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  1. Chant

    Looking For Team

    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Out of curiousity, why do you need it? It can be chatty and friendly, I know, but tells and channels work pretty well still. And you don't need that much coordination on teams, either. I used to play in a Battlefield 1942 and then 2 squad that competed competitively, and you certainly needed it there. CoX isn't anything like that, even on an MO run.
    Same reason people do a lot of stuff on this game that's antiquated, unnecessary or downright useless: because he wants to!

    Chat servers are nothing about soft caps and hit points and minus regen and all about connecting together and having fun. Inevitably for many that's what makes an MMO special. Otherwise it's just an endless game with no real consequences in the plot and no "game over."

    Some people have told me that chat servers are strategic in a task force though, in the same way that a hands-free phone may help prevent you from killing yourself on the road. It frees you from having to type during battle if you need to communicate something fast on a team (leaving your hands and fingers to concentrate on staying alive).

    For me honestly it can be even more of a distraction, but I enjoy it nonetheless.
  2. Chant

    Looking For Team

    Welcome back.

    I am with a group of friends who use Teamspeak, but we're debating switching to Vent. At any rate, it's a random group of people and we're always looking for new people to come on with us. Let me know if you have any questions, I can set ya up.
  3. Chant

    Victory Wiki?

    Did anyone know that Virtue has a wiki?

    Should Victory have one?
  4. I don't see myself playing a blaster or defender ever again due to having corruptors on blueside. I'm thinking about exploring doms pretty soon too. I love having the villain ATs on blueside. But I don't see myself making a brute yet or a stalker.

    The new zone seems so disconnected from everything to me.
  5. Chant

    The Ultimatum

    How to find out if you are an addict....

    Find out the time logged on all of your toons. Compare that to the amount of time you have been a subscriber to the game. Early on I realized in the first 6 months of me playing this game that 10 percent of my entire waking life (within those six months of course) was spent on this game. Some people may say that's not really too much. To me though, that was a wake-up call for the need to not necessarily ditch the game, but keep better track of whether or not I'm playing it too much.

    One day I asked Aquabladez to do this just for his main toon. The results were frightening!

    Obviously the game is designed to be addictive first and foremost. Denial should be a red flag :P
  6. Chant

    The Ultimatum

    Personally I think if you are a serious gamer, this is one of those things you should explain to your partner ahead of time. If your partner does not understand that the MMO cannot pause, and you explained this to her in advance, and she wants to bother you for a reason that's not really important, then I question her ability to listen to and consider your wishes. On the other hand, if you waited until the moment to explain this to her when she is trying to get your attention for a reason she sees as valid, then I can understand why she would be upset. Basically you're only communicating that the game is more important than whatever reason she wants your attention.

    Ideally, you would communicate to your partner that at times you don't want to be interrupted while you are gaming unless its very important. If the reason she wants your attention is considered important to her, then you should consider that whether or not you agree. Whether you like it or not, ignoring her for the game will communicate something to her. What it communicates though is something you can manage in advance if she's considerate and your are able to communicate well.

    I met my Girlfriend on CoH. She also roleplays. We pretty much agree to try not to interrupt each other while gaming. Instead of just starting up a conversation, we announce to the other person that we would like their attention, and usually the other person responds quickly. Otherwise, if it can wait, we try to wait until the other person is not busy.

    Of course, being both gamers, we have the obvious advantage of logging on and sending the other person a tell TRUST me, there are times where we have both done that. Teamspeak helps with that too, they cannot ignore you there!

    But I'm no relationship expert. My ex-wife was a gamer. But then again, she played WoW, so I guess it was destined to happen that way.
  7. I think two of the blasters were actually corrs. My corr was dp/dark and I know someone had a fire/rad corr. At any rate, considering the time we ran it by just pounding our way through and the fact that we only had five deaths, I'd consider it a strong success.
  8. Great post GP.

    I will be sure to share this with new people I see on the game on a regular basis.
  9. I enjoyed being auctioned last year. I will be getting with you again about it MP.
  10. "Chant"

    When I first played the game, the first thing I wanted to do was make a character that would bring attention to herself. I didn't know crap about MMO's, so at the time my only hope for making it somewhere at the time was by giving myself a character with a cool costume and a cool name.

    Needless to say, one of the first things that frustrated me about the game was the extreme lack of cool names available. Most of the cool names were taken. But while looking at Webster's thesaurus for names that related to magic and witches, I tried my luck with the name "Enchantress." Somehow on Earth I got the name.

    All the way up to level 50, I didn't tell anyone but one person that I was actually a guy. I'm a guy all day, and it's a bit overrated, so it was fun for me to play a "female." It's the unofficial "LGBT" server so I don't think many cared either way about my true gender.

    However, eventually I got to know more and more people personally, and people heard my deep voice and thick southern accent on Teamspeak. It became hard for people to call me Enchantress at this point. One player, Tekada, started to call me "Chant." Obviously its short for Enchantress, but I think it has a more masculine ring to it too. Soon the name spread like a virus. I changed my global from Enchantress to Chant, and the rest was history.
  11. Well,

    I've already moved my dp/dark corr over to full hero status. My first toon (the Enchantress some of you may have seen bumming AP) is currently a vigilante. I considering making her a full villainess. Everyone else will stay on their respective sides for now. I'm not a badge hunter so I don't care about all that mess.

    My biggest problem with vigilantes and rogues is the traveling situation on the other side. They should allow oro to relate to whatever side you are on at the time, or perhaps allow Super Groups to open their bases to Rogues or Vigilantes (depending on what side you are on). If Vanguard can recruit villains, why can I not recruit a rogue? I just hate being a lvl 50 Rogue with all this power, and being forced to ride the train with the common folks.
  12. I for the most part like ultra mode, but I can tell that they didn't think twice about bases when doing it (but they never think about bases).

    The problems are probably problems only a very trained eye would even notice, but there are many lighting issues that come up. In my base, in ANY room the western walls (according to the map) are always lit up more than the eastern walls, since there is apparently a "light source" such as the sun that is somehow going through the ceilings and so forth. I can also notice an effect on the floors, if you look facing east at a room the floors are tinted one way, and then turn around facing west they are a bit different. Likewise I hate what they have done with crystals. Complex rooms now look completely different for those who have ultra mode and those who don't. Likewise now lighting pretty much ignores whatever lighting configuration you have in place for this imaginary sun thats somehow shines through despite your base being "underground" supposedly.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Hmmmm, I don't want to know about this bromance. At all. Keep this to yourself, please!
    What? Don't ya know that this is the unofficial LGBT server?

    Just joking
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Well, that was quite fun. Pretty much had five at the start, and then a couple more joined up once we had moved on to PO (did you know Penny's demon summoning MM is called Pen Tacle? Hilarious!). Had to up the difficulty a bit because we were beating everything up so badly... I think we were dropping Warders in my Mayhem mission in about 3-4 seconds... it was kind of sad: I didn't even have time to toss out Snowstorm on bosses!

    Hit level 10 after about 1:50 of playtime, which wasn't too bad, since we weren't at a full team for the entire time. Thanks all of you that joined in, it was fun!
    Sorry I missed your run last night. My friend (@The Milk) who I pacted with decided to do something different. We pacted our dp/dark corruptors together and got them to 50 in about two weeks by just Task Forces, etc. We're doing the same for our demon/therms! It's total bromance....
  15. I'd much rather do just about any TF with coalition members and SG members I'm familiar with than random people in say Victory Badges.

    At the same time, I have noticed since many more people began playing across servers and on redside more that the Global Channel I made for my SG has a lot more activity in it than any SG I belong to, and it includes people I know and is even growing to include people not even involved in the SG. I even regret naming it after my SG, as it seems to serve more of a general purpose channel for a moderate-size social group.
  16. If my buddy @The Milk ain't on Ill join in. We have MMs pacted. And if he is one I will try to convince him to tab along.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    I'm going off old memory, or at least things I think I remember, but there are 2 timers for a raid, right?

    1 for the shields : 30 min(?) after the last pylon goes down / shields go down, the shields reset

    1 for the bomb credit : 20 min(?) after you plant a bomb, you can plant another for credit

    I think the time was off during last nights and I had a free and clear bomb to get 2nd credit for the team I was on, but I was following Chants' time call out and as I was clicking the thing, the shields went back up. I couldn't remember what the timers were, so no big deal. Also, I saw the bomb plant message while teamed but I couldn't find the damn credit for it; they've moved it from the last time I bothered trying to keep track.

    Otherwise, Raid was fine and didn't see a lot of loafers not helping and/or staying dead for too long.
    The way it actually works is that shield return 30 minutes after the defeat of the last pylon, and your team can plant a bomb EXACTLY 30 minutes after the last. However, defeating the GM and planting bombs can slightly extend the time that the shields return.

    My team ALMOST planted another bomb, I was knocked back in the process of planting it, and shields returned during a team member's second attempt. The timer I was using for the planting was my own timer, if a team managed to plant their bomb before mine, it was possible that they could have planted a second one before my team could. It's really up to the team leader to keep their own timer, I just shouted out my time for general reference since most people don't keep track of that (and I think my team was the first to plant a bomb that I know of).

    I am not too terribly sure if I am going to do a raid next week. I have time, but with I17 coming out I figured many would be occupied with all of the new stuff. Likewise, Im kinda scared many people would try to abuse the raid to attempt to level their lowbie demon MMs. What do you all think?
  18. Thanks to all who attended the raid, I forgot to check how many merits I had before starting, but I think I gained about 290 from it. Not bad, and it went pretty flawless. Had a bomb stealer, always hate those. Otherwise flawless almost. Hardly any deaths on my team at least.

    Had five FULL teams. Thanks to all who helped, especially the leaders!
  19. I made arrangements to attend, so I will be there as planned.
  20. Like always I have work-related stuff to interfere with my game play. I will be running late on this day. Thankfully Tusk will get everyone started, and the raid will begin at 9:45 PM sharp. I will get there when I get there!
  21. I probably will be trying to start it up 30 minutes early, that way we could start right at 9:30 with no delays.
  22. Hello and welcome to Victory!
  23. MoITF 1:10:24

    Team consisted of a stone tank, a fire/kin controller, empathy defender, and the rest scrappers. A rather cheap but effective go at MoITF
  24. First, I'm hosting a rather impromptu MoITF tonight at 10:30 PM EST. We have room to consider a few more people as I'm being a bit picky with this one. Get online and send me a tell to be considered.

    As for next Ship Raid, Im scheduling for 4/27/10 at 9:30 PM EST. Check out my most recent raid posts for information on how I plan to lead the raid. I plan to attend on the character, Apparitioness. I strongly encourage as many force field toons to attend, and would love to distribute controllers to each team for maximum AoE. The raid is later due to my work schedule, and mutiple requests from players. Unfortunately I could not schedule this time on a weekend.

    Tusk, we should consider either co-hosting raids or alternating. I heard you did very well taking over the last one.

    PS, I convinced the admins to change my name from Chantress. Chant was unavailble before, not sure how I lucked out getting it.