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  1. The drawing came out great! And congrats
  2. That's going to look great when finished. Very nice.
  3. Pretty! Love those long lashes.
  4. Very cool! I like how the costume came out
  5. Hehe, thanks! Sounds like a cool cartoon to watch. I went to look at the site and the theme song started playing...I had to exit pronto! Love the drawings of all the aliens.
  6. These are all very fun and interesting looking! What is this Ben 10 show? Oh...guess I can just go look it up.... *goes off to check*
  7. Yay! *loves her new arts*
  8. Super cute! Love your Lego work.
  9. DarkLilac

    MoA wip

    Love that pose, love the arrows coming at us. Can't wait to see it finished.
  10. The shadow of the hood on her face is a really neat touch, looks good.
  11. Beautiful piece. Love the background color and her eyes are super. Nice work with the ice armor, too!
  12. Hooray! Congratulations
  13. DarkLilac

    New Art For Me

    Yes, I did. Actually a gift commission it was. This is Xaellana by Whiteshaix. Her DA is here. I didn't forget about that one, I love that one a ton....guess I should have just posted it to begin with even tho that was a while ago now. I don't think many here have seen it.
  14. DarkLilac

    New Art For Me

    Yea, she is! Great to work with and fantastic art. I think all the artists I've gotten to work with so far have been great

    And thanks Heri.
  15. DarkLilac

    New Art For Me

    Well, I have never posted any commissions I've gotten so now is as good a time as any

    First, a shout out to TA for his DA Network journal. If not for that I might never have known the artist was taking commissions and as soon as I saw she was I dedicated tax refund money for it! So, thanks TA!

    The artist is Freyals on DA and she did this piece of my Ice/Ice/Cold Blaster, Xaellana .

    Some other recent commissions that have never been posted here are by John Becaro. He also did Xaellana for me.

    And just recently I finally got the colored piece of Dark Lilac and her sister Kellina that John did for me.

    I think anything else I've gotten has been posted here by the artist. I'm still swooning over the Freyals piece...anyway, thanks for looking
  16. Oooh, those are great! Really like the Jala piece.
  17. Very nice colored pencil piece, love the colors. Wonderful design elements in there too. Congrats on that.
  18. To echo what everyone else said, very nice! And I hope to see more
  19. Congratulationss to you and Felicia
  20. [ QUOTE ]

    It's a SUPRISE!!


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Looks like I wasn't the only one to give TA that answer
  21. Naughty Thor!

    Congrats to the winners!
  22. DarkLilac

    Damn You!

    Cool! Love the pose on Niobjorg, Deadwoman is just an awesome pic and another great pose and perspective with Turbo. Great stuff!