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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    i've never had prpoblems teaming and quite often get teams based on my global rather than my build.

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    I should have pointed out that I was talking about PUGs. I've seen people quit or kick members because someone's build was unconventional. Not all of us have the luxury of an active global friends list.

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    thank fully i've never seen that and would probably leave the team if i was on it when that happened.

    personally i only really kick people if they are offensive, but then i can be a bit too worried about hurting feelings at times
  2. i'd say that the majority of my charactors are "not perfect" i've never had prpoblems teaming and quite often get teams based on my global rather than my build.
    personally i would much rater play with some one who comes accross as a decent person and has a good grasp of playing than with a player with a optimised build
  3. Well i've had a search around and found nothing on this.
    last night I rolled yet another new toon, as you can probably guess from the title its a claws/dark armour scrapper.

    I'm not so much after a complete build as i do like messing around with toons till i get it right. what i would really like is any play style advice any one may have

    thanks in advance. @Atomitor
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    - He who refuses to take the fly ability.

    [/ QUOTE ]Fly sucks anyways, only reason to take it for scrapper would be AS.

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    fly is a superb travel power. i can smoke a [censored], pour a drink, chat to the rest of the team all whilst traveling. you try typing and travelling with any of the others
  5. Cloney

    Comic Photoshoot

    if you want i can bring Kathura along, shes a lvl 20 katana weilder. give me a holler @atomitor and i'f i'm on i'll bring her running
  6. heres one you missed

    oops - your defender, usually of the short green robotic variety has forgotton that he has siphon speed on and superjump and has just jumped off the building into a mob and been used as target practise. often seen just after the message of "eqw sssswwwww "
  7. pl please?

    congratz, knowing the speed i level you'll be seeing the same post from me in about 12 months :-p
  8. Cloney

    My Kin/En Build

    i find repel works fine with just the one end reduction, even when i'm right in the middle sending them everywhere. thats with the leadership powers running as well
  9. my main is a kinetic defender and there is no way i would respec out of repel. it really has 3 uses

    1. oh bugger there all swarming on me and its going pete tong, fire repel, send them flying and run like mad

    2. using it to pin the big guys on there back in the corner. make sure you keep firing transferrance off to steal there endurance and have some blues handy but with practise you can keep them down whilst the team kills them off

    3. pure childish fun. hit siphon speed and run through mobs gigaling like a 2 year old as they all go flying
  10. 12 inf, a lvl 7 damage TO and a bag of chips
  11. i'd be offendeed inf but i can't remember the last time i logged on as Mekwar. oh well see you on the hero side
  12. well after my first post got eaten i'll try again

    good luck in all you do mate and any time you want to come back to paragon city the super union will greet you with open arms
  13. poo, well if you ever play any low level alts then give me a shout. its always good to find like minded players
  14. what level is this tf? atomitor is a lvl21 kinetic defender, sense of humour present. preferance to have a enjoyable fun time over trying to blast through the mishions in the quickest time ever. plays well with others and does not act like a 14 year old

    my global chat is atomitor
  15. any hints on what gets played on there?
    and is there any other reason to listen other than music
  16. i'm always interested in doing a taskforce. send a tell to atomitor. i'm currently level 20
  17. what level are you looking at here?
  18. i'm always up for doing a TF. i'm on from about 8-8.30 till late most week nights. i'm lvl 20