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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Actually, the most negative things being posted are coming from the save COH side...
    That's only because we're not bothering to pretty up our speech in flowery double-talk. That is to say, we're not BSing. We're telling everyone how we actually feel.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    Looking out at the MMO landscape is like looking at the Bermuda Triangle, littered with sinking and disabled ships as far as the eye can see. And I'm being force to pick which stranded ship is the best one for me.
    The only winning move is not to play.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Interface View Post
    At least you're not playing Magic Online. The day it becomes unprofitable, poof! All your cards vanish. Millions of high-pitched screams will ring out from basements across the world that day.
    Oh I do have an MTGO account. I've used it to help me build actual decks and I've even replicated some of my real decks on it. That's as far as I'll go though. That way if it all goes poof I can just shrug, 'cause I still have the REAL decks... in fancy deck boxes with all the cards sleeved. Heehee.
  4. The way CoH is being shuttered (a very crappy way) is really turning me off from MMOs entirely. I mean, the kind of player I was, I was trying to get every character I had on Virtue to 50. I was gonna deck all of them out in purple and PvP IOs. I was gonna Incarnate all of them out. I was going to make a nice costume for every slot, and then buy more costume slots. I was going to fix some of my older level 50 characters that didn't really have the best names they could have. I was doing it all in a slow methodical way, because that was fun. And now I'm not gonna be able to do any of that. No amount of protesting from me will do any amount of good.

    At least with Sim City 4, it's not only got a great online community, but even though EA hasn't supported the game for years, I can still actually play the darned thing to my heart's content! No need for an Internet connection either. If I want to socialize, well... that's why I play the game in windowed mode, and why I keep up my browser and my AIM. So there. lol

    As far as social games go though, I'll probably stick with Magic the Gathering. If Hasbro ever decided to stop publishing the game, they're not going to send agents to my house to take back every card I've collected over the years.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
    Guess what? Time to destroy this game for the western market.
    How? DDOS attack the game servers forever?

    (No I'm not suggesting this.)
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    That was the Japanese. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. The Germans bombed London.

    "Forget it, he's rolling."

    Animal House
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
    What is the next move? Despite the outcome, there is still much that can be done, maybe not for a legitimate revival of Cox but we can still push back at NC in other ways, yes?
    Yes. We can attempt to collect an insane amount of money and then buy NCSoft for ourselves. Sounds like a rather villainous plot, don't it?
  8. Coyote_Seven


    You know, next to herding and blasting every foe on the map, what I miss second to that is herding every foe on the map and then confusing all of them.
  9. Well then. Our one last option is to wait for NCSoft to enter bankruptcy and be forced to liquidate all of its assets. We'd have to be collectively poised to pounce on that opportunity the moment it arrives. :P
  10. I have to admit though, I was pretty sure they were never going to allow CoH to live once they decided to close it down for good.

    It was still a noble effort on everyone's part who tried to save it. At least you tried.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The NCSOFT® Team View Post
  12. Watchers, Observers and Overseers. When they attack you with those mouths that look like eyes, they make a faint chomping sound that I'd heard in every cartoon in the 70's and 80's.
  13. 1: Write carefully worded letter.
    2: Fold letter and place in envelope.
    3: Toss envelope with enclosed letter in the trash.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Duck Dim Sum View Post
    Donde kielbasa Nintendo macadamia.
    Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena! Que tu cuerpo es pá darle alegria cosa buena. Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena. Hey Macarena!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turjan View Post
    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Statesman R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
  16. NCSoft petaQ! chaH 'oH Hutlh quv!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
    I propose that we name this planet "Petra".
    I think we should call it... "Your grave"!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    You want to go down that route, it should be "Gaeans."
    I suppose naming the planet after an ancient Greek goddess is a little better. I think we can do even better than that, though!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Solution: Denizens of Sol 3. Happy?
    Seriously, we named our sun "Sun"? As if there are no other suns? Oh wait, those are "stars".
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    We could go with "Earthlings" but far too many of us revel in jingoism and religious fanaticism for that to ever catch hold.
    "Dirtlings". Seriously, who names their planet "dirt"?

    "Terran" has a better ring to it, though that's still "person of the land". "What land?" "This land!" As if there were no other land.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Toerag View Post
    I remember talking to a Native American who hated the term Native American.

    He said that anybody who has a baby somewhere becomes a native of that land. Which means Native Americans described, to him, all parents in the USA.
    Once you start arguing semantics, you've lost.

    I'm part Hopi from my dad's side and part Aztec from my mom's side. Culturally though, we're Mexican American. So... yeah!
  22. Well what do you know, I got 550 points as well.

    I'd been down to 8 points, as I'd spent nearly all of them to get Nature Affinity right when it came out. :P
  23. Coyote_Seven


    Speaking of Baalah, I'm surprised almost no one ever got the reference whenever I played her.

    One person did, in fact, know where I got the name from. She thought it was pretty cool.
  24. Coyote_Seven


    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    what were your names
    Electric Fairy
    Cyborg Systre
    Marvin the Augmented
    Selene the Betrayer
    Defensebot SK-1
    Defensebot SK-2
    Monique (This one really needed a new name!)
    Endora (I was gonna get a name token to rename her Endora Idrelle)
    Lady Faraday
    Mouse Hunter
    Doctor Madrivet
    La Chica Loca