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  1. The WIP looks nice so far. The wings look very nice, I like the ones on the female character. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
  2. DarkLilac


    Well done. She looks awesome.
  3. [color=#cc99cc]One of your best so far Derek, really nice!

    Some of us are at work tho and have to steal internet time when the boss isn't around so we don't get in trouble...*looks around*

    Good job.
  4. I like the sketch, really like her expression.

    And if there is a vaccine for this art addiction, I don't know if I want it, I hate needles...I may just have to suffer. It's horrible.
  5. DarkLilac

    Thistle's Art

    [color=#cc99cc]I love Thistle in color! I'm bias toward the colors tho *points at Lilac* hehe, love those colors together. Technically she is not a villain but there is a Plant/Fire Dom version of her.

    My true villain, Mercinoxina, is a Merc/Poison MM and that's her if you'd like to give it a whirl.

    Great work, whatever you do, I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  6. I have a few shots from various Halloween Jack smack downs. I'm not the best screen shot taker, especially in battle. But, for your viewing pleasure, here's Jack
  7. [color=#cc99cc]I agree, Rox came out awesome. Now the final four...almost kinda sad. I always look forward to seeing new work. How will we get our Crimson fix?!?
  8. Hehe, very cute. Will be fun to watch how it progresses.
  9. This definitely came out great.
  10. I really like this, I love the coloring you've done.
  11. I think it's a pretty cool style you have there. I like them. Radey looks very cool. If you still want to draw more...here is another face
  12. DarkLilac

    A drawring...

    That looks awesome Serengeti!

    And soon is good, it's better than 'You'll be dead before you see that drawing inked, missy!'


    Are you going to color this comicverse piece?
  13. Hmm...so PM's aren't getting through? Guess I'll have to post here if nothing was received. Link below.
  14. That was hilarious. And I really needed the laugh...
    Good stuff!
  15. DarkLilac

    A drawring...

    Ooooh, art table, nice! Does this mean we'll get to see some of your first works inked or scanned again? I remember you didn't have a scanner and had to use one at ...Kinko's? so they were very light for viewing. Anyway, just curious, cause you know, you had some pretty nice drawings that we can't see well
  16. [color=#cc99cc]Ooh, really nice. I love that shade of green. Nice work.
  17. [color=#cc99cc]Nice presentation of your screenshots. Was a very cool event, looking forward to the next one.
  18. [color=#cc99cc]Great style, Alex. So far it's looking fantastic. Lucky Bday girl!
  19. [color=#cc99cc]Wow, I really like the gryphon in this re-done version. Definitely an awesome piece here.
  20. [color=#cc99cc]This came out so nice, it's one of my favorites of yours.
  21. [color=#cc99cc]That looks really great so far. Really loving the toys for the background though, horrifyingly cute!
  22. DarkLilac

    New work

    Oh, very nice. I can see him lurking/hiding in the shadows then jumping out and scaring the bejeebus out of someone!
  23. Very nice work. I hope you keep posting, I sure like looking.
  24. *stares wistfully*

  25. Uh huh....whoa....that's just wonderful, and only in a rough stage...super, super rough, even! Looks amazing already.