2009 -
Quote:I think, in general, we are speaking more of the trash loot than the auction/marketable items. CoH had it sorta with TO/SO, but those were at least slottable and usable depending on your circumstances and were a holdover from pre-IO days to a large extend.How is that? With both COH and GW2 you have to find the nearest shopkeeper to sell your stuff, or go to the auction house to sell it to a player. The only difference is that in GW2 you can put stuff on the AH or in your bank from ANYWHERE in the world, where in COH you can only do that if you've earned enough vet rewards.
(Gotta say, getting /vault and /auctionhouse made my game SO MUCH BETTER, I was thrilled to see that functionality baked into GW2) -
Quote:Fair enough. SOs too, I suppose on an IO'd 50... but there sure is a lot less of it then the stuff I get that is actually labelled 'this item has no use, but you can sell it to a vendor' that constantly comes to me SWTORTo be fair, TOs dropping at level 30+ are vendor trash. Thankfully we got rid of that (mostly?)
And the image of a Jedi bending down to loot someone is just... peculiar to say the least.
Quote:I might have dozed off during that part of the movie, but I don't recall Luke heading into town to sell all the bantha ears and tusken raider gall bladders he'd been collecting in the Jundland Wastes.
Then again, I've also never seen a D&D group do this. Valuable stuff like magic items? Sure. Wolf teeth and troll phlegm? Not so much. I'm very happy I didn't play in the D&D group of the Developer who thought that was the norm. -
I've never thought the loot trash thing made sense, and the CoH experience drove home that message for me. Selling the pointless loot is just a play interruption.
Quote:ah. Good to know...He said he absolutely would not change a plot choice based on player theories in fact he tries to avoid reading theories from fans. (Just watched a video where he talked about this)
And then bad that I ever paid attention to the theory discussions. As it kinda weakened my anticipation for the next book. -
I've always liked those better.
Shame they didn't use them long term. -
But, if this scenario is valid, will Martin become aware that people have sussed out the likely deep plot item and change it up now.
Quote:I'm sorry. I logged in and tried to play... I lasted about 10 minutes. It was too depressing.Cmon people dont bail yet we have lots of time to run fun stuff and hang!
I have too many of my long time play buddies and real life people that have bailed.
Dont go so fast. I still need TF commander on 2 toons and I want to at least get avoid the green stuff on my main!
I'll try to get back in long enough to take screen shots of my different characters and that is probably it. The pain isn't worth it. -
Oh, and Almost-Anything/Martial blaster as soon as that was available. /Martial was going to be one of the coolest things to hit an AT in ages.
I couldn't wait for Bio Armor to hit Live. I was starting to stash IOs for it already.
I wanted spines to get proliferated to Brutes for it, but if it didn't I probably would have made a scrapper.
I also still hadn't gotten around to buying water blast, my beam rifle character still was level five, and my Dark/Fire dom only needs 4 levels to start getting incarnated........ -
True enough, and perhaps a presumably safe assumption. The statement just seemed definitive/general and was open to a broader interpretation - well, at least I thought so. No big thing, in the grand scheme.
Quote:Okay, but don't count on everyone having read all of your other posts with something that specific.I meant specifically for MMOs. As I've said elsewhere, I have no issue with voice acting in single-player games. I loved ME2 and enjoyed the various scenes in it. In MMOs, however, they just don't work for me.
(Though, IMO, I am pretty sure it can work with MMOs, also. Just far harder to accomplish well/effectively.) -
I categorically disagree with this, based on my play experience with Commander Shephard of the Mass Effect series. But, everyone's perspective and opinion gets to vary.
Quote:Coming from my pen & paper RPG background and the greater freedom it allows, I agree in principle with you. However I think we are a long, long way from computers being able to present us a completely open ended playground in a purpose driven story setting. Perhaps things like Second Life reach for this (given what I've read, since I haven't been in that or similar environments) but I don't think it has the objective/adversarial based story telling normal in a super hero or questing game.That's why I feel the games need to stop trying to "cater" to people and simply leave character interpretation open for players to fill in the blanks.
edit to clarify: Not that we shouldn't aspire to such freedom, I just think that insisting on it too stringently could lead to more frustration than having realistically patient expectations. -
Quote:I disagree with this to a point. "People" want effect storytelling that conveys their involvement and importance and personality in the events presented to them. Voice overs and cutscenes are features, like any other, to serve this purpose. They can be done well or poorly, or at the proper amount or to excess. They can absolutely be used nicely to help convey personality and depth in a character.I don't think you understand. "People" wouldn't want to have any story they come up with come with full voice overs and cutscenes. Browse the forums for a bit and you'll note a distinct lack of love for voice overs and cutscenes. As far as I'm concerned, voice overs in general are a mistake, and cutscenes are unnecessary.
SWTOR isn't bad at it - because you don't just make a selection and there is a voice... your character has facial expression and body language. I find myself seeking to drive those actions, not just the voice choice. But, Bioware has always been good at that...
That said, their stand alone games are better at it than SWOTR. The ME series, for instance, often provides more selections than 'the standard three' which pushes the interaction tree more broadly and feels richer. The Dragon Age line offers different voice choices (in character creation), as I recall to provide personality. Now, I do think SWOTR pushed to include voice/cutscene interaction with every contact dialogue when they didn't need to, but in for a penny in for a pound I guess.
Yes, I agree with this too, in many situations. But that is, as with the voice overs, about effective tool use. -
Quote:Nah, I get that. I HATED SWTOR SO MUCH for not letting me move stuff around and resize it.
- I can both resize, and move things around in SWTOR.
- There appear to be outside customization mods that go farther
Either something changed since you played or you missed the in game options (which admittedly I stumbled across by accident in my first 10 levels of playing.)
Now, I cannot appear to change colors, and wish I could change it more, but it sure let's you. So I can't let you say that it isn't possible.
Also, I am not a fan of outside mods, as then you have issues post patch, etc. But it is an option.
Quote:Heh, oh Sam. You're just not the MMO audience. And I don't say like that a bad thing - it's just how it is.
As to crafting, I like it sometimes, and hate it others. I think there is a place for it but it can be intrusive when it shouldn't be. -
Quote:Yep, I figured that would happen. I had put a new sub payment in just a week or so before. I put a stop on that payment right away.Sorry to break this to you.No new points. Live market down as of 9-1. Some people have reported that they were able to purchase items, but officially it's down.
I,also, recently read that people are get NCSoft credits for the subscription money owed back to them, rather than real money.
Good Time -
Quote:If you'd like to take my comment completely out of context, fine go ahead.No it did not. Especially not at launch. GW2 just launch and your comparing the QoL stuff from CoH (and 8 year old game) to GW2 (just launched) and saying "CoH did it first and did it better!" No **** the game is old as my mothers britches.
I'm not saying CoH was perfect. I'm not saying GW2 is bad.
Quote:You guys are seriously overlooking some major flaws CoH had and may still have while GW2 does pretty much every CoH does but better AND at launch. PLUS MORE
Quote:Now of course GW2 has its problems but dont come in here saying some **** like "CoH has everything GW2 has and they did it first" Thats ******* a flat out lie.
You may enjoy CoH more than GW2 or prefer it better but please for the love of god don't compare the features and say anything like the quote above it's not true at all. It's not even close.
My point (that you jumped beyond into make believe land) was that the game, right now, that is being cancelled out of the blue, was fun and had many of those same things - even if GW2 does them better - that this guy raves about like he's never seen or heard of any game trying before. -
Quote:7 minutes in... and almost everything he loves CoH had.Here ya go.
This guy really shows what this title is like, and explains why it's different. It's pretty entertaining and more importantly, realistic. He shows the negatives. -
Quote:That may nail why as much as I liked the game play I didn't sub from my trial. For a game with so much customization in the abilities it was pretty locked down in the framework of the character.Yeah, that part of my problem with it - I just don't like the character I'm asked to play. I didn't like how she looked and I didn't like how she behaved. That's the big problem with "story-driven" games. If I don't like the story, I don't like the game, and the Secret World's story is kind of very specific. City of Heroes was partially story-driven, sure, but I could pick the story. If I didn't like the one I'm offered, I could always pick another. I really don't get why more MMOs don't do that.
Given the chance, one could choose to make an impassioned argument to play and enjoy GW2 for solid game play, and give it a chance regardless of history in other games by the same company.
Quote:...I'm supposed to make my gaming decisions based on nationalistic (and implied ethnic) reasoning? I think I'll seek advice and input from other sources.1. GW2 is developed by ArenaNet who, much like Paragon Studios, are WESTERN (they actually operate in Washington State) MMO developers in the same position with NCsoft being their publisher.
2. Attempting to do any harm to GW2 means you're only putting more Americans out on the street.
3. This continues to tell NCSoft the West in unprofittable and further discourages them and other publishing game companies from bothering with the West.
4. You only HAVE to buy GW2 once anyway. You can get just about anything from their cash shop in game through playing, even the currency for said shop. -
Quote:But to Arcanaville's earlier point. I'd still get the bulk of the real savings - people - and actually keep the cash that is coming in (as little as it may be) ... coming in.If the cow is only producing a dribble a day then you may be better off bringing Daisy to the slaughter house.
It's an inaccurate analogy but the point kind of stands.
I work in a major corporation and in my experience this seems like a panic reaction rather than acting with an analyzed plan. Which probably means the cash flow issue is the real culprit and is either pretty significant or someone important said 'ax it' off-the-cuff so the minions axed it post-haste (which sadly is pretty plausible, in my experience). -
Quote:Unless it was a cash flow issue at NCSoft, possibly brought on by the bad financial results mentioned earlier. When you are bleeding cash to the extent that it's a serious issue, the fix is to cauterize immediately... not to take time to maximize the return on previous investments.
It could be the issue was the need at the corporate level to cut cash expenditures (including payroll at Paragon Studios) as opposed to the relatively low P&L return provided by CoH. We might never know the real reason, or there could be more than one factor, but what ever it was, it made sense to them based on the information they had and their perspective.Quote:Not if the studio involved is also spending resources on some second, secret project and confidence in that projects progress combined with CoH not getting the expected revenue bounce from F2p means it is no longer viable.
This is all outsider speculation of course. I've no idea what that second project even was. -
Quote:Quite possibly true.After Freedom launched I noticed that there were none of the "we are making 2/3/4 times the revenue that we were making previously". Unlike DDO, LOTRO or even STO. In fact I noticed that post Freedom there were very few press releases at all, and commented on it.
Honestly I think Freedom was expected to be a DDO level of success and it wasn't. Just turning a small profit isn't enough. Thus all they can look forward to is a slow continued fall in profits so may as well pull the plug and retrieve and repurpose assets.
But, very odd to cut if off at the knees this quickly, particularly with the items in the pipeline (packs and powers set and costums) that we would have paid for if they'd let us while quietly shutting things down in the back ground and then sunsetting after taking the cash.
It is all just... odd.