1776 -
Centuries from now, WoW would probably be the only MMO remembered from this era, if MMOs are remembered at all.
Last night, I held Aladdin's lamp. And so I wished that I could stay!
Before the thing could answer me though, someone came and took the lamp away.
I looked around, but a lousy candle was all I found! -
TBH I understand JKedan's point of view, along with the immense skepticism of a lot of the others still here. All we can really see with any certainty is our favorite game is about to go away forever. They're tired of lies, promises and rumors. They want something they can actually see. They want solid, undeniable facts. Anything less than that is going to be viewed with great suspicion and doubt.
Quote:Hey now, if it's one thing Americans are entitled to, it's criticizing. Qualifications be damned! It's why we fought for our independence, or something.Oh. And for those of you who wonder why I read so much into what seems so little? Try arguing committing millions of dollars of your company's credit to something that has the slightest hint of being shaky. And on top of that I'd have to show to any potential VC people that there was no cause for alarm. I was authorized to make inquiries ONLY. I do my job, and I do it well. There's only one or two people in this thread who have the necessary qualifications to fully criticize my methodology and not one of them has attacked my competence.
It does strain credibility. Could I get in contact with Tim Cook by way of an Apple store? Could I seek an audience with Pope Benedict XVI by going to a local Roman Catholic church and asking one of the deacons? Could I get in contact with U.S. President Barack Obama by asking a clerk at my local city hall?
Quote:The Commodore 64 came with 64 kilobytes of RAM, hence its name. Of course it wasn't able to address all of that RAM normally, as some of that address space needed to be used by other things. Though it was possible to "shadow" the ROM into the underlying RAM, where it could be further modified.Not sure about Atari and Commodore, but the minimum RAM for an Apple II was 4K (which is 4096 bytes, a K being 1024 which is an even power of 2). When I got one, I splurged and got 16K.
Of all the memory locations on the C64 that I memorized, I still remember three of them. Locations 53280 and 53281; the color of the video screen background and border, and location 828; the start of the datasette input buffer. -
Quote:I suddenly imagined you as the Gaim, when Sheridan was trying to convince the League of non-aligned worlds to combine their forces against the growing darkness. Sheridan had to force Kosh to launch a Vorlon fleet directly against the Shadows and he was killed in retaliation.Given this state, along with the fact that the burden of proof generally rests with those making a claim, I don't think it is unreasonable to require more than faith to accept certain claims as fact.
And now Kosh is dead! I hope you're happy! -
Quote:I doubt we ever would get proof, assuming it really happened. Someone would have had to have known beforehand, and bugged the meeting rooms.I keep seeing this, or stories like this, with the $80 M price tag referenced, but never any link to actual proof. Invariably, the trail leads to an "I know a guy who knows a guy, and I'll say more when I have confirmation" style post.
I'd really like to see actual proof that this is more than heresay so often repeated that adherents have accepted it as fact, preferably from the party or parties who made the offers. -
Quote:The original chip set had a 6-bit color palette, tho you could only select 16 or 32 of them at once, except in special modes.Well, the "page" size for the 65xx processors was 256 bytes (Zero page was important because of the useful instructions specific to it). 4096 bytes was the memory segment boundary for 80x86 machines. I don't recall an application offhand for Commodore machines. Something is niggling at the back of my memory but I can't place it.
Quote:I think the skepticism from others is that there are apparently more direct ways to get in contact with Taek Jin Kim.Depends very much on the manager.
My dad was a VP of a McDonald's franchise.
And the manager does know a few contacts. If you have sufficient cause that will attract his attention you have chance. I spent a few days bouncing around a couple of months ago getting hold of a regional manager for the corporation. And I started with a local store manager. Unless you already have an existing relationship with the company you always start with someone at the bottom of he hierarchy.
You want to talk to him? Give me a decent reason other than simply wanting to say "Hi" and I can probably figure something out.
Edit: Also, I think I'd be more interested in contacting Leslie Moonves, Chairman of CBS. Erm... but I already have a way to do that now that I remember. -
Quote:So he's either a fool with money, or else he's playing the largest prank on us this side of alt.syntax.tactical*. Since I have no direct involvement either way, I choose to remain indifferent.It's amazing that people are still acting like he's serious. But it explains a lot about the total myopia of the saveCoH faction. So far the two "serious attempts" to buy out the franchise that I know about have boiled down to one company with no track record that incorporated a week after the closure announcement, and someone who filed a support ticket and gave up.
*(Oops, I meant lulz.net!) -
And speaking of Commodore and Amiga computers, this is my 4,096th post! I was afraid I'd never make it. Phew!
Only die-hard fans will get the reference I think. -
Quote:A rather badly managed pioneer. I weep for what they could have been, as I weep for Atari.Oh, my first computer was a Commodore Vic-20.
I've been watching that sub-thread with interest, debating comment.
Commodore was a pioneer.
...don't be fooled by that imposter that goes around wearing Atari's logo nowadays! Harumph. -
Oh yeah, and she still rubs me the wrong way. Some of the things she's said here over the years have been rather ludicrous. Not that I'm the paragon of sanity, mind you.
Well, he also said "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". Right now, I see many players of GW2 and few players of CoH. It would be wrong to deny them their fun simply because it was a means to an end to our own.
Quote:Now I'm wondering how long it would take to reach James A. Skinner, vice chairman and CEO of McDonald's, by way of the manager of the most local restaurant.Dude. You contacted a GM. Their job is to type /stuck and find Random Critter In A Cubbyhole for people all day. They might not even be ran by the same people. You didn't try any legitimate avenue of approach.
Whether you call them amateurs, novices, or just downright ignorant, these people are it. -
Quote:Damn, where were you white knights after Commodore went bankrupt? LOLI AM a programmer. Been so for over 30+ years. I've also had a connection in some capacity to either the gaming or entertainment industries for nearly as long.
I'm also the IT lead/COO for a startup game software company. In fact I was one of the company reps that tried to talk to NCSoft about buying out the City of Heroes game.
We are also one of the corporate sponsors and contributors for this Plan Z project, and I'm sure there will be others.
We have already assembled a pool of professional programming, art, voice, sound, etc. talent with extensive histories in the game software industry.
EDIT: Oops, I meant to mention increased support for the ReactOS project! I guess I still miss certain things a lot harder than I thought. lol -
This is why when Vader died, he placed his hand on Luke's head and said, "remember". And they shot his body in a torpedo casing that soft landed on the Genesis planet, so...
I had an Amiga 2000. I got it in 1988. I didn't stop using it daily until some time in 1998. By then it had a 50 MHz '030 with 4 megs of 32-bit fast RAM and 2 megs of chip RAM, extra serial and parallel ports, a CD-ROM drive and a 3 gig IDE hard drive, running Amiga OS 3.5.
I always suspected that GG was evil. Now that the sun is nearly set on the game, I think that's becoming ever more obvious!
I'd expect it to go like it does in Hollywood after a series is canceled. Something gets stored somewhere in some half-hearted attempt that no one still around even cares about, and then completely forgotten after that.
Maybe someone else will find those drives containing the stored data. And you know, later on they need them for something and they're too cheap to buy new hardware, so... bye bye whatever was on there! No one must have cared about it anyway if it was just sitting there with no labels or notes.
I'm just saying that you shouldn't count on it being saved, even if they're obligated to do so. "Accidents happen" and all that. -
My guess is the hard drives will be reformatted so the server hardware can be used for something else, and that no one in charge is even interested in saving anything.
I disagree. An opinion made by an intelligent and educated person and based on experience, knowledge and the facts at hand is better than an opinion based on ignorance, assumption, superstition, and knee-jerk reaction. Both may "add meaning" to their observations, but I'd give more credence to the former and probably none at all to the later.