techie inclined can probably find it for you in short order.

    Oh, I almost forgot - if I do grab a new sound card, won't the drivers that come with the install CD do, or will I have to look for new one3s anyway?
    If you buy a new card it may come with Win 7 drivers, or it may not, depending on the age of the card. If you buy something released between October of this year and the date you buy the card, chances are good. That said, they may not be the most current drivers. If you give me a poke though, I'll be happy to hunt down what you need ^.^

    Nah, I hate fancy keyboards. They're all... Weird in one way or another. Either they're sideways, have important keys randomly moved around the keyboard, wavy and crooked, missing buttons or having those awful "utility" keys that never let me use my F keys by design... A good old-fashioned keyboard is what I like the best, and it seems like I can only find those in PS2 format. USB keyboards are all "fancy." It's like having a steering wheel in my car that's shaped like a star and has hooks on it for me to hang my coat! So, no. No drivers or software for my keyboard. Graphics and audio mostly, and I'll see if I can't get a new audio card, anyway. That reminds me...
    Logitech has a couple of solid, normal USB keyboards out there, like this one, and there are a few other manufacturers that do too now. They're becoming more common, so it may be a little easier to find one the next time you're in the market for one.
  18. Great gift Paragon! Anyone else notice that the Check Name button only works on servers you already have a character on? I wanted to check if my name is taken on a server i have no characters on, and the button is greyed out.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Notice that HiJack This shows that CoH is currently running, which explains a bit about his memory usage CoHHelper is showing us.
    Ah, so it is ^.^ I missed that....which means it must be bed time >.> Darn exam time >.<
  20. That's an awful lot of ram in use, and the paging file is pretty close to the allocated limit too. Is that what you're normally running while you're playing? It may be that your system is running out of memory in those zones. There are probably some things you can try disabling, like the Dragon Age updater, while you're playing. There are probably other things, but someone more experienced with Hijack logs would need to pick those out for you.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moderan View Post
    The firewall I use does nothing either way, plus it adds basically everything I use to the exceptions list.
    Are you running behind a router? Some routers need to be configured to forward the ports that City uses. If so, try forwarding the following ports to your computer:

    All of these ports:
    TCP 2104
    TCP 2106
    UDP 7000-7100

    One of the following ports:
    TCP 6994 or TCP 13094 or TCP 23094

    If you need instructions on how, instructions for most routers can be found here.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
    Eh, I'm reluctant to go win7 at the moment. I installed cox on a friend's machine with an 8800gts and win7x64 -- the bloom effects were overwhelmingly offputting (e.g you couldn't even read the rating on the title screen because the words were overwhelmed by the whiteout). All his other games played fine and he claimed the drivers were fine but I wasn't about to dig into it further in the timeframe that I had. 6 months, a service pack form microsoft and a few updates from nvidia before I go that road.
    That definitely sounds like it could be a bad driver install, despite it running fine with other games. It could also be his settings.

    Overall, Win 7 is pretty stable, and performs well. I can understand wanting to wait though...after Vista's release condition that's not an uncommon attitude.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I have... No clue what the hell I just shared, but some of it does look familiar.

    As far as drivers go, I tend to use Everest Home to give me an overview of what I have bolted to the inside of my case, but the automatic driver installation ought to handle the many little niggly bits that irritate me to no end, leaving me with drivers for the big things, like video card and sound card.

    Now... Sound card is where things get interesting. I hate Creative when it comes to this, because getting drivers for their hardware is always an adventure. It's really hit-and-miss affair. I always fail, and about half of the people who've tried to install drivers for me have also failed. Right now, I'm using an X-Fi Xtreme Audio card that doesn't work like it should, and after probably a week's worth of back-and-forth with Support, it came down to bad drivers. Surprise, surprise. The Support guys did a good job, but it falls to me to fix it, and I'm just not going to bother to. Their support site is so opaque I've no idea what I'm even looking for. I'm looking to swap out the ripoff Audio for a Gamer at some point, anyway, and that ought to come with driver CDs. I'll use that and be done with it. The heartburn isn't worth it.

    So, basically, City of Heroes should run well, I shouldn't be facing many problems with the operating system itself, it should give me sufficient drivers for the odds and ends, like ethernet adapter, chipset and so on, and I can install the rest by myself. Would that about cover it?
    It looks like video and sound will be it ^.^ These are all 64-bit drivers.

    You can get the most current nVidia drivers here, however those are very new drivers and I'm not sure how many people have tested those with City yet. You may want to try these instead. That's the version I've been running without issue, and I don't recall reading anywhere about issues with them.

    For sound drivers, you'll want these, the top one because the Audio Pack utilities aren't really all that useful, I've found. I've actually got the very same sound card, so I can vouch for those drivers too ^.^

    The only other thing I can think of that you may need is if you have any sort of Logitech advanced keyboard...Setpoint is kinda funny about installing if you don't have the right ones. If you need that, I can point you towards those too. Hope that helps! If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MLEdelen View Post
    That is my opinion and I know some might disagree, but really.... If they want the bases to be used more...I have an idea. Why not make the portal in ourobus...instead of giving you a choice of zones to go to.....just make it take you back to the zone you were just in last. If you remove the capability to use ourobus as a TP hub, they would have to use the base tp'ers again...and it might get peoples interest back into the bases more.
    Wow...just...wow. How long did you think about this idea before you posted it, out of curiosity? Nerf Ouro portals to make up for your perceived lack in bases. Um, no. Just no. Bases do need more functionality in some things, but I love my base dearly and use it frequently...teleporters included. If you want someone to use something more, you don't do it by limiting their choices in other areas. You make the thing you're having problems with more appealing.

    Not to mention the fact that your idea would severely limit travel options for people that don't have access to a base. Not everyone wants to join an SG, or go through the work to make a private SG base viable. Which is just fine...that's their choice, and shouldn't be taken away from them.

    You want others to think before they post? It may be a good idea if you do so first.
  25. There's no more "leash" on a lowbie being sk'd up. No difference in xp if there's distance between them. That part works the same way exemplaring used to.