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  1. CommunistPenguin

    Sick of Super 8

    I thought it was okay, but kinda forgettable. I liked that it was lacking in any major stars. I think it was well made, I just think that it was missing something to make it a great movie. I would give it like an 83ish score.
  2. CommunistPenguin

    Steam pack

    In the steam punk pack, add the new jacket steampunk jacket options to jackets WITHOUT sleeves as well as jackets with sleeves.
  3. They would be better If you could craft mutiple charges of them. So if craft multiple of the same power, you get more and more uses of said power. Right now you can only craft one copy of the temp power till you use it up.
  4. Some of the /dark powers ahve skulls as part of the fx, so I would just recolor Rad.
  5. CommunistPenguin

    Kung Fu Panda 2

    I do like that they didnt really inflate power levels to bad. While he did learn a new Technique, it wasnt a DBZ style powerup, but more achieved through personal growth.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
    OK I can see that.
    To me however it seems more of a reference to "The States" - a term used by many to mean the USA (aka - im going on a holiday to the States).

    But that is how I hear the term and Im sure others will differ - we are individuals after all.
    While it can be open to interpretation, Most Americans dont refer to themselves as "from the states" We just call ourselves Americans. So states-man wouldnt make sense in that context to most people living in Paragon.
  7. CommunistPenguin

    Ancient Japan!

    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    one addendum to this idea, another idea that has floated is reoing some of the dead space in steel canyon with a "little tokyo/hong kong/seoul" type area where immigrants in the past bonded together in a tight community and still show traces in the architecture and culture of the area, that might be a way to introduce the content, on a scaled down level, while not spreading the community even more thin.
    Technically speaking... Isnt a hmong-town supposed to be in Skyway? There is a contact there, Kong Bao, who is supposed to be a big man in the Hmong community...Plus Thao Ku, another notable Hmong, is also located there and Cho Ge an ex Tsoo reformed gangsta is there... Granted I dont recall any Tsoo in Skyway, but thats probably due to the bass akwards design of the original game.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
    Statesman wears as close to the American flag as you can get (without breaching whatever that legal reason was) - even his NAME referes to the United States.
    Im pretty sure the term "statesman" isnt exclusive to the US...
  9. CommunistPenguin

    Ancient Japan!

    Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
    This is a pretty good idea And we have a basis for it in place through the Tsoo and their relationship with their Ancient Spirits.
    The Tsoo are Hmong, not Japanese
  10. CommunistPenguin

    Kung Fu Panda 2

    I saw it as the middle part of a triple feature at a drive in toniht. I thought it was very well done, and totally sets up a for a threequel.
  11. assault sets dont have to be ranged. They are technically sort of like a blasters secondary, just highly modified.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
    The horrible nature of ice shields have kept me from making any sort of ice-shielding character. Really, I hate any shields that obscure me but ice is especially bad.
    the funny thing is, if you just eliminate the ice cube part and leave the particle effects, it looks good.
  13. I actually was against inherent stamina...
  14. Im happy not to have to buff whole teams individually any more. Honestly, out of all the power inflation we are getting, this is really on the low end of the spectrum, since it doesnt really increase our power so much as decrease our annoyance.
  15. Just to toss this out there... Is kinda hard to tell when the buffs wear off. In the early levels theres not much goin on, so its pretty obvious. In the later levels i can barely see MY character through all the differnt power animations going on much less watch to see when a specific buff starts to drop. I also have my buff Icons turned off, cause otherwise they take up the whole screen.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Oooh, a list to go through.

    Initially they weren't sure it would be doable. They'd planned the Avilian EAT (which I *do* still wish they'd do) to give the players "something winged," then worked out the animation for just wings.

    See earlier comment to Geko.

    This was never a "wouldn't do." When initially asked about it, we had the 15 person dev team. I believe BABs comment was "sure, we COULD do it, but you'd get absolutely nothing else for at least a year, it would take that much work."

    I don't believe they ever said they couldn't/wouldn't do this.

    Show me a villain AT with empathy. You can side-switch a hero. They still seem philosophically against giving it to Corruptors/MMs.

    Again, show me where they said they couldn't/wouldn't do this. They may not have had a way *figured out* to do it, but that's different from couldn't or wouldn't.

    Another I don't believe I'd ever heard them say they couldn't/wouldn't do so. Though saying "They shouldn't have done it" is rather fair, given the dismal state of PVP these days.

    Now, yes, the ones I don't recall hearing are from memory - but these sorts of things tend(ed) to come up a lot.
    Alot of my list was crap statesman said back in the day. The no flashback thing for example. His "vision" was for each characters story to be unique or something stupid like that. Same goes for the pvp thing, they originally didnt want to confuse the players by having it work differntly depending on how it was used. It doesnt matter if "villain" At's can have empathy or not, Villains can. The devs reasoning was that Empathy didnt fit with villains. Since side switching can turn you into a villain it counts. Also, I did name my list stuff they COULNDT/wouldnt do. So that would cover both the wings and the tintable powers. It doesnt matter that they were shortstaffed at the time, they still said it.

    However, I dont really want to get into pointless argument about it since I dont really care, I just want to roll Blasters red side from level one.
  17. The knee high socks on the sneakers have got to go.
  18. Things we have the devs said they couldnt/wouldnt do:

    1) Wings
    2) merged Markets
    3) Tintable powers (it was "baked in")
    4) Side switching
    5) Empathy on a villan
    6) Flashback system(ourobourous)
    7) Having powers work differntly in pvp from pve

    Honestly I like Praetoria, but not every Character I make is Praetorian. If I want to make a Hellion themed character, Being a blaster would work best imo (ar/fire) but I can only do that as a hero or praetorian. Conversely being a kid genius would work best as a mastermind, but I would have to be a villan.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
    TrueGentleman wins the thread, not only for getting the highest score, but also for providing a Cole Porter link.

    This reminds me, having had to type "Shakespeare" a bunch of times on this thing, now I can understand how the man seemingly had so much trouble spelling his own name consistently.
    Ctrl C, Ctrl V
  20. Since the global server merge my game has been running strangely. The best way to describe it, is its as if everything is running at about 75% the speed it should. Animations take longer to the point where damage is dealt before some finish. Jumping feels very floaty, like im moving underwater. I get a good bit of rubber banding if I use Super Jump. My ping is around 99-110 depending on what im doing. My netgraph stays in the low green with little to no spikes. My computer is pretty new, I just replaced most of the parts this year. Ive run numerous virus scans and they come up clean. I didnt have any serious lag problems prior to the merge.
  21. I also recommend starting with the guards over the wizards. I love just about everything that I have read from him, and I dont think he has any really "bad" books. His weakest novels are imo:

    The last continent
    Unseen academicals
    The colour of magic/light fantastic
    I shall wear midnight

    Personally, Im not a huge fan of Reaper man, though lots of people like it.

    As for Gaiman, I recommend Anasi boys over American Gods. I found the story to be tighter and better written.
  22. It would be really nice if we got to do this now. Preatoria is okay and all, but sometimes you wanna start in the old zones.

    Epic AT's can be exempt from this.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Broomhilda View Post
    Honestly I hope they are not working on a CoH2, they cant even get the first one fixed.. So the hope that they would get a second one right is pretty null and void.
    Alot of times its easier to start from scratch than to try and fix something that has become incredibly convoluted. Fort one, you have learned some of the problems you will face from the previous game and can adjust your framework around it from day 1.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jaxon_Kain View Post
    This power would be pretty hot. Not just the instant transport of goods and materials around the world, but, say, to other planets. How much do you think governments and other industries would pay for a research outpost on Mars?
    No, your thinking too small. I would claim mars as my own planet and using my new found wealth, create a city there.

    Also, the way not to get lombotomized? Dont tell anyone you can do it. Create a fake machine that "maintains" the portals. Actually, having the ability to create machines to maintain the portals would be preferable anyway, as then humanity can continue to use them when your dead.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
    No thanks. If the game goes F2P it means you pay more in the long run because all the new stuff that gets added is 'premium content' and has a charge.

    I prefer my $11/mo (annual subscription) to being micro-transactioned to death.
    They could go the DDO route, and have subscribers get all content free while F2P people have limited content with the option to bay ala cart.

    Not that I want it to go F2P, just sayin they could do it so subscribers arent screwed.