385 -
Bang quickly flipped from one rock to another, "Oy! Who's staring at me supple backside?" He said as he dissappeared, reappearing latched onto E-X's back.
E-X quickly found his vision filled with Bang's mask, "Oy! You! What's wrong I gotta bogey on me face?"
Bang began to run quickly ober E-X's body as if he were a squirrel in a tree muttering things under his breath like, "OOHHH Shiny!" and "Ewww techy!" to "This shouldn't look like this," as he quickly scribbled a monkey on E-X's backside in black magic marker. -
*Sneaks up behind Blade*
*Garotes him with a dead cat*
*Steals anti-Dalek beam plans*
For sale, extra low prices. $150. -
((So did anyone flag him? I didn't.))
((Why don't we just continue as if Era was never born? I'm bored guys))
((Five to ten pages? Thats all? Well I guess I can contribute a bit))
*Makes friends with bunny by producing another bunny of opposite sex*
*Within five minutes I have an army of rabid bunnys*
*They chew through the wall*
*They devour Chaotic* -
*Gives Luminous a super-atomic-ultimate-wedgie-of-death-causing-and-pain*
*Puts DV into a vernal loop so he can watch him die repeatedly* -
((Whoops! Following Grey's lead. Just consider the cold coming from Ryatt, and Build's transformation for the upcoming climate change when we leave the building.))
The figure looked at Target Lad and then at Nanospectre. His voice spoke within their minds, "Stereotypical? Not really. I just didn't have enough time to answer before we were interrupted. I am Tegra the Shadow. It is a pleasure, I'm sure."
As he finished he gave a deep bow. He motioned with his right hand toward the alleyway, "I would suggest we move out of the light and into a more defensible possition. Standing out here we are nothing but a target,"
Tegra began to move toward the shadows that cloaked the alleyway. "Do try to keep up. I can't protect you if you fall behind." -
A figure clothed in nothing but black rags that covered every aspect of his body stood in the shadows of the skyscraper. He had watched as the Techno had attacked the Outcasts. The Techno had taken out the Block and Freezer but he hadn't seen the Shocker who was flying up behind him.
The black clothed figure shot out of the shadows with preternatural speed. Where his fingertips landed on the Shocker's skin wounds opened up as if he had been cut with knives that were sharper than razors.
The Shocker let out a surprised scream before turning in the air. Before he could bring up a fist to fire off one of his electrical bolts, the figures fingers ran across his arm opening them to the bone. The Shocker seemed to realize he was in over his head. He turned and flew into the air away from the figure.
The figure looked across at the Techno. The Techno suddenly heard a voice speak within his mind, "You really should be more careful. Lots of unseemly characters are out today" -
Someone say Anime?
*Summons the Tenchi Muyo Rail Cannon*
*Blasts En in the face with it* -
"Oy! Dax looks like you gonna loose this one greeny!" Bang shouted as he winked and his whole body seemed to be absorbed into his mouth. He appeared ten feet from where Bladewing arrived at and began to randomly throw knives into the midst of the Rularuu.
Kaega shrugged, "He's right man, you are the slowest in these types of situations." He swiped his sword through the air opening up a rift. He appeared behind the group of Rularuu he pulled his sword from it's scabbard and swiped it through the air letting out a stream of bloodlust. The Rularuu caught in the beam turned on those nearest them.
They began to attack each other with a furry and strength that they previously had not known. "Hurry up Blade, I'm taking Dax's place till he gets here and every time one kills another it add's to my count."
He stepped to the side avoiding a psychic dart and stabbed Arget into the offenders throat, "I'm already up to forty and I've only done two moves." -
((I don't think PWNZ likes you and Diov, Grey.))
" 'Bot I gotta can opener with yer name on it. Raymond Harris? I'll have to look him up." Build said as his nanites started doing something in his head.
"What are you guys doing in there? It feels like you let loose a buzz saw in there. Build asked the rampaging nanites
"Your body will not be optimum in this environment under its current physiology. We are making adjustments. Unfortunately these adjustments will be too severe for your robots to recognize you. For the time being we are shutting off your ability to summon." The nanites said crypticly
What the hell are you ?!? Build felt something akin to liquid fire race through his veins. He let out a horrified shout as he collapsed to the ground.
His skin and hair paled to the point that he blended in perfectly with the surrounding snow. His eyes lost all color except for red, and suddenly he could see in the infrared spectrum. Those around him burst into multicolored heat signatures. He heard the metal that was his arms bend and contort becoming both lighter and stronger.
He flexed the mechanical joints. . .and heard a *SHINK!* sound as six claws sprang from each hand.
Now you are optimal for this environment. Thank us later. The nanites said with almost silent snickering.
As soon as we get home I'm changing your program. Build said threateningly.
We'll just have to change that for the time being won't we? The nanites said as Build felt a roaring in his head.
Brilliant white light exploded behind his eyes. His mind was reduced to base instincts. . .except for the nanites.
He crouched low to the ground and looked at Ryat99 with his head cocked to one side. -
*Whips out MP3*
*Begins playing Tool at max volume*
*Watches as DV's bible thumping head explodes*
Never underestimate the power of this music on those who are religiously inclined. -
*Picks up the emo gun and blasts DV*
*DV turns into a Bible Thumper*
NOOOO! I didn't realize my gun had the opposite effect on an Emo! -
A blast of wind cold enough to drive the air from Build's lungs hit him full in the face. He heard a whir and a click in his mind.
"Increasing core body temp to one hundred six degrees to attune to external environment," His nanites stated calmly
"Isn't that almost enough to fry my brain?" Build said as he did a quick double take.
"We are currently able to sustain bodily function with temperatures up to one hundred twenty-eight degrees. If this is not wanted we can lower your body temperature back to normal and allow you to deal with this foreign environment on your own." The nanites said without any emotion
"Is that a personality I'm detecting?" Build said. He hadn't realized his nanites had advanced so far.
"We have adapted to fit the inner workings of your mind. We have copied your own personality to fit within our current programming." The nanites said with a laugh.
"So how long before you become self sustaining and decide that my current mental state and body aren't to your liking?" Build asked with apprehension.
"Unexpected circumstances have arisen, we could have adapted you to our purposes along time ago. Namely curiosity. We have allowed you to stay the way you are due to the fact that we are curious to see what you will do next." The nanites said sadly.
Build looked toward Sheldon, "You know anything about self aware nanites?" -
Dax suddenly shifted his head to the side as if he were listening to a far off voice. "Apparently some bloke named Acanous is heading to the Chantry and wants some back up. You guys wanna go help or leave him to his own devices?"
Hearing this Kaega turned toward Bladewing, "Looks like I have my next move figured out. I'm heading after this guy. It's not a good feeling to be alone behind enemy lines."
Bang's voice seemed to come from everywhere at once, "Oy!I'm up for anything. So how hard are these Rularuu noobs to drive insane?" -
*Sneaks behind TeCh and gets into imaginary car*
*Hot wires the car*
*Pulls up behind Tech*
*Walks to a safe distance*
*Shoots the gas tank*
*Watches as a physical explosion kills TeCh*
Never underestimate the criminal mind of a clepto! -
Kaega shrugged and pulled his sword back out of it's scabbard. He sank the tip into the ground and leaned on the hilt. He turned his head toward the other assembled metas, "Does anyone have a gauge on this one's strength?"
Kaega could sense a presense(?) floating in the air above their heads floating in the air, "You. What is this one's power compared to the rest of us, and why can't I sense the displation in the air around your body?" He asked of the immaterial Noitpeced.
"Everything gets complicated when third parties get involved." He thought introspectively -
*Sneaks up behind Chaotic and gives him a flouride flush*
*Flouride scrapes along Chaotic's brain leaving him a gibbering retard*
*Hands a nailgun to Chaotic and tells him DV is a brain eating rabbit*
*Watches as Chaotic repeatedly shoots DV in the face* -
((Sorry on being so late getting the next portion out. RL kinda got in the way a little))
Shaakti's Story
DWC Headquarters
Shaakti looked around the bland building. It resembled an old 1920s police station. A fine coating of dust coated everything in the room. She looked up at the hulking figure of her savior, nervously biting her lower lip. Her right hand still curled about the katana, straining the green cord that was wrapped about the hilt.
Bossman looked down at the little girl, her tan skin stained with blood. He layed one of his dark,leathery hand atop her head and tousled her long, black hair, "Lets get you cleaned up sweety," Bossman said as he moved toward a door off to the side of the main room.
He twisted the door knob, opening the door to reveal an extravagant bathroom that belonged in a mansion. He motioned toward the large bathtub, "Feel free to use anything in here as you wish."
Shaakti stood in the bathroom and began to look around at the finery she had never expected to recieve in this life time. She walked across to the bathtub and began to run hot water until the tub was sufficiently filled. Once the water had reached the required level she began to add in some of the exorted bath oils.
Within twenty minutes of being submerged in the water, the water had taken on a rosy hue from the blood that had been washed away.
Bossman sat in his office behind his large police style desk. He lazily looked around at the things in his office. He knew that the headquarter shaped itself around the ideas and perceptions of the members. Shaakti obviously saw him as an authority figure, and seeing the office respond in this way to the little girl was a sure sign of her future position in his court.
After an hour Shaakti walked out of the bathroom clothed in a big fluffy bathrobe. She looked through the office windows and began to nervously chew on her lower lip again. She saw Bossman seated behind a large desk looking through a manilla folder.
She walked up to the abnormally large door that led into his office. She was too nervous to knock on the door but when Bossman let out a rumbling, "Come in," she had no other option to open the door and proceed.
She stood waiting for him to say something, that second seemed to stretch into eternity. He finally looked up from the file, "Your name is Shaakti Ahrud, ten years old. Egyptian descent, father was an immigrant from Kiro, mother was a shop clerk in Steel Canyon. Your house was used as a test by the warrior. Both parents were killed without a chance to fight back. After a short period of something I won't mention one of the fools left his sword within your reach. You killed them all."
Bossman looked at the tears that streamed down the little girls face. He looked again at the last line in the folder My savior is my God. He looked back at the little girl and sighed, "That is of no consequence here. From this point on you are my subordinate. No harm will ever come to you again unless you wish it once you have finished your training."
The little girl sniffed and whiped at her nose. "My training?" She asked quietly. Bossman looked at her and smiled, producing a kleenex from seemingly nowhere.
"Yes, you will have to go to the Dark World and be trained as one of our warriors,"Bossman said. He reached into a drawer of the desk and pulled out something shiny. He flipped it through the air at Shaakti.
She had enough time to realize it was a coin before it struck her in the chest, and melted into her skin. She began to panic as her body seemed to be fading away from her. Within a few seconds it seemed as if Shaakti had never been there.
Bossman let out a sharp breath, "I really hope she is able to survive this."
Dark World Training Ground
Shaakti flipped twenty feet in the air, avoiding the onrushing beast that resembled something that was a mix between a rhino and a wolf. She landed roughly on the ground and spread her arms as it turned widely to come rushing at her again. She locked her arms through its two upper horns and snapped it's head roughly to the side breaking it's neck.
She had grown through the few hundred years she had been here. She now looked to be in her mid-twenties. She had ripcord like muscles, and through the years her eyes had taken on a cold/hard look. She hadn't been provided with new clothing since she had got there and as such wore little more than a fur covering to protect her from the peculiar weather this world goes through.
She picked up a crude knife she had made from a sharpened stone and began to cut away strips of flesh from the beast. She levered her knife between one of the beasts horn and its skull. She gave a sharp twist and popped the horn halfway out of its skull. She began to feild prep the body to be eaten later.
-------------120 yrs later-------------------
Shaakti blocked the blows that rained down around her. She had gotten her katana back after she had completed her survival training fifty years before. She reversed her blade, blocking one of her enemies from slicing down through her spine. She did a split and flowed backwards between her attackers legs.
She stood, bringing the blade of her sword upwards from the ground slicing the man from hole to head. He screamed and fell forward. Eight more attackers rushed her. Shaakti had been living through this same moment from the time her sword had been handed back. She had not had a moments rest in fifty years, and her skill with her blade showed it.
Within thirty seconds she had taken out some of the best swordsmen the training court could offer. Her master, Shan, stepped forward from the shadows, "There is nothing more you can learn from us. It is time for you to return to your own world," he said without emotion.
Shaakti bowed to Shan, "I thank you for the lessons you have taught me Training Rook Shan. I will take them with me to the ends of time."
Shan gave a light hearted laugh, "There is still one more thing I must do, child, before you are to leave. I must activate your Dark World form so that you may have access to all the things you have learned here without them driving your human self insane."
Shaakti bowed and unbutton the torn shirt she wore. She Exposed the mark on her left breast that was in the shape of a castle.
Shan took a step forward and placed his hand over the mark. He spoke a few quick words that Shaakti couldn't understand and brilliant light exploded behind her eyes.
DWC Headquarters
Terran Earth
Bossman blinked and Shaakti stood infront of him. He gave a low whistle, "I see your training has made you progress."
Shaakti bowed, "You haven't moved from your desk in over 380 years?"
Bossman let out a short laugh, "Time passes differently in my world than over here. You've been gone for a tenth of a second. Enough pleasantries, it's time to get to work. I have someone I want you to find, he is very powerfull, and very dangerous. His name is Kaega and he is one of the few pure immortals the human race has produced on its own."
Shaakti bowed, "And how shall I find him?"
Bossman laughed, "Get in touch with your roots. Go to Egypt" -
*Steals rocker*
*Beats En to death with it*
*Sits on shotgun, rocking back and forth while cocking the rocking chair* -
Dax shrugged a little bit, "I've gotten a little more mature since the last time we met Blade. . .I know longer chase women as much since I found out I have no propagation organs."
Kaega shifted from one foot to the other, "Sorry E-X, didn't see you there."
Kaega nodded toward Dax. He summoned up some Dark World runes in his mind and used them to establish a mental link. "Keep an eye on E-X, Dax. If he loses control with Bang any where near him there is no telling what there combined energies would do to this place. So keep close to him if you can, if you can't send a double in cloud form after him.
Dax nodded slightly. One of the green crystal veins seemed to dissappear. In the air around them microscopic crystals seemed to create a type of barrier. A heavier consentration lay around E-X than around any of the others. The crystals would not interfere with his powers, but they would help to diffuse some incoming attacks (Possibly amplify and reroute his powers if need be). -
Kaega caught the bag with a large grin breaking across his face, "Never thought I'd see a warrior like you playing medic. Now whats that. . .blasted. . . oh yeah, Oy! You with the face. Stop dancing around, that's getting annoying.
Bang abruptly stopped the Irish Jig he had been dancing across the air. "Oy! Thatt hurt Kaega. That really hurt man. You know like right here," Bang abruptly shoved a hand into his chest and pulled out a circulatory organ with a gross slurping sound.
The organ continued to beat in his hand as he poked it with a stick, "Alas poor Ulrich I knew him well. . .or you knnow as well as a psychopath like me can get to know anyone. . .I mean Oy!"
He threw the heart at Bladewing, "Oy! Add that to your list of curatives and/or ailments. As for You!" Bang pointed to an spot in the general area of Bladewing.
"Oy! Yeah you with thatt weird metal suit thing. You wanna go play with some of these big an' bads? Or you just gonna float there?" Bang said as he began floating about in a small circle, as if he were rowing an invisible boat.
((Yeah let's go with after Pocket D.))