Dark One

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
    I'm in this boat.

    Cursory search on Mac MMOs gives This

    So there's a few fantasy ones, the 800 lbs gorilla (that I have tried an hated), and 2 space ones. I may well try a space one since I really don't have any interest in a fantasy MMO. After trying WoW and DDO, I'm simply not interested. I've heard things about EVE Online which make me want to avoid it, so I think I might give Vendetta Online a shot though I will likely look up more opinions on it first. Looks like it might be rather PvP oriented and I can do without that.
    I've tried Eve Online...

    It was spreadsheets in SPACE!, IMO.

    Far, far, far too much micromanaging and lookups. It felt like a second job (or first in my case).
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    I think you'd be surprised at some of the prices... and how good some of the art can be for those prices.

    My two gallery threads (see signature, bottom of index, pretty much) ... most are under $50. Heck, most are $30 or less. So if you're thinking you have to spend $100 or more... not necessarily.

    Just check, if you see someone you think you like, make sure they're taking commissions and ask around to see how they are. (I tried to 'review" a few artists, especially in my second thread.) Make sure you like their style - and that it's consistent, that you're not just seeing one really cool piece and the rest are stick figures or something. (Remembering, of course, that styles and skill change.)
    Well, one piece I have in mind is probably going to be a bit on the more expensive side. It would have a min of nine characters in it...

    Also, syrusbLiz, your DA link doesn't work.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
    Where the **** am I going to post about The Venture Bros. this fall?????
    This fall? The next VB season ain't out till Feb...
  4. Ya, I'm interested in getting some art done of my characters. Can't afford it ATM, but I hope to in the near future.
  5. The thing I saw said that they were discontinuing publishing and distribution for home videos. To me, that says they are getting out of the biz entirely. Their last shipment date is Nov. 30th w/the effective date of March 1st, 2013.
  6. Halo 4 is coming out soon and god, that's going to suck up so much of my time. I've got a stack of PS2, Wii, and 360 games also aching to be played.
  7. But the Amy at the end. Just that look...the pale skin combined with the red hair...rraawr...
  8. Oswin is a lovely bit of alright.

    I give it negative five seconds before slash-fics of her and Amy show up.
  9. I got mine from BigBadToyStore.com. A pretty much awesome site. They've even got a thing where you can store your purchases/preorders into a Pile Of Loot (their term) and ship it when you want, rather than doing individual shipments with associated extra shipping cost.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    Rfit, TSW, and DDO all have at least some unsoloable stuff to varying degrees. (DDO, I'm told, has puzzles in some dungeons which *require* two people to interact with things simultaneously. You cannot solo this no matter how much you outgear it.)

    On the other hand, public groups are amazing. In Rift, when there's groupish content, and you're near someone who hasn't set themselves private, there's a Join Public Group button. Click it, you're in a group. Automatically forms full raids and everything. Makes life a LOT easier compared to manual invites. And... well, there's a LOT of stuff to do, so there's plenty that you can go mess with even if you're not up for grouping.
    I don't mind some group stuff, like Task Forces or the like. But for me, the majority of the game has to be soloable. And not soloable in the sense of Star Wars Galaxies sitting there plinking away with bleed shots for half an hour on one stormtrooper.
  11. Oh, if anyone is buying/interested in Bandai titles, they'd best get them sooner rather than later. Bandai is ceasing production/closing up shop at the end of November.

    Yet another anime house is done.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    What I like about it, personally, is the INSANE flexibility for soloing. My main running-around build on rogue is 32 riftstalker, 12 bard, 22 assassin, and it's LOVELY for basically everything I want to do -- exploring, artifacting, invasions, etc.
    Soloability is the one factor that will make or break a game for me. If I can't do the stuff I want, when I want, without having to find 7 other people then **** that game.

    CoH really spoiled me in that aspect.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Jesus, Troy, you really *are* like Beetlejuice.

    I have screenshots around here somewhere celebrating the inclusion of Cyrus in the game, when we all got together on Guardian.

    Good times.
    That is another thing I will remember. Troy has always been good for a laugh. He's the only famous person I've ever had the chance to talk with and I doubt I'll have the chance to talk with another. To the group of Troy's Zombie Survival Brigade, I toast thee! (My BAC is currently approaching Redneck. I hope to hit Irish in an hour or so...).

    I really do hope he gets off his duff and gets Common Grounds 2 out. He's got potential, if he could only keep from running down the street without pants on, he could make it big time.
  14. Ponies...ponies everywhere! Ponify all the memes!

    I managed to get a SDCC-exclusive Derpy Hooves.

    And yes, I'm an adult male..
  15. **** it. Tonight, my BAC is going to be, "Irish".
  16. I kinda want to give DCUO a try, if only because I love the DC verse. Not so big on the fact that it's SOE though.

    So, what's Tera like?

    Also, Freitag, I assume you guys are all, "**** it. Let 'em do what they want now.".
  17. In honor of the candle flame guttering, soon to extinguish, let us post our memories of CHVC...

    MentalMaden's Bionic Woman threads. Gods, those were funny.

    BafflingBeerMan's Lost discussions. Damn, he sure had the mythology and conspiracy theories down pat.

    TroyHickman constantly forgetting and losing his pants. Thanks for the autographed comics, Troy. It was nice to talk with you.

    UncleBob's...eccentricities. If you don't know who he is, well, you kinda missed out.

    ShoNuff's tackles. I'm glad to say that I only got tackled once, I think. Memory is a bit fuzzy. I still think you're a scrawny white guy, Sho.

    Lord_Of_Times worship of Christina Hendricks. Those were good threads, my gone-from-this-Earth friend. Hope you're getting to adventure in the Tardis, wherever you're at (and getting to see the complete run of the series).

    To all the people who've come and gone over the years, it's been great knowing you. This place has been...home...for lack of a better word, for 8 years (as of today). There will never be another like it.

    Share your memories!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    Well, I'll be in and out while these forums are still around, but I don't expect that to be for long after Nov 30.

    I hadn't even seen that. That's a helluva birthday present. Jeebus tapdancing monkies...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    Just stepping in to say good bye to everyone before we all wonder off into the world of gaming. This was one of my favorite forum sections to visit. A lot of you guys and gals were always good for some great comic/sci-fi buzz. I'll miss the tv show/movie threads and the comic threads. If you ever find yourself in another forum, and a guy named Rylas says this comic sucked, or that movie was great, make sure to say "hey". We'll talk about how great this game was and debate which Star Trek captain was truly greatest.

    So long! And thanks for all the fish!

    It was Picard!
    I hope you're just being silly. Otherwise, losing another old timer just isn't right.
  20. People usually use H. sapiens when referring to modern humans. They also do it for other species like when talking about bottlenose dolphins, T. truncatus is used.
  21. Dark One

    Song question...

    Interesting. Thanks everyone. That song has been bothering me for quite a while.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I love Frazetta's work. But his Conan doesn't really look much like Arnold from what I've seen.
    Frazetta's the only one that springs to immediate mind on doing anything that might be related to Arnie.

    The one that surprised me was "Naughty and Nice: The Good Girl Artwork of Bruce Timm". But I think Luis Royo is my favorite overall artist.
  23. Dark One

    Song question...

    Ok, this has been driving me crazy(er) for awhile. On the recent Judge Dredd tv trailers, they're playing this song that I've heard used in a lot of stuff. The lyric played is something like, "I'm doing it for the thrill/Going in for the kill" and I've never learned who sings it or what the song is. Can anyone help?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Is Elmore the guy who put Schwarzenegger into every third painting for about 10 years? Or am I thinking of another guy?
    I think you're thinking of Frank Frazetta. Maybe. He did a lot of Conan-type artwork.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I think the only pictures of Elmore's I've seen over the years that I liked were from The Complete Dwarves Handbook. Other than that, I've found his work to be bland, not remarkably well-painted, and often oddly-proportioned. I'd say he's not nearly as bad as Liefeld, but he comes up in fantasy art discussions about as often as Liefeld comes up in comic book art discussions and thus I've been similarly critical of him by dint of opportunity.
    I like Elmore's Dragonlance Chronicles and the Twins trilogy covers. His "The Death of Sturm" is also one of my favorites.