177 -
When Aramina did his raids, he used a Bots/FF. People originally made fun of a Bots/FF toon, but for the raids it was the best thing ever. He could hold his own against pylons and protect the teams on the ship.
I tried to make sure no one under 35 was allowed to participate. I would tell leaders to kick such players off their team and tell them to get another toon.... Im sure some slipped by me though. -
I think people refusing to go to the hospital was one of our biggest problems. I would look around and see the orange names and dead bodies, and look around several minutes later and see the same dead bodies in the same places. It was frustrating.
I appreciate it, I'm my own worst critic!
We completed a run of bombs, plus defeated GM. Unlike my impromptu one on Monday this one ran into problems. A lot of people bailed out towards the end, and we kept having problems with "Team 3" splitting up. I only myself racked in about 129 merits from the whole ordeal. So by some defintions a success, but a frustrating success.
I may just do these impromptu from now on. Most people in my SG have complicated work schedules and I had very little involvement in it from my own SG despite scheduling in advance. I dunno, I will post something if I decided to announce another one. Congrats to all who got badges they needed from this last raid, etc. -
Ahh crap thanks, I meant the fire/ice ITF then, whatever is planned for 9:30 PM EST this Friday
At any rate, I guess my BS/Shield wont be attending. -
I was the dp/corr and I thought everything was smooth until the end. We had plenty of damage but with a lack of a controller Romi decided to make the map his personal exercise course. Of course with all the damage once we got a hold of him he was history.
If there is another team for the Sword TF on this Friday I could drop in. My best toon is my BS/Shield scrapper and I'm sure she could contribute towards a LGTF. I planned the Rikti raid two hours before that TF to make sure there was no overlap. -
I'd think the corr would be a good choice, or if we are lacking on tanks and brutes then maybe the brute. The raid I did Monday had a huge showing of tanks though, so if it's going to be anything like that then your corr would prove very beneficial. I personally felt my team could have used more AoE.
I appreciate it actually Grey Pilgrim. I was hoping I did not appear to be a jerk about the level thing, but it is much easier to have 45+ teams instead of 50s with a bunch of lowbies. Having people back up that claim helps! I mean how effective is a level 21 blaster against a lvl 54 boss even if sked?
I know Fridays are not good for some unfortunately and I hate that. I will try to switch up the days that they are on in the future. I know my GF usually works on Sundays (Snowy Bltiz) -
Greetings everyone!
First thanks to all of those who joined in on my impromptu ship raid this evening. It was a success and now I know I can lead these suckers!
Second, I am scheduling a ship raid for April 9, 2010 at 7:30 PM EST. I'm planning on doing these regularly but my work schedule won't allow a consistent schedule.
The raid will somewhat follow the Nightshift model for raids as described here. Basically we will need at least four teams, and will follow the pylons exactly as how Nighshift did their's. Please, only bring a toon that is level 35 or higher. This raid was originally designed with level 35-50 players in mind, and the higher you are the more you can contribute. If you do not have a level 35 toon or higher, contact me at @Chant and I will see about an exception. Level 50 toons are preferred.
I am recruiting leaders for the raid. If you are interested in leading a bomb team PST to @Chant. I'm not good about checking the forum messages. I would love to have 6 teams.
More instructions will be given on site. Please have a tab ready for the request channel. If you have a comment or question, send tell to @Chant. I will probably be leading the raid on my toon Apparitioness.
Thank you all! -
First, can you change your user name on the forums? Like the name everyone sees.
Second, how do you make a titles link to another site in the forums.
Thanks -
I think in May maybe it will be my second year in the game. I never got involved in the forums much I think because the aforementioned "forum people" were never in my social clique in the game and I didn't know anyone here or anything like that. That has changed over time as many people in my SG were "forum people" and I figured that it was time to get with the times. Thanks for the welcome
Btw, does anyone know the code to make a titled link? I could not find it in FAQ or anything. Thanks in advance. -
I think it would be a good idea to try to get more new folks on the forums. No one has been rude to me on the forums, but before I really got involved I was told by several that the "forum people" were pretentious or simply just got into the game too much. But the same things have been said about me personally by many. So either they are right and I fit right in, or they are all wrong
I would definitely be Enchantress. She's beautiful, more famous than I am (people know her better than they know me, so much that many still think I'm female in RL), and she has possession of a very active SG. She proudly wears sexy attire, people respect her and controlling powers over fire and storm is just awesome and fun.
I'm looking for a Villain Group that would be interested in partnering with our Blue-side SG, The Tribe of Legends. We are a very active SG, rank 8 in prestige and have teamspeak and all that. Anyways, we have a redside Sg with everything a base would ever needs, but we struggle to keep it active since our full-time villain leader left the game. Many of our members have left the VG for more active VGs. We understand this because it can be hard to find a team on redside if you do not have inside connections.
At any rate, we're looking for a VG that has a smiliar predicament. Perhaps your villains need a blueside home when they feel like going blue?
At any rate, I would be interesting in alliancing myself with an ACTIVE VG. Basically I would promote your VG to my heroes and you would promote our SG to your villains. We could even exchange leaders, I would provide someone from the VG a leadership position in my Sg and vice versa.
Send a tell to @Chant if you are interested, we look forward to hearing from ya! -
The Tribe of Legends is a young but extremely active SG. We are not even a year old, but already currently rank 8 in the SG prestige rankings. We achieved this by promoting our values of non-discrimination (everyone is welcome!), respect (all members must treat each other with respect) and by ensuring a supportive leadership team. We have new players and veteran players alike. By just joining for a few hours you are sure to see that we are very active and very friendly. We also have a teamspeak server that's optional to use for those who like to chat. Our website is http://thetribeoflegends.t83.net/ and you can always contact our leader @Chant. We have an impressive base and do regular costume contests, task forces and other events. Not to mention we also have the best coalies on the server!
Remember, send a tell to @Chant or an email to Enchantress to get in! We look forward to hearing from you!
Truly Yours, -
As for saying a little something about myself....
Well I'm really good information for anyone who is starting a SG I think. For one I can teach you anything you ever wanted to know about base building. I know the stuff that I hardly see done on this server like slanting floating wall objects and stuff. I'm also insanely good at recruiting it seems.
I'm decent at leading TFs. I can do a little farming but from what I understand thats not the objective of all this. Hmmm, what else.... I'm a costume freak and I love making costumes and doing costume contests. I'm good or great at a lot of things just don't expect me to go badge hunting! SG stuff is my area of expertise though, so if you need some help starting your new SG I'm your man....or woman.... -
Likewise I might add that Aramina is away from the game due to his enlistment duties, so I'd advise the organizers to take him off of the list of potential auctionees. I am not sure when Aramina will return to the game.
Just so people know Chantress= Enchantress aka Apparitioness aka Necromancress on Redside
Some subjective observations I've made on the Victory sever:
1. People are more spread out across zones, it seems. I think this is a good thing, after all designers put so much work into making some of the zones beautiful and there's much to experience. However, this makes it also harder to find teams and recruit for supergroups, which gives the appearance of inactivity.
2. I have had people give me mixed reviews about SSK. It's helped in my opinion the higher level content, but lower level toons report within my SG that its harder to find teams, which is not what I would expect from it.
3. A lot less people bumming AP, which used to be the place to socialize like malls for teenagers. Obviously with AE being gone there's less people in AP, but now there seems to be even less than there was before AE.
4. Hardly anyone in AE. That seems to be a good thing.
5. Numerous people have reported to me that it seems that enemies have more range and that influence, drops etc. seem to be off. I myself however recently received a LOTG 7.5 and an Armageddon in the same day and I'm one of those people who never get anything valuable so I'm not complaining....
6. Activity among my SG and all of my coalition SGs which are some of the largest SGs on my server has been reported as being down. My SG used to average 15 or so people logged on on any given evening, and lately with enhanced recruiting we're still only averaging about 5 or so during out peak hours.
7. I know of several veteran players that have taken breaks or have moved on from the game.
In summary, I think activity has slowed down on my server at least. I think anyone on Victory who would dispute that is in denial. I think that nothing will be done about this unless people start canceling their accounts. I know many who are practically gone but still have accounts on, and eventually they will deactivate them. -
In reference to my previous post about influence and so forth being changed, I understand that the only posted changes are what people will immediately notice, but it seems that there were more changes in my post-i16 experiences than what were advertised.
Perhaps I'm just reading into things too much, however, I have seen a lot of people agree that drops are broken. -
I was originally excited about what I hoped would be a mass exodus from AE.
I went with a band of coalition and SG-mates to PI. No lie, there's terrible problems with the rewards in developer content too.
First the xp/prestige/influence you get has been nerfed severely. Likewise, when you add people on your team, expect significant drops in influence. I remember adding one person on a team and lost a thousand per lt. and two thousand per boss. I went outside and killed the same boss solo on the dang street at a lower level and received considerably more influence. Pretty much if you still plan to make money, you need to be solo and therefore this issue goes completely against what it intended to do which was encourage people to team more.
Enemies also seemed to have more range too and were generally harder. So more work for less pay basically. Likewise, they were easier to aggro. I'm used to running a fire storm controller so I know how easy it can be to aggro, but I was aggro distant mobs today with my scrapper of all things.
They really made some changes not just in AE but in the developer content as well. I've heard numerous people threaten to quit for various reasons that have never made that claim before.
The developes should really examine their priorities and make sure there are no extreme unintended consequences for their actions. -
Terrible Terrible Terrible. They ruined not only AE whether you used it for leveling or for stories, but they also seemed to have nerfed developer content xp and made it harder. I was comforted by the idea of going back to old school missions but now it seems that its going to be harder to level than it was before AE came around. It was hard enough as it was back then!
Enemies seem to have too much range and are too easy to aggro. Not sure what they did with the numbers but it seems that they really have messed up a lot of stuff.
Stuff is about to get really hard to buy. Prepare to take forever to level up toons and be able to buy things for your toons. I understand nerfing AE, but they should have left the developer content as it was. -
I think people will become more and more disenchanted with the changes in the game as time goes on.
While the power customization is great (I just wish you could copy colors across costumes for consistency) the changes to AE have ruined it for a very die-hard few who ran story arcs. Likewise, it seems that going back to developer content does not make up much for the changes. It's terrible when there's a drastic change in the influence and experience you get from soloing critters on the sidewalk verses working as a team.
This game should really get back to promoting team work as it's main concern. While auto-sidekicking and so forth in my opinions were steps in the right direction, it seems that there are huge changes not only in the rewards in AE but also in developer content. It also seems as if enemy range is now ridiculous in proportion and you only have to drop a pin to aggro 3 mobs at once. Adding people to the team in mission took off thousands of influence per kill.
Those are just my thoughts for today. Im sure I'll more to say later. The rewards in and out of AE seriously need to be looked at. -
Aramina spoke to me about this thread. I'd be willing to volunteer. I'm a social worker so my schedule is crazy at times, but I'm on often. Not sure what people would auction me for, but people tell me that I tend to be really good at two things: base building and recruiting for a SG.
I could help people with base building, either building a part of their base or maybe teaching as I get asked for that kind of help all the time. I would also not mind recruting for a SG, hanging out or teaming, just whatever a person could use me for so long as they are understanding about my schedule.