269 -
I thought I had caught all the grammatical errors but Microsoft Word isn't exactly a perfect system.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is a total aside, but don't trust Microsoft Word for checking grammar--or even spelling, really. You still have to do it yourself.
I have two grammar quizzes I give my remedial writing college students that each consist of a paragraph of ten sentences, each sentence with its own grammar problem. Microsoft Word caught two errors out of the ten. On average, my students caught seven errors out of the ten.
In other words, you'd just do better to hand it to some random guy than trust Word's grammar check. -
Do you really want to go there, Talen_Lee?
You didn't even get half-way through the second mission of my arc before you decided to dump it. I'd be fine with that, but then you PMed me with everything I did wrong--on an arc that you didn't bother to finish. You "predicted that missions 3-4 would be just repetitions on the theme" when, by your own admission, you hadn't even gotten half-way through the second mission. If I were in your shoes, I would not have said anything at all about an arc I did not actually finish. Not in public and not in private.
But the reason you're on ignore has nothing to do with your uninformed opinion about my arc. You are on ignore, at least for the moment, because I was nothing but polite to you in those PMs. I said "I'd be too mortified to even comment on something I hadn't bothered to finish". That single line PM unleashed a half-page torrent of personal invective on your part, with you calling me "bitchy", "uppity", and "massively self-important" (among other things). Why should I--or anyone else, for that matter--leave myself open to another tirade like that one? I put you on ignore simply because I saw absolutely no value in continuing this discussion, and I figured you would let it drop. However, rather than simply let the matter drop after that--like a civilized person--you decided to make it public and said that you would "post more shortly".
So be it. -
Any feedback would be appreciated:
Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
Arc ID: 84008
Faction: Villainous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Circuit Boy
Difficulty Level: Missions #1-3 1-50, Mission #4 20-29; easy to medium difficulty
Synopsis: Tired of Kalinda prattling on about searching for the "Destined One"? More than just a mercenary gun for hire? Tired of exterminating snakes for Mongoose? Not thrilled to be Doctor Creed's lab assistant? Want to know how to become a real super-villain? Jenkins has just the guide for you!
Estimated Time to Play: 4 missions, 60-90 minutes -
If you get a moment, I could always use some feedback on this one:
Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
Arc ID: 84008
Faction: Villainous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Circuit Boy
Difficulty Level: Missions #1-3 1-50, Mission #4 20-29; easy to medium difficulty
Synopsis: Tired of Kalinda prattling on about searching for the "Destined One"? More than just a mercenary gun for hire? Tired of exterminating snakes for Mongoose? Not thrilled to be Doctor Creed's lab assistant? Want to know how to become a real super-villain? Jenkins has just the guide for you!
Estimated Time to Play: 4 missions, 60-90 minutes -
Respectfully submitted:
Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
Arc ID: 84008
Faction: Villainous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Circuit Boy
Difficulty Level: Missions #1-3 1-50, Mission #4 20-29; easy to medium difficulty
Synopsis: Tired of Kalinda prattling on about searching for the "Destined One"? More than just a mercenary gun for hire? Tired of exterminating snakes for Mongoose? Not thrilled to be Doctor Creed's lab assistant? Want to know how to become a real super-villain? Jenkins has just the guide for you!
Estimated Time to Play: 4 missions, 60-90 minutes -
I'll toss one on the barbeque here:
Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
Arc ID: 84008
Faction: Villainous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Circuit Boy
Difficulty Level: Missions #1-3 1-50, Mission #4 20-29; easy to medium difficulty
Synopsis: Tired of Kalinda prattling on about searching for the "Destined One"? More than just a mercenary gun for hire? Tired of exterminating snakes for Mongoose? Not thrilled to be Doctor Creed's lab assistant? Want to know how to become a real super-villain? Jenkins has just the guide for you!
Estimated Time to Play: 4 missions, 60-90 minutes -
I'll throw one onto the pile here:
Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
Arc ID: 84008
Faction: Villainous
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Circuit Boy
Difficulty Level: Missions #1-3 1-50, Mission #4 20-29; easy to medium difficulty
Synopsis: Tired of Kalinda prattling on about searching for the "Destined One"? More than just a mercenary gun for hire? Tired of exterminating snakes for Mongoose? Not thrilled to be Doctor Creed's lab assistant? Want to know how to become a real super-villain? Jenkins has just the guide for you!
Estimated Time to Play: 4 missions, 60-90 minutes -
It's rumored there might be laser sharks.
Tired of Kalinda prattling on about searching for the "Destined One"? More than just a mercenary gun for hire? Tired of exterminating snakes for Mongoose? Not thrilled to be Doctor Creed's lab assistant? Want to know how to become a real super-villain? Jenkins has just the guide for you!
(I swear there was a name for this, where the community in general benefits most from a resource if everyone uses it sparingly, but there's a net gain for each individual when they take up more of the resource, so everyone ends up taking up as much as they can and nobody wins. No idea what the name was, though.)
[/ QUOTE ]
Tragedy of the commons. I think.
EDIT: I should add that I'm reserving judgement on whether it is applicable here, but I wanted to answer the question.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think this phenomenon is also sometimes referred to as "the prisoner's dilemma", though that may be something different. If so, they're still similar. -
I'll toss one onto the barbie here:
Arc ID: 40062
Name: The World's Worst PUG
Difficulty: Two AVs, but on Heroic, it's easily done with two people. Maybe even solo.
Level range: 40-50
Time: About 1 hour. Maybe less.
C'mon. You know you need the XP, and who's gonna know you joined this awful pick-up group anyway?
[This "arc" (it's really just one mission) is both "meta" and "comedy". If you're looking for serious arcs only, move on.] -
I'll toss one onto the barbie here:
Arc ID: 40062
Name: The World's Worst PUG
Difficulty: Two AVs, but on Heroic, it's easily done with two people. Maybe even solo.
Level range: 40-50
Time: About 1 hour. Maybe less.
C'mon. You know you need the XP, and who's gonna know you joined this awful pick-up group anyway?
[This "arc" (it's really just one mission) is both "meta" and "comedy". If you're looking for serious arcs only, move on.] -
AE System
Welcome to Architect Entertainment -- Neutral
Death for Dollars! -- Neutral
Bare Knuckles of Rage (9304)
Character/Supergroup Origins
Birth of a Fossil -- Heroic
Classic Super-Hero/Super-Villain
The Extadine Lab -- Heroic
The Great Chicken Caper of '09 -- Heroic
ParaCon -- Heroic
The new and improved Lord Recluse Strike Force -- Villainous (though I wouldn't recommend against a hero)
A Super Team is Born -- Heroic
Attack of the Space Clowns (18749) -- Neutral
Cause of How Some Silly Stealed My Wings -- Neutral
Lawyers of Ghastly Horror -- Heroic
How to Survive a Robot Uprising -- Heroic
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare -- Neutral
It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding (9059) -- Neutral
The Bravuran Jobs -- Villainous (16809)
Global Domination
Axis and Allies -- Villainous (10597)
Celebrity Kidnapping -- Villainous (20161)
Historical (Realistic)
Historical (CoH Lore)
Small Fears -- Heroic
Dark Dreams -- Heroic (18914)
Large-Scale Crisis
A Hero's Halo -- Heroic
This Is War, Part I - the Revenge of Hro'Dtohz -- Neutral
Win the Past, Own the Future - Heroic
The Amulet of J'gara -- Heroic
Chains of Blood (5492) -- Heroic
Redoubt Operations #1: Fires over Kalago -- Heroic
Red Storm Rising Arc 4912 Heroic
Misc. Adventure
The Portal Bandits -- Heroic
Blowback (18575) -- Heroic
Dream Paper -- Heroic (13030)
Dream Paper 2: Restless Sleep -- Heroic (16797)
Dream Paper 3: Broken Dreams -- Heroic (13064)
Anactoria's Descent Into the Underworld -- Villainous
The War of Fate: Betrayal (19698) -- Neutral
Nemesis Plots
Brass Reaver: Part 1 -- Neutral
Player-Chosen Outcome
Hunting the Dark Dragon
Adventures of the Space Marines -- Neutral
Adventures of the Space Marines 2 -- Neutral
Netrunner -- Heroic (14434)
Above Mars: Part 1 - The Wellington -- Neutral
Un-themed Survival/AV/Time Challenges
The Meatgrinder -- Neutral
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ] -
Arc Name: It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding
Arc ID: 5425
Faction: Custom: Miss Havisham's Wedding Party (Neutral)
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Circuit Boy1 (Test), @Circuit Boy (Live), Circuit_Boy (Forum)
Difficulty Level: I'm uncertain how to evaluate this because I'm not sure how powerful my custom mobs are. Mastermind AV at the end. Probably not soloable.
Synopsis: Barbie's Bridal's been ransacked by zombies! Investigate to find out what's going on.
Estimated Time to Play: An hour or two.
Link to More Details or Feedback: "It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding" Critique Thread -
5 issues later, Elec's Ancillary pool has another power. I forget the name off-hand, but it's the Tier 9 power from Elec Brutes on CoV.
It turns you into an avatar of electricity, SERIOUSLY pumps up your resistances and such. Seems like the perfect addition to the Blaptroller arsenal, especially as a panic button.
Perhaps a new guide could be written with updated info for IO sets, power changes and additions.
Also, is that Elec SG still active?
[/ QUOTE ]
It might be, but I believe its head, Mystic_Amethyst (author of this guide) is off in college and hasn't been spotted in-game or on the boards very often. -
AAAAAARrrrggghhhh!!!! I may be pint-sized, but me cutlass 'n' dagger is sharp. Those ain't me own bloodstains on m'britches 'n' boots, ye scurvy too-talls!
--Bredbeddle O'Berin, Redcap and Scourge of the British Isles -
That would depend on how long the Taunt Duration is and whether or not the amount of damage being done out-aggroes the taunt. Granted, that takes quite a bit of damage.
Yeah, I forgot that.
With Stealth, you can sneak up behind a foe and /em batsmash him to your heart's content. He won't notice. If you're in front, though, he'll see you and attack.
Regarding 'the call', that's why I suggested attacking a wandering Minion if you're trying to single-pull, but if you want the whole group, dopeslap the Boss instead. -
If the whole group isn't out of LOS, then the un-aggroed foes (Taunt only hits five) will stop in place, bust out their ranged attacks, and go after anyone they see. Also, Stealth breaks the moment anyone in the group attacks, so even if someone's using a Stealth power, it's shot the minute Taunt is triggered.
This results in the spawn scattered all over the pull-path, rather than neatly packed together for AOEy goodness. -
Pulling appears to be a fast-vanishing art. In groups I've been in lately, someone says they're going to pull, and then they do something that's... not pulling. I intend to cover a few things about pulling.
There are a couple reasons to pull. The first is to attempt to split a few foes from their spawn. The second is to move one spawn away from another spawn that might (or, worse, will) aggro if your group is too close.
This is probably the most important question about pulling: when should a group pull versus when should a group charge in?
If a spawn is by itself without the danger of aggroing any other spawns nearby, there is no need to pull. Charging directly into the spawn is the better option in those situations.
A group should pull when a spawn is too close to another spawn and that charging into combat would lead to aggroing both spawns.
To this end, it helps immensely to know how spawns typically lay on the mission's map your group is on. Certain rooms, particularly the Tech Lab's "Room of Death", are known for having several tightly-packed spawns within aggro range of one another.
This depends on what you're trying to do. If you're trying to split a single foe or a few foes from their spawn, you'll use different tactics than if you're just trying to reposition a whole spawn.
If you're trying to split a single foe or a few foes from their spawn, use the following tactics:<ul type="square">
1) Target a Minion, not a Lieutenant or a Boss. If there's a wanderer, target him or her.
2) Turn on Sprint.
3) Use a low-damage single-target attack, preferably one that moves slowly through the air and/or that slows your foes' movement. Infrigidate, out of the Cold Domination Corruptor set, is ideal for this purpose. Do not use a Stun, Immobilize, or Hold power.
4) Break Line-of-Sight somehow. Go around a corner, duck behind a dumpster, whatever. Just break the Line-of-Sight between you and your target.
5) Wait for your target to come into view again.
6) Attack.[/list]If you're on a group and you're trying to reposition one spawn away from another, use the following tactics:
<ul type="square">1) All group members except the puller MUST BE out of Line-of-Sight, even if they're Stealthed or Invisible.
2) Target any foe in the spawn. Bosses are preferred because they'll usually pull the rest of the spawn with them, which is your goal.
3) Use any single-target attack that is not a Stun, Immobilize, or Hold power. Lower damage is preferred for lower aggro, though not necessary.
4) Break Line-of-Sight. This is very important: All group members should remain out of Line-of-Sight until the spawn fully arrives.[/list]I hope this helps. -
If you'd read the post I was ACTUALLY REPLYING TO, you'd know that was what that poster WAS talking about.
Save the snarky attitude for someone else. I'm in no mood. -
Aggro on the taunt auras is broken. This has been a known issue for a little while and the Developers are working to put a fix in for it.