Total Newbie Here
As a relative newbie to video making (started this past December), I use the absolute basics. I have a cheap logitech microphone and I use the standard windows Sound Recorder to record audio. I use the basic Windows Movie Maker that was already installed on my computer. I have a slightly newer HP computer that also came with a slightly better program though I forget the name of it.
The raw FRAPs footage can start to take up quite a bit of space - I ended up with 5 gigs of video for around 10 mins or so, maybe more, though if you use Windows Movie Maker it will be compressed into a smaller size when you finalize your video. Around 100 megs for a 5 minute video.
I believe YouTube is currently limited to 15 minute videos or less, and I think it's based on total views or likes before you can pass that limit. I'm not sure what it is exactly, I just know I'm eligible for it, and I have 1 video with over 50,000 views.
I also think there is a program that you can use to compress the FRAPs videos, but I don't know what it is. Samuraiko mentioned it to me and I have since forgotten, she or someone else will probably pop in and offer their own advice as well.
If you want to see what I've been able to manage with just the basics, check out my videos -
I kinda tend to spend... absolutely nothing wrong with the basics... but I like the media toys I got. All personal preference. Total cost for the programs for me has been around $120 I believe.
Video recorded using Fraps
Audio recorded using MAGIX Music Maker 12 delux
Final edit done using Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 HD
Like Bubba said... Fraps videos will be consume a lot of space... I tend to delete my Fraps footage once I finish a product and I try not to keep too much Fraps footage for long.
Good luck and have fun on your CoYouTubin!
Thanx for the great advice. And loved your AE review.
The program Bubbawheat mentioned for compression is VirtualDub. I use that and the ffdshow codec to compress to AVI and it brings files down to a much more manageable size.
Right now Sony Creative Software is offering a deal on Imagination Suite 3 for around $125 or so - comes with a lot of the software that I use. You might take a gander at it.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
I'm looking to start a vid series with CoH. No character manipulation or anything like that, just straight gameplay footage. I was wondering if I could get some recommends on getting started.
I read that FRAPs is the way to go at recording footage, but I also want to add in my own voice track and a few edit overlays. (Again, completely new to this.)
Also, what type of hardrive space am I looking at needing and since I will be using Youtube I am a little unclear on what it takes to upload larger than 10minutes worth of footage.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!