2661 -
I can't really see any conceivable way that Lori could pull through. I mean, she was basically gutted and left on the floor to bleed out. Carl is, I think, strong enough now that he could pull the trigger on her.
Quote:I don't know about anyone else, but that actor reminds me of Liam Neeson. *shrug*The guy playing the Governor is also British. Are all these actors born able to do an American accent?
Poor T-Dog. We hardly knew ye.
And Andrea.../facepalm. Because Merle is the best judge of if someone's a "good" guy. -
You should give the first Bioshock a play. It's a neat game with a good storyline and atmosphere. The second is...eh. Just doesn't quite have the magic of the first plus the MP is a pain in the *** and adds nothing of worth to the product.
War For Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron are also awesome games. I was giddy, giddy I say!, through the campaign of each of 'em. -
Quote:The XP they are talking about is for multiplayer. For Halo 4, higher rank opens up more customized loadouts, armor customizations, etc.When did Halo, a FPS, get XP? Been seeing the Mtn Dew commercials. Is there a skill tree you level up with or what? Only Halo I played was the original.
It's kinda like how they have double xp or whatever for Bioshock 2, War For Cybertron, Call of Duty, etc. -
Wasn't there a THX-enhanced version that did clean up the visuals/sound, but didn't have any of the stupid edits?
Quote:I'm guessing it was part of the deal, but that they have no further plans to do anything with the property. But that's just my take on it.From the article: "We didn't ascribe any value to the Indiana Jones franchise as part of this acquisition," Iger said later on in the call, suggesting no further installments of that franchise is on the horizon.
So....they did obtain it but are shelving it? Or it wasn't part of the deal? I can't recall of Lucas solely owns Indy or if Spielberg and he were co-owners. -
The link I posted I was updated. Said basically that there's not going to be any further Indy movies. Or at least that's how I read it.
They're calling it Episode 7, so I imagine it's going to be a continuation rather than remaking Ep 4-6.
The thing that I worry about is the state of fan films and fan art. I can't exactly see Disney being very liberal about allowing such fan works with the property, now that they've spent over $4 billion on it. Would hate to see it all disappear due to the same company that pretty much extended copyright to the point of ridiculousness (Star Wars won't be in the Public Domain for another 60 years, presuming no further extensions, of which I am extremely skeptical). -
I...honestly don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand, it's Disney. OTOH, the property is now out of Lucas' hands. Some bad, some good. Cautiously balanced? I don't know. -
Aye yup. Didn't like it when I was a kid though. Just kinda grew on me after I got to college.
I do like cherry tomatoes fresh out of the garden. For some reason, it's the tomato juice and/or soup that bothers me.
Quote:Originally Posted by Blacksun17And how disturbing is the phrase 'pleaseure toast' to you? ick ick ick!
Plus they spent some cash to make a custom one-time-only Halloween intro for the show. How awesome was that!
Also, they've done that custom opening change bit before. They've had a couple of different ones. Think they also did it for the 15 minute X-mas episode. -
Vodka, I like. Well, good vodka at any rate. The cheap stuff is pretty nasty IMO. It's the tomato juice that I can't stand. Never did like that stuff. Don't like tomato soup either, for that matter.
I would be interested in trying a Hunchback, just to say that I have. But it sounds rather...disgusting.
I might try making ketchup with bourbon as one of the ingredients, but I don't think I could drink it. -
I woulda thought Andrea would be a bit more distrusting than she is. Woodbury had a very definite Stepford Wives feel about it, IMO. The willfully ignorant don't see what they don't want to see, I guess.
Though it did seem like Merle was having second thoughts about the Guard situation. Nice to see they kept the Governor's...entertainment...system.
Also, new season rawks. -
Pretty sad that we still have probably six more months before the new season.
I think they handled Deadshot pretty well. Glad that they got his wrist gun in. But come on, using a visible laser for a hit? Especially when you KNOW there's cops in there? That's a rookie mistake right there. Especially when he's got his little monocle thing on.
I think Heinlein already called this. If I'm remembering right, in some of his Future History stories, part of the rejuvenation process involved giving the patient new/fresh/young blood and replacing the old & worn out stuff. Something about getting rid of the toxins and other assorted garbage that builds up in the blood.
Aw...I thought this would be about a new style of pizza...
Just saw that they've got the AMC channels back on DISH Network tonight. That means I can watch Walking Dead again. Huzzah!
Quote:Perfect examples of early-ish Superman. Link possibly NSFW.(And, yes, I was aware of that long before the recent Cracked article showcasing some of Superman's earliest adventures, but that article is a beautiful illustration of all the lines Superman was willing to cross for "justice")
Quote:Maybe not battery leakage, but what about a wireless powering ala Teslectricity?Well it could have been an old style packet radio setup. My first boss out of college was a Ham radio buff and used such a setup. It had a very low bit rate. Of course the show used a dial-up modem sound effect to convey old and slow.
The 15 year charge on an iPhone is definitely wishful thinking unless they'll suggesting the dampening field also prevents leakage in batteries. -
Quote:If they "make good" on it then it's not exactly stealing, now is it?So... it's okay to steal something, as long as you market it and make good on it.
DC has been paying out to the Shuster family for half the time that Superman has been in existence. Good money too for essentially doing nothing. -
Quote:The creator's estate has had two separate deals providing essentially free money every year since 1975. That's not exactly "nothing". Plus, these people are trying to go back on a deal that very specifically said was the end of it.So... you think that DC should be allowed to continue to profit from screwing over Siegel and Shuster?
I don't have a legal answer for this, short of a Solomonic "Superman is now public domain" decision, but it's certainly not just to have a company steal intellectual property from its creators and continue to profit from it 80 years later, and leave the creator's estate with nothing.
Siegel and Shuster had a good idea. They got screwed over true. But DC has been promoting, making, and adding on to that character for so long that it isn't even really the same character. Why should people who have done nothing for the character get to take away an American icon, against an agreement that they were done seeking to do same?
For the actual creators, I have some sympathy. Some. For these people? Not one ******* iota.