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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post

    Yellow Taunt: This team will consist of 6 yellow mito taunters (tanks) and 2 support personnel (emps). Tanks to keep yellow mitos taunted and the support to keep the tanks alive.

    Scrapper Assault: This team will consist of scrappers and support. Their job is to take out the Yellow mitos.

    The Hami taunt team will go in first followed closely by the Yellow taunt team. Once aggro is under control, the other teams will follow (wait for the calls!) starting with the the closest yellow. Scrapper assault will target the yellow while the Ranged assault targets the blue closest to that yellow. This will make it easier for the scrapper team to wipe out the yellow because the green will heal the blue. Sometimes the blue will go down, sometimes it won't. Once the yellow is down, the Scrapper team moves clockwise around with the Ranged assault following. The main goal during this time is to take down the yellow ASAP.
    The yellow taunt team needs to joing the assualt team as you move around the goo as the taunters mito is down if they attack the next yellow mito it will help bring the yellows down faster.
  2. oooo someone mentioned me in there post me happy now!!!

    But i know what you are saying.
  3. Cold_Eng

    Just wondering

    Ill be your friend!!!
  4. If that is all of liberty this serever is in trouble!!!!
  5. Cold_Eng

    Hamidon Raids

    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
    You act like it's never been done on another server.
    Not what i am implying at all my point is and i am not the only one that feels this way is that the self proclaimed leaders of this server never saw fit to try and reach out to ppl on this server for help that have done the new raid format several times most everyone remembers the epic fails. I will still be surprised if half the ppl don't leave after the first zone wipe.
  6. Cold_Eng

    Hamidon Raids

    Nope im not saying you are not welcome there are many on this server that want to say it is the friendliest server and that is full of lol. I posted about 3 or 4 months ago that i may be willing to lead a raid again and got very little reaction. There is a click on this server and if you are not in the click well you don't count. Tell me it's not true all you want but it is i know for a fact that a well respected person on this server changed there name and posted something and got nothing if ppl had know who it really was a crowd of ppl would have been running to do the event.
  7. Cold_Eng

    Hamidon Raids

    You guys act like it has never been done on liberty and it is an insult to those of us that lead several completed raids on this server. Thats ok we never had help from other servers and if you looked hard enough out of your own little click of players you would find ppl on the server that know how to do this and how to lead it.
  8. Cold_Eng

    The Hunt!

    I will be there but who knows I may not be helping to get badges.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
    I'd advise anyone leading a raid to use the Request channel to give out instructions so to separate instructions from regular banter. However, the biggest source of communication IMO comes from the team leaders. The fact that the i9 raid has several teams with completely different objectives is what really separates it from its predecessor. Instead of one leader trying to explain all the pieces of the raid, having the team leads explain each team's role is much simpler and less confusing.
    There is the complete problem
    1 a team leader that knows what is going on and can explane it to there team can't get into zone.

    2 evreyone not listening and won't put request in a seperate tab because they are too busy talking to there buddy that they usually talk to on a global channel.

    I have lead succesful raids on liberty and I went to alot of the old raids. To my knowlage there are only a few ppl that have lead a succesful raid here. O and i forgot one other point ppl get upset when they die and start leaveing lol ppl need to expect a one wipe or 5 for the first few raids.
  10. Ok here is my 2 cents on a hami raid on this server. The problem with this server is that too many ppl are about I this and I that. The last raid that i lead was private up until about 1/2 hour before it started. It was planned with SG Coalitions and friends. We had all the main teams planned ahead of time. Then when it was time for the raid one of the team leaders were not able to get into the zone because it was full. We asked serveral times for anyone that was not on a team to leave the zone. Nothing happened. So i told everyone to move to hive 2 for the raid and several ppl left and went to hive 2 but we stayed and the leader of one of the teams was able to get in. Had it just been a friend that could not get in no big deal but he was part of what we planned. Then i got several hate tells from ppl so on so forth.

    One of the reasons other servers do these on a regular basis is they don't have the selfish ppl that just won't coperate, and they don't have all the chatter in broadcast that happens on this server, it is mostly quiet so everyone knows what is going on. I did 2 raids on vertue and it was ammazing how ppl listened and did what they are told. I am sure it can be done on this server on a regular basis but the right ppl need to be there and everyone needs to listen to what is going on.

    It is not like a mothership raid those are mindless and i am still not sure why anyone needs to lead those. Hell a team of 8 can do a mothership raid. So if ppl wanna nut up and do the right thing I might lead one.
  11. hmm maybe i will lead one again. we shall see.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shirai-Ryu View Post
    There was something about killing the GMs to make hami spawn, & then there's EoE's are now needed to resist hami damage?

    Correct you have to kill GM's to collect eoe's, and to spawn Hami once he spawns the GM's run away. So the old way of griefing hami like Robo is refering to can not longer be done.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shirai-Ryu View Post
    Not really sure, I was just following the pack & whamo next thing I knew was huge mob of monsters wiping us out.

    If you start from cowards rock you won't run into a monster wall.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feugan View Post
    Hax, lol I don't think it will be that bad seeing as the majority of those who had a problem with the last reps all play freedumb pvp now.

    Liberty PvPers are so few in number the only way PvP on this server will survive is by getting more PvErs interested in PvP... Having someone like Infernal Marquis is a good link between the two groups I think.

    With everyone moving to is the time to get new people into PvP without all the smacktalk and constant ganking... Your basically looking at creating a whole new PvP community.

    I like the idea of the PvP 101 stuff. Once i've fixed my computer I will be available to help out if you want me to.

    Im not a hax!!!!

    if you remember the time when all the reps quit Gunnr myself and a couple of others started weekly events just to keep things interesting.
  15. The thing is we went through this before the problem with the reps we had before was they didn't know anything about pvp and I still have trouble with a pvpec rep that doesn't know anything about pvp.

    P.S> Dandelo says HI!!!!! MUHAHAHA
  16. I thought the pvpec died or at least on this server.
  17. Cold_Eng

    SG League

    Great idea man if they bring base raids back i might reup my account for awial. One problem though with the lowered prices on base items they made it to easy for 2 ppl to have a great base. So the number of sg's out there has increased but alot of them are very small. Sure you have some big ones out there like the AG's but they are not as abundant as they were before when we were base raiding.
  18. as of monday i will no longer be playing cox
  19. Great Job everyone thanks for comeing!!!!!
  20. I am hosting a Hami raid this sat at 7:00 pm est we will meet at monster island at 6:00 pm east for eoe farming this is a public raid am hopeing all of you will do the right thing and farm eoe's and show up for the raid if it goes well and everyone listens i will run more.
  21. This will take place of this weeks friday nite fights.

    Gratz to Ice and all the AG's and thanks for giveing us a week off.
  22. Cold_Eng

    Hami Raid

    Well here is my 2 cents for what it is worth I hope you succeed i really do. I had been a major part in the 4 completed raids that have been done on this server. The best one was one that we did private up till the last 30 mins. That is the one that Massi is talking about. 1st don't spawn Hami until everyone is in zone as i mentioned in my prior post, as much as you think ppl will by eoe's and farm them alot of ppl will not. The monster phase only takes about 10 mins when everyone is in zone. It is all about timeing when you do your countdown everyone has to go when you say go. It can be done with 35 ppl in zone although it is a pain. lastly at the min you need one taunt team to taunt hami and 2 scrapper teams 4 buffed well built scrappers on one mito with the blasters shooting the blues and the mito drops quick the other scrappers are just a distraction they attack the other yellows and as the 4 scrappers move around the goo they pick up the other scrappers as they go. As i said this is a min and is tougher to do but we have done it this way.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    As long as all can play nice, then all is good, I would hate other events to get messed up cause others think it is fun to make events not fun for everyone else.

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    I would love to know who you are making reference to? I would love to think this is a "In general" statement but somehow I know better.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well i would be one she is refering to lol whats the matter afraid to name names im not. all i have to say is GRIEFERS FTW!!!!!
  24. nope tempty is my beginner partner o wait in hosting not participateing. Darn