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  1. If you are just getting started and don't want to spend a lot of Inf, go Sharks/WP stalker. Mage can attest to how easy it is to use a WP stalker, there are a lot of arena goers that have so'd or minimally io'd out WP stalkers that we use to zone. And your primary does not matter, learn to AS or just be a Shrak blaster with capped stealth. The choice is yours and yours alone here on the legends of zone pvp.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dexington View Post
    Let's be honest. There's no chance of that happening.

    Worst come to worst, I WILL come out of retirement and poop on everything, like a flock of seagulls. I will also make bad music and try to capitalize on an 80s craze for bad, big hair.
    CoH needs you. This may be the alcohol talking but ily like a wolf loves sheep that jump off cliff and land on spike made of human excrement.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mercury_Down View Post
    I can't believe I am saying this but Tokyo actually has a point about the size of the PVP community having an effect on how competitive the PVP is.

    Just look at the latest Freedom PVP League. One team is clearly dominating everyone, then you've got maybe two other teams who are close to being on par with each other but still far below the top team in skill. That adds up to about 30-35 people who determine the outcome of the league out of how many thousands of subs in COX?

    Don't get me wrong, the PVP in this game is still enjoyable even in its borked post i13 form but competitive? Does ware.gov even consider any of the other teams as competition? I doubt it.
    Ware.gov came back to this game not for its competitiveness. We came back because we enjoy each others company and don't agree on 1 game for all of us to group in. We also all really like the mechanics of CoH pvp. The only other driving factor was to utterly destroy all the teams in this league. When we came back and registered our team people were still saying Exile was going to win the league. It is amazing how people can forget over the course of 1 year which players were more talented than others. All we could do was laugh knowing that the majority of the people on Exile could not even make a d8 team in the original FpvpL. And those that thought that Shen was the leading candidate to take down the Iowa Caucus, we have players that have captained just about every member of their original team. We can honestly say we likely know more about their players than they do. We knew how the matches were going to go the moment we solidified our roster. So to answer your question, we do not consider any of these teams remotely capable of putting up a legitimate threat against us in an official match. We are more apt to defeat ourselves than for them to defeat us. So yeah we consider them all a joke, and for the most part I think that most members of those teams realize it. But like I said at the beginning this game is not fun for its competitiveness its fun because of the mechanics which is a big plus over things like Eve, I have watched all of the Alliance Tournaments and played a few accounts running fast moving high dps ships like Hurricanes.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Like_Woah View Post
    Sounds like you guys had a run in with a SG from Guardian, what was their name.... Claw of the Dragon perhaps?
    I didn't play back then, but from what I have heard from Walrus and everyone they could possibly beat Ware.gov.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    Apparently they are lax during the holidays, for WARE the holidays stretch all the way back to last Tuesday!
    Yes. Half our team is in college and most professors schedule exams the week before thanksgiving. The other half of our team is tired of winning while on a pug with sucka condro and evo.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    All I know is unarmed combat built Khajiit's are OP. It's also entertaining to outdamage everything else in the game by smacking them in the face repeatedly.
    The razor has a chance to insta kill, so OP. Add that to the x15 sneak damage with dagger perk and the gloves that double that so now you are at x30 soooo broken.

    I have also decided that I hate being a mage in Skyrim because it reminds me of some guy from coh.
  7. Also, we will be turning no observers on so you can't spy on us.

    This was decided by team vote, sorry.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    We currently have practice with Exile on Tuesdays. Did I mention that Shenanigans doesn't have practice with Exile on Thursdays?

    Really, please PLEASE practice with us. We actually would rather PvP while we're playing than jump around in PD doing nothing. Ludicrous, I know.

    Please message either @Mirage Mage or @Venatrix Inferno to schedule practice.
    Sorry we only do internals now.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    That could easily over-extend certain teams, it would be potentially 6 matches worth of time for the final 2 seeds, and that's not taking into consideration the downtime between the matches.

    I'm personally not interested in doing matches for possibly 2+ hours, and I think a lot of people on all of the teams would probably run into time constraint issues. I know Silit has already told me his team would not be able to handle 5+ matches in one night, because of some of their member's RL time constraints.
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    2+ hours is a lot to be online at one time? When did that start? It's whatever I guess, but I think that's lame.
    Ware.gov wins the RL battle too! Even Hot has to skip out in a feeble attempt to get accepted into a community college. Just kidding Hot, please don't mute me.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    Hmm this one wasn't too easy! I used all my potions and spent half the time running healing myself :P It wasn't the one you fight with the the companions cause uhh well they went on ahead and killed him before i got a shot in that time, lol.
    Wait till you get a random spawn and have to fight 1 dragon and 3 giants at the same time.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    Hats are the main source of Income for TF2 devs, it is obviously a full proof marketing strategy. People like their useless cosmetic things, like German Shepard pets.
    Skins in League of Legends as well.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    Added Reaver, Morti and Tanzie. Updated Musey's Global.

    Reaver may be removed again depending on his schedule but we hope not.
    I would just like to congratulate you guys on beating Kat's all rosters are final post by 19 minutes.

    Last edited by HelenofCimerora; Today at 12:02 AM. Reason: Updated Roster
    Kat's was 12:21 AM.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crusherina View Post

    I'd like to thank EVERYONE who participated on the Chicken Nuggets' team on the Freedumb 2011 League. It was really a blast! I am very pleased that we made it through as a whole and did not give up halfway through.

    Once again, love your faces (I guess :/ ) and hope to see you next League.



    P.S. Artic is still fat.

    P.S.S. Z stole my kill.
    Major props to you guys for finishing the league. Something that 2 teams can't say.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Nah I meant the people who pay their subscription seemingly JUST so they can post on the forums, accrue a high post count, and somehow backwards rationalise that they're informed about the game.

    And I do know. Because I got connections yo.
    You are the reason Dark Armor sucks so yeah you've got connections. I hate you still.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    I don't buy it.

    They're perfectionists about PVP...but they won't change the system nor will they listen to player feedback?

    Face it. This game is just a glorified BETA for CoH2 (coming Q1 2013). All the devs are doing is squeezing as much money as they can out of the playerbase in the mean time.
    Is there really plans for a CoH2? That sounds like a bad idea.
  16. There were only 3 people drafted. H0j Tanzie and Morti. Sorry Xan.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post


    @Vince vinnie Captain
    @Detective Silit silit Captain
    @It's the End dex
    @Dex El Maltrose vex
    @Infamous Zampf/@Infamous Zampf2 spiner
    @Klesk k1esk
    @MrLiberty lib
    @PerilX/@PerilXX/@IronFlag peril
    @Ethical Inquiry/@Elite Force/@OG Elite Force march
    @RyRy ryry
    @HP/@JC Pose hp
    @Lord Seethe seethe
    @RIP Hot Heals/@Investigator Hot hot
    @Police Chief mebs
    @I am the walrus walrus
    @El Nino/@GlacialMonsoon rystorm
    @H0J Hoj

    WARE.gov Honorary Membership:

    @Johnny Turbo turbo WARE.gov PR Representative
    @Web Chambers web WARE.gov Financial Analyst


    - Roster subject to change/additions.

    - Now accepting applications that I will more than likely deny because you are terrible.

    - These globals may not be correct as I am too lazy to verify at this time.
    Added new draftee.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    So after catching up on posts, it looks like most of the teams have called for a supp draft this Friday, so here you go. I will post the draft order in the order that I saw the forum posts, feel free to correct me if the order is wrong.

    1. WARE
    2. Shenanigans
    3. Chicken Nuggets
    4. FAP
    5. Exile

    Will probably be around the usual time... 8-9 PM eastern/5-6 pacific, something like that, probably on dUmb vent.
    Its is 8pm est and I am on dUmb vent. Where da draft at yo?
  19. Signing up a friend.

    What are your global handles/recognizable names? @H0J
    What server do you primarily play on? Freedom
    What server do you primarily PvP on? Freedom
    What toons do you have to offer for 8v8 PvP? psi/em, earth/fire, kin/psy, ice/kin
    Which of these toons is on Freedom? All
    If any, what toons would you be willing to transfer to Freedom for a league?
    What do you consider your primary/optimal role in a team setting? Being an offensive juggernaut.
    What do you consider your favorite role in a team setting? Kin
    Would you be willing to make a new toon and level it to 50? No
    Would you be willing to respec into a new build for a league? Sure
    Briefly describe your experience in PvP. (If you were on other 8v8 teams list them here, any substantial experience here also) FOL, VORI, Lions Den, VR, Velocity, U2BG, BK0M, Steve, Team Stacked.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IceGenerator View Post
    Ice blast definetally needs a damage buff up in PvP or a more effective slowing system. After it was destroyed many issues ago it could use a little more power! Assault rifle and a few other powersets could use a boost as well! Stop the fotm psy/energy's and let us have the option to have all of the powersets able to compete is what would really help PvP in CoH. Ask the players which powersets are too overpowered in a nice good ole q and a or chatroom. Don't ask the people who lie around in Atlas Park and PvP once in a blue moon! The people who really PvP know what needs fixin' and all you have to do is listen! If there are 211937912361241874214612874124 Psy/Energy blasters and 1842147128471427 Km/regens pvp'in there must be a problem, no? Powersets could be tweaked to balance, it's very possible but probable? Thats in the hands of the people who are "listening" to the pvpers. Making PvP somewhat balanced wouldn't be in outer space if the players who are doing the PvP had some say in what went down and what needed to be helped. Go into RV one day and ask a player their opinion on something! I appreciate anyone who took the time to read this paragraph and I could get into more detail but ill wait for some replies. Thanks for reading! (Buff up ice blast please! (: )

    Hope im making some sense,

    People still use Psi/ems? Lol.
  21. If anyone is interested in being on the league champion team pst to our talent scout Mr. Hot Heals (if you cant figure out his global you are already rejected). He will likely decline you though so just be ready for rejection. Those that get approved by our talent agent are then put through the 13 levels of hell initiation trial. Upon successful completion of the trial you will then and only then be interviewed by upper management, MFCEO Vinnie and MFCFO Sildeezy. We also take applications on our GP there is a nice form for you to fill out to better let us understand you which will increase the likelihood of you getting picked for a free championship title. If you need directions to our guild portal please just go here: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...&TabID=3643785 There is a lot of great reading for those that have never visited as well as some great reading for those that have not visited in some time.

    Vice President of Public Relations
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HelenofCimerora View Post
    Added KGB to the core.
    I was just kidding about drafting KGB you really didn't have to use up the core spot.
  23. To make matters worse one time he and I were just standing around in PD and he spawned some monsters to try and kill me. Luckily I am experienced in Pve survival and slayed the beasts. I would like to see him smacked with a newspaper.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    You are right, Dex. Nice try mister Katalyst!!
    We have to keep an eye on this trickster.