
Ms. Exalted 2011
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  1. I couldn't decide, they all look fantastic. So I let my wife pick for me.

    1. Christopher Robin
    2. Liz
    3. Darth Delicious
  2. The Voting

    Anyone can vote.
    Everyone must vote for a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice.
    This month's theme was "Who Will Die"
    1st choice will count as 3 votes, 2nd choice will count as 2 votes, and 3rd choice will count as 1 vote.
    Darth Delicious gets one free 3rd place vote for her "Early Bird" entry.
    Voting will be open until Tuesday night September 6th at midnight Eastern time.

    The Elimination

    The artist with the least amount of votes will be eliminated.
    If there is a tie, the artist with the least amount of first place votes will be eliminated. Then second place votes. A full tie will be broken by a short tiebreaker voting round.
    The winner of this month will get 10 million inf sent to them in-game through Gleemail.

    The Entries

    Darth Delicious
    (click for larger version)

    Christopher Robin
    (click for larger version)


  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by syrusb View Post
    Sorry all, uploading via phone. No fancy image links and such. Sucks to be w/o interwebs.

    fixed... and awesome as well. Going to be a cloooose month. Voting thread will be up tomorrow afternoon. Good luck to all.
  4. CR's NOOOOO is bigger than DD's NOOOOO

    Seriously awesome though.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
    *bounces up and down* Today's the day!!! *suddenly stops bouncing and frowns* unless Irene is keeping people from making art ofcourse... In that case the deadline perhaps should be extended till further due, I think... *nods and hopes everyone is okay*
    Liz is currently without power from Irene and staying at a friend's house, but is ok. I will extend the deadline if necessary by a day or two.
  6. On Your M-Arc #10: Small Fears is live. Let me know if the background music is too loud in places. It was late when I uploaded it and I thought I could hear myself ok through it all, but I might have spaced out in places.

    Coming soon - a trailer for Small Fears.
  7. Congrats, I've been on that arc a lot recently - filming it for my next On Your M-Arc review, and it's a good one.
  8. I've been doing the exact same thing on my Tundra Spider character.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    You know I was all jokes right?
    Yeah, I knew *you* were joking, but I thought it was a valid point to bring up for anyone else that might be wondering the same thing.
  10. It seems to have grown to a 2 mission arc. The vampire nation group needs lieutenants and bosses to give full XP, I only saw minions. The vampire soldiers with a rez was kind of annoying. Death as the contact was pretty interesting, even though he looked more like a classic Dracula than Death. The best costumes were the <Blackest Ops> and that seemed like an interesting part of the story that never pays off.

    The second mission was a string of random vampire bosses in generally forgettable stereotypical costumes with really bad names, especially "Oriental Breed".

    VooDoo and Honour Bound gave me the most trouble as a level 35 crab spider. Didn't make it to Vlad as it was too late for me.

    the following is comments posted on twitter while I was playing the arc - in reverse chronological order.

    #CoHMA M2: Man this is a long cave. Next two - Honor Bound and VooDoo.
    #CoHMA M2: And "Mirage" a harem girl vampire. Also with no bio. Seems he's about 50/50 on bosses with bios.
    #CoHMA her bio 1/2: China once waged war against the ancient vampires to rid them from their lands.
    #CoHMA M2: And right next to him is "Oriental Breed", I'm pretty sure that's racist.
    #CoHMA M2: Next up is "Blue Blood", a hoity toity vampire doing /em teabag.
    #CoHMA M2: I actually kind of like this setup, even if the names/costumes/bios could be improved... a lot...
    #CoHMA M2: Next up is "Pharoh" with no bio.
    #CoHMA M2: first boss is a witch named "Salem" who has storm powers and ashy skin.
    #CoHMA M2: Vlad (vamp leader) has apparently formed an army including some of the oldest vampires. And I'm off to take them down.
    #CoHMA M1: Optional Nurse boss called Nighting Gale and ally group of <Blackest Ops> with some pretty nice costumes actually.
    #CoHMA M1: Dr. Death is a doctor vampire, turned from the hospital blood harvest. Spawns an ally group and an enemy group, but not ambushes.
    #CoHMA M1: Vampire soldier is regen with a rez... annoying. Objective is "Dr. Death" not sure what I'm supposed to do with him or to him.
    #CoHMA M1: map is the over-used Mayhem hospital, vampires look like biker ninjas with no bios and they're all minions.
    #CoHMA M1: He wants me to go after some vampires - yes they are real - because they're doing blood harvests and on the brink of war.
    #CoHMA My contact today is Death - who looks more like a classic Dracula than any other version of Death. No bio.
  11. Bubbawheat

    The Sword draft!

    the last few attempts at a draft have all kind of fizzled out. I'm partially interested, but I don't have 4 good sword picks in me, let alone any historical swords other than Excalibur.
  12. Just doing a quick google search sounds like it's pretty legit and a big deal - you enter for free and they pick the best ones. So that's awesome that his got picked. Always loved the stuff you've gotten from him, and especially that one.

    Amazon link
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    So...and im not being anything other than a evil red side type at the moment.

    If I want to join the fun...I need to send you inf, and every other guess after that I need to send you 10 mill inf to add another.

    Is it possible that A) I could hold the pot, just to be sure B) Write you an IOU? C) Perhaps interest you in some Swamp Land In Nerva?
    I've held several contests in the AE and screenshots and art forums, if anyone is worried about my trustworthyness I can offer references.

    And yes, I won't consider anyone's guess valid unless I receive their entry fee first.
  14. Backfire was telling me about you. Do you keep any of these episodes available for download anywhere? Or is it live only?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
    "Rat Race" - not as star-studded as the above, but John Cleese, Seth Green, Cuba Gooding Jr (when he was still respected) and most importantly (to raising my hopes) directed by Jerry Zucker. It just didn't work.
    I was also going to mention this movie even though I generally like it. It also had two more Academy Award winners besides Cuba Gooding Jr. - Whoopi Goldberg and Kathy Baker.
  16. 1 - That's annoying, but sometimes things change. Was it being discussed by the league, or was it just that one person mentioned it and the leader changed his mind on a whim?

    2 - Keep 'em Separated isn't what I would call a "master" run, on some servers/global channels it's standard routine. Others on the team could have stepped in and helped, it doesn't always require a leader, just players willing to ask for help, and others willing to help. Just because the "leader" says "team 3 is adds" doesn't mean everyone has to follow along blindly.

    3 - As someone else mentioned, teams can be rearranged once you enter the instance, and many times the teams get messed up, and just because they're the leader, you don't have to follow them silently. Voice your opinion.
  17. Just received a donation to the prize fund of 1 billion inf from Dumpleberry. If you have any questions feel free to ask here in this thread. Send in your guesses!
  18. As a relative newbie to video making (started this past December), I use the absolute basics. I have a cheap logitech microphone and I use the standard windows Sound Recorder to record audio. I use the basic Windows Movie Maker that was already installed on my computer. I have a slightly newer HP computer that also came with a slightly better program though I forget the name of it.

    The raw FRAPs footage can start to take up quite a bit of space - I ended up with 5 gigs of video for around 10 mins or so, maybe more, though if you use Windows Movie Maker it will be compressed into a smaller size when you finalize your video. Around 100 megs for a 5 minute video.

    I believe YouTube is currently limited to 15 minute videos or less, and I think it's based on total views or likes before you can pass that limit. I'm not sure what it is exactly, I just know I'm eligible for it, and I have 1 video with over 50,000 views.

    I also think there is a program that you can use to compress the FRAPs videos, but I don't know what it is. Samuraiko mentioned it to me and I have since forgotten, she or someone else will probably pop in and offer their own advice as well.

    If you want to see what I've been able to manage with just the basics, check out my videos - http://www.youtube.com/user/bubbawheat
  19. Bubbawheat

    Where's Wall-E?

    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
    I don't remember a robot named "Jimmy" in that movie (especially since the human protagonist is also named "Jim"), but that does look like a Treasure Planet design.
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I may be misremembering the name. The robot was insane and, IIRC, a key plot device as well. Maybe it's B.E.N., it sounds like it may be the character voiced by Martin Short. It's fairly prominent in the trailer at imdb and it's pictured at the Disney site for the movie.
    B.E.N. is #124 and already been figured out.
  20. The only Doctor Who I've ever seen is I vaguely remember seeing an episode with the scarf-wearing Doctor when I was very young at my grandmother's house.

    I haven't seen the new seasons of Futurama.

    I havent seen BSG.

    I haven't seen Alien (though I have seen Aliens).

    I haven't seen Farscape.

    I haven't seen Star Trek: Enterprise.

    I haen't seen Lost.

    I haven't seen any Terminator movie.

    Now how about these:

    I have seen Earth 2.

    I have seen M.A.N.T.I.S.

    I have seen Whoops.

    I have seen Earth: Above and Beyond.

    I have seen The Flash television series.

    I have seen The entire run of Lois and Clark.

    I have seen Brimstone.

    I have seen Attack of the Killer Tomatoes cartoon series.
  21. Based on the Who Will Die teaser campaign for CoH: Freedom, I'm running a contest to guess which signature hero will die during this story arc. To allow for more varied entries to the pool, we'll also be betting on who will kill them, either a signature villain (or hero), or an enemy group. All that is known at the moment is that it will be one of the surviving Eight who dies. They are:

    Sister Psyche
    Back Alley Brawler

    **Entries are now closed**
    • To enter: send an in-game e-mail to me (@Bubbawheat) with your entry fee and in the body of the e-mail include your guess.
    • You must include both the victim, and the culprit in your guess.
    • The culprit can be a signature villain (or hero) or an enemy group.
    • If the culprit is a well known member of an enemy group, like an Arachnos patron, or Vanessa DeVore, and both the specific person and the general group are guessed, the more specific answer will win. If only the group was guessed, then it would be considered correct and win.
    • If the culprit is a part of a branching dialog, every option available in-game will be considered equally correct.
    • The culprit may be considered to be the one who is manipulating the events to create the death or the one who does the actual killing blow. If both are guessed, the one who makes the killing blow is the more correct answer.
    • You may enter as many times as you wish, each entry is 30 million inf. You may include as many entries as you wish in a single in-game e-mail.
    • You may *not* repeat someone else's guess.
    • Once the deadline for the contest is reached, the prize will be awarded when the full information on the victim and culprit is revealed, likely episode 6 in February or episode 7 in March.
    • The winner will be the person or persons who correctly guess which hero dies *and* who kills them. If no one correctly guesses both, the prize will be split evenly between all persons who correctly guess which hero dies rounded down to the nearest million. The remainder will be given randomly to one of the winners.
    • The winner or winners will be awarded the *entire* prize pool, sent to them through in-game e-mail.
    • Entries will be collected here.

    Current prize pool (11-21-11): 2,560 million inf

    Entries so far:

    Back Alley Brawler killed by
    Circle of Thorns - @The Holy Flame
    Colonel Mustard (in the lounge, with the revolver) - @Doctor Gemini
    Duray - @Bramphousian
    Freedom Phalanx + The Player - @Quantum Evil
    Fusionette (accidentally) - @Kay Nova
    Malaise(s) - @Artphobia
    Manticore - @Bramphousian
    Marauder - @ITNet1, @Bramphousian, @Blazing Neon
    The player - @Bramphousian
    Praetorians - @Necrotech Master
    Protean - @Agent79
    Rularuu/Rulu-shin - @The Holy Flame
    Shivans - @Dark Energon
    Tyrant - @Bramphousian
    Unknown (a new villain created in this arc) - @Bramphousian

    Citadel killed by
    Freedom Phalanx + The Player - @Quantum Evil
    Praetorian Hamidon Lichen - @War-Nugget
    Himself - @Bramphousian
    Lord Recluse - @Trollslayer
    Luminary - @Bramphousian
    Malaise(s) - @artphobia
    Television - @Aether Crash
    Unknown (a new villain created in this arc) - @Doctor Gemini

    Manticore killed by
    Black Scorpion - @Trollslayer
    Bobcat - @Mellissandria
    Colonel Duray - @Ninja Earl 2
    Darrin Wade/Rularuu - @The Holy Flame
    Dr. Aeon - @OVCorax
    Ghost Widow - @Kid Street
    Freedom Phalanx + The Player - @Quantum Evil
    Lord Recluse - @Necrotech Master
    Malaise(s) - @artphobia
    The Player - @William Valence
    Praetor Tillman - @Mellissandria
    Protean - @Liberties, @Necrotech Master
    Arachnos - @Thea Anastasis

    Numina killed by
    The Dream Doctor - @The Holy Flame
    Freedom Phalanx + The Player - @Quantum Evil
    The Letter Writer - @Doctor Gemini
    Ghost Widow - @Trollslayer
    Cap'n Mako - @Neuronium

    Positron killed by
    The Civic Squad - @Aether Crash
    Freedom Phalanx + The Player - @Quantum Evil
    The Player - @Daniel Stevens
    The Praetorians - @The Holy Flame
    Scirocco/Mu Mystics - @The Holy Flame

    Sister Psyche killed by
    Emperor Cole/Tyrant - @Casual Player
    Freedom Phalanx + The Player - @Quantum Evil
    Malaise - @Zamuel
    Mother Mayhem - @The Holy Flame
    Praetorians - @Necrotech Master
    Protean - @Zamuel

    Synapse killed by
    Cap'n Mako - @Liz
    Freedom Phalanx + The Player - @Quantum Evil
    Ghost Widow - @Liz
    The Mu - @The Holy Flame
    Scirocco - @Trollslayer

    Statesman killed by
    Circle of Thorns - @Liberties
    Hamidon/Devouring Earth - @Nowhereman
    Himself (heroic self-sacrifice) - @SlickRiptide
    Malaise(s) - @Artphobia
    Mender Silos/Ouroboros - @artphobia
    Mother Mayhem - @Necrotech Master
    Nemesis - @Necrotech Master
    The Player (after he is corrupted) - @Narda
    The Player (by actions of the revealed villain or by request from Statesman) - @KemLi
    Positron - @Grimrose
    Rularuu - @Liz
    Tyrant - @Dr Emerald

    No one gets killed - @Riffster

    Valkyrie killed by (note - guess made before the surviving eight info was revealed)
    Silver Mantis - @StaticDude1

    Current teaser pics so far:

    Current clues so far:

    *spoiler**spoiler**spoiler**spoiler**spoiler**spoi ler**spoiler**spoiler**spoiler**spoiler**spoiler** spoiler**spoiler**spoiler*
    Synapse was the first target of a powers stealing obelisk. He survived, but his death is still a possibility.
    Numina and her father were the second target. Her father was saved, and there is reference to another obelisk.
    Manticore and Statesman were the third target. This plan was successful in the fact that Miss Liberty (not Ms. Liberty) was killed.
    Sister Psyche was the target of the fourth arc.
    The Lost, Igneus, and the Circle of Thorns are featured in the first arc.
    Alastair, a Spectral Knight, also mentions that he's working with someone other than the CoT.
    Rulu-Shin: followers of Rularuu, and Banished Pantheon are featured in the second arc.
    Rogue Arachnos, Marshal Blitz of Warburg, and Darrin Wade are featured in the third arc.
    There is a mention of Cimerora and Imperious working with Sister Airlea.
    Final battle of second arc takes place within sight of Hamidon.
    From the final cutscene in arc #2 (ponytail guy is revealed to be Malaise in arc #3):
    [NPC] Malaise: We could destroy her, but the obelisk will not absorb the powers of a spectre.
    [NPC] ???: Does this mean that the list is shortened?
    this refers to Numina being safe, though the question is not actually answered.
    [NPC] Malaise: But you had better save the killing blow for me.
    They mention that Statesman will be vulnerable after the death of his daughter.
    Malaise is dead, killed by Sister Psyche. Still unknown for sure if he was the Primal or Praetorian Malaise
    It was said Synapse and Numina are basically off the chopping block for now.
    Darrin Wade was the mastermind behind the entire plot, though he may not be the one doing the killing blow.
    Statesman is off on his own and will be the focus of Episode 5
    *end spoiler**end spoiler**end spoiler**end spoiler**end spoiler**end spoiler**end spoiler**end spoiler**end spoiler**end spoiler*
  22. I liked the one I saw recently that implied the random NPC walking around was actually a Nemesis Automaton.
  23. The ending reminded me of a Kids in the Hall sketch involving a pear.
  24. I loved BtAS - I pretty much agree with all of those, although Clayface was my personal favorite villain and I really enjoyed all of the episodes featuring him in it.
  25. Bubbawheat

    Where's Wall-E?

    Found another forum trying to find answers. They're ahead of us though - they only have 3 left to find. http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comment.../wheres_walle/

    PS - I decided not to cheat from their list.