Comrade Hero

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  1. Comrade Hero and Graviton Girl Triptych. Pencils by Ian Richardson. Inks by Tom Parrish. Colors to follow by Simon Gough.

    Triptych 3:

  2. Comrade Hero and Graviton Girl Triptych. Pencils by Ian Richardson. Inks by Tom Parrish. Colors to follow by Simon Gough.

    Triptych 2:

  3. Comrade Hero and Graviton Girl Triptych. Pencils by Ian Richardson. Inks by Tom Parrish. Colors to follow by Simon Gough.

    Triptych 1:

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Pencils by Ian?
    The brain failed me...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    Entirely Awesome!

    Be Well!
    Thanks. Been a while coming. Can't wait to see how the colors turn out.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _BAS_ View Post
    Comrade Hero needs to comment in this thread
    Must resist urge to post...
  7. Comrade Hero and Graviton Girl Triptych Assembled. Pencils by Ian Richardson. Inks by Tom Parrish. Colors to follow by Simon Gough.

  8. Comrade Hero

    *peeks head in*

    Nice to see you, to see you nice.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Major_T View Post
    Sorry you didn't win, but the consolation prize sounds pretty nice.
    It's all good, and the Marker Set will be donated to one of the art departments at a local school or polytechnic.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Enjoy donating those markers!

    I'm sure they will make some artist (or school classroom) happy.
    I know right? Of course I'll be waiting to receive the markers first before I can donate them. But every little bit helps these days for schools with funding being on a strict budget.
  11. Hi all, just wanted to thank everyone who voted for Comrade Hero in Create a Superhero for the Stan Lee Foundation.

    I was contacted by Talenthouse on Friday who informed me that Comrade Hero was amongst the top 100 highest voted submissions in the Stan Lee Foundation and Todd McFarlane creative invite.

    As a result of your support, a shiny new set of Prismacolor Premier Illustration markers will be sent to me.

    Thanks you all!

    James Hansard aka Comrade Hero.
  12. Hi all, just wanted to thank everyone who voted for Comrade Hero in Create a Superhero for the Stan Lee Foundation.

    I was contacted by Talenthouse on Friday who informed me that Comrade Hero was amongst the top 100 highest voted submissions in the Stan Lee Foundation and Todd McFarlane creative invite.

    As a result of your support, a shiny new set of Prismacolor Premier Illustration markers will be sent to me.

    Thanks you all!

    James Hansard aka Comrade Hero.
  13. Comrade Hero

    Stolen artwork?

    Originally Posted by ransim View Post
    I believe Comrade Hero already notified Juggs but you can toss a note to the other artist for the Rowr piece so they can file a complaint with ebay.

    I imagine the vast majority of that person's stuff is stolen/unauthorized media use.
    Unfortunately there was a major blackout yesterday in this region. The wild weather cut power my entire town and has only come back on recently. Have contacted Ed and sent along the details raised by the vigilant City of Heroes folks.
  14. Comrade Hero

    Stolen artwork?

    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Never saw the first two pieces before but you could ask Comrade Hero here on the forums since he is one of the people in that SG pic that
    is still around (I also see Thor's Assassin, Turbo Ski, MsFrost, Roxstar, etc but none of them have posted here in a while)
    or you could go right to the source and shoot a note to Ed (aka Juggertha) on DA since that
    group pic is clearly one of his pieces... his style is pretty unmistakable.
    Originally Posted by ransim View Post
    Here is another one from the same person:

    That is certainly Juggertha's (Ed Foychuk's) style.Here's the single image that Ed did:

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    He's a very good drawer of stuff.
    Agreed a very good drawer of stuff.

    Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
    CH! I am such a fan of your collection! I love the pieces from Ian!! They are FANtastik! I am curious, tho, what do you do with all of your artz? Do you just keep them posted online? Hang 'em on all of the walls in your home? Where do you keep all of these great pieces?

    And gratz on being chosen for the "pilot"! I predict that New Zealand on Air will say YES!!
    Up until 2010 a lot of the pieces of commissioned art were mainly for personal viewing. Only a few were printed out. When I started completing my Diploma in Creative Writing a lot of the commissioned artwork started being tied into my Comrade Hero project work and ended up being used in promotional and presentational works. Most of the original artwork I haven't opened from the packages that they came in and have stored them away. I tend to get digital copies sent in TIFF or PSD format where possible.

    And thanks for the vote of encouragement VexXxa, fingers crossed.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
    Gorgeous pieces, congrats on the pilot too... couldn't happen to a nicer guy!
    Awww... shucks. Although I won't start patting myself on the back until I see something in writing. So until then I just keep plodding along and preparing contestable arts funding applications.

    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Yeah I'm kinda known for doing that.

    Love the way that tri-panel is looking, can't wait to see what approach the colorist will take.
    ...wonder if I could draw something in that style.

    P.S. now the infinity symbol is a bit crooked. It appears to be facing the viewer almost straight on even though GG is in ¾'s view
    and it's flat across the bottom rather than elliptical... but it does look like part of the fabric.

    Also, granted this is getting right down into the little details, now that I let my eyes wander over it for another minute or so
    I notice Comrade Hero's gloves don't match. In the center panel his right glove has the pleat on the pinky side and his left has it
    on top along with the knuckles. In the right side panel his right glove doesn't show it at all (which is perfectly plausible from that angle)
    but the left one has the notch thumb side. I would suggest the pinky side makes more sense so center panel: right glove is fine but on the
    left glove the notch should be rotated back and be barely visible or gone altogether & right panel: right glove is fine but left glove notch should
    move to pinky side. Unless you prefer the notch/pleat to be thumbside in which case reverse the above.

    GG's gloves are fine with the notch on the bottom and correctly match in all three panels.
    I had no idea that a piece of art composed across three (or more) sections is known as a Triptych - I had to look that up after I saw Ian referring to the term.

    Although it's not entirely clear from the pencils, Comrade Hero is standing atop a mountain of urban rubble (king of the hill), whilst Graviton Girl stands on a mountain summit (king - queen - of the world).

    And have passed your feedback onto Ian.

  17. This is how the Comrade Hero and Graviton Girl Triptych looks when viewed as one.

  18. And the final panel penciled by Ian Richardson. To be inked in due course.

    Simon Gough will be doing the coloring duties, providing a continuous sky background that runs across all three panels.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Attache View Post
    Great stuff here, CH, and congrats on the potential pilot. That's awesome, man.
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    I love when you post something new because they are always outstanding. I really love that latest one. Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks for the support. If the Comrade Hero Pilot (It still feels weird saying that) gets the nod from New Zealand on Air, then it will initially be produced for Maori Television's Te Reo channel.

    It would be a bilingual (Maori and English) production for television broadcast and online. The waiting time for decisions from New Zealand on Air is about 8-12 weeks so I won't know anything until around June - July.

    In the meantime I keep on rolling ever slowly onwards.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Muse View Post
    I love the art work.
    Thanks muchly. Ian has done a wonderful job.

    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    A Comrade Hero cartoon? ummm how soon and what channel (or website) will I be watching them on is what I wanna know!

    Also those last two pieces are some exceptional pencils. Hadn't heard of Ian before but I'm off to browse his gallery now.

    P.S. One thing though, in that first piece Graviton Girl's chest emblem is not following the contours
    of her chest and so appears to be a solid object floating on top of her outfit rather than a pattern on the fabric itself.
    You're right! I'll drop a note off to Ian about that. I didn't even notice that.

    I was referred to Ian at the end of last year by a colorist. At the time Ian was having one of those Christmas Holiday sales. I started out just wanting one piece - but after seeing the three different commission sketches he showed me, I wanted all three put in an extended wraparound.

    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I thought the same thing. But the rest of the drawing is the cat's pyjamas.
    My cat doesn't wear pajamas, but I've certainly lost a few socks and woolen jerseys over the years.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    Congrats and good luck!!

    And awesome piece, can't wiat to see it finished...
    Fingers crossed, although the wait time is about 12 weeks for confirmation from New Zealand on Air in respects to broadcast funding. So no holding my breath.

    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Dude, that's awesome. I also know a place where you can get free character ideas for red shirts and stuff.
    Funny you should mention that... but that's something intended in the near future.

    Originally Posted by Muse View Post
    That's awesome. Good luck!
    Thanks muchly, and without further ado... here's the center panel by Ian Richardson.

  22. Been a while since my last update by that's mainly because I've been in discussions with a Production Company in New Zealand for the past month interested in an animated television pilot of Comrade Hero. With a Broadcast commitment secured, and the Proposal and Treatment approved, an application for funding was recently sent through to New Zealand on Air. I've gone off on a bit of a tangent here from wanting to have a publication, but if you can secure a broadcast series... well now.

    Anyway, Ian Richardson has been working on Triptychstyled pieces for me. First of three presented below. Comrade Hero and Graviton Girl. To be inked and colored.

  23. Comrade Hero

    Feral Kat artz!

    Fantastic, can't wait to see how this unfolds.
  24. To pull this kicking and screaming back on topic the Secret World Chronicle has been a series of podcasts for a number of years.

    Mercedes Lackey the creator is a well published author is involved with the CCCP on Pinnacle (the Coalition of Communist Crusaders for the Internet). She's even been featured on City of Heroes as a guest contributer for a Mission Architect story.