Dark World Court (Story)




((I decided to take a page outa Grey's book and start to write the story and chronicles of the Dark World Court and the characters therein. If there are any gramar errors, which there will be, remember I'm from the south. We speak a whole nother language. Please send any extraneous remarks, tips, or opinions through PM so the story can continue uninterrupted.))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Boss Man & Shaakti

"Damnit!" Boss Man shouted, planting a foot in a lesser demon's stomach, sending the little beast crashing through a wall. Dark World had thirteen courts. The highest was the First Court and was only made up of the leaders of the other twelve. Until this day, or millenium since the time flow was relative to a being's potential, the First Court hadn't been summoned since the unfortunate demise of Boss Man's prdecessor.

The only reason it was called then was for them to name me the new King of Terran Court, then disband the other members. Then the High Court had the nerve to tell me to 'find my court amongst the multitude.' I mean what the hell kinda clue is that, I've searched this world over and haven't fournd anybody who fits the bill!

He gripped the door knob to the frontdoor of an old apartment building in one massive, leathery hand. As he stepped into the darkened interior the apartment facade fell away revealing lush carpeting and rich fixtures leading down a long hallway to a single door. "DWC Headquarters? Why can't they ever set these things up in a nice place. . .y'know like the Abyss?!

"Can I go in?" Boss Man asked the pretty, blonde secretary type sitting at a big mahogany desk outside of the door which led into the conferrence room.

The secretary tilted her head to look at the Boss Man through glazed eyes, "You are the last. . .Master is waiting."

"Great I'm late. This is gonna be interesting." Boss Man thought sarcasticly as he opened the door and stepped into the conference room.


The conference room was impressive. Not so much because of the eleven very powerful figures that sat along the sides of the table, but because of the "Man" that sat at the head of the table.

"Glad you finally decided to make an appearance, Boss Man." The walls trembled as the words echoed across the room, even though they were little more than a whisper.

"I-I apologize from the depths of my being for my tardiness, sir." Boss Man stammered out, suddenly remembering how his predecessor had died.

"I have already informed the others here of my decision. The Light has taken an interest in Terran Earth, and so apparently has a group of dimensionals called Husk. The rest of my court has already expressed their opinions on my decision, and now it is your turn. I am sending you to Terra even though you have yet to find your Court," The Master whispered from across the room, cracks spreading along the walls.

"I can honestly say that I don't feel comfortable with this decision. With the prescence of the Light and this Husk group the magnitude of our power will be severly limited. I won't be able to affect either group until I find the court that I severely lack," Boss Man said in the most appeasing way possible.

The Master cocked an eyebrow at Boss Man, "Then stop complaining and find them." Even though he spoke at normal volume, the walls first buckled, then shattered. The conference room fell in on itself sealing Boss Man away in darkness.


Steel Canyon

Boss Man woke to the sounds of police sirens. He was laying in the middle of a burned out apartment building. He looked around himself noticing a trail of blood and bodies that headed out into the hallway. "Master works fast "

Boss Man placed one large, leathery hand against the floor and levered himself up. The sounds of the police hammering on the door echoed up the stairs, down the hallway, and through the door. " I haven't had time to do anything yet, so they aren't here for me." He looked around at the bodies. "Duh!"

He walked out the door, following the trail of bodies. The shouts of the police down stairs became intersperced with crys of "Open UP!" and "This is the police" as Boss Man walked down the hallway. The trail of corpses had deteriorated from whole bodies too little more than smears of blood.

Boss Man followed the trail of blood to a room four doors down the hallway. As Bossman neared the door he thought he heard crying. As his hand gripped the door knob the the crying on the otherside abruptly ceased. What little light that fell through the doorway after it had been cracked open landedon a startlingly green eye.

Boss Man fully opened the door. The green eye belonged to an almost flawless face. The face belonged to a small body. The small body belonged to a little girl. "She couldn't be much more than ten years old. What is she doing in a place like this?"

Boss Man looked from her face to her arms. Her arms were small and waif like, except for the fact that they were covered in blood from her finger tips to her shoulders. Boss Man looked over the rest of her body from his position by the door, her night gown was ripped and torn, there were no visible wounds, and a katana lay a few feet from her prone form.

Boss Man heard the front door shatter as the cops gained entrance, he looked around at the corpses of the dead Warrior, "If I can remember right, cops on this world don't take too well to murder. What's you name kiddo?"

The girl blinked, the first sign of life Boss Man had seen in her, and looked toward the hulking demon, "Shaakti"

Boss Man smiled a big, toothy grin, "Do you want to come with me? I can make it so no one can ever hurt you again," he said as he stretched out his hand toward her.

Shaakti stared blankly at the out stretched hand, "I would like that."

Boss Man smiled down at her, "I can hear the cops on the stairs now. Time for us to depart."

Shaakti put her tiny hand into the leathery mit. She felt the power contained in the demon and had already decided, if he could save her she would follow him any where, and if he couldn't she would kill him. Shaakti scooped the katana off the floor and held it close to her side.

Boss Man summoned up enough energy to step. When his foot came back down they were no longer in the apartment building. "Welcome to your new home Shaakti" Boss Man said, a peculiar little smile playing across his mouth.

Looks like I've found the first of my court.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



If there are any gramar errors, which there will be, remember I'm from the south. We speak a whole nother language.

[/ QUOTE ]

((I take offense at that! My neighbor has a horse stable, there's a pasture full of steer in my backyard, and I'm within driving distance of Mexico. Do you honestly think that 'im gunna tawk lyk thsi?' Stereotypes hurt everyone, Build, and I hope you feel horrible for the fact you've insulted me.

J/K, of course. However, I really am from South Texas. >.>

Nice story, by the way.))



((There will be more within the week. Just gotta think of which backstory I'm gonna add and in which order. I know I'm gonna make Shaakti's next then Kaega or Jonas. . . .I know you guys pick one for the next chapter after Shaakti's.

You can choose from Jonas, Kaega, Dax, Conlin, Morin, Hromas, or Bang. Voting starts. . . .NOW!))

Edit: Forgot to add Morin and Hromas. . . yeah I know bad ediquet to forget my own chars

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad




"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



((Guess Kaega then. Seeing as Entropy is the only one voting(and he has mad man love for Kaega) I guess he'll be next unless I get some votes for other people.))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



(( *glares at build for insinuations*))

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



((Sorry on being so late getting the next portion out. RL kinda got in the way a little))

Shaakti's Story
DWC Headquarters

Shaakti looked around the bland building. It resembled an old 1920s police station. A fine coating of dust coated everything in the room. She looked up at the hulking figure of her savior, nervously biting her lower lip. Her right hand still curled about the katana, straining the green cord that was wrapped about the hilt.

Bossman looked down at the little girl, her tan skin stained with blood. He layed one of his dark,leathery hand atop her head and tousled her long, black hair, "Lets get you cleaned up sweety," Bossman said as he moved toward a door off to the side of the main room.

He twisted the door knob, opening the door to reveal an extravagant bathroom that belonged in a mansion. He motioned toward the large bathtub, "Feel free to use anything in here as you wish."

Shaakti stood in the bathroom and began to look around at the finery she had never expected to recieve in this life time. She walked across to the bathtub and began to run hot water until the tub was sufficiently filled. Once the water had reached the required level she began to add in some of the exorted bath oils.

Within twenty minutes of being submerged in the water, the water had taken on a rosy hue from the blood that had been washed away.

Bossman sat in his office behind his large police style desk. He lazily looked around at the things in his office. He knew that the headquarter shaped itself around the ideas and perceptions of the members. Shaakti obviously saw him as an authority figure, and seeing the office respond in this way to the little girl was a sure sign of her future position in his court.

After an hour Shaakti walked out of the bathroom clothed in a big fluffy bathrobe. She looked through the office windows and began to nervously chew on her lower lip again. She saw Bossman seated behind a large desk looking through a manilla folder.

She walked up to the abnormally large door that led into his office. She was too nervous to knock on the door but when Bossman let out a rumbling, "Come in," she had no other option to open the door and proceed.

She stood waiting for him to say something, that second seemed to stretch into eternity. He finally looked up from the file, "Your name is Shaakti Ahrud, ten years old. Egyptian descent, father was an immigrant from Kiro, mother was a shop clerk in Steel Canyon. Your house was used as a test by the warrior. Both parents were killed without a chance to fight back. After a short period of something I won't mention one of the fools left his sword within your reach. You killed them all."

Bossman looked at the tears that streamed down the little girls face. He looked again at the last line in the folder My savior is my God. He looked back at the little girl and sighed, "That is of no consequence here. From this point on you are my subordinate. No harm will ever come to you again unless you wish it once you have finished your training."

The little girl sniffed and whiped at her nose. "My training?" She asked quietly. Bossman looked at her and smiled, producing a kleenex from seemingly nowhere.

"Yes, you will have to go to the Dark World and be trained as one of our warriors,"Bossman said. He reached into a drawer of the desk and pulled out something shiny. He flipped it through the air at Shaakti.

She had enough time to realize it was a coin before it struck her in the chest, and melted into her skin. She began to panic as her body seemed to be fading away from her. Within a few seconds it seemed as if Shaakti had never been there.

Bossman let out a sharp breath, "I really hope she is able to survive this."


Dark World Training Ground

Shaakti flipped twenty feet in the air, avoiding the onrushing beast that resembled something that was a mix between a rhino and a wolf. She landed roughly on the ground and spread her arms as it turned widely to come rushing at her again. She locked her arms through its two upper horns and snapped it's head roughly to the side breaking it's neck.

She had grown through the few hundred years she had been here. She now looked to be in her mid-twenties. She had ripcord like muscles, and through the years her eyes had taken on a cold/hard look. She hadn't been provided with new clothing since she had got there and as such wore little more than a fur covering to protect her from the peculiar weather this world goes through.

She picked up a crude knife she had made from a sharpened stone and began to cut away strips of flesh from the beast. She levered her knife between one of the beasts horn and its skull. She gave a sharp twist and popped the horn halfway out of its skull. She began to feild prep the body to be eaten later.

-------------120 yrs later-------------------

Shaakti blocked the blows that rained down around her. She had gotten her katana back after she had completed her survival training fifty years before. She reversed her blade, blocking one of her enemies from slicing down through her spine. She did a split and flowed backwards between her attackers legs.

She stood, bringing the blade of her sword upwards from the ground slicing the man from hole to head. He screamed and fell forward. Eight more attackers rushed her. Shaakti had been living through this same moment from the time her sword had been handed back. She had not had a moments rest in fifty years, and her skill with her blade showed it.

Within thirty seconds she had taken out some of the best swordsmen the training court could offer. Her master, Shan, stepped forward from the shadows, "There is nothing more you can learn from us. It is time for you to return to your own world," he said without emotion.

Shaakti bowed to Shan, "I thank you for the lessons you have taught me Training Rook Shan. I will take them with me to the ends of time."

Shan gave a light hearted laugh, "There is still one more thing I must do, child, before you are to leave. I must activate your Dark World form so that you may have access to all the things you have learned here without them driving your human self insane."

Shaakti bowed and unbutton the torn shirt she wore. She Exposed the mark on her left breast that was in the shape of a castle.

Shan took a step forward and placed his hand over the mark. He spoke a few quick words that Shaakti couldn't understand and brilliant light exploded behind her eyes.


DWC Headquarters
Terran Earth

Bossman blinked and Shaakti stood infront of him. He gave a low whistle, "I see your training has made you progress."

Shaakti bowed, "You haven't moved from your desk in over 380 years?"

Bossman let out a short laugh, "Time passes differently in my world than over here. You've been gone for a tenth of a second. Enough pleasantries, it's time to get to work. I have someone I want you to find, he is very powerfull, and very dangerous. His name is Kaega and he is one of the few pure immortals the human race has produced on its own."

Shaakti bowed, "And how shall I find him?"

Bossman laughed, "Get in touch with your roots. Go to Egypt"

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad