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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JKwervo View Post
    I say we'll have Dark Angel Ace as third party.
    Sure I was planning to be there. Happy to help. I'm not quite so hidden as a tri-hide stalker so no hitting the official!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Enigma-88 View Post
    Our team won't be available for a match this week due to missing members. I'm thinking we'll be ready by wednesday next week, but I'll have to get together with the team again and make sure before giving you a solid date Pun.
    Hey Capt'n I posted my availabilty on the Turtle board so when you get ahold of the rest of the team, that's available to help out in case I'm at work or something. If I catch either one of them before you i will ask them to do the same.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Artic_Chill_44 View Post
    Would it be 2 late 2 sign up a team? since u all look like ur alrdy a couple matches into it?

    The more the merrier!
  4. Well I'm interested in this once it gets running again. This just gives me time to work on alternate toons to use.
  5. Oh congratz. I hope the best for your family.
  6. Would this be level 50 toons or something else like level 30 or so? It might be fun to try out possible pvp toons while they are still in the buildup phase. I imagine many toons of this nature might not have much by way of sets as you would want to wait until they hit 50 to slot them out (excepting of course if you have a toon you want to run in a lower level PVP zone).

    Also, some of the grins and giggles FFA's that have been done with LOW level toons (such as under level 10) have been the most fun I have participated in.
  7. Good fights everyone. We had some exciting battles. Congratz to @Lite of Paragon for the win. Have fun on test!

    And thank you to XFUNK for stepping in last minute and running the tournment. Hopefully you didn't tear all your hair out from that fun.

    @Dark Omega anytime you want to another tie, I am more than happy to 1v1 ZOMG :-)
  8. I plan to participate, I just have sooooo many screenshots and I haven't taken the time to sift thru them yet is all.

    Quick question. I know our categories have to be labeled. Do we change the name of the screenshot to the category or just list the category when the shot is posted?
  9. Great fun tonight guys. Very good match.
  10. Great fun everyone. I hope the rest of the ladder has this much fun!
  11. DarkAngel17

    M&G in Michigan

    Originally Posted by Funk_X View Post
    Check out O'toole's and the Post, mmm jagerbombs Maybe i'll shoot over to the bar. Darkangel if you look out the window and see a big sign that says [Taunt] that would be me :P
    Sure I will check it out. And I'll be looking for that sign. I know you don't Karaoke, but you are more than welcome to come share a drink and laugh with us.
  12. DarkAngel17

    M&G in Michigan

    People have asked what activities we are planning at the meet and greet. We for the most part we have 2 plans. Drinking and the comic book convention. For those interested in participating we plan to hit the comic book convention on Saturday. http://www.motorcityconventions.com/...con/index.html

    As far as drinking? Well we found a local bar/bowling ally that has good cheap beer and karaoke. Please join us there at night for lots of fun! http://www.novibowl.com/
    21700 Novi Road, Novi, MI 48375
    Phone 248-348-9120

    See you there!

  13. DarkAngel17

    M&G in Michigan

    Originally Posted by Pie-Ro View Post
    WTF!? Xan isnt going!? But hes the mastermind!!! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
    Yes but the drinking MUST go on....
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TargMunky View Post
    Good times this week gang. Great way to get people new to PvP involved.

    JK, also believe that either Ace or Blu on my team had a drop, but dont recall what it was
    I agree and it was awesome fun!

    It was me but it wasn't during the event. I got a Panecea during the practice FFA we had before the first match. Do you need to know which Panacea?

