2661 -
Is everyone in that family a ******* moron? I mean seriously, you are under no obligation whatsoever to save the life of the man who killed your father, the people you know, is a psychopathic murderer and is delivering you to god knows what. You let the ****** die and you get away. It's pretty much exactly like the end of Batman Begins only this kid doesn't have the sense god gave the common turnip.
There's a new DLC coming out tomorrow for ME3. Retaliation and it's free. Adds more stuff to the MP. There's another one, called Omega, that's supposed to be for the campaign due out sometime this fall. Dunno when exactly.
If you want the C&C games worth playing, there's always C&C: The First Decade. It's got the original C&C, Tiberian Sun, RA1 & 2, Renegade, Generals, plus the expansions for those games. None of that ******** RA3, C&C3 or 4.
Quote:Not that I know of nor any reason to suspect such a lawsuit would be presented. The game itself has been the subject of two lawsuits that I remember. The first being the Marvel lawsuit about the capability for players to create characters that look like Marvel characters. The second being the Worlds.com patent litigation, but that was directed against NCSoft as a whole.Selling the game without that stipulation would appear to be the lesser of two evils. They make some money off a property that is currently making none and put a stop to all the bad press. Yes, there is the outside chance of a lawsuit, but as I asked up above, has there ever been a suit filed against the COX IP?
Thundercats...ah Cheetara...bringing into being a whole new generation of furries.
Never saw Symbionic Titan the first time around, so it's new to me. Very much a Tartakovsky (sic) show as it seems to have heavy Samurai Jack influences. -
Quote:If the game was bought out by someone else, why in the frak would NCSoft have any say in the matter in what was added?The damning stipulation was that the new owner would have to assume full and sole responsibility for any and all future litigation against the game. Even if that litigation was brought about by material added to the game at the direct order of NC$hit.
Who in their right mind would agree to that?
Seems pretty standard, to me anyways, in the transfer of ownership of the property. Much like if I sell my house the new owner is responsible for anything that happens on the property rather than me. If they don't do their due diligence and make alterations/upgrades as needed, then its their fault, so long as I disclose any and all existing problems with the property.
Now, if I were to hide or paint over some facet of the property, then I could see an issue arising. But that's all just my opinion. -
Quote:Might help if that article didn't have a typo in the first sentence. :/
Then the lot of us will never know the contents. We are, essentially, no better or no worse off than before. *shrug* The game is still going to shut down on Nov. 30th.
Quote:I think she means the actual post in question, rather than making people go on a scavenger hunt for the info.Here's a link to Titan Network's Save Paragon City forums: http://www.cohtitan.com/forum/index....ard,134.0.html
There was a pretty glaring continuity error in today's YJ. When Kal and Artemis are on the flyer, she has her blonde hair one scene and in the next it's back to being black. Kinda surprised something that big made it through.
Watched Bottle Fairies. My word, the cuteness is overwhelming. It's a short, 2-disc series about a group of 4 small fairies that are learning about being human with the hope of becoming human some day. The episodes are about 15 minutes or so long, so comparable to say Sealab 2021 in length. The only other series that I can think of, that approaches that level of cute is Digi Charat.
Quote:It makes perfect sense...from EA's standpoint. It's the excuse, IMO, to sell Online Passes. You know, those things packed into pretty much every EA game whether it's needed or not.This is the problem right here, that I have with ME3. They had to add multiplayer, that's fine, but then have it matter to what ending you get? That's not. I played through the first 2 games without it. Why do I need to do it to get to have all available endings?
Hmmm...thought this would've bee a Will Ferrel/John C. Reilley buddy pic.
Quote:Well, the militias are apparently organized enough to collect tribute, have slave farms, disarm the populace of the region, enforce their versions of laws and set up training camps. Setting up a slave line to cast casings and bullets would not be beyond them, I would think.You are right.
After a few years of starving and killing and plague what and who would really be in place organize anything like that? Some, sure, but I think chaos would reign and a lot of books and things will be lost and destroyed. It would be a bumpy ride before 'tech' started to re-appear.
This in no way to say I think the show is getting things right, mind you. Just at the start I think there are too many people living near urban ruins in this show... but that's just me.
As for stuff getting destroyed/lost, look at how decent of shape that restaurant was in after 15 years. It still had windows, glassware, etc in it. -
That's the thing. This knowledge isn't restricted or hard to access. If there's a bookstore, library, or possibly even a home improvement center nearby, there's a pretty good chance there's at least some information on building a kiln. Hell, if the town has a wood-fire pizza place, there's a good possibility (maybe) that it could be converted to smelting copper.
Got ceramic bricks from pretty much any home improvement store? You can, arguably, build a kiln with them. -
Copper doesn't require the usage of high temperature facilities. It was, after all, one of the earliest used metals. There's plenty of spare (and quite pure) copper lying around in the form of household electrical wiring that is now useless. A properly built kiln with a wood fire can get hot enough to melt copper. There had to have been some in places like Chicago that could've been scavenged or hell, just read a book on it.
I would add Eurotrip to the list. Every so often that Scotty Doesn't Know song pops into my head. I think I'll be remembering that song till the day I die...
Went back to watching Beck (I have this bad habit of starting series then starting something else in the middle of it). Nice sedate, music based show. Some of the songs are pretty good.
Quote:I bet Daddy Noble sure looked askance at Mama Noble in that situation.No, I really enjoyed DA2. Wasn't fond of emo Anders, but smart-a** Hawke-ette more than made up for it. Also, being able to make non-white characters who come from non-white families was a nice touch. Not like DA:O where you'd mysteriously be the only black person in your family of white nobility (although that was funny).
Quote:Which is kinda what I was getting at. They have the capability to make that (apparently), but lack the ability to cast one of the first metals that man ever mastered? I mean, granted, getting the proper mix to make a casing that won't split or explode under pressure would take some time, but think about how many rounds are available in the U.S. Just plain reloading supplies alone would keep them in ammo for a decent amount of time, especially if they are disarming the general populace.Mercury fulminate is dangerous stuff to synthesize. The stuff in it's raw form is pretty darn unstable.
The bullets and gunpowder are not all that difficult to make, comparatively. Their muzzleloaders would work quite easily with that. It's just one of those sloppy details that bothers me, especially when Jacob went to pains to tell Idiot Rebel how difficult it was to make rounds, followed shortly by using probably 150 percussion caps shooting at a building. -
That Charlie is really getting on my nerves. I would almost think she's bipolar or something, given how she swings back and forth so readily from practically crying over a rebel she just met to coldly shooting a guy with a jury rigged gun. That, and her eyes. Her eyes are creepy as hell IMO. The whole shooting-the-bag bit was stupidly over the top. She's lobing an unfamiliar weighted bolt and managed to hit that backpack dead center at a pretty decent distance while barely aiming? ********.
Would've loved it if Brother had started talking smack about Tinkleton (what I would like to think I would've called him). I don't think he's going to succumb to indoctrination. He's got a little too much hate for the militia, especially the ones that have taken him.
Sniper guy has obviously never learned about target prioritization. You see a guy on horseback with the rest on foot? Shoot the ****** on the horse! I mean, ya, you're going to have to take out the foot soldiers too, but you've got the element of surprise and a tactical advantage to take out your enemy's commanding officer.
Finally, the weapons that the militia were using. I believe those were percussion cap muzzleloaders. They're saying that they can't make the copper casings for bullets, yet they are capable of manufacturing the percussion caps necessary for those weapons to fire (or having a ready supply of the things)? They can accumulate and make mercury fulminate to make the caps, but they can't cast a casing?