178 -
Fiery Aura Information:
Blazing Aura is a damage/taunt aura that will burn any foe in melee range
Fire Shield (FS) is 30% resistance to smashing, lethal, fire and 10% resistance to cold. It also provides
status-effect protection (disorient) that increases with level up to level 35 (mag -6 through -12)
Healing Flames (HF) is 20% resistance to toxic and a 17% self heal with a
base recharge of 60 seconds
Temperature Protection (TP) is 20% resistance to fire and 10% resistance to cold
Consume provides endurance recovery and inflicts minimal fire damage to all foes affected in melee
Plasma Shield (PS) is 30% resistance to energy, negative energy and fire. It also provides
status-effect protection (hold, sleep) that increases with level up to level 35 (mag -6 through -12)
Burn is an AoE and inflicts fire damage-over-time (DoT). Burn also provides status-effect protection to
immobilization. Note: Foes that can escape will move out of the flames and the DoT only applies to
those inside the Burn area-of-effect
Fiery Embrace (FE) adds 100% more to your base damage of your fire powers for 20 seconds and
10 seconds to your non-fire damage powers
Rise of the Phoenix is a self resurrection power and when activated will inflict fire damage and
disorientation (mag +2?) to any foe affected. It also leaves you with half your hit points and endurance,
and also leaves you immune to damage for a short time
Note: there is not any status-effect protection to knock (Acrobatics in the Leaping Pool can
provide this protection or Hover or Fly in the Flight Pool can provide semi-protection to knock)
Example slotting is shown below using even level (white) DamRes SO enhancements:
Resistance to Smashing and Lethal (most common in the game):
FS (3 SO DamRes) - Total 46.8%
FS (3 SO DamRes), Tough (3 SO DamREs) - Total 77.2%
Resistance to Energies (energy and negative energy):
PS (3 SO DamRes) - Total 46.8%
Resistance to Elemental Fire:
FS (3 SO DamRes), PS (3 SO DamRes) - Total 93.6% (90% effective)
Resistance to Elemental Cold:
FS (3 SO DamRes) - Total 15.6% (many do not take TP)
FS (3 SO DamREs), TP (1 SO DamRes) - Total 27.6%
FS (3 SO DamREs), TP (3 SO DamRes) - Total 31.2%
Resistance to Elemental Toxic:
HF (0 SO DamRes) - Total 20% (many do not slot HF with DamRes)
HF (3 SO DamRes) - Total 31.2%
Defense to all:
Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 7.8% -
Power Pool Powers That May Be Useful to a Tanker - Travel Powers are obvious
Stealth will provide -perception and 2.5% defense**. (Blasters 1.75%, Scrappers 1.875%)
Grant Invisibility will provide -perception and defense** to your teammate
Note: half of the defense** and all of the -perception is supressed when attacking.
Fighting Pool:
Tough is 15% resistance to smashing and lethal. With 3* SO DamRes: 23.4% (Blasters 10.5%,
Scrappers 11.25%)
Weave is 5% **defense. It also provides some resistance to immobilization (Blasters 3.5%, Scrappers 3.75%)
Fitness Pool:
Swift is passive and helps you to move around quicker
Hurdle is passive and helps you to jump farther
Health is 40% health regeneration. It also provides some resistance to sleep
Stamina is 25% endurance regeneration
Hover provides 2.5% defense** and partial knock protection (you flip over)
Air Superiority has a very high probability of knocking a foe down or knock them out of the air
Fly provides partial knock protection (you flip over)
Maneuvers is 1.625% defense** to you and your teammates within range (Defenders 3%, Others 2.5%)
Assault will increase the damage of you and your teammates within range, it also provides some resistance
to Placate and Taunt (damage increase: Defenders 18.75%, Controllers 15%, Others 9.75%)
Tactics will increase the to-hit and perception of you and your teammates within range. It also
provides resistance to fear and confusion (to-hit increase: Defenders 12.5%, Controllers 10%, Others: 6.5%)
Vengeance can be used on a fallen teammate to boost the to-hit, damage and defense** of you and your
teammates within range
Combat Jumping improves your jumping, adds 2.5% defense** and also provides some protection against
immobilization (mag -5?)
Acrobatics provides protection against knocks and a little protection against holds (knock mag -5?, and
hold mag -2?)
Challenge is a single target taunt power
Provoke is a ranged AoE taunt power
Intimidate is a single target fear power
Invoke Panic is an AoE fear power
Aid Other will heal a teammate 20% and has a base recharge of 10 (interruptible)
Stimulant will free a teammate from immobilization, sleep, disorientation (stun), fear, confusion and
holds and provide protection for a period of time (interruptible)
Aid Self will allow you to heal yourself 20%, has a base recharge of 20 and provides resistance to
disorientation (stun) (interruptible)
Resucitation will allow you to revive a fallen teammate with full health and zero endurance (interruptible)
Hasten will decrease the recharge times of your powers
Whirlwind will knock-up most foes within range
Teleport foe can teleport a foe to you
*it is not recommended to put more than 3 of the same type of SO enhancement in any power
**Power Pool defense is smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy, negative energy, psionic, melee, ranged
and AoE/Cone -
Tanker Primary Information and Suggested Slotting for Issue 7
Below is some information about being a Tanker in Issue 7. It will not tell you what archetype (AT) to
play or how you should play it. It will give you the numbers and some suggested slotting. Only the
primary power sets are given. The first section talks about general information on resistances, defense,
status-effects and aggro-managment. The second is about Power Pools that may be useful to a Tanker.
The third is about the Fiery Aura Tanker, the fourth is about the Ice Armor Tanker, the fifth is about
the Invulnerability Tanker, the sixth is about the Stone Armor Tanker, and the final section is Appendix 1
(Enhancement Details).
Resistance is how much damage you take when you get hit. The types of damage you can take from foes
are Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy (Dark), Toxic, Psionic and Untyped
(i.e. Hamidon). If a foe hits you and does 100 points damage and you don't have any resistance to
the damage type, you take 100 points damage. If you have 20% resistance to that damage type, you will
only take 80 points damage. There is not any resistance in the game to untyped (i.e. Hamidon) damage.
Defense is whether you will get hit or not. An even level foe has a base 50% chance to hit you and
if you have no defense and no buffs or debuffs from friends or foes and the foe has no to-hit bonus,
no to-hit buffs or debuffs from friends or foes. Powers can sometimes provide defense to specific
damage types or provide positional defense to melee, range or AoE/Cone. Positional defense will give
defense to toxic, but there is not any toxic type defense. There is not any defense in the game to
untyped (i.e. Hamidon) damage.
Note: in the next section, all enhancements assume even level (white)
Training Origin (TO) enhancements provide 5% additional to base defense if using enhance defense buff
(DefBuf) enhancements. They also provide 5% additional to base resistance if using enhance damage
resistance (DamRes) enhancements. Dual Origin enhancements provide 10% (the 6th of the same type would
provide less) additional defense or damage resistance and single origin (SO) enhancements provide 20%,
20%, 16%, *3%, 3%, 3% additional to base defense or base damage resistance. Once you have 3 SO
enhancements of a given type on a power, TO, DO and SO enhancements of that same type are no longer
recommended because they provide only a fraction of their original benefit.
There is something you need to think about as you are adding enhancement slots to your powers. Do you
want to put more than 3 slots into a power knowing that when you hit level 22, you can start putting
SO enhancements in those slots? A power like Resist Physical Damage only allows DamRes enhancements.
Six TOs and then six DOs will work fine, but when SOs are available, you will want those three slots
back. Starting at level 24, you can get a team together and run a Respec-Trial, which after completing
successfully will allow you to remove those slots. Or, you can just plan ahead and not put more than
three slots into powers like that.
This is a simplified version of how it works. See Appendix 1 for more details.
*Note: it is not recommended to put more than 3 of the same type of SO enhancement in any power due to
Enhancement Diversification
Status-effects are effects that can happen to you to prevent you from doing damage, moving or
defending yourself. Status-effects include immobilization, holds, sleep, fear, disorientation (stun),
confusion, slows and knocks (knock down, knock back, knock up).
Immobilization prevents you from moving. You can still attack and all your toggles remain active when
immobilized. Holds, sleep and disorientation (stun) are some of the most severe of the status-effects.
They will drop all your toggles and prevent you from doing anything. You are essentially helpless.
Fear does not drop your toggles but you can only attack or move when hit. You can only attack or move
once each time you are hit. Slows will slow your movement and sometimes will slow your ability to use
powers. Knocks cause you to involuntarily fall down, fly up in the air or fly in one direction. Knocks
prevent you from acting for the duration of the knock. Confusion changes your target acquisition from
foe to friend and friend to foe!
There are two attributes to a status-effect you need to be aware of. You can receive protection from
getting a status-effect appied to you and you can get resistance to the length a status-effect has
control of you. Status-effects have a magnitude (mag). Every archtype (AT) starts with base mag -1
protection from status-effects. Therefore, if you are hit with a mag +2 status-effect and you have
only your base mag -1 protection, you will be affected by the status-effect (+2 added to -1 = +1,
anything above 0 is affected). You can have buffs that lower the amount of time a status-effect is
affecting you.
Note: there are a few powers that prevent you from getting close to someone by pushing you away from
them. One, Telekinesis, will even prevent you from acting while being pushed. In player versus player
(PVP), taunt will cause you to involuntarily switch targets to the one who has taunted you. Also, a
Stalker (City of Villians AT) has a power called Placate, which will not allow you to target him for a
short period of time.
Aggro-Management and Gauntlet
Aggro-management is the term used for getting the attention of foes and have them attack you while
your less defense-based teammates (squishies) can act upon them in relative safety. This does not
mean your teammates should not understand the basic principles of aggro-management themselves.
Anyone acting upon a foe has the ability to attract the attention of that foe at any given time.
Gauntlet is the term used for the taunt-effect that happens whenever a Tanker makes contact with a
foe with a power*. This can be a single target attack, AoE attack or an aura worn by the Tanker.
When a foe is affected by a power, a taunt-effect projects outward in all directions from the foe
which cause up to 5 foes around that foe to be taunted. The taunt affect radiates outward from the
foe until 5 are afected. The maximum number of foes that can be taunted to one individual is 17.
*Some powers create the taunt-effect without doing damage (i.e. Fault)
Note: the following section is only necessary if you want to be the 'team protector'
You should have some type of ranged Area of Effect (AoE) aggro-grabber* whether it is Taunt,
Provoke (Presence Power Pool) or a ranged attack. You also want it available when it is needed.
Also, you will want the Taunt duration to last, especially if you are going against +2s and +3s
regularly or groups of foes with many leutenants and/or bosses. And, you need it to not miss.
Taunt is the best power for the job. It is a ranged AoE aggro-grabber. It has a 3 second activation
time and a 10 second recharge time. You could get Hasten to speed up the recharge, or you could put
recharge enhancers in it, or both. The Taunt duration decreases as the level of foes goes up. So,
if you are going against higher level mobs, then Taunt duration enhancers can help. Finally, it is
auto-hit on 5 of the mobs within the range of Taunt. In PVP, Taunt requires a to-hit, so accuracy
enhancements are needed.
Provoke is a good second option. It has everything Taunt has, but it is not auto-hit, so it will
need accuracy enhancers. If you have both, then you may solve the 'available when it is needed'
mentioned above.
A ranged single target attack (i.e. Hurl) is a good option. Not only do you get the taunt-effect,
but you can also do some damage. It would just need to be 'available when it is needed' and have
enough accuracy to hit.
If you have a ranged AoE attack (i.e. Fireball), then this is great option, as long as it is
'available when in it is needed' and has enough accuracy to hit.
If building a 'team protector' aggro-grabbing Tanker, you focus on aggro-management and then on
damage. Any AoE attack or stun (i.e. Hand Clap), is good for that job. An AoE power like that
generates an AoE Taunt around every foe hit! When you have everything under your 'taunt', you want
to continue doing what you are doing to keep it. Foes will lose interest in you when not taunted,
when not attacked by you or when attacked by someone else after the taunt wears off. Also, an aura
that causes damage and/or a taunt-like effect is very favorable (i.e. Blazing Aura, Invincibility)
*Why is a ranged AoE aggro-grabber power important? If you have control of a group of foes like the
Nemesis, and a patrol comes in and attacks one or more of your squishy teammates, you cannot move
to that location because of all the AoE/Cone attacks aimed at you -
Appendix 1: Enhancement Details
Schedule A Enhancements (33.33%, 16.66%, 8.35%) are:
Accuracy, Confuse, Damage, Defense DeBuff, Disorient, Endurance Modification, Fear, Fly, Heal, Hold,
Immobilize, Intangible, Jump, Recharge, Recovery, Run, Sleep, Snare, Stun, Taunt
These bonus types start to see reduction when the bonus is 70% or more, and a severe reduction at 100%
bonus or greater. So your bonuses when slotting in multiples of the same Single-Origin Enhancement
work out to:
1 SO: +33.3%
2 SO: +66.6%
3 SO: +95%
4 SO: +100%
5 SO: +105%
6 SO: +110%
Schedule B Enhancements (20%, 10%, 5%) are:
Range, Defense Buff, Resist Damage, To Hit Buff, To Hit Debuff
These bonus types start to see reduction when the bonus is 40% or more, and a severe reduction at 60%
bonus or greater. So your bonuses when slotting in multiples of the same Single-Origin Enhancement
work out to:
1 SO: +20%
2 SO: +40%
3 SO: +56%
4 SO: +59%
5 SO: +62%
6 SO: +65%
Schedule C Enhancements (40%, 20%, 10%) are:
This bonus type starts to see reduction when the bonus is 80% or more, and a severe reduction at 120%
bonus or greater. So your bonuses when slotting in multiples of the same Single-Origin Enhancement
work out to:
1 SO: +40%
2 SO: +80%
3 SO: +112%
4 SO: +118%
5 SO: +124%
6 SO: +130%
Schedule D Enhancements (60%, 30%, 15%) are:
This bonus type starts to see reduction when the bonus is 120% or more, and a severe reduction at 180%
bonus or greater. So your bonuses when slotting in multiples of the same Single-Origin Enhancement
work out to:
1 SO: +60%
2 SO: +120%
3 SO: +168%
4 SO: +177%
5 SO: +186%
6 SO: +195% -
Super Reflexes (SR) Information
Focused Fighting (FF) is 13.875% melee defense and provides protection from confusion (mag -1?)
Note: foes melee AoE/Cone powers are also considered melee; i.e. Dragon's Tail, Head Splitter, etc
Focused Senses (FS) is 13.875% ranged defense and provides increased perception
Agile (AG) is 5.625% passive* ranged defense
Practiced Brawler is status-effect protection (hold, sleep, disorient, knock, immobilize) that
increases with level up to level 45 (mag -6 through -12)
Dodge (DG) is 5.625% passive* melee defense
Quickness is 20% increase in attack rate (unenhancable), increases speed (enhancable) and provides
resistance to slows
Lucky (LU) is 5.625% passive* AoE/Cone defense
Evasion (EV) is 13.875% AoE/Cone defense
Elude is 45% melee/ranged/AoE/Cone defense. Endurance recovery is increased while activated
and when it ends, you are left with no endurance and unable to recover endurance for 20 seconds
*Each SR passive has a scaling resistance to all but toxic/psionic. This scaling resist kicks in at 60%
remaining health, and increases from zero to 20% resistance as health drops from 60% to zero.
Its not enhancable. In numerical terms, each passive offers:[*](60% - HealthPercentage)/3 Resistance to all except toxic/psionic
These resistances stack with each other and with resistance buffs, like Sturdies
Also, SR scrappers have resistance to defense debuffs in the 7 defense powers, that scales with level
Example slotting is shown below using even level (white) DefBuf SO enhancements:
Melee Defense:
FF (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 21.7% defense
FF (3 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 26.7%
FF (3 SO DefBuf), DG (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 28.4%
FF (3 SO DefBuf), DG (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 30.4%
FF (3 SO DefBuf), DG (3 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 35.4%
FF (3 SO DefBuf), DG (1 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 33.4%
Elude (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 70.2% defense
Ranged Defense:
FS (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 21.7% defense
FS (3 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 26.7%
FS (3 SO DefBuf), AG (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 28.4%
FS (3 SO DefBuf), AG (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 30.4%
FS (3 SO DefBuf), AG (1 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 33.4%
FS (3 SO DefBuf), AG (3 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 35.4%
Elude (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 70.2% defense
AoE/Cone Defense:
EV (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 21.7% defense
EV (3 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 26.7%
EV (3 SO DefBuf), LU (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 28.4%
EV (3 SO DefBuf), LU (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 30.4%
EV (3 SO DefBuf), LU (1 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 33.4%
EV (3 SO DefBuf), LU (3 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 35.4%
Elude (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 70.2% defense
Resistance to Smashing and Lethal:
Tough (3 SO DamRes) - Total 17.6% -
Regeneration Information:
Fast Healing (FH) is 75% health regeneration
Reconstruction heals you 25% and has a recharge rate of 60 seconds
Quick Recovery is 33% increased endurance regeneration
Dull Pain (DP) increases your available HP and max HP by 40% (20% enhanceable) and then heals you
for 40% (fully enhanceable) of your original max HP.
Integration (Int) is 50% (unenhancable) plus 100% (enhancable) health regeneration. It also provides
status-effect protection (hold, sleep, disorient, knock, immobilize) that increases with level up to
level 45 (mag -6 through -12)
Resilience (Res) is 5.625% resistance to smashing, lethal and toxic. It also provides resistance
against disorientation
Instant Healing (IH) is 600% (unenhancable) plus 200% (enhancable) health regeneration.
The duration is 90 seconds and the recharge is 650 seconds
Revive is a self resurrection. You rise with 75% health and 50% endurance
Moment of Glory (MoG) is 71% resistance (toxic, smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy, and negative
energy) and 75% defense (smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy, and negative energy). It also provides status-
effect protection (hold, sleep, disorient, knock, immobilize) that increases with level up to level 45 (mag -6
through -12). It also provides increased endurance recovery and resistance to repel. When activating MoG,
your health is set to 25% and cannot be increased throughout the duration. When it ends, you cannot
recover any health for 20 seconds
Example slotting is shown below using even level (white) Heal SO enhancements:
FH (3 SO Heal) - Total 146.3%
FH (3 SO Heal), Health (1 SO Heal) - Total 199.6%
FH (3 SO Heal), Health (3 SO Heal) - Total 224.3%
FH (3 SO Heal), Int (0 SO Heal) - Total 296.3%
FH (1 SO Heal), Int (3 SO Heal) - Total 345%
FH (3 SO Heal), Int (3 SO Heal) - Total 391.3%
FH (3 SO Heal), Int (0 SO Heal), Health (1 SO Heal) - Total 344%
FH (3 SO Heal), Int (0 SO Heal), Health (3 SO Heal) - Total 384%
FH (1 SO Heal), Int (3 SO Heal), Health (1 SO Heal) - Total 393%
FH (1 SO Heal), Int (3 SO Heal), Health (3 SO Heal) - Total 433%
FH (3 SO Heal), Int (3 SO Heal), Health (1 SO Heal) - Total 439.3%
FH (3 SO Heal), Int (3 SO Heal), Health (3 SO Heal) - Total 469.3%
FH (1 SO Heal), IH (0 SO Heal) - Total 900%
FH (1 SO Heal), Int (0 SO Heal), IH (0 SO Heal) - Total 1050%
FH (3 SO Heal), Int (0 SO Heal), IH (0 SO Heal) - Total 1096.3%
FH (1 SO Heal), Int (3 SO Heal), IH (0 SO Heal) - Total 1145%
FH (3 SO Heal), Int (3 SO Heal), IH (0 SO Heal) - Total 1191.3%
FH (3 SO Heal), Int (3 SO Heal), IH (3 SO Heal) - Total 1381.3%
FH (3 SO Heal), Int (3 SO Heal), Health (3 SO Heal), IH (3 SO Heal) - Total 1459.3%
Resistance to Smashing, Lethal and Toxic:
Res (1 SO DamRes) - Total 6.8%
Res (2 SO DamRes) - Total 7.9%
Res (3 SO DamRes) - Total 8.8%
Resistance to Smashing and Lethal:
Res (1 SO DamRes), Tough (3 SO DamRes) - Total 24.4%
Res (2 SO DamRes), Tough (3 SO DamRes) - Total 25.5%
Res (3 SO DamRes), Tough (3 SO DamRes) - Total 26.4%
Defense to all:
Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 5.85% -
Invulnerability Information:
Resist Physical Damage (RPD) is 5.625% passive resistance to smashing and lethal
Dull Pain (DP) increases your available HP and max HP by 40% (20% enhanceable) and then heals you
for 40% (fully enhanceable) of your original max HP.
Temporary Invulnerability (TI) provides 22.5% resistance to smashing and lethal
Resist Elements (REl) is 5.625% passive resistance to fire, cold and toxic
Unyielding (Uny) is 7.5% resistance to all types except psionic (only 3.75% to smashing and lethal).
It also provides status-effect protection (hold, sleep, disorient, knock, immobolize) that increases
with level up to level 45 (mag -6 through -12). It also has a 5% defense debuff
Resist Energies (REn) is 5.625% passive resistance to energy and negative energy
Invincibility (Inv) provides 3.75% defense to smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy, and negative energy
plus another 1.125% for each foe in melee range (max 10). It also adds a 2.25% to-hit bonus for every
foe in melee range (max 10) and provides a melee taunt-effect
Tough Hide (TH) is 3.75% passive defense to smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy and negative energy
Unstoppable (Uns) is 52.5% resistance to all types except psionic. It also provides status-effect
protection (hold, sleep, disorient, knock, immobolize (mag -6 through -12)) and a boost to endurance
regeneration. When it ends, it leaves you with no endurance and leaves you with 10% of your hit points
Example slotting is shown below using even level (white) DamRes SO enhancements:
Smashing and Lethal (most common in the game):
Uny (0 SO DamRes), RPD (1 SO DamRes), TI (3 SO DamRes) - Total 45.6%
Uny (3 SO DamRes), RPD (1 SO DamRes), TI (3 SO DamRes) - Total 47.8%
Uny (3 SO DamRes), RPD (3 SO DamRes), TI (3 SO DamRes) - Total 49.7%
Uny (0 SO DamRes), RPD (1 SO DamRes), TI (3 SO DamRes), Tough (3 SO DamRes) - Total 62.9%
Uny (3 SO DamRes), RPD (1 SO DamRes), TI (3 SO DamRes), Tough (3 SO DamRes) - Total 65%
Uny (3 SO DamRes), RPD (3 SO DamRes), TI (3 SO DamRes), Tough (3 SO DamRes) - Total 67.3%
Elemental (Fire, Cold and Toxic), and Energies (Energy and Negative Energy):
Uny (3 SO DamRes) - Total 11.7%
Uny (0 SO DamRes), REl (1 SO DamRes) and REn (1 SO DamRes) - Total 14.2%
Uny (0 SO DamRes), REl (3 SO DamRes) and REn (3 SO DamRes) - Total 16.3%
Uny (3 SO DamRes), REl (1 SO DamRes) and REn (1 SO DamRes) - Total 18.4%
Uny (3 SO DamRes), REl (3 SO DamRes) and REn (3 SO DamRes) - Total 20.5%
Defense to smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy and negative energy:
Uny, Inv (0 SO DefBuf) - Total -0.1% (1 foe), 10% (10 foes)
Uny, Inv (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 0.8% (1 foe), 13% (10 foes)
Uny, Inv (2 SO DefBuf) - Total 1.8% (1 foe), 16% (10 foes)
Uny, Inv (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 2.6% (1 foe), 18.4% (10 foes)
Uny, Inv (3 SO DefBuf), TH (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 7.3% (1 foe), 22.9% (10 foes)
Uny, Inv (3 SO DefBuf), TH (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 8.7% (1 foe), 24.3% (10 foes)
Uny, Inv (3 SO DefBuf), TH (1 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 13.2% (1 foe), 28.8% (10 foes)
Uny, Inv (3 SO DefBuf), TH (3 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 14.6% (1 foe), 30.2% (10 foes) -
Dark Armor Information:
Dark Embrace (DE) is 22.5% resistance to smashing and lethal and 15% resistance to toxic and
negative (dark) energy.
Death Shroud does negative energy damage-over-time (DoT) to each foe in melee range it affects
Murky Cloud (MC) is 22.5% resistance to fire and cold and 15% resistance to energy and negative
energy. It also provides resistance to endurance drain
Obsidian Shield (OS) is 37.5% resistance to psionic. It also provides status-effect protection
(Sleep, Hold, Fear and Disorientation) that increases with level up to level 45 (mag -6 through -12)
Dark Regeneration does minor negative energy damage and recovers 30% health per foe affected
in melee range (40% with 1 SO Heal, 50% with 2 SO Heal and 58.5% with 3 SO Heal enhancements).
It has a recharge rate of 30 seconds
Cloak of Darkness (CD) is 3.25% defense to smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy and negative energy.
It also provides -perception, +perception and protection from immobilization (mag -2)
Cloak of Fear causes fear (mag +2) to all minions affected in melee range. It also debuffs the affected
foes accuracy by about 10%
Oppressive Gloom causes disorientation (mag +2) to all minions affected in melee range. It also
lowers your health over time by a small amount
Soul Transfer is a self resurrection causing damage and disorientation to all foes affected in
melee range. When you rise, you will be immune to damage and status-effects for a short time
Note: there is not any status-effect protection to knock (Acrobatics in the Leaping Pool can
provide this protection or Hover or Fly in the Flight Pool can provide semi-protection to knock)
Example slotting is shown below using even level (white) DamRes SO enhancements:
Smashing and Lethal (most common in the game):
DE (3 SO DamRes) - Total 35.1%
DE (3 SO DamRes), Tough (0 SO DamRes) - Total 46.4%
DE (3 SO DamRes), Tough (3 SO DamRes) - Total 52.3%
Elemental Fire and Cold:
MC (3 SO DamRes) - Total 35.1%
Elemental Toxic:
DE (3 SO DamRes) - Total 23.4%
Energies Energy:
MC (3 SO DamRes) - Total 23.4%
Energies Negative Energy:
DE (3 SO DamRes), MC (3 SO DamRes) - Total 46.8%
Psionic (one of very few powers in the game with psionic damage resistance):
OS (0 SO DamRes) - Total 37.5%
OS (3 SO DamRes) - Total 58.5%
Defense to smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy and negative energy:
CD (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 5.1%
CD (3 SO DefBuf), Weave (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 11% -
Power Pool Powers That May Be Useful to a Scrapper - Travel Powers are obvious
Stealth will provide -perception and 1.875% defense**. With 3* SO DefBuf: 2.9% (Blasters 1.75%,
Others 2.5%)
Grant Invisibility will provide -perception and some defense**
Note: half of the defense** and all of the -perception is supressed when attacking.
Fighting Pool:
Tough is 11.25% resistance to smashing and lethal. With 3* SO DamRes: 17.55% (Blasters 10.5%,
Others 15%)
Weave is 3.75% defense**. It also provides some resistance to immobilization. With 3* SO Defbuf: 5.85%.
(Blasters 3.5%, Others 5%)
Fitness Pools:
Swift is passive and helps you to move around quicker
Hurdle is passive and helps you to jump farther
Health is 40% health regeneration. It also provides some resistance to sleep
Stamina provides 25% increased endurance regeneration
Hover provides 1.875% defense** and partial knock protection (you flip over). With 3* SO DefBuf: 2.9%
(Blasters 1.75%, Others: 2.5%)
Air Superiority has a very high probability of knocking a foe down or knock them out of the air
Fly provides partial knock protection (you flip over)
Maneuvers is 1.625% defense** to you and your teammates within range (Defenders 3%, Others 2.5%)
Assault will increase the damage of you and your teammates within range, it also provides resistance
from Placate and Taunt (damage increase: Defenders 18.75%, Controllers 15%, Others 9.75%)
Tactics will increase the to-hit and perception of you and your teammates within range. It also
provides resistance to fear and confusion (to-hit increase: Defenders 12.5%, Controllers 10%, Others: 6.5%)
Vengeance can be used on a fallen teammate to boost the to-hit, damage and defense** of you and your
teammates within range
Combat Jumping improves your jumping, adds 1.875% defense** and also provides good protection against
immobilization (mag -5?) (Blasters 1.75%, Others: 2.5%)
Acrobatics provides protection against knocks and a little protection against holds (knock mag -5?, and
hold mag -2?)
Intimidate is a single target fear power
Invoke Panic is an AoE fear power
Aid Other will heal a teammate 20% and has a base recharge of 10 (interruptible)
Stimulant will free a teammate from immobilization, sleep, disorientation (stun), fear, confusion and
holds and provide protection for a period of time (interruptible)
Aid Self will allow you to heal yourself 20%, has a base recharge of 20 and provides resistance to
disorientation (stun) (interruptible)
Resucitation will allow you to revive a fallen teammate with full health and zero endurance (interruptible)
Hasten will decrease the recharge times of your powers
Whirlwind will knock-up most foes within range
Teleport foe can teleport a foe to you
*it is not recommended to put more than 3 of the same type of SO enhancement in any power
**Power Pool defense is smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy, negative energy, psionic, melee, ranged
and AoE/Cone -
Scrapper Secondary Information and Suggested Slotting for Issue 7
Below is some information about being a Scrapper in Issue 7. It will not tell you which archetype (AT)
to play or how you should play it. It will give you the numbers and some suggested slotting. Only the
secondary power sets are given. The first section talks about general information on resistance, defense,
healing, status-effects and criticals. The second section is about Power Pools that may be helpful to
Scrappers. The third section is about the Dark Armor Scrapper, the fourth is about the Invulnerability
Scrapper, the fifth is about the Regeneration Scrapper, the sixth is about the Super Reflexes Scrapper,
and the final section is Appendix 1 (Enhancement Details)
Resistance is how much damage you take when you get hit. The types of damage you can take from
foes are Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy (Dark), Toxic, Psionic and Untyped
(i.e. Hamidon). If a foe hits you and does 100 points damage and you don't have any resistance to
the damage type, you take 100 points damage. If you have 20% resistance to that damage type, you will
only take 80 points damage. There is not any resistance in the game to untyped (i.e. Hamidon) damage.
Defense is whether you will get hit or not. An even level foe has a base 50% chance to hit you and
if you have no defense and no buffs or debuffs from friends or foes and the foe has no to-hit bonus,
no to-hit buffs or debuffs from friends or foes. Powers can sometimes provide defense to specific
damage types or provide positional defense to melee, range or AoE/Cone. Positional defense will give
defense to toxic, but there is not any toxic type defense. There is not any defense in the game to
untyped (i.e. Hamidon) damage. Note: some psionic powers do not have positional defense, therefore
a Super Reflexes Scrapper would not have defense to those powers (i.e. Dominate, Blind)
Healing is the regeneration of your health or hit points. Normal healing takes 240 seconds to go from
1 hit point to full. Regeneration Scrappers have the ability to lower that time considerably.
Note: in the next section, all enhancements assume even level (white)
Training Origin (TO) enhancements provide 5% additional to base defense if using enhance defense buff
(DefBuf) enhancements. They also provide 5% additional to base resistance if using enhance damage
resistance (DamRes) enhancements. Dual Origin enhancements provide 10% (the 6th of the same type would
provide less) additional defense or damage resistance and single origin (SO) enhancements provide 20%,
20%, 16%, *3%, 3%, 3% additional to base defense or base damage resistance. Once you have 3 SO
enhancements of a given type on a power, TO, DO and SO enhancements of that same type are no longer
recommended because they provide only a fraction of their original benefit.
There is something you need to think about as you are adding enhancement slots to your powers. Do you
want to put more than 3 slots into a power knowing that when you hit level 22, you can start putting
SO enhancements in those slots? A power like Resist Physical Damage only allows DamRes enhancements.
Six TOs and then six DOs will work fine, but when SOs are available, you will want those three slots
back. Starting at level 24, you can get a team together and run a Respec-Trial, which after completing
successfully will allow you to remove those slots. Or, you can just plan ahead and not put more than
three slots into powers like that.
This is a simplified version of how it works. See Appendix 1 for more details.
*it is not recommended to put more than 3 of the same type of SO enhancement in any power due to
Enhancement Diversification
Status-effects are effects that can happen to you to prevent you from doing damage, moving or
defending yourself. Status-effects include immobilization, holds, sleep, fear, disorientation (stun),
confusion, slows and knocks (knock down, knock back, knock up).
Immobilization prevents you from moving. You can still attack and all your toggles remain active when
immobilized. Holds, sleep and disorientation (stun) are some of the most severe of the status-effects.
They will drop all your toggles and prevent you from doing anything. You are essentially helpless.
Fear does not drop your toggles but you can only attack or move when hit. You can only attack or move
once each time you are hit. Slows will slow your movement and sometimes will slow your ability to use
powers. Knocks cause you to involuntarily fall down, fly up in the air or fly in one direction. Knocks
prevent you from acting for the duration of the knock. Confusion changes your target acquisition from
foe to friend and friend to foe!
There are two attributes to a status-effect you need to be aware of. You can receive protection from
getting a status-effect appied to you and you can get resistance to the length a status-effect has
control of you. Status-effects have a magnitude (mag). Every archtype (AT) starts with base mag -1
protection from status-effects. Therefore, if you are hit with a mag +2 status-effect and you have
only your base mag -1 protection, you will be affected by the status-effect (+2 added to -1 = +1,
anything above 0 is affected). You can have buffs that lower the amount of time a status-effect is
affecting you.
Note: there are a few powers that prevent you from getting close to someone by pushing you away from
them. One, Telekinesis, will even prevent you from acting while being pushed. In player versus player
(PVP), Taunt will cause you to involuntarily switch targets to the one who has taunted you. Also, a
Stalker (City of Villians AT) has a power called Placate, which will not allow you to target him for a
short period of time.
Scrappers have an inherent ability called criticals. A Scrapper has a 5% chance on most all attack
powers to do double damage when hitting a minion. The chance goes up to 10% on leutenants and 15%
on bosses, elite bosses, giant monsters and archevillains. In PVP, Scrappers have a 5% chance to get a
critical on a player. There are 4 Scrapper powers that give an added 15% chance to critical. These
powers are Broad Sword Head Splitter, Katana Golden Dragonfly, Claws Eviscerate and Martial Arts
Eagle's Claw. So, a Broadsword Scrapper using Head Splitter will have a 20% (5 + 15) chance to get
a critical on a player in PVP or a minion level foe. -
Yes. I do chat in local with other players from time to time. But, it is so tempting to talk smack to smack talkers
There is a lot of truth to what you say. I would try to fly across the zone with my Blaster and get AS'd. I would try to work a hot spot with my Ice/Rad Controller and get AS'd. I actually sent a /bug in because I thought something was wrong. I could not believe something I could not even see could take me out in one-shot.
Later, I just flew around in PFF with my Mind/FF Controller wishing I could find a team and playBut, I did not get AS'd much anymore while doing that. Though, it was not fun and I left Justice Server and started playing Villains on the Freedom Server
if mezzing doesnt drop bodyguard, i wonder if PFF/invis/phase does...
[/ QUOTE ]
PFF drops supremacy, which will drop bodyguard. -
Can we get some numbers?
[/ QUOTE ]
Since you asked... (actually, this should have been done before.)
Here is a complete list of all powers which have DropToggles associated with them and the percentage chance of the attribute taking place. In the case of powers which have a chance of dropping 2 toggles, I calculated the chance for this to happen and included it in the list.
Inherent: Brawl: 5% for 1 Toggle
Blaster: Devices: Trip Mine: 5% for 1 Toggle
Blaster: Devices: Time Bomb: 19% for 1 Toggle
Blaster: Electrical Manipulation: Charged Brawl: 5% for 1 Toggle
Blaster: Electrical Manipulation: Havok Punch: 22% for 1 Toggle
Blaster: Energy Manipulation: Bone Smasher: 22% for 1 Toggle
Blaster: Energy Manipulation: Energy Punch: 5% for 1 Toggle
Blaster: Fire Manipulation: Fire Sword: 5% for 1 Toggle
Blaster: Fire Manipulation: Fire Sword Circle: 22% for 1 Toggle
Blaster: Ice Manipulation: Frozen Fists: 5% for 1 Toggle
Blaster: Ice Manipulation: Ice Sword: 22% for 1 Toggle
[/ QUOTE ]
Blaster: Assault Rifle: Beanbag: _______
Blaster: Devices: Taser ______
If they're zero - and since they're not on the list, I'm guessing they are zero - why would you take em?
ED was bad enough for a non-Build Up Blaster, but what has AR/Dev done NOW to get even more (ahem - SQUEALLLLL!!) 'love' this time?
[/ QUOTE ]
Status-effects like disorientation (stun), hold and sleep still drop all toggles. -
This is how it's worked for me when tanking or blasting, too. Stuff that isn't taunted is easy to piss off. Stuff that is taunted keeps hitting the tanker until taunt wears off.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have noticed more than once the last few weeks now that I am actively playing my tank where I have had a small mob aggro'd via punchvoke and aura, the blaster or PB starts gettting attacked anyway in retaliation to a blast (not an AOE even) and when I taunt they then stay on me....go figure....
[/ QUOTE ]
That could be a duration issue. Taunt-effect's duration can be extended with Taunt Enhancements. If you are using a slow activation/recharge attack for the taunt-effect (or aura misses), the taunt'effect's duration may end before your next attack. -
4) Taunt, the effect, is not the same system as Hate. Quoted because Hate doesnt even exist as a system; its really a formula that is a combination of Threat Rating, Damage, and Healing.
5) Taunt, the effect, will always override Hate.
[/ QUOTE ]
I am happy to have something to point to in response to claims that blasters can easily steal aggro from tankers.
[/ QUOTE ]
It sounds like that if a Tanker just taunted a group of 5 (does not matter the means of the taunt) and all 5 are 'taunted', then a Blaster should be able to AoE them all to 1 hit point left of life in 1-shot and the Tanker still keeps aggro. Is that right?
<ul type="square">[*]Basic Scrapper Info in Issue 7 (draft) [*]Basic Tanker Info in Issue 7 (draft) [*]The Harsh Reality of PVP[/list] -
Siren's Call is level 30 - not 28 when exempted up or down. Nice guide!
<ul type="square">[*]Basic Scrapper Info in Issue 7 (draft) [*]Basic Tanker Info in Issue 7 (draft) [*]The Harsh Reality of PVP[/list] -
The Harsh Reality of PVP
Are you thinking about taking your favorite hero or villain and enter a Player versus Player (PVP) zone to see what it is like? If yes, then there are a few things you should be prepared for when you enter PVP combat. I will first attempt to tell you what to expect. Then, I will attempt to give you some suggestions how to counter what you learned to expect. The thing I will not do is tell you how you must play. You play the way you want to. Just have fun
The most important thing to expect in PVP is that there will be many times you will be defeated without any possible way to defend yourself. You may be thinking, "What? How is that possible? How can I be defeated without any way to defend myself? That does not sound fair!". PVP is not fair! That is exactly what you should expect when entering a PVP zone. Do not think PVP is fair. If you do not learn anything at all from reading this, then please remember this one thing: PVP is not fair!
Now, that you know what to expect, let me tell you ways to lower the amount of times you will be defeated without any possible way to defend yourself. But, keep in mind, that you will still be defeated without any possible way to defend yourself. Why? Because PVP is not fair! Hopefully, I have stressed that enough. So, what do you do to survive?
You should have on you at all times some Break Free inspirations. You may be thinking, "But, I have status-effect (mez) protection. I never get mezzed! Well, maybe once to about a dozen Malta throwing stun grenades at the same time. And, maybe once to some Carnies (Carnival of Shadows), but those were flukes". No, those were not flukes. Those were indications that mez protection is not total protection. It is a magnitude of protection that can be overcome when more than one mez hits you at one time. These mezzes stack with each other, each building more magnitude, and will eventually over-come the magnitude of protection you have. In PVP, you will be mezzed. Everybody gets mezzed. Carrying Break Free inspirations will help you when you are mezzed. If you remember nothing else from this section, remember this: In PVP, you will be mezzed.
You should have with you at all times some teammates. You may be thinking, "But, I like playing solo. I can solo invincible missions. I do not want to always team up with others. Pick up groups (PUGs) are usually horrible". What if my friends are not on?". It does not matter what you can do solo in PVE, PVP is not fair! You will be attacked by every opponent that sees you, whether you are alone or with a team. You must expect that. So, if you decide to go it solo, remember this, you will be attacked by many opponents at the same time. Therefore, you will be defeated without any possible way to defend yourself. When your inspirations run out, so does your health points. You can go it alone, but you will be defeated. In PVP, you will be attacked by multiple opponents, simultaneously.
You should stay close to your teammates. You may be thinking, "But, if someone kites us (kite: ranged attacker steps into range, fires, and steps out of range), we have to close in on their position." All of you must close on their position. Any separation of the group will cause some individuals to be at a great disadvantage. Opponents prey on weakness. If a group is scattered in all directions, they are easier to defeat. In PVP, you need to stick together with your teammates.
You should know that the Archetypes (ATs) with the lowest amount of hit points are the easiest targets. You may be thinking, "I wish I was not so squishy (low hit points)". Any non-melee oriented AT will be considered the easier target. The non-melee oriented ATs are the easiest to defeat, but are also the largest threat when grouped. If you are one of these ATs you will be targeted first. The non-melee oriented ATs have very little, if any, mez protection. In PVP, non-melee ATs (squishies) are targeted first.
You should know that you will be attacked by opponents you cannot see, some of which can defeat you before you will even realize you are being attacked. You may be thinking, "How can that be? How can I defend against that?". Well, the good news is, that perception (the ability to see stealthy/cloaked/invisible opponents) at it's maximum is 10 feet higher than negative perception (-perception) is at it's maximum. The bad news is, that it is easier for an individual to reach a -perception value higher than any +perception another individual can achieve. In other words, you alone will not be able to see them. That is another reason why going it alone is not a good idea. To enable you to see -perception opponents, you will need things that give you +perception. If you want to know more about perception, click here-> perception. In PVP, you will be attacked by opponents you cannot see.
*You should not get caught up in the emotion of victory or defeat. You may be thinking, "How is it possible to not celebrate victory or mourn defeat?". You can, but don't let the opponents know it. If you openly boast, you will be alpha-target number one. If you openly cry foul, you will be alpha-target number one. Never say anything to the opponent in local chat, private chat, or global chat; especially, global chat. Resist the temptation to do so. If you have a fit of rage, count to ten, go get a drink of water, or just go watch some television. Never say anything to the opponents, ever.
In summary, PVP is not fair! You will be mezzed. You will be attacked by multiple opponents, simultaneously. You need to stick together with your teammates. Non-melee ATs (squishies) are targeted first. You will be attacked by opponents you cannot see. Never say anything to the opponents, ever.
*being polite and engaging in polite conversation can be fine. I have done this. But, the opponent may not know if you are being polite or sarcastic. Just be careful what you say and how you say it if you decide to say anything.
Note: you will not receive debt if defeated by a player. You will receive debt if defeated by a Non-Player-Character (NPC)
I hope you have enjoyed 'The Harsh Reality of PVP'. Have fun -
I have 1 thing to say.
Yes PvP is somewhat unfair but if you are a lone stalker in a PvP zone and a team of 8 heroes sees you just walking by....well they usually jump and kill you in about 5 seconds.Yet everyone complains about stalkers doing anything of the sort to them
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That's kind of like a wolf complaining that eight well-armed sheep shot him on sight.
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[/ QUOTE ]
This is great stuff -
Fly does not have an accuracy penalty. It was removed when they added suppression. You might want to mention that if you have Fly, Super Speed or Super Jump enabled and attack, they will be suppressed to the speed of Hover, Sprint or Combat Jump and then revert back to full capability when you discontinue your attack after a few seconds.
Basic Scrapper Info in Issue 7 (draft)
Basic Tanker Info in Issue 7 (draft)
The Harsh Reality of PVP -
People people... why scream nerf... scream buff. Perhaps it isnt EM that is overpowered but the other sets underpowered?
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it just seems more likely that 1 set is overpowered rather than 3 being underpowered IMHO.
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The data _castle_ showed says that only a ?/nrg Blaster is comparable to Scrappers solo in PVP. All other Blaster secondaries put them at the level of a Defender solo in PVP. Granted, Scrappers are supposed to be the solo Kings, but range should put meleers at a disadvantage. So that shows to me that only ?/nrg is at the level Blasters should be versus Scrappers. But, that is just me.
Basic Scrapper Info in Issue 7 (draft)
Basic Tanker Info in Issue 7 (draft)
The Harsh Reality of PVP -
And leaves out MMs, Stalkers and Brutes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not Stalkers according to this _Castle_ post -> click here
EDIT: Additionally, this change was mostly aimed at the Bloody Bay and Siren's Call levels where Stalkers are so far above any other AT in Kill Count vs Death Count that it isn't even funny. In higher level PvP zones, players have plenty of options of dealing with Stalkers, which *should* force Stalkers to Team more.
[/ QUOTE ] -
This is one of the funniest, smartest, most honest and well explained depiction of ...
[/ QUOTE ]
Thank you. -
If you are defeated by a player, you don't get debt. If you get too close to a police drone and get zapped, you don't get debt. If a NPC (non-player character) gets in the last blow, you get debt