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  1. Well, I know if you take a MM to Paragon instead of Rogue you can't unlock them, since I have. So it must be a AT + bad guy thing.
  2. ...on a lvl 20+ toon, can I start an Arachnos Soldier? Or do I need to start and level a toon as a villain to do that?
  3. About the Starship Troopers thing. I enjoyed it as a movie, but I'm a pretty big fan of Heinlein. I've always thought that if a writer is going to change the plot, setting, story, message, characters and morals of a story....don't freakin' call it by the same name as the book! It will only tick some people off. Try calling it something else and then put "inspired by So and So story" in the opening credits if you want to tribue something.
  4. Catch_22

    "I got a rock"

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    Ok Course that idea in Netrunner of rocks from the moon is from Moon is a Harsh Misstress. My favorite book by Heinlein

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    I don't know if it's related to the Peanuts thing, and maybe I'm seeing links where there aren't any, but I remember a Netrunner card with the title "I got a rock." I was told it was a reference to some Cyberpunk thing, referring to a corporation with the ability to drop a satelite or meteor onto someone's house from orbit.

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    The Netrunner card is the same Easter Egg... it is referencing the Peanuts cartoon.

    The event the card refers to is the destruction of Boulder (Denver?), Colorado by the Tycho Mining Corporation on the moon. They used a mass-driver to launch a big chunk-o-Moon at the Earth. (At least that's what I can remember from when I used to run 'Punk. I am sure someone will fact check me and point out if I am wrong.)

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    "Man, my best and only friend"
  5. Just for the sake of argument let me throw this out. Last night me and a friend made 2 baby toons. We went through the tutorial even though we had the option not to (nice!) and got our Isolator badges. Then we each got a mission from our baby contacts and set out. Here's how it went.

    Zone in to mine (was a clock mission) and take out 3 or 4 +1 clocks. As we were finishing up another group agros and, as was the norm a few weeks ago, we didn't run or retreat to regroup, we just kept fighting. Well, I almost fell and my friend did fall.

    Ok, fine, take two. We zone back in, look at the group and see 2 orange lts 4 minions of the same level in a level 2 mish. We boggled at that concept for a bit, but then we made a decission. A simple decission that made everything soooo much easier. We used......tactics!

    We pulled, we used our powers to greatest effect, we had a blast, we beat several more missions and we didn't die after that. Now, bug or no we had a blast. It was challenging, but not impossible. It was also the first time I'd seen the new hellion misisons, they're pretty cool.

    Now for the kicker. We beat these odds with 2 controllers. Neither of us had group cc for any of it, we each had single target holds. I had a personal bubble, but han't gotten any other secondaries and he was kinetics as a secondary. If we had been 2 of any other AT it would have been so much easier, but as it was we'd keep 1 or 2 of the crowd holding it's head while the others wailed away. We'd brawl and spam our holds and I'd spam my spectral wounds as we run around to stay alive. It was a blast.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    AGREED....either that or get a level of in-game support that is acceptable, 12 hours is NOT an acceptable response time!!!

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    I've never had to wait 12 hours, but then experiences my very. *shrug*
  7. Catch_22

    Tanker Update

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    I do have a concern though. At level 30 and afterwards, most fights last 30 seconds if that. Especially when Tiger's running with the ATLAS TV crew, which uses tight, effecient tactics and pre-arranged strategies and can get some encounters down to fifteen seconds or less. Most of the time in this situation I charge in with Invincibility on, throw a Provoke, and land about three punches, and it's over. These changes are nice, but in the scenario above will not matter a hill of beans.

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    Well, I think the change has a two fold purpose.

    1. Tankers primary duty in groups is to take damage. With this change in damage the primary focus won't alter too substantially. Tankers still take damage better than anyone else. The new punchvokes will help with that and taunt will work at a distance.

    2. Soloing and hard fights have a new meaning. You won't solo as fast as scrappers/blasters but it's now feasible and, possibly, even more fun due to the serious roleplayability of this change.

    If I had a tank I'd be screamin at my monitor things like "Oh, ya think so? Take that, and That, and THAT!"
  8. Catch_22

    Tanker Update

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    You know what I just thought of? Once, at least once, theres going to be one group out there somewhere, pounding away at bad guys. And they're gonna get into one particular fight that last longer then the others. And maybe, just maybe, the scrapper or blasrer or whoever is gonna see something out of the corner of his eye. Slowly, one by one each team-mate is gonna take notice as they back off and just watch the rampaging tank go to town.
    And I think at that moment, I just might shed a tear.
    KUDOS Statesmen and all that are involved with this decision! This is the most awesomest thing I've seen all day. (yes I had the invent a new word just for this occasion)

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    Two things.

    1. I just love the post quoted.

    2. Just wanted to say grats on the tankage love.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    The fact is that there are many group activities in the game and a lot of interaction, so it is not a simple game that you play by yourself.
    Perhaps the analogy was not the best but I think that watching people cheat at the same activity that you are performing is annoying. Also, I don't believe that payment for the game entitles people to cheat. I'm sure that the developers didn't design a cheat system into the game. I would like to know what they think.

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    It's not cheating, it's playing a game you paid for the way you want to.