1112 -
This is a nuclear option, and I don't know why you'd even playfully bring it up.
Oh this is great news I'm reading! How about tokens? Are people getting their tokens???
See, I hit tier 9 just about a couple weeks before the bad news hit. I'm an (almost) 3-year veteran, so that means I paid a lot of money to reach tier 9! Why? Because I wanted those awesome Mech suit parts! (Not exactly a Transformers fan but the parts individually are VERY useful for Marvel-style power armor suits.) I was lucky enough to receive my last Paragon Token on the night I finished buying my way to the top, so I was able to snag the Mecha Armor pack with the backpacks, weapons and wings. Then the news hit, and I've been worried I'd never get to have any of the other parts.
May not seem like a big deal to others, but I'm still playing and enjoying the game while it's there and I had a concept in mind. Screw their refund, I'm using all of my points to buy power sets and other goodies to play with during the next couple months (I have a cool concept in mind for a Beta server character to take through the Issue 24 content). I don't want my stupid pocket change back, I just want City of Heroes. Arg! Those assclowns. -
Quote:Where did he state that? (Not doubting you, just asking for a link--I'm hanging on every redname's words right now and I couldn't find a post about a coffee talk in the Community Digest.Yes but Zwill stated he would try to do a Coffee Talk today. I am aware that Paragon was shut down.
At any rate, if he was supposed to but didn't, no worries! Could be a good thing, who knows? Maybe he had a job interview, maybe he's doing something for our sake behind the scenes, maybe he just needed to spend time with family or crack out on a video game or go out and have fun for his sanity's sake. All great reasons not to have a coffee talk. -
Quote:Best post ever, you win my Internet trophy, given to me during the Great Internet War (I forget which one at the moment).
"PARAGON HEAR ME! It is true what many of you have heard. The publishers have set a shutdown date and as I speak that shutdown date is drawing nearer to our home. Believe me when I SAY we have a difficult time ahead of us but if we are to be PREPARED for it we must FIRST shed our FEEER of it.
I stand hear before you now truly UNAFRAID! WHY?! Because I believe something you do not? NOOO! I stand here without fear because I remember. I remember that I am HEEEER not because of the path that lay before me, but because of the path that lies BEHIND me! I remember that for eight and a half YEEEERS we have played this game! I remember that for eight and a half YEEEERS trolls have tried to dishearten us and after a decade of gameplay I remember that which matters most!
Let us send a message to NCSoft! Let us shake this game! Let us tremble the warwalls of earth, steel and forcefield! Let us be heard from weatherless sky to weird moon! Tonight let us make them remember
Also, my new sig!
(Haha just kidding.)
Quote:Just bumping this to remind people to please take a few moments to copy/paste your earlier correspondence to this address.Cross-posted at Titan Network forums
UPDATE (Tuesday, September 18)
Hey all, good news. As I indicated in my update yesterday, I asked for an e-mail address that we could use to send messages to NCsoft without interfering with company operations. Today, I received the following: "I asked about setting up a monitored email address for players to be able to communicate with NCsoft, and one has been created at: COHSunset@ncsoft.com." (Emphasis mine.)
Now I know that some of you are thinking, "But that wont do any good!" but I'd like to point out that 1) you don't know that, and 2) they most certainly did not have to do this; I appreciate that not only did they, but they did it very quickly, which shows to me that they are listening. I honestly believe that someone will be reading these messages. Accordingly, please don't use it to grind your ax at NCsoft or e-mail bomb it. If you do, that will most certainly assure that it gets redirected to a black hole never to be read again, which would be screwing over your fellow players, not NCsoft.
Why? Well, this:
Quote:On the other hand, maybe we got their attention and they're curious enough to want to consolidate all the feedback and see just how much there really is and what it's saying. The pessimist in me says "it goes to the trash bin," but if I were guessing optimistically, they might have someone reviewing it and reporting to the senior staff the way Zwill said he reviewed and reported back to the devs on threads here when they're making a decision: "there are this many messages, this percentage say this, this percentage say something else, the general response amounts to this." At any rate, they did feel compelled to acknowledge us and offer an official channel for continuing the campaign, when they could have just bullied Tony with a cease and desist letter and called it a day, and that in itself is a step forward.
This isn't a demand, this isn't meant to be nagging. It's a desperate plea. I am pleading with you to cooperate with the rest of the community, just as strongly as I'm pleading with NCSoft to cooperate with our community. Please hear me. Please respond. Please respond to these calls to action we're seeing from the Titan Network. Please. -
Lot 34: Full set Might of the Tanker, @Captain-Electric. Please, and thank you!
(And I have enough unslotters to hand it back, if by some miracle, our Primal Earth doesn't end.)
Quote:To add to this, and to further explain "Why all the hubbub over this MMORPG in particular, what makes it such a special snowflake?", the City of Heroes community is in a unique position. How we exploit that position as an opportunity, or how far we squander it in this limited time frame we've got, is greatly up to our deal-maker's ammunition--and we're their ammunition; without all of our crazy antics in the press, our friends in Paragon wouldn't have nearly as much traction. The most important thing is to keep providing them that traction. Online games get closed down all the time, especially in this market. What makes our situation unique is that we have famous authors and the wider gaming press and the broader online gaming community--and even to some extent the broader news media on our side. This kind of serendipity shouldn't have caught NCSoft by surprise at all, given the number of diverse genres, sub-cultures and the super hero zeitgeist permeating all things entertainment, which have been touched on so respectfully by our game. City of Heroes is practically a cultural artifact. That gives NCSoft two choices. Help preserve it, or lose face (in this case, consumer and stakeholder confidence) trying to set it on fire. If helping to preserve it means passing it on to another caretaker, so be it. That's what publishers ought to be doing with these kinds of properties anyway, if they don't like being reviled for dashing years worth of their customers financial and emotional investments.We have some reasonably heavy hitters helping out, with connections to the actual negotiations.
We also have industry veterans from both the video game industry and comic book and entertainment industries speaking out on our behalf (and possibly involved in negotiations, although that is still firmly within the realm of rumor AFAIK).
No shutdown notice in the history of online games has ever been followed by such a loud and unanimous outcry. I've been keeping up with industry news for fifteen years, and this is some crazy stuff. -
Zwillinger if you're reading, please sticky this post by Tony in General Discussion:
You'll be helping everyone to stay in touch. -
Next time maybe he'll know better.
Everyone needs to read that. Not because it's unique to what many of us are thinking and feeling, but because it encapsulates it so well. Over the last couple of days, there have been a lot of divided opinions and it's caused some bitterness. But it ought to be quickly forgotten. We've all been thrown into the same mess together.
I SO want to pick and prod at your summary of virtual property as a service. Not because I disagree with you, but because I know that you're right, and I don't think it's fair. I've used the analogy before that it's like throwing away good, timeless books instead of passing them on, donating them to a library, or selling them to your local bookstore. Most of us can get away with a handful of books, but when an MMORPG publisher does this to a rich, story-filled game like City of Heroes, they may as well be burning a warehouse full of books. Books worth reading, books worth passing on. There would be no problems with this set up (virtual property as a service) if the industry had established a tradition of passing these properties on for safekeeping. Instead they're teaching us to go suck an egg, after all our investments, for all they care. What if they treated their own stakeholders this way? (Maybe they do?) And they WONDER why the MMO market is losing consumer confidence? Seriously, get a clue, suits!
NCSoft isn't obligated in the slightest to help find another home for our game, its players and our stories. This fact alone doesn't make them evil. But, watching Atari and Perfect World in the news a year or so ago, doing the unimaginable for their Champions Online community filled me with hope for the industry's acknowledgement and respect for its customers. NCSoft looks so bad compared to them, now. And after watching our own game's fans raise so much money for charities over the years, I guess I was just naively surprised to learn that our own fate would be so lacking in charity. But I've seen better, I know that publishers are capable of doing right by their customers.
NCSoft taught me that NCSoft isn't one of these publishers. -
The forum shutdown date is likely to catch us off guard, without warning, and it will do no good for us to seek that information from NCSoft in advance (they will not answer).
So it's better to be proactive. I recommend we pressure the Titan Network to send out a Call to Action to abandon these forums completely, as an undivided community, on or before the moment they're shut down, and move all discussions to the Titan Network forums. You might THINK everyone assumes this coarse of action already, but do not underestimate the thousands of current and former players who are too busy with work, family and life in general to read everything that gets posted here (or just playing the game instead of reading the forums). These players will be left out in the cold if the forums are shut down without warning.
We can do this in a way that causes NO interruption for our community, but we need the Titan Network to give us the signal.
I REALLY think this is the best way to handle things, otherwise we risk splintering the forum community before the game even shuts down. That will not be optimal during a time when people will need a place to come lay their baggage and/or continue to organize themselves and keep in touch moving forward. -
I sent my earlier correspondence to the new address, and I encourage everyone here to do the same with theirs!
P.S. If they'e using any of this material as testimonials to show interested parties and seek healthy bids, you really want to help them put our game's best foot forward. -
Zwillinger, you have always treated me with respect and dignity as a customer, and even individually on a couple of occasions when I voiced a complaint on the forums. If I didn't complain much, it's because I was playing City of Heroes. A lot. I mean, really, a lot. I played the crap out of this game. I've been playing MMORPGs a long time and none of them ever reached into me and hooked me like City of Heroes has, and does.
My Android would send me an email anytime you uploaded your coffee talk streams to YouTube. I only ever participated in a couple (time, RL, etc), but I watched them later. I looked forward to them so much. Not just to get the scoop on new and upcoming features, but to laugh along with you and the rest of the team as they made "guest" appearances. I could tell you loved your job so much, and Andy, I just want you to know that I am so very sorry. Words cannot explain how grateful I am to have been a part of this ride and how heartbroken I am for your loss and for mine and everyone else. You may not know me, but I'll miss you so very much.
I'm still hoping for a miracle, and still going to help try and create one, but I just wanted you to know how I felt. -
Just an FYI for future reference though, you can change a thread title during the first minute or so after you've made your post. I've done it a couple times to fix a typo.
So, more Foxbat, less Batman?
I'm as angry as many of you and maybe angrier than some of you, but planning to be a constant thorn in NCSoft's side is unsustainable. Believe me, they'll present plenty of opportunities for us in the coming years anyway, and so will people you know (any time someone asks your opinion about an NCSoft game is an opportunity to warn them off). In fifteen years of MMO gaming I've never seen sentiments for harassment grow into a movement. That's because most human beings cannot sustain their anger along a prolonged destructive coarse of action with no productive gain in sight; which is good, those who can often end up in jail or something.
However, I've seen more than one online gaming community come back swinging from the ashes, when they took their anger and resentment and channeled it into something to feel great about; something that could eventually erode their anger and turn it into a sense of real achievement. Entire game studios have been built on the ashes of communities cut down before their time. -
I'll see what I can do! Birds of a feather and all that. Most people I play with are here for the stories.
Quote:Did you really have to bump this now?! I'm partly joking, but I'm partly serious about the fact that this thread is probably the worst idea I ever had on these forums. That realization becomes rather obvious throughout, but now that I'm immortalized by the OP...Sure. They're not losing face with *US*. They don't care about us. They care about the opinions of their peers.
Oh wait.
*Has an idea.* -
Quote:Redbone, this is unrelated but your Sabrina's Tale arc was one of the most memorable stories I ever played through, thanks.In the last 20 years, I've worked in some higher capacity for 3 different companies all of which had yearly profit (not income, profit) in the 9 figure range.
Quote:Dude, that message is NCsoft officially telling us it's "game over" as far as they are concerned. There are no more action items to take on our side. Either someone else buys the IP or they don't. Everyone did they best they could, now it's time to accept the reality of the situation and make the most of it. If there's no successor announced by November 30th, then there's no successor. No point living in denial in the meanwhile.
Sorry (and yes, I still wish it wasn't true but it is; time to move on).Quote:If there is a miracle and somehow CoH is saved, we reserve the right to change any and all answers given in the doc, to maintain suspense and surprise. -
Quote:This miracle will be probably have to be us, folks. Want your game to stay? Head over to the Titan Network forums if you haven't already, and answer their Calls to Action!If there is a miracle and somehow CoH is saved, we reserve the right to change any and all answers given in the doc, to maintain suspense and surprise.
Or head to the new WWW.SAVECOH.COM
(Thanks Leandro, awesome!!!) -
*Captain-Electric salutes Positron.*
*Continues to salute Positron*
*Yep, still saluting...*
*This is getting kind of awkward...* -
Quote:Well, actually I see a bunch of us just trying to make sure and fill up the first page with practical and non-doomy posts before the doomsayers show up en masse.Jesus H. Christ, people. All I said was I was sad and then I posted the link. I didn't cry doom or put it in a negative connotation.
Act like you have some god damned sense.
Trust me, you wouldn't like the alternative. -
I'm liking these ideas, but it's making me think we'll have to push Plan Z forward a few letters to make room.