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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Not really...I'm at work so....

    And I'm one of those that "don't care" about story per se....just tell me what is happening/when/etc...and I'm good
    lol ok, fair enough.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ZLightning View Post
    Too bad all the heroes and villains will be in Pocket D running Incarnate Trials when they invade... ZOMG someone secure the portal between Pocket D and Studio 55 before it's too late!!!
    Not if there is a badge involved.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ThugOne View Post
    So the people to fight off the alien invaders are the Plumbers? No, wait, that's from someplace else.... the dimension of Super Mario bros...

    "Damn! ...I mean, mama mia!"
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Thanks to both of you
    No offense, but...the amount of effort that went into ignoring the first post, typing tl;dr version please, then waiting for certainly could have gleaned this information by glancing through. Right?
  5. the Zombie dimension:

    Zombie Sister Psyche holds the disembodied helmet of Zombie Positron, which thinks: "DAMN!...braaaaaaaains!"
  6. ...and the invasion is thwarted by the fact that the Praetorian calendar is the evil opposite of the primal calendar. May for us is actually "Smitzuary" over there.
  7. Is there a way to hide the "Not installed" tab, so I don't have to look at those other games every single time?

    Do you think I"m going to accidentally click on them one day and suddenly subscribe to them? I'm not. I will never be interested in any of those.
  8. The well has "gone" mad? Are we assuming this wasn't a short trip, or what?
    (Side note: All the old enhancements would mention "Strength of..." or "Wisdom of..." or "insight of...", never once did any of them mention sanity. Just saying. :P)

    I love the badge news. I'm eagerly awaiting some kind of acknowledgment of the promised facepalm emotes next.
  9. I wonder which dev would be the best person to forward this to?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JohnP_NA View Post
    Given the level shift and probably most of any enhancement bonuses you care about are available with Rare, it looks like the best part of getting Very Rare is probably the 'Incarnate' title.
    And the extra 10% or so from the Core side.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ThugOne View Post
    A thread in the "Suggestions" forum would work better for that.
    I'm not sure how. This isn't something new, or some wild new idea.
    I'm asking legitimate questions.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    gives no indication of how the target will be chosen. I'm saying that because this is a special raid power, the normal aggro rules won't apply,
    I'm genuinely perplexed how you can just jump to that from seemingly nowhere.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    But the entire Praetorian storyline is focused on shifting everyone to Primal Earth, either as Hero helping the Resistance, or as a Villain helping the Resistance - Longbow, Vanguard, the Freedom Phalanx and Arachnos are all siding with the Resistance, and supporting them in their fight against Tyrant - and once Praetorian players escape to Primal Earth, they're either going to be working with Longbow and the Freedom Phalanx, or working for Arachnos, with Vanguard helping them regardless of which side they picked when coming to Primal Earth.
    All of this is beside the point.
    All of the choices you make in praetoria have evil in them. Resistance, loyalists, all use reasons to justify their evil actions.

    Working with the resistance does not make the resistance less evil. The USA has worked with many governments in the past that we are currently or later went to war with and vice versa. Primal earth is USING the resistance, not necessarily endorsing every action they've taken. Nor do I suspect Vanguard is advertising to everyone how they planned to destroy their only water supply.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I don't mean all the obvious stuff on Primal Earth - during the Praetorian content, Dark Watcher says how it's important to get Primal Earth help for the Resistance, or Tyrant will crush everyone.
    And I believe that is one of the very last arcs for the resistance. The side you are already on in order to get.

    It has nothing to do with all the evil choices you made beforehand, besides how you wound up on the resistance.
  15. Even wearing this t-shirt about Going Rogue is a "moral choice", since we are choosing to advertise something that isn't true. lol
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    So being told we have to join forces with the Resisatnce to stand a chance of stopping Tyrant's evil plans doens't count?
    It really doesn't, considering that happens in Primal earth, and the discussion is Praetorian morality. Thanks for destroying my interest in the forums yet again with your relentless insulting dogma. ""
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Seems kinda weird then that the devs have made them the right side to be on then
    No, they explicitly did NOT do that.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    i noticed.

    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post

    You meant someone important, didn't you?
  19. Just thought I'd throw this out there. Is anyone else a little bit upset that one of your "moral choices" from Calvin Scott asks you to kill one group of non powered ordinary humans (Senators) or another? That's the choice. This group or that one. KILL them.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Releasing this QOL fix is a requirement for me when I run PUG STFs. Can someone please hotline the Devs to this oversight?
    I'm hoping that if enough people respond to this thread, someone will notice.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    I'd like the "extreme exaggeration from someone with no input into design or execution" category for 800, Alex
    Yeah, that seemed a bit excessive, Zombie.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
    This fact makes the need for the emote greater than ever--OH the Irony.
    Yeah, it didn't escape me. lol
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    Something that involves running up against the individual members of the Vindicators and Freedom Phalanx would be ideal. Constantly having to fight bad guys with my bad guy breaks my sense of immersion (and that's generally what's involved in most of the Patron Arcs.)
    Like the contact that makes you fight Ms Liberty twice, and up to 4 Vindicators on the same map? I forget her name, I think she's standing next to mage killer zukara or whatever her name is.
  24. So, we were kind of implicitly promised a facepalm emote last July. At the San Diego comic con, tshirts of Maelstrom doing a one handed facepalm were given out as prizes. It said City of Heroes Going Rogue.

    I asked Positron directly face to face if that meant it was in the game now, and he said it was on one of the internal builds.

    So...what happen? Lost in the void?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Since I have been derelict in my "make a thread for Victory to discuss news" duties, I gave you the February Producer's Letter!

    Incarnate Trials... not TFs (somehow), but can be completed in 30 to 90 minutes with teams of 8 or 16 (Lambda Sector) or 12 or 24 (BAF). I don't know if this is going to placate the soloists, but it is interesting. Are they not TFs because they aren't a series of missions? Who knows?! Also, you supposedly don't need cookie cutter teams for this.

    My prediction: Masque with have the Trials down to 15 minutes in a month.

    EDIT: Ok, I just read about the Turnstile queues... now that is awesome.

    Victory... discuss!
    Hm, can the queues be some kind of road to cross server teaming?