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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MayorOfAngrytown View Post
    So, with 2XP weekend coming up, I'm thinking about trying something different. I've not tried Tanks before, and I like the idea of something ice related just to add to the newness.

    Anyone got tips/advice for the above options? Or other ideas?
    I love my Ice/SS, and I have invested a whole lot of time and inf to power him up. I have three different IO'd Ice/ tankers, and the hardest one to kill by very far is my Ice/Dark melee.

    But, since I want to try something new as well and I have been looking and reading here and on Mids, I have to give my vote for the most rare combo and perhaps underestimated build-

    Dark / Ice melee tanker, a controller and a tanker at the same time. Some very decent resists, a self heal, control powers on both sets, Ice melee has some very very good AoE/Cone dmg...

    I never made one but the more I learn about it, the more I am convinced.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellyButtonJelly View Post
    Just tryin to make it straight forward. Just the natural buffs is all you should need.
    I have been as straight forward since my first post in this thread, please refer to it. More straightforward than the math written here is the math shown in my practice alone or vs others.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Krom_ View Post
    For some it's a measure of build\farm effectiveness that way you don't rely upon them to measure how good your farming is.
    Which really does not have much of a strong point since they can take the same inspirations as the next guy and they drop as you kill. When I was timing the fire/fire/fire tanker I did notice he/she took a lot more reds than the others I was timing. Yet, with 4-5 reds, the tanker was still doing less dmg than ss/fire brute with very high fury.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
    I respecced my fort about 4 times to get it just right, and I would happily take it to arena against blasters, and Domi's alike...
    Are you in freedom? If so send me a private message. I would like to watch your Fortunata vs some of the blasters which usually hang out in Pocket D.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueDarkLord View Post
    For fighting blasters or doms I'd recommend sonic/therm or dark/cold corrs..
    But a good fort should wreck any blaster/Dom without def debuffs

    The year is 2011. i12 and i13 are long long gone. A good fort will still be a losing fort vs good psy blasters and Dom's. More dmg from blasters, receiving a major nerf in def/elusivity, blasters or Doms and other squishies taking resists plus the game given resists (that will give higher resists to the other squishies than the Fort will have).

    It is an uphill battle for the Fort in these days.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    I'd agree with this concept.

    I think one of the reasons that Scrappers can get away with two damage aura's is that on scrappers the armor attack powers; such as Blazing Aura, Burn, consume, Shield Charge, and Death Shroud; do not benefit from critical strikes.

    On brutes those same armor attack powers do benefit from Fury.

    I know how quickly my own Spines / Fire can rip through mobs on it's own... Spines / Fire with Fury Boost? And Build Up? And Fiery Embrace? That could get a teensy bit unbalanced...

    It would just be a sight to behold to see a brute throw spines or do Ripper, or even just spine burst with 70+ fury AND have DoT aura and fire aura (which is already pretty strong tool for brutes who farm)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black_Aftermath View Post
    Hey All,

    I know that some people look down on farming, or think it's boring. I however have come to enjoy some of the AE farms. My Arch/MM blaster loads of fun but is more of a second farmer and not the main attraction.

    So, I've come to look for the Main Attraction. Returning from a year long hiatus, Brutes and Fire/Kin trollers used to be top dog. I can afford the most expensive builds, so no holds barred, what is my best bet?

    I assume it's a Brute, but I'll go with whatever AT necessary.
    I have raced the following builds in ambushes vs 54s:

    Fire/fire/fire tank

    Fire/fire/fire brute

    Elec/fire/fire brute

    elec/fire/mu brute

    spines/fire scrapper

    fire/ss/fire tank

    I have beaten them all with my SS/Fire/Mu. The closest rival came 2 minutes and 20 seconds within my time. Rage, especially double stacked makes a huge difference. I will admit, outside of vs fire dmg, this build can be such an aggro monster and be SOOOO squishy.

    My build has a global recharge of 80%, no accolades, yep, no accolades whatsoever. I don't sit and wait for Foot stomp. I always have, at different times or at the same time, burn, ball lightning, fences, and foot stomp available. The dmg is mouth watering once fury is even at just 60 percent. I don't even run blazing aura. I do enough dmg without throwing all that end away. I pack no blues when going in. I only take them while in mish because I want to make room for red drops (hoping they drop).

    With fire/kin trollers, we can not race vs the same class of opponents all the time, fire/kin trollers will be massacred in ambushes. I have done "Battle for TV" and BM at lvl 52s and set for 6-8 people, once the brute reaches about 40 or 45 fury, he's way too fast, one ball lighting and foot stomp wipes almost all, but if burn begins the animation, I can rest assure the spawn will be cleared and I can move on. If SS/Fire/Mu can drop 54s very quickly with just 3 attacks, I can just look at 52s from a distance and they become ashes.

    So, for efficiency and speed vs a very limited type of dmg (fire dmg) vs 54s I will give the vote to SS/Fire/Mu brute.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord Mordeth View Post
    Simple question really.. or is it?

    As i know i don't want Nerve due to Rage and the rather sizable +tohit buff it grants when running.

    For the others, really don't know.. Musculature seems a tempting choice though, especially with the rare/very rare versions coming soon.

    Or maybe Cardiac boost? As with the Rage crashes, Foot Stomp/Knockout Blow/Fireball tossing, the end drains do stack up pretty quickly.

    Then again, maybe Spiritual would be the best choice, as it'd get all the AoE goodies charging faster, along with Fiery Embrace, Healing Flames and Hasten.

    But i don't know, all of them seem to have their ups and downs (except Nerve), so yeah.. could use some help picking out the alpha boost that would fit the character the best.

    Cardiac is head and shoulders more beneficial to your build. The dmg you will be dealing is massive already, so musculature is really not so attractive now because the return is small. Recharge... dont worry about it, with global recharge at even 70+ you will be fine.

    Cardiac solves many of the end issues you will face. I roll a lot faster on my brute since Cardiac.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psyrene View Post
    You also didn't take into account how much DR cuts into +damage bonuses.....
    That and the fact that with so many people with high global accuracy through PvP IOs or SS/ melee everywhere, you will get hit enough to faceplant you. You do not have much resists like some other squishies who can take their resists shiels or tough + game given resists.

    The cut in elusivity and the cut in dmg Forts received makes them meh, to put it mildly.

    Edit note: besides, for the amount of inf you spend on making a Fort better and better, you will get a lot more bang for the inf by just choosing another toon. That's IMO.
  10. Commando

    Aid on Regen?

    Go with hibernate. I rolled my eyes once I found out scrappers could get hibernate. Regen + Hibernate... go figure.
  11. You could also turn on Conserve power and if you have power boost, hit it b4 jumping in middle of mob with AA. It's nice.
  12. I ran Tin Mage with my Ice/SS tanker, and I ran it without having the Alpha slot slotted. He had Alpha unlocked.

    My tanker impressed me. He dropped once to Bobcat (she rolled what shee needed in order to hit). I appreciated the slow resist of Ice and I appreciated the 85%+ resists to defense debuff. My Ice/SS runs on 54 S/L Def and 56 Energy/Neg Energy Def and 23-36 Def to all others, even positional so popping even a medium purple was sweet for all inc attacks.

    I run tough and weave and aid self, with a 87.5 global recharge. HP is perma capped and Aid self recharges in 6 secs. Since I am defense, Aid self is reliable to use since the chances of them interrupting me are not that good.

    Throw Hibernate into it all, and smart tactics....

    Reading another post gave me the idea to have the temp resist power you get by running the arc in Striga. Using that plus tough or even an orange, will be very good. I will do it and carry it with me in my next runs. I though I would share this.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ORACLE View Post
    Look- I also do well with mine on pvp but thats not the point. Bottom line it is not an ideal farmer or pvper. All the things you mention as tradeoffs I am not trading off . Fire Kin wins on farming- even compared to a fire ss brute. I should also mention I hate playing my kin but for farming it wins. Nowadays if I want inf I marketeer.
    Brutes, well built, will beat any fire/kin, skills being the same. Brute's higher dmg cap, even 75 or 80 percent fury, double rage... protected from mez's, sorry. I have even raced fire/kins and I leave them behind. If it's for strictly farming, the brute will outperform the fire/kin. Heck, even before IO's, a fire/fire/weapons blaster would have beaten a Fire/Kin. THe following chain on a well built fire/fire/weapons blaster:

    Sleep grenade, Aim+BU, Fire Sword Circle, Fire Ball, and blaze the boss if it was alive, then move on. All that would happen so fast, it was silly.

    With AE and the capacity for SS/Fire (or even ele/fire) brutes to set the critters for fire dmg, there is NO competition. A brute will take on 54s and kill so fast, it's not even close, add to that the fact that a brute can handle a whole lot more mobs w/out worrying about dying.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Icesphere View Post
    Hey guys!

    Never made a tank before and was wondering what should my first tank be? I want ice because I don't see many people with it and it looks really amazing. On the other hand stone armor, i heard, is one of the hardest to bring down. People are always asking for a stone tank and generally want nothing to do with most others from what i've seen.

    I guess what i'm trying to say is: if i go with ice, can i make him so he is a badass tank and can take damage like other tanks? I know a lot of people will say "go with what i want", but if i can make my ice indestructable i would love to go that route. Any advice?
    I own 3 Ice/ tankers, and they are completely IO'd. The hardest one to kill is my Ice/Dm. I have done Tin Mage, STF, and other challenging TFs.

    If you are trying to decide between Ice/Ice or Stone/Stone, I would choose Ice/Ice.

    Warning: be careful, and don't believe anyone who tells you /Ice melee is not good or is only a controlling set. /Ice Melee is one of the secrets in the game for secondaries. The dmg is solid and reliable, and I will add very respectable dmg.

    Please look at the excellent guide for /Ice Melee dmg
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    DR is a tool that gives a lot more flexibility to designers when they are creating powerful effects. Without it, PVP would just come down to who can buff the fastest to get off their killing blow.

    I understand a hatred towards DR, as it really does monkeywrench a lot of builds, but it does give the Powers team a lot more flexibility in what they are allowed to create.
    I am particularly fustrated at how a Tank's shields are DR'd, and I am not even going to mention brutes. After spending so much inf to make the brute and the tanks, and then seeing the large cuts in their shields, for resists, I gave up. I no longer will accept any duels with DR on on those toons.

    Resist based melee toons have no PVP resist bonus from the game. When entering in arena with DR on, a tank vs a scrapper is at a BIG disadvantage. The dmg from the scrapper is not taking as much of a hit as a Tank's shields. The tank is only a bigger bag of HP's but with some shields that are not going to do much to even the fight. Now consider dmg procs, plus a scrapper's base dmg and Critical Hits... no, no way, am I accepting or dueling with DR on.

    Let me provide some numbers:

    On my Fire/Fire tanker with DR off

    Smashing/Lethal resists are at 79.6% (same as PvE). With DR on, they are at 49.97. 30% perccent cut is a vast cut in the resist. I will provide a practical example from real game play. I entered the arena with a claws/regen scrapper with DR on, the DPS from the claws scrapper (Captain IShredU/freedom) was so fast (and then factor the procs) that a 30 percent cut took my Fire/Fire tanker down in about 45 seconds. The 4 seconds delay of Healing Flames with DR on would not make a difference that much of a difference. The resist cut DID a significant difference. I entered the arena with DR off. Enormous difference, my resists were decidedly making a difference. I would not hit Healing flames faster than the 15 seconds I had with DR on. But his chances of losing were about as good as mine: no one lost; it was a draw.

    On my Elec/SS tanker with DR off

    Smashing/Lethal resists are 78.8% (same as PvE)
    Energy 90% (same as PvE)
    Psy 83.3 (this is due to resist and defenses now providing shields for all dmg in PVP) and electric in PVE gives my build a 73% resist shield)

    With DR on

    S/L resists are 49.57 (about 30 percent cut again)
    Energy 65.47 (about 25% percent cut)
    Psy 51.21 (22% percut cut from PvE, but a 32% percent cut from PvP DR off)

    I have duel'd about 20 or so Psy blasters in arena. I bring a whole tray of greens with DR on. The greens are saving me in such cases. I have beaten most of them, tied 3 times, lost once (lack of greens on that one, since i had two rows of reds). My resist cut make a dramatic difference in the fights.

    With DR off, yes, the blaster has his resists capped, but I also gain more of my resists to Psy. The one who has more chances of winning, if the blaster if playing for the win as well, in that fight is me. The record is 2 wins, 2 draws for me (blasters were all playing to win in those cases, the ties the blasters were less aggressive and more elusive). Those were vs some of the better blasters in Freedom. With DR on, I am a big bag of HPs with resists shields that a blaster with the rate of fire and the dmg output will wear down my Tank much much faster. I don't mind fighting squishies who have capped resists with DR off, I am just glad I have mine back.

    Add healing decay in zone, add travel suppression in zone... add these and other things in zone on top of DR ON and it's dislikeable.

    I duel now with DR off with my defense based toons or resists bases toons. If the opponent does not like it, that's fine. I am sure he/she will find someone who does want to duel with DR on.

    Very fustrating to invest 5-10 bill in a toon and have a huge chunk of what you invest DR'd. It was my money and my investment, let me decide if I want Diminished Returns. If and when I hear from others who have something to say about me not dueling with DR on anymore, I just ignore it. It's my decision if I want my stuff DR'd. I don't like it, and don't use it in arena.

    I just ask you to remove DR from zones as well.

    Edit notes: fixed some spelling errors and some grammatical errors. Excuse me if I made others which were not corrected, since work takes away my time.
  16. Commando

    FM attack chain?

    I solo'd the pylon with my fire/fire tanker. Before I give my chain, I would like to mention in addition to bruise for the -20 resist debuff, I do have the fury of the gladiator proc in Burn for the additional -20 percent, for a total of -40 resist debuff.

    My chain would be scorch, FS, incinerate, Burn (the new buff on burn gives it a very nice burst dmg upfront and for the -resist proc), and only when I have FE and BU, do I throw in GFS, for the proc and the additional burst of FE and BU, and the dmg is very good.

    I would throw in GFS when BU is up if I were a SD/FM. GFS hits like a truck when BU is up.
  17. A deal has been done. This offer is now closed.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zubenelgenubi View Post
    level 50 PvP IO
    First person with 2.5 billion takes it.

    Send a tell to @Zubenelgenubi (it's spelled exactly like it's pronounced)
    I am ready to buy it. I sent a mssg in game to your global. Mine is @voltak or @rocka wave
  19. I am ready to buy yet another one of these, I have the infl and I am logged on right now in the game. @Voltak or @Rocka Wave.

    Please have it crafted. lvl 10 preferred (for lvl slotting) but I will take lvl 50s as well.

    2.7 billion offered.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by No Torius View Post
    I must be missing something because if you look above it states:
    "The Market & Inventions This forum is to discuss the Consignment Market system and Inventions. Come here to make suggestions, bid or sell items, and discuss all features of the game economy. THIS IS FOR IN GAME ITEMS ONLY!"

    Are you suggesting the Dev create a new forum thread for selling items in addition to this one?
    In other words, this is the place. Need say more?
  21. All right, it seems the number of people who have this IO is just as rare as those who have the Panacea Proc available for sale or trade. I am not surprised.

    I am offering to sell it for 3 billion or I will trade for a Glad Armor, 3 Def (all)/Tp prot.

    @Voltak or @Rocka Wave
  22. So I respec'd one of my toons and I am getting rid of some of the stuff in it. I have this crafted, lvl 50. I would like to know if any other pvp'er here would like to trade it for a Glad armor, 3 Def/Tp Prot.

    @Rocka Wave or @Voltak
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post

    If we look at the base numbers:

    CS- damage: 441, recharge: 20 secs, cast time: 2.83 (stun mag 3, 2 secs)

    HS- damage: 236 (472.73 with BU), recharge 14 secs, cast time: 2.33 secs.

    GFS- damage: 247.25 (514.42 with BU) recharge 12 secs, cast time: 2.33 secs.

    EC- damage: 241.84 (483.68 with FC) recharge 12 secs, cast: 2.53 secs (mag 3 stun 2.4 secs)

    At first glance, yes CS seems OP (which is why you see so many of these running around in RV and such) it seemly gets its build up (+damage) thrown into each attack it does, however, here are some of the key points that makes KM not as OP as it looks:

    1st) For powersets with Build up/focus Chi you can often get off 2 attacks while still the +damage buff is still running.

    2nd) CS lacks the ability to 'critical hit' which a fair amount of spike damage to other scrapper powersets.
    You must add Thunderstrike hits multiple opponents. Increasing the dmg of thunderstrike and keeping it an AoE is not very good.
  24. I want to trade this bad boy for a Glad Armor, 3 Def all/Tp Prot, crafted. You can reach me in game, @Voltak or @Rocka Wave.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psycho007 View Post
    Bids will be open here until this sunday night. Bidding begins at 2 billion and last bid wins all. Let the games begin
    I am willing to trade that for Panacea Regen/recovery/hitpoints Proc, already crafted; let me know. @Voltak or @Rocka Wave, anyone.