Damn You!
Sure, try your hand at Turbo-Ski (link in sig)
great...... lol we all wanna get just one more commission and you wanna draw more, i sense a never ending cycle here... a good one,, but neverending nonetheless...
all but on of my CoX chars are female, just click the Heri's Heroes one in my sig and browse around and if ya find one that you'd like to draw, knock yerself out. Hericane, Herricane, and Wherlwynd are the only ones atm that have reference shots though, the others have a few costume shots and some actions shots.
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
Bwahahaha, you have been sucked into the trap that many had fallen into, welcome to this hell... of art goodness!
Also, I know a certain demon girl who likes artz :3
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Damn you all!! The constant stream of great art that keeps cropping up in here is making me want to start drawing again. And I've also realized that I don't draw that many female characters. So, does anyone have a female hero or villain that they would like drawn?
I, of course, make no guarantees on quality. It might just be a stick man with boobs. Oops, can I say that?
Ahem....it might be a musculaturely challenged person with boobs.