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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
    Relax, Ravenswing always does this. I think it's his way of feeling superior to others.

    The notion of a very powerful character isn't exactly new and for that reason I think it's easy for me to fall into the trap of going: It's not cool to admit that having that kind of power and changing the World into a 'Utopia' is a viable option - therefore I am morally outraged! Free Will is more important than anything else.

    Well, if I had that power and I was being totally honest with myself, I probably would try and turn the World into something that I wanted it to be.

    The argument for me is how emotionally attached the character feels to the rest of the World. Why would Facade want to do this if a) it weren't for something that has already happened to him? or b) he has some kind of mental instability which alters his own perception of reality and leads him to not taking into account the actual feelings of others around him?

    It's less philosophical and more psychological but those are the questions I'd ask and points I'd raise.
    So the "I figured out how to do telepathy" was even a little irking. not even given the axiom "If our brains were simple enough to understand, we wouldn't be smart enough to understand them"

    the only likely result of some one trying to change the machinery of their brain would be a self imposed lobotomy.

    It's a ******* terrible character and a horrible cliché of a "predicament" that is wholly of the authors mary suing.

    I wish people would read something other than ****** (Insert hack author that they worship) Books, it would make things like this happen less often.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
    Well, I know what I'm doing some more of in my fortnight off the week after next...
    If you need any minions running up, I did get the hero Labs.
  3. Saph,

    Quad core and beyond: Not worth the price hikes, unless you do a lot of video encoding or Photoshop work there are almost no games that will acctually run faster on a quad core, most still prefer hight clock speeds.

    New GFX card: Unless you have that monster display, which would probably cost more than the fast as hell PC you would need to run games at it's native resolution, the Nvidia 260/275 (same chip different clock speeds) are more than enough for everything, I have yet to run anything that puts a strain on my 260. nad i made the same jump as you, the old 8800 gts to a 260 (also got a 3.0ghz chip to replace the older 2.33 I had)

    The thing that would actually speed up you PC the most would be having an OS and the main game you are playing on a Solid State Drive (SSD) until installing one of these I did not realise how much of a bottleneck the hard drive actually was to almost everything I was doing.
  4. Cass_

    European Meet?

    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    Anywhere on the continent is off for me, due to having no passport. Y'know, it helps keep me off the radar for when I eventually build my death ray.
    I thought that was what the legions of loyal minions was for? are we not going with the loyal minions legions now? Because we start production in a week you know and stopping before that would be better all round...
  5. Cass_

    European Meet?

    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan_NA View Post
    We dont need any lan centers, we just need somewhere to get pissed. Amsterdam is good for me, i know a lesbian i can stay with.

    That's how you describe her? Nice.
  6. This is for the bleeding Aussies and the heroic Kiwis et al.
  7. Cass_

    g-a-y supergroup

    No wizards here mate, Nah, your general wizard tends to like more your fantasy lands, not had any of that round here since... oooh, hard to say really.
  8. I like doom, tastes like butterscotch.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    Baptism by fire, it's the only sure way to survive.

    Though, I DID warn the people I like.
    *Plays ride of the Valkyries* I guess that means you love the smell of napalm in the morning then?

    And hello!
  10. Marmite is whats left over from making bitter. we use every thing!

    The best beer is the outstanding Mac's Gold Malt larger from NewZealand. tastes like bottled sunshine, or a nice Swedish Perry.
  11. Never insult a Scotsmans kilt, Last time we did that they sacked York.

    Hello from sunny dublin, I'm not Irish born, but I figured I would come annoy them in person.
  12. I find it truly heartening that there still is only one Lazer Jesus.
  13. Now, now, no murdering welshmen, they invented the longbow and then gave it to the english, How can you have anything against a group that gave us such a lovely as that eh?
  14. But after slicing to silly mid off, they got stumped.
  15. Isn't it always in these threads?

    Entertaining though, I give it 3 of 5 stars
  16. Yeah, they might well ignore the opposition to it as well.
  17. A question on Keldians.

    When they join with a human, do they produce a new singular personality or do the two still exist separately in the same mind?
  18. Cass_

    Total reinstall

    Burn the CoH folder to a disk, then copy them back on to the hard drive once the reinstall is done.

    Run the patcher and it will do the install, best to point it ot the layer above were you have copied the client folder i.e.

    c:\games\coh point the updater to c:\games
  19. It's like SLi/Crossfire, no actual support for 64 bit OSes and only a little for vista 32. IF there is a problem... sucks for you.
  20. Cass_


    It's really rather good.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    it's totally unlikely that the devs would actually be working, or have a strategy bulit around the release of possible competitor MMOs, or that NCSoft would even want them to do this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think it's hugely ironic that CoH now has a competitor's branding actually as part of it's content.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Given that they build the game... not ironic at all...
  22. ((Good story is good!!!!))