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  1. It may seem weird to single this guy out, but unlike the Paragon devs we'll be able to stalk via their Twitter feeds and blogs and see what they're up to later, I know it's always going to bother me not knowing how it all turned out for GM Lloyd.

    GM Lloyd was the GM who answered my very first page for help. Maybe it was different back then, maybe different policies; but after just a few moments of waiting, I still remember watching that seemingly renegade PPD drone careen wildly over a hill in the distance, zooming straight toward me, and then running into me, and then pushing me all over the place for a few moments before finally stopping to ask how it could be of service. I couldn't stop laughing. It wasn't a dev member who first introduced me to the great culture surrounding this game--it was GM Lloyd.

    That guy probably answered 2/3 of my support requests over the years. He didn't always have the time to be personable, but when push came to shove and I said enough with the form replies, he'd always step in and have a good old-fashioned correspondence with me if that's what it took to investigate my problem. I was always polite enough to apologize when I turned out to be in the wrong (which was several times ), and I always thanked him for his time no matter what.

    GM Lloyd, if you ever read this, you were the best damn GM I ever dealt with in 15 years of MMO gaming. Any publisher or studio would be lucky to have you on their payroll. Good luck out there and may your future be bright.
  2. We'd have to do a whole lot more to reach the main screen turn on news.

    A week or two ago I wanted to get a flash mob organized right outside NCSoft's NA offices--something for which there are groups of people out there ready and willing. And I looked into finding some people who have experience making those events turn out really well, but in the end I realized I'd need a whole lot of support going into it; and as much as I hate to sound negative, the most I could get out of our community was one or two laughs.

    I also had an idea to have two giant paper mache Statesman statues erected outside of NCSoft's UK and NA offices simultaneously. This would have taken some money and help, but hit up Google Images for "giant paper mache statue" and you'll see that it's not such a crazy idea, there are some really cool ones that have been made by people (if you search around you'll find a huge Hulk one). Someone was even willing to deliver the UK one. Again, no one saw merit in this.

    I believe there's still time to pull off big stunts like these, or more effective ones. It's not the notion that "U GUYZ IGNORD MY IDEAZ" that irritates me--this is the Internet, getting an idea across is largely about timing if you're not well-known, and sometimes even then. Rather, it's the notion that a lot of people are allergic to any effort that would cause them to get up out of their chairs for too long and do something in the real world. You can't get into the mainstream news without a real big show of love for whatever cause you're supporting--and that takes more than big numbers of people; it also takes big crazy antics. The press loves big crazy antics (when they're harmless--so no vandalizing Hellion style).

    I also think we should have had one reliable source handle the shipping and dumping of all of our letters, masks and capes out of a single truck right at NCSoft's South Korean doorstep, with the news media there to see it. This wasn't my idea, I've seen other people bring it up here and there. I agree that we missed a great opportunity by trickling these items into NCSoft's mail rooms in a fashion that may be easily ignored by the higher ups. You can't get big corporations to pay attention to you. You can only get the MEDIA to get the big corporations to pay attention to you. Big corporations don't have ears or hearts. They do have PR departments.
  3. Posted earlier in Announcements for anyone not watching over there.

    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    You will be able to play until 11:59:59PM on November 30, 2012. Servers will go down at midnight.

    I'm sorry for the confusion. Midnight is a tricky time to have something like this happen. I'll update all communication we've posted about this.

    =-> Jessie
  4. Captain-Electric

    The situation

    Tony, I hope I'm not the only one that would much rather not see you defending yourself. Good lord, man, if there's anyone here who doesn't have to defend himself, it's you. I have tremendous reservations about Plan Z, but hey, that's just one letter in the entire alphabet and you know what? These efforts need a leader and you're the man who made the stand.

    I do appreciate the sentiments in your post, Evil, but I stand 100 percent behind Tony's plans to save the game. Sure, I'm doing stuff on my own. But please realize, this is about ten miles shy of making me special or single-minded. Lots of people are doing stuff on their own. In fact, if they're not, I've got a bone to pick with them. Tony has encouraged us to do stuff on our own. Also, nothing I've done on my own has made a dent. I'm sure it's added to a larger chorus, though.

    Remember the bit I wrote in the link above, about great development teams being able to work together? About being able to follow the lead, even when you hate his or her directions? Do you honestly think Paragon's developers never spat on a team lead's idea before having to implement it anyway? In a perfect world, teams would agree with each other on every front, but this isn't a perfect world. If we make it through this, we'll do it as a team. We'll only fall divided. Because I assure you, if we're divided, then it gives NCSoft an insurmountable edge over us.

    Unfortunately, you should also realize that for as vocal as I've been around here lately, hardly anyone will know who you mean when you mention 'Captain-Electric.' I have little or no earned credibility within this community. Again, I'm just trying to shout from a larger chorus, not spread dissent or something (and I'm not the person Tony referenced in his reply, for anyone who misread that).

    Speaking of dissent, it probably takes an average of four or five hours for any positive thread to scroll off the front page of General Discussion. There's a reason for that--most of the chorus has moved their forum activity over to the Titan Network already. This is exactly why I haven't bothered to sign up over there even though I'm one of their biggest fans. All it takes is two or three negative posters (or well-intentioned debates that spin into pages of arguments) to drown out dozens of positive messages, and I believe it's more important for people to keep posting good news on the main forums, than it is to give negative messages so much attention that it looks like we're practically begging NCSoft to acquiesce to our sense of apathy rather than to our sense of hope and determination.
  5. There's only one way I'll ever bring up Hitler on the Internet. So, here's Hitler, getting a black eye.

    (There's also that cat picture I posted that one time.)

    Quinch actually made a legit thread and in less than four posts it answered the OP's question in flying colors. I could have just linked to the third post by Alpha Wolf and called it a day.

    Everything else we did here yesterday was a waste of time, including everything I posted, unless you consider lame arguments on the Internet to be worth our while and instrumental to saving City of Heroes.

    The fact is, while I was busy deflecting all the poo that everyone was flinging in Mercedes Lackey's direction in some random Internet argument she'll never read, she was busy actually helping to save City of Heroes--composing one of the most eloquent certified letters to CEO Songyee Yoon I've read yet, written from one successful woman, a New York Times bestseller, to another successful woman at the top of NCSoft; and written to appeal to some of South Korea's entertainment industry's most popular cultural artifacts.

    Call these efforts useless if you will, but if you keep doing it here, in some dying forum that no one will ever read, while the targets of your ire are out there soaking in the gaming media's spotlight...well, good luck and have fun being such "realists."

    Please go to, write letters, send masks and capes, writes posts on other forums, write open letters to NCSoft in comment sections beneath articles covering SaveCoH on gaming and other news sites. Do something to help save City of Heroes, and then come judge the disingenuousness of other peoples efforts.
  6. City of Heroes Petition Reaches 20,000 Signatures

    Dear NCSoft: is honor important to you?

    There's still time to honor your customers, NCSoft. We've been loyal to you for eight years. Now, we're giving you the opportunity to show your gratitude. To show your honor. To make all of us come out of this looking great. Please help give City of Heroes/Villains another home for its loyal fans.

    Yes I know NCSoft will never read this OP. But if you're looking for a quick copy/paste to dump all over the Web in comments sections under various news articles about City of Heroes, here's an idea for your copy/paste Notepad file.
  7. Captain-Electric

    Why bother?

    Someone who's familiar with Durakken, please tell me if we're being trolled.

    All I remember about him is when he made that City of Heroes Lore wiki (and worked his butt off on it for a couple weeks before forgetting about it and eventually letting the domain lapse). Fortunately, all of that content made it over to the Titan Network's Paragon Wiki, because I loved what Durakken managed to pull together. His master timeline was and is epic.

    But then I see this and it's like seriously, main screen turn on what is this I don't even know???
  8. Not if she's talking about the Reptilians.

    BAM. In your face.

  9. Quote:
    Earlier this month, reports surfaced that EA had tried to acquire Valve only for Valve co-founder Gabe Newell to share his view that the company would "disintegrate" should it ever be bought.

    "It’s way more likely we would head in that direction than say, ‘Let’s find some giant company that wants to cash us out and wait two or three years to have our employment agreements terminate,'" he said.
    I heard Gabe Newell isn't even afraid of Chuck Norris.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    That is something that I would expect from a two bit operation.
    Well, I don't know. Maybe you can make the Titan Network and ML's redname friends stop and listen to reason, if you just keep flinging poo at them. Never give up! Heroes never quit!

    That was sarcasm. This isn't: do more and do better to save City of Heroes than the Titan Network has done and is doing, and I'll jump ship in an instant. My respect, loyalty and cooperation will be yours to beckon. Until then, I can't take you seriously.
  11. Captain-Electric

    My SaveCOH Video

    Originally Posted by Kentor1701C View Post
    Here is one to cheer you up acter the punch in the gut. I am on my phone so I can't link it or don't know how but just google COH Dark Radio Lingerie Party. I hope it helps the pain we are all feeling.
    Cool vid, I smiled at some of those costumes and well-timed dance emotes. But that War-Bash guy...OMG...CANNOT UNSEE
  12. Captain-Electric

    Why bother?

    No one has been asking NCSoft to keep the game running, we've been trying to get them to sell it to another publisher or studio (the most optimal solution is selling it to Paragon Studios and letting them be their own studio, in the same way that CCP was allowed to split off and buy EVE from Simon & Schuster years ago and became their own studio and publisher). This is a HUGE distinction that people shouldn't be confused about this late in the process (especially because it might lead to other people being confused about it, too). There are ZERO efforts aimed at getting NCSoft to keep running the game.

    What you're suggesting about US buying the game has already been discussed, a lot, here and on the Titan Network. Our ability to crowd-fund several million dollars has been a sticking point in every discussion.
  13. Captain-Electric

    My SaveCOH Video

    VoodooGirl, "punch to the gut" was the perfect description, and yeah, at least it was excellently executed. I think as November draws nearer, I'll be using your video a lot to get people to respond to any calls for action, whether they're members of this community or people I'm hoping to elicit sympathy from. the way...I left a heartfelt message on your profile page.
  14. Captain-Electric

    AP33 Forever!!

    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    Looks like AP33 is gone. I know it was there last night when we ran a Manticore, but it's not there this morning.
    They'll put it back up, it's because maintenance happened.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    I wonder if I weigh more than a duck?
    If you register over there, the first thing you ought to prepare yourself for is nothing, absolutely nothing being about you. Bear in mind, all of the chitter chatter about ML is happening here, not there.

    Over there, they're all concerned with saving City of Heroes. I read up over there every day, and that's all I see.

    So going in there and being yourself will probably not go over well if you're not dedicated to the united effort to save City of Heroes. If you try to engage anyone in a protracted debate over personality issues and conflicts, you'll be shut down and good riddance in my opinion. We already have a place for petty bickering. These forums. (Which have never been heavily moderated enough in my opinion.)
  16. Well, they're still developing the emulator. The alpha/stress tests lasted several years. Beta probably won't be over with overnight. I also know people in the RunUO community (or knew, and could maybe get back in touch with--and that doesn't include Ryan, for anyone wondering, but I might know people who know people...who could beg him for a moment of his attention lol). I could probably do some begging and pleading on my end and get some extremely knowledgeable people in touch with Tony--I've already let him know this. I'm actually pretty sure I'm not the only one on these forums who is able to say this. But I wouldn't do it, and other parties probably wouldn't care to do it (we're talking seriously cranky parties in some cases), unless the Titan Network was already organizing plans around this and was already determined to see it through. Emulators have a real shoddy reputation that's mostly deserved, but the noble ones, the professionally run projects out there, they are decked out with top-notch programmers and artists (and yes, community managers) who do this in their spare time between jobs and families. It's not worth it to waste their time for some small talk.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Maybe now, when we see another game be shutdown, instead of thinking or saying "oh well sucks to be them" like in the past, now it's a greater understanding of what it is like.
    The last time this happened to my favorite MMO, me and a whole lot of other players boycotted the publisher, and joined together as a community that was unwilling to let their game die. And it wasn't just talk. It took eight years, but Earth and Beyond is now in a feature complete beta state, faithful to the original game; and also chalk-full of new updates, features, art and story content made by, and funded by the players, and implemented by a professional dev team who has worked together for years-- to achieve a quality free service, and to right a wrong that was done to their fans.

    Hundreds of players are exploring the stars at any moment, thanks to two things especially: community and determination. EA hasn't so much as attempted to write a cease and desist letter because they know the Earth and Beyond community will decentralize in response, and just like the Ultima Online emulator community did years before, there would be dozens of professionally run servers (and thousands of, ahem, other sorts) for them to fuss with their lawyers over--something that would cost them much money and effort for very few results as a reward.

    A few years ago, a new CEO at EA finally bowed to pressure and bad PR, and publicly admitted that EA's strategy of killing their competition by buying them out and shutting them down over the years had been, perhaps, not well-thought out. Meanwhile, Earth and Beyond's old producer recently said he's amazed and thrilled by what his [destroyed] studio's fans have done. Or rather, what they didn't do: give up.

    I'd love to read comments like that from Brian Clayton or Matt Miller some day, years from now, which is why I'm admittedly disappointed by the news that the Titan Network has decided not to get behind a City of Heroes emulator. Bowing to legal fears and concerns doesn't impress someone who's been there, done that, and is still a member of two emulator communities, both very successful for years now, where many MMO players have sworn off big publishers as a matter of principle (and, perhaps, the wisdom of experience).

    The Earth and Beyond emulator team is reportedly gearing up to start their own real-deal studio after the emulator hits the "Live" stage and they release all server code to the public. After nearly a decade of surmounting every single speed bump and Mount Everest in their way, they've proven to themselves, to their fans, and to the MMO development community, that they can achieve the seemingly impossible.

    The Titan Network's Plan Z, on the other hand, is also admirable, and achievable. But it is also extraordinarily awesome in scope, and would be even for an already established studio. The idea that a group of players--some who couldn't agree on the most basic gameplay mechanics during their years on these forums--could get together and...eesh, it's a heavy order, even for an Optimism Incarnate like me.

    You just don't slap an MMO together, not if you want it to deserve the moniker of City of Heroes' spiritual successor. MMO designers who make great games have years of experience behind them, and that's only half of the equation. The other half is the ability to work well together, and working well together ALWAYS, INEVITABLY means saying "yes sir" to the programming lead, or content lead, or art lead, or assistant lead, or team lead, or whoever it is you're under. Even when you hate their idea with all your heart. THAT is what working together truly means, and if you can't do it, you can't make a good game. This is why I brought up the Earth and Beyond team: because they're sitting on a success right now that has earned more respect than ire in their industry, and it's allowed some of them (who previously had little or no experience) to cut their teeth on game design and learn from experience. Some of these guys and gals wouldn't be prepared to start their own studio and make their own game if they hadn't brought their old game back to life first.

    Sorry for rambling. Thanks for reading, if you did.
  18. Gabe Newell has said he'd disband his corporation before he sold out to some large, corporate schizophrenic entity like EA (or in this case, NCSoft). Gabe is a gamer. No one else in the industry even came near his concept for Steam sales until Steam came along, and the rest of the industry hates Steam for it. And that's fine, because Gabe has pretty much told them all where they can stick it. I own almost 200 games on Steam (90% of which I've never played, here's looking at you, City of Heroes). Almost all of them were bought for under ten bucks, and almost all of them carried a MSRP of $20 to $60.

    Remember, folks, publishers don't want to buy Valve because they envy them. They want to buy Valve because they hate them, and want them to die. You can't kill a corporation as successful as Valve unless you own it; and they'll never so much as own a small stake in it as long as it's privately held.

    Edit: On the bright side, I can't wait to read about Newell's reaction to NCSoft's offer. I'm sure it'll be...entertaining, LOL. Especially if Gabe remembers all the letters our community recently sent him. Might be an excuse for him to get a knife-jab in for us.

    This will just never happen in a million years and NCSoft and Nexon are just so supremely disconnected and out of the loop and just...ugh, can I say stupid? I don't want to be mean here, but really, NCSoft? You and Nexon held a CONFERENCE over this pipe dream? Really?
  19. Personally, tonight I know I've spent way too much time engaging in a frivolous internet argument about someone else's character, someone I've never met and don't know. Does she deserve it? I think so. Would she have wanted me to spend this much time defending her? I doubt it. This was a bunch of wasted energy, instead of spending my time actually DOING SOMETHING to help save City of Heroes. Tonight, I wasn't part of the solution, and that's probably the worst kind of "community member" you can be around here right now.

    Now, I'm off to go do something SaveCoH-related elsewhere on the Internet, and then do something maybe just as important--log in, gather some friends, and play the game till I can't stay up any longer.

    Please go to, write letters, send masks and capes, writes posts on other forums, write open letters to NCSoft in comment sections beneath articles covering SaveCoH on gaming and other news sites.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    I still like the fact that Captain Electric hasn't been able to refute my statements concerning ML and that she has been incorrect in the past (or unable to back up her statements), which is why I am unable to believe her in general.
    Of course I'm not going to refute them. I'm not her, I'm not her internet bodyguard, and I'm already wasting a ridiculous amount of time on this stupid thread. I did make a post pointing out that Positron and Zwillinger have both made similar mistakes in predicting NCSoft's plans or intentions, but I'm not holding it against them, either. Guess you didn't read it, oh well, forums.

    NCSoft's unpredictability has been the problem here, since August 31, not ML or anyone else who has lifted a finger to help us. You seem to think my motivations for posting here ought to revolve around winning an internet argument with you, and maybe this is the part where I'm supposed to go digging out six month-old quarterly earnings and have a nerd off with you about them. But, hold up, there. My only point during that part of this quickly devolving playground argument was to get people to understand that ML has had a good word from the devs. That's all. Closing your ears based on a couple times she was wrong about a couple of details early on, it just seems petty at this point, now that we know she's closer to the devs ears and mouths than most of us are. If you want to take the discussion there, great, here's your Internet winner trophy, I'm not having it.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Or maybe he knows just one person and only knows that they, and only they, haven't sent the stuff.

    Or you could continue with your rampant speculation and accusation. Whatever works.

    I had no idea what he Access to peoples personal information? Sometimes I just expect people to be reasonable, like when I'm having every day ordinary conversations with people off the internet.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Well Brillig, I'm with you on that one. An organization or cause or what ever it's called hinting at leaking personal information SHOULD be a serious matter.
    Aaand, maybe not so many cool points, after all.

    I am not a member of the Titan Network and the idea that they collect a ton of personal information is straight out of Brillig's mind, who has no idea what he's talking about.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I know, it probably never going to happen. Standard procedure, unless they call a press conference or something or actual release letters to customers. But still rather hear it direct.
    Dont worry it's not negative. The way it is and works doesnt always have to be negative nor do positive always have to be pipe dream.

    I'm looking into the cap and mask thing, not sure how it helps or purpose of it, but might do it anyways for laughs. But I'm still reading over PayPal procedures/privacy policies.

    And as far as that phrase go, I actually like my country. This community?...well I just want to save the game, lets focus on that.

    And like I mentioned in past post, best beleive I'm putting effort into this thing. But dont get it twisted, just because Titan Network says do this or do that doesnt mean I'm automatically mean I'ma go "Yes, master." and go do it. If it looks like a bright idea, I might go for it. If not, I'll something else some other way. And just because I'm doing every little thing Emporer TonyV says over there doesnt mean I'm not doing my part in this. Titan hase one view of doing one thing and I have another. So far his view seems to be hush hush outside the inner circle so what am I suppose to do? Wait outside his palace door waiting for word if he feel like saying something? Nope, if he has info that can be shared by all means, share it. If not, then I'ma continue forward with or without his blessing.
    Actually, Legacy? I can't speak for anyone else, but I think you've got the right idea here. Do whatever you can do, and whatever you feel right about doing. I think that's the main thing, here. Just for what it's worth, most of what I've done at this point for the whole SaveCoH thing wasn't stuff I heard from the Titan Network. My main rule of thumb has just been to keep most of my "SaveCoH activity" OFF these forums and off the Titan Network forums. People get stuck on forums and it's a horrible idea to do that. Forums posts don't accomplish much in a circumstance like this. One thing I have done though, is post my open letter to NCSoft in comment sections beneath CoH-related articles in the gaming press, especially when I could get in quick and have it be near the top. It's not much, but where's it more likely to be read, there or here? Heck I don't even know how many pages back my letter has scrolled here on the forums now.

    You've just earned a ton of cool points from me, for what it's worth. Hey, you're a villain! What's yours is yours!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Ah, so personal information leaking out of SaveCOH isn't serious.

    Can I quote you on that?
    Hey, knucklehead, I'm not a member of the Titan Network, and even if I was, I'd have no clue who all sent in their masks and capes unless they posted publicly about it on the Titan Network boards.

    But, yes. You're welcome to quote me, and sue me while you're at it. Have a splash, you're on my ignore list.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Interesting privacy implications in that statement.
    So the serious part of the conversation is done. Got it.

    See ya round the boards, and enjoy your internet arguments here while you still can.