97 -
may I suggest another set? (For when you miss)
numpad7 "bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken1.txt"
numpad8 "bind_load_file c:/empower/empower1.txt"
numpad9 "bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals1.xt"
numpad0 "bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep1.txt"
It would reset the combo. This may not be practical... (because if youre working fast, you've already cued up attack #2 before you can tell if #1 hit...), but maybe it's worth a try?
(please check syntax, I may be goofy)
[/ QUOTE ]
New to binding. What text file would you put these in (or what name would you make the text file)
[/ QUOTE ]
Those you would just bind in-game, no text file needed. -
That looks like it would work, nice idea!
Personaly, I find the attacks cycle fast enough to just finish through but if you need to reset the combo's that looks like it'll do it! -
were ya looking for something like that Badstorm?
[/ QUOTE ]
Perfect. I want to have your babies.
[/ QUOTE ]
You'll have to talk to Mrs. Roach about that, she doesn't like to share. -
Not a stupid question at all, and yes it does, but the bind cycles fast (3 lines). I have some chain binds that are over 40-50 lines. It won't keep you from attacking if you miss, it'll just load the next attack in the sequence (it's not perfect, just easier to run the combos).
were ya looking for something like that Badstorm?
Ok, gotta give some explanation on how these will work.
You can't just cut and paste into the coh menu and expect anything other than error messages then anger to the cockaroach. You are going to have to do some stuff outside the game first to get these to work right, but if you do, no more having to play hunt the orange circle, as long as you hit, the combo is programed. You don't even need a fancy keyboard to do it, just a little time.
First just copy the text as you see to a notepad .txt file. Then off your root c: drive click and make 4 folders named weaken, empower, vitals and sweep.
Copy each string of the chain into it's own .txt file; example:
numpad1 "powexec_name Nimble slash$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken2.txt" should be saved as a single .txt file named weaken1.txt
numpad1 "powexec_name Ablating Strike$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken3.txt" should be saved as a single .txt file named weaken2.txt
numpad1 "powexec_name Typhoon's Edge$$bind_load_file C:/weaken/weaken1.txt" should be saved as a single .txt file named weaken3.txt
So in your weaken folder you should have 3 .txt files weaken1-3.
Next, load up coh, go into your db character (these binds are for scrappers and brutes specificaly, if requested I'll make one for stalkers as well) and in your chat bar type:
/bind_load_file C:/weaken/weaken1.txt
If everything is done right what you have done is make your numpad1 key your "weaken combo" key. Now test it out, each time to hit the key the next part of the combo should load. One combo now on one key.
Each one should be an indivdual button press. It's a chain bind that just loads the next power into the same key.
Since this was requested...
(edit *this Is for Brutes)
weaken combo
numpad1 "powexec_name Nimble slash$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken2.txt"
numpad1 "powexec_name Ablating Strike$$bind_load_file c:/weaken/weaken3.txt"
numpad1 "powexec_name Typhoon's Edge$$bind_load_file C:/weaken/weaken1.txt"
Empower Combo
numpad2 "powexec_name Nimble Slash$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower2.txt"
numpad2 "powexec_name Ablating Strike$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower3.txt"
numpad2 "powexec_name Blinding Feint$$bind_load_file c:/empower/empower1.txt"
Attack Vitals combo
numpad3 "powexec_name Ablating Strike$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals2.txt"
numpad3 "powexec_name Sweeping STrike$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals3.txt"
numpad3 "powexec_name Vengeful Slice$$bind_load_file c:/vitals/vitals1.txt"
(Just reverse sweeping strike and vengeful for scrappers Tested 12-6)
Sweep combo
numpad4 "powexec_name One Thousand Cuts$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep2.txt"
numpad4 "powexec_name Power Slice$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep3.txt"
numpad4 "powexec_name Typhoon's Edge$$bind_load_file c:/sweep/sweep1.txt"
copy paste and save into the corresponding file names for one button db combos.
*EDIT* Fixed typo preventing bind from working right, just tested, worked. -
I liked this song so much, I made this...
numpad0 "say Heya, Tom' its Bob from the office down the hall$$em wave$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains2.txt"
numpad0 "say Good to see you, buddy; howve you been?$$em talk$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains3.txt"
numpad0 "say Thing have been OK for me except that Im a zombie now$$em flex1$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains4.txt"
numpad0 "say I really wish youd let us in$$em cheer$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains5.txt"
numpad0 "say I think I speak for all of us when I say I understand$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains6.txt"
numpad0 "say Why you folks might hesitate to submit to our demand$$em lecture$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains7.txt"
numpad0 "say But heres an FYI: youre all gonna die screaming$$em laugh$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains8.txt"
numpad0 "petsay_all <em cheer> All we want to do is eat your brains$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains9.txt"
numpad0 "say Were not unreasonable; I mean, no ones gonna eat your eyes$$petsay_all <em shrug>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains10.txt"
numpad0 "petsay_all <em cheer>All we want to do is eat your brains$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains11.txt"
numpad0 "say Were at an impasse here; maybe we should compromise:$$petsay_all <em nod>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains12.txt"
numpad0 "say If you open up the doors$$petsay_all <em welcome>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains13.txt"
numpad0 "say Well all come inside and eat your brains$$petsay_all <em eat>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains14.txt"
numpad0 "say I dont want to nitpick, Tom, but is this really your plan?$$em laugh$$petsay_all <em laugh2>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains15.txt"
numpad0 "say To spend your whole life locked inside a mall?$$em point$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains16.txt"
numpad0 "say Maybe thats OK for now but someday youll be out of food and guns$$em grief$$petsay_all <em plot>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains17.txt"
numpad0 "say And then youll have to make the call$$em shrug$$petsay_all <em cellphone>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains18.txt"
numpad0 "say Im not surprised to see you havent thought it through enough$$Em explain$$petsay_all <em lecture>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains19.txt"
numpad0 "say You never had the head for all that bigger picture stuff$$em shrug$$Petsay_all <em laugh>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains20.txt"
numpad0 "say But, Tom, thats what I do, and I plan on eating you slowly$$em point$$petsay_all <dance5>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains21.txt"
numpad0 "petsay_all <em cheer>All we want to do is eat your brains$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains22.txt"
numpad0 "say Were not unreasonable; I mean, no ones gonna eat your eyes$$em explain$$petsay_all <em peerin>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains23.txt"
numpad0 "petsay_all <em cheer>All we want to do is eat your brains$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains24.txt"
numpad0 "say Were at an impasse here; maybe we should compromise:$$em shrug$$petsay_all <em nod>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains25.txt"
numpad0 "say If you open up the doors$$em welcome$$petsay_all <em welcome>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains26.txt"
numpad0 "say Well all come inside and eat your brains$$em eat$$petsay_all <em eat>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains27.txt"
numpad0 "say Id like to help you, Tom, in any way I can$$em plotting$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains28.txt"
numpad0 "say I sure appreciate the way youre working with me$$em thankyou$$petsay_all <em thankyou>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains29.txt"
numpad0 "say Im not a monster, Tom...well, technically, I am$$em shrug$$petsay_all <em shrug>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains30.txt"
numpad0 "say I guess I am$$em nod$$petsay_all <em nod>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains31.txt"
numpad0 "say Ive got another meeting, Tom; maybe we could wrap it up$$em cellphone$$petsay_all <em cellphone>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains32.txt"
numpad0 "say I know well get to common ground somehow$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains33.txt"
numpad0 "say Meanwhile Ill report back to my colleagues who were chewing on the doors$$Petsay_all <em roar>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains34.txt"
numpad0 "say I guess well table this for now$$em no$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains35.txt"
numpad0 "say Im glad to see you take constructive criticism well$$em thumbsup$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains36.txt"
numpad0 "say Thank you for your time; I know were all busy as hell$$em research$$petsay Lice <em batsmash>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains37.txt"
numpad0 "say And well put this thing to bed$$em waiting$$petsay_all <em nod>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains38.txt"
numpad0 "say When I bash your head open$$em batsmash$$petsay_all <em batsmash>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains39.txt"
numpad0 "petsay_all <em cheer>All we want to do is eat your brains$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains40.txt"
numpad0 "say Were not unreasonable; I mean, no ones gonna eat your eyes$$em peerin$$petsay_all <em peerin>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains41.txt"
numpad0 "petsay_all <em cheer>All we want to do is eat your brains$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains42.txt"
numpad0 "say Were at an impasse here; maybe we should compromise:$$em explain$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains43.txt"
numpad0 "say If you open up the doors$$em welcome$$petsay_all welcome$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains44.txt"
numpad0 "say Well all come inside and eat your brains$$em eat$$petsay_all <em eat>$$bind_load_file c:\eatyourBrains\EatYourBrains1.txt"
Just cut and paste into each individual .txt file name them correctly, do a /bind_load file c:\eatyourbrains\eatyourBrains1.txt , summon your minions and start hitting numpad0. -
still have mine from my first halloween, never had the chance to toss it at hami yet.
Having been a person who suddenly logs in and finds themself in charge of an sg that has had no activity for 3 months, yea, I killed it.
More like a mercy killing if ya ask me. If someone finds themselves suddenly with the keys to the castle and then they decide to vacate the premisis, crap on the walls and yell at the evicited, I wouldn't blame them. I would blame the person who gave them the keys.
This though, is not a game issue, it is a person issue. If one of your sg leaders promotes a crapmonkey who wreaks your clubhouse, the only recourse you would have is to start from scratch. If they were not aware of that, now they are. Learn from it. A game gm would not be able to adjust sg ranks, they never have been able to, it's wholely up to the members of the sg to control their own actions.
If no one wants to take responciblity for it, sucks to be you, but the only thing you can do from this is to learn from it.
You can adjust the settings for autodemotion to a max of 45 days, if someone can't be bothered to log in at least once in a month and a half, then they probably are not the most effective leader.
The language is petitionable, the racist comments are petionable, BUT how did this person get your members personal info? If your members gave it to each other over game, YOU are in violation of the EULA, regardless if someone parrots it back to you. It does not excuse their action, but you must examine where the breach came from in the first place.
The reason that sg's will have to govern themselves is that the gm's can't get involved in politics of a social club, when they have real game breaking issues to deal with. -
That was FANTASTIC!!!
Great Voice acting!
Loved it!
hope to see more episodes! -
Honestly, didn't want to detail the temp rewards given in the mayhem missions because it's detailed far better then I could do it in the free prima guide.
If I get more requests too, I'll do it though. -
The Brotherhood of DOOM presents
Mayhem Missions and You!!
Hi evil doer. Bot Queen here, just did 3 newspaper missions and your contact is ready to have you bump off a bank in good ol Paragon? Itching to crack a safe and some heroes head? Well my little one, this is just one method to getting the most out of your trip to hero land. This by no means is the only way to do a Mayhem Mission but it is A way to do them.
1. Break things. Yes, as soon as you find yourself on the streets of Paragon, you need to start breaking things, boxes, cars, crates, anything that you can target and has a level, you can break. Bear this in mind though, the easier it is to break the faster it will. Those grey conning boxes are worth it even at high levels, the time bonus doesnt change. That purple large crate might not be worth it though, because it gives the same time bonus for a level 5 that it does a level 30, only the 30 can take it out in 5 seconds and the level 5 will take 5 minutes. So, break the easy stuff. Just bear in mind this as well, once you get a bonus for a type of thing, stop breaking that same thing, you only get ONE time bonus per type of thing, but Paragon is a target rich environment, so break a different thing.
2. Take your time. Fifteen minutes might not seem like a long time, but, with breaking things your timer will constantly be added to. Dont panic, break enough things and soon you will have more time then when you started.
3. Watch your warnings! Longbow are on notice that a villain is in the area and when you draw enough attention to yourself, they will come hunting for you. If you get a 30 sec bonus for evading arrest, the bow are on their way. Be ready for them. The typical bow patrol is 2 minions per party member, and is triggered by entering new areas, so if you have a party of 8 and are running right to the bank, you can find yourself quickly outnumbered. If you take it easy and bunker down when you see the warning, you will have no problem taking out the good doers.
4. Side Missions are your Friend. You will see some local bad guys in your trip to Paragon, those posers are NOT your buddies, but your key to further potential for fun. When you take out those locals you will find a key that will unlock a door. If you have problems finding that door check your clue file or map. You will see a side mission on it. The different side missions can be anything from a hostage rescue, to an arson. These just arent fun but further time bonuses. The hostage rescue, some have said, take too much time, but if you have been breaking things and clearing the longbow ambushes, you will find that it is extremely easy, and those 6 minutes will go a long way.
5. Have Fun. These missions are not intended to be frustrating, or debt-fests, they dont have to be either. Yes your under pressure for completing the objective, but rushing though the mission is what is causing that. Break things, take your time and do the side missions, and youll be on your way to a lot more fun, then breaking out of the jail for the 20'th time because you ran right to the bank.
Just my 2 cents worth. Hope this helps. -
Just added this patch note to PvP section:
Being defeated in a PvP zone will carry debt if any of the damage to you was caused by NPCs. The amount of debt is directly proportional to the amount of damage you took from NPCs vs. how much was done by opposing Player Characters. The more damage dealt to you by NPCs means more debt when you are defeated.
* This means that you can no longer escape debt by being defeated by a PC after taking massive damage from NPCs, nor will you be penalized with a massive amount of debt if you are defeated by an NPC after taking a huge amount of damage from a PC.
[/ QUOTE ]
wow....not like there were a bunch of folks running to pvp zones as is. I know for one, that I won't be going back.
Bad idea.
[/ QUOTE ]
I fail to see how it is a 'bad idea'. You may not like it, but that really doesn't make it bad - especially since you go into no details.
I think it's a fine idea. Reduces the amount of debt you get for damage done to you by players. How can that be "bad"?
[/ QUOTE ]
Under the i6 system you would get NO debt from a player defeat. SO if you were attacking a mob in a pvp zone and it does 50% damage to you then Johney Stalker comes bouncing by and kills ya, you would get ZERO debt.
NOW with this change, you would get at least 50% outside debt, and since you were in a weakened state, you could be one-shotted.
Being killed by a player character in a PvP zone causing debt=bad thing.
That make it clear for ya?