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  1. I love this event -- I have files of the radio coverage from 2 years of it... looking forward to it.
  2. CentralNexus

    Sig Button Art

    Hmmmmm .. Now I'm getting ideas
  3. Scale has always been an issue in this game. Sometimes it seems like everyone in the game is 5'5" . Here and there some things just don't fit.

    Of course if you ever flew up to the blimp, the door on it makes you wonder if the crew is all under 4 feet...
  4. Depends on who you're playing with -- I've seen lots of characters that are played differently than the AT would dictate -- The blasters trying to play scrapper a bit too often for instance. The biggest problem with Kheldians is they have too many roles -- human form blaster, squid blaster, tank form, etc. Some players focus on one or two roles - and even that will drive some players nuts because it is not how THEY would do it.

    Even if you have the details in your bio -- chances are some PLAYERS won't read it. Thats where you get caught in the players who think of the game as statistics, damage per second, etc. Some people just play the game and enjoy it. Others go nuts with it.

    I'd say if its that big of an issue, chances are you're playing with the wrong type of players. Keep looking -- There is all types out there.

    But the Pick-up groups will probably always be a problem, because the wrong type will always be pestering you. And sometimes they frequently find their way into those groups.
  5. I finally replaced my old blog site -- done in pLog err.. Lifetype with Squarespace. However one thing I've not found out is how to display an actual Server Status, rather than just link to it. The XML Feed isn't viable for any method I've tried. I've done some searching on the forums, and it sounds like it is a common problem post-Freedom.

    1) Is there an RSS alternative to the XML Feed?
    2) Is there a method to include the XML feed directly that would work on a Squarespace site?
  6. CentralNexus


    Really like this -- Giving me some ideas...
  7. CentralNexus

    Retro SciFi SG?

    I like that, but should it be earth in the logo? Maybe a star, or perhaps a galaxy spiral instead? Or a generic planet? Perhaps a ringed one?

    Unless of course this is some special project of the UGF. Assignment Earth?
  8. CentralNexus

    Retro SciFi SG?

    That is what I did. Breather and harness are my custom, and I treat them as a single unit. The shoulder pads I'm treating as a cultural warning ("Beware - Telepath"). They had a war decades ago brought on by early telepaths and their power grab.. The trait is all but dead in the species now, and anyone showing telepathic , empathic, telekinetics etc., are shunned outcasts, not to be trusted.

    I did take blue since I was a doctor/scientist with healing abilities.

    I was wondering if we were going to do one color, or stop at the Trek Gold/Blue/Red colors. We could do different colors for roles -- melee versus ranged versus healing versus crowd control, etc. I could see some advantages if the healers , tanks, etc. would stand out in a group team. Some roles would overlap on the elite archetypes, but if you knew your peacebringer would be ONLY ranged (or mostly so) you could suit up accordingly.
  9. CentralNexus

    Retro SciFi SG?

    Zaylex is now registered on the website.

    And for a logo how about...
  10. CentralNexus

    Retro SciFi SG?

    I Like the third one there myself ...UGF
  11. CentralNexus

    Retro SciFi SG?

    Now I have to get busy...Need to come up with something really alien.

    Q: What are we going to call this group? There have been many names in fiction, so we have to watch out there. I think star should be part of the name so that it can be the team emblem as well. Star Union? Stellar Confederation?
  12. CentralNexus

    Retro SciFi SG?

    I seem to remember a small group that had a starship theme. I forget the name, and I'm not sure which server it was on, although I suspect it was Virtue. I saw them around for a short while then they tapered off -- Not sure how active they are now. I think I saw a recruit broadcast a couple months back...

    I'd be interested -- The Teleport room would have to be VERY cleverly designed to pull it off well though. Depends on whether it is orbiting ship, space station, or maybe Lunar base.

    I would think something like that could catch on -- Kind of a United Federation of Planets, only it was already around when it finally became necessary to contact earth (Like the Star League from the Last Starfighter?). Perhaps Earth has become such a trouble magnet, setting up a local division would be needed. Then you can get aliens from other worlds visiting, along side the Terran heroes hoping to see the Galaxy.

    You could easily have a costume slot as a SG outfit -- but if you do that have some divisional coloration, rank (certain shoulder pieces), and give people leeway to do heads, hands, etc. as needed. I keep thinking of the way the LEGION OF SUPER HEROES does it -- striped outfits with a common color, with unique secondary colors and emblem. Cultural or racial stuff would come into play at some point. Even Worf got to wear his sash.
  13. Doing an homage to a character is always a fine line. Getting it close enough without crossing the line is tough. I've seen far too many characters that use the same colors in the same pattern AND use a name in the same vein. I have seen Emerald Archer and Green Flashlight, not to mention a host of xxx-El characters clad in blue, red, and yellow. Worse, some homages mention copyrighted places and groups in there bios, making it even harder to ignore them. You could easily make an oversized blue guy in torn red pants-- but do green skin and purple pants? You ask too much. You can easily do stuff in the style, without crossing the line.

    Remember also there are lots of players who remember the Marvel lawsuit and do to this day help to police the game reporting the Eula violators. If they are a possible threat to the game they won't be welcome. Whether they be level one or fifty, any player could see such a clone and bring it to the attention of the copyright owner.

    The reverse is true is well. I have seem a few CoH names used as actual comic character names. With millions of toons created over seven plus years, it HAD to happen.

    The safest thing to do is if you find an available name do a google search , possibly with "comic" or "hero". If you get to many hits to all of the above you are
  14. I've been looking for a Teen , Mutant, or School SG for a new Dark/Dark Blaster called Bloodforce....
  15. CentralNexus

    Slots go Boom?

    I've got the same problem on Virtue -- 2 slots that were available are now locked...
  16. I have to express my disappointment that COH is not going to be at Dragon*Con again this year it seems. As a member of the panel last year, There was an over-flowing room full of people WANTING to know things we couldn't answer. It seems that the most we get every year is a bunch of stuff to give away -- little if any is actually City related. There is always an excuse that you can't come *THIS* year. If I wear a COH t-shirt (which I have to make myself), I get tagged time and time again by people asking if I'm with NCSoft, all weekend long.

    PLEASE don't bypass Dragon*Con again this year. Send someone at least to see what you are missing. SONY didn't. Champions has been here. Why aren't you?
  17. Pretty bad yesterday -- got on briefly only to be rewarded an on-off-on mapserver message.

    Was on for a bit this morning without issues....

    Is it DoubleXP caused or just ill-timed?
  18. About the same here -- Tried to do a villain and got the lag several times until it was lost completely.
  19. Now that I think of it -- it is only useful IF i've done the badge sweep for the zone -- otherwise it would HIDE the fact that I need to do it...
  20. Neat grid animation -- useful for a special effect on tech players...
  21. I love the idea -- now I'm thinking about doing one for my own mission...
  22. I've started keeping my comic covers Here . Although I've still several dozen to upload there...

    Some call it art -- the "art" is getting the screenshot that will work in the first place...