
Ms. Exalted 2011
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  1. Bubbawheat

    New This Week?

    They said during the UStream chat I believe that they have weekly "stuff" planned out through May of Next year, and weekly sales planned out for much of that time as well.
  2. And don't forget PvP and AE as two other forgotten stepchildren of progress.
  3. Played Crisis at Talos Towers by @PW, and I do agree that it tries a little too hard to be a midline between a farm and a story arc. As a farm, I really enjoyed it though. I've only played one or two other farms and got bored very quickly. I liked the variation in the enemies with the DE Granite mixed in there as well as the rescues. I did hit the ticket cap right before the end running only +1/x3, and I also thought a lot more could be done for the story. It would be nice to have the ability to know more about the civilians and officers rescued, did Timmy's parents make it out ok? And I also thought that the ending was a little bit too happy compared to the event it's based on. But aside from those points, I rather enjoyed it. Tweets made while playing the arc below.

    #CoHMA Playing #518075 Crisis at Talos Towers by @PW, Hero 43-49, 0 plays for the Architect Arc Club
    #CoHMA Contact is the police dispatcher and there has been a Rikti Warship crash into the Wentworth Trade Center.
    #CoHMA Doing a WTC tribute arc is a tough challenge in #CoH but so far this arc gets it right.
    #CoHMA inside are a bunch of fire enemies and a rocky falling debris. Also, the arc is billed as a farm with story.
    #CoHMA The Falling Debris DE still spawn their appropriately named "rubble".
    #CoHMA First rescue is a kid named Timmy. His bio says he got separated from his parents.
    #CoHMA As a farm, it does feel a little bit on the easy side. But it's still a farm I think I could get behind. I like the variation w/ DE.
    #CoHMA It seems counter-intuitive to have lead-outs in a farm, but it doesn't make sense any other way for the story.
    #CoHMA And I hit the ticket cap
    #CoHMA No clues during the whole thing. This time - makes sense for the farm, but would help to know more of the rescued's stories.
    #CoHMA Bah! Unreadable dark blue text.
    #CoHMA Arc had a happy ending, felt a little too happy. Could use a little gravitas. But otherwise enjoyable.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Felderburg View Post
    Hmm... given that Sister Psyche and BABs appear in the new tutorial, I'd say it's pretty unlikely it's one of them.
    Well, when you look at it from the point of view that higher levels means later in the timeline then they're still fair game being at the very beginning.
  5. Deadline is next Friday, try not to wait until the last minute!
  6. On Your M-Arc #11 - Crafter's Cafe Author's Cut is now live. Thanks a ton to Backfire for all his help, and if things go as planned, look out for On Your M-Arc #12 - Do it Yourself Doom Army Project #410418 with @Twoflower on October 3rd!
  7. Working on a new feature for On Your M-Arc - Author's cut. The first one is with Backfire talking about his Crafter's Cafe. Audio is almost cut together. Hoping to have it done by this weekend. Updated first post with current queue.

    I also hope to put these videos out on a more regular basis. I'm hoping to make one every two weeks, so get your requests for reviews and trailers in, otherwise I'll probably come and contact you
  8. And not only that, but he recieved double what his collection was, and is passing along those donations to things like a children's hospital.
  9. title? description? level range? Challenge level? Would be useful information to know what type of character to use when looking up the arc.
  10. Does anyone own a name? Does it depend how unique the name is? How long they've had it? I know from experience that "Bubbawheat" is a unique name. But there is at least one other person using the name legitimately out on the internet. Do I own it? What about a name like "Zombie Man"? It's not an extremely unique name. It could argued that someone likes the name and isn't camping it. So, should whoever got "Zombie Man" on Exalted be made to give it up because the forum "Zombie Man" has been around longer? Is more popular? It's unfortunate that it happened, and I agree that they are "jerks" for lack of a better word, but I know there won't be any action taken on the name camping front. And I'm ok with that.
  11. Recommend some less-played arcs (100 plays or less) to get more variety into the club. I'm sure the authors will appreciate the plays. These arcs count for your 2 arcs per month.

    Kill or Cure #459581 by @Samuraiko, Hero 40+, 25 plays
    Legacy of a Rogue #459586 by @Night-Girl, Hero 30-35, 25 plays
    Arc #517859: Crime is Art and Art is Crime, by @Twoflower - Hero 35+, 37 plays
    Arc #271637: Welcome to M.A.G.I., by @Doctor Gemini - Hero 1-10, 33 plays
  12. Arc #508837 Whack a Mole! Incarnate Edition! Lambda Sector by @Bubbawheat - Neutral 50, 26 plays
    Arc #29205 PENGUIN by @Tubbius - Hero 30-40, 186 plays
    Arc #524278 The Astral Prison by @Zaphir - heroic, level 40+, 11 plays
    Arc #115935 Cracking Skulls by @Flame Kitten (Coulomb2 alt account), Hero 1-14, 107 plays
    Arc #525356 Agent of the OSS by @PW, Hero 20+, 11 plays
    Arc #482914 Black as Midnight: Team Spirit by @Supafreak, Hero 50, 39 plays
    Arc #514570 Terra Mystika: The Nexus by @Lord of Storms, Hero 40+, 10 plays
    Arc #144416 Shadow of Grime Alley by @Fantastic Foe, Vigilante 45+, 49 plays
    Arc #530511 Cat: It's What's For Dinner by @Interface, Villainous, 4 plays
    Arc #534236 The Clockwork Angel @Spectreblade
  13. I'm rebooting this as a positive influence from the MA Author's community to try and help foster some goodwill during this time of farmers, griefers, and bugs that make it so hard sometimes to give a care about the arcs holed up in the AE building.

    The Goal

    The goal of this club is to create plays and feedback on arcs that aren't getting played from authors who care about their arcs but aren't getting anything in return.

    How to Join

    It's simple, play at least two arcs a month and give feedback to the author. That keeps your arc(s) on the playlist. The more you participate, the more of your arcs get put on the list. Members can also nominate good, but not played arcs that they enjoyed to help fill out our list of arcs. You don't have to give detailed feedback, but please post here mentioning which arc(s) you played and briefly share what you thought of it. Also, please check if your arc is broken before posting it here.
  14. That's pretty annoying. I would guess that I'm not that high profile, though I never have and never will create a character named "Bubbawheat" so I didn't check that. I did get "Burnt Matchstick", but I did not get "Time Shifter" but I don't seriously think that one is a name squatter as it's a time-related name that I originally had to check 4 or 5 servers before I found one where it was available when I made it over a year ago.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by joshdex View Post
    PS: I like how our VIP names are now gold.
    Off topic I know, but I think the yellow names look uuuuuugly.

    As for the prices, bought sale priced Beam Rifle on the spot. Considering some costume packs but may just wait and see what other sales go on.

    For my money, the biggest letdown is the super tailor for 800 points. That's the cost of the entire booster pack without getting any of the costume stuff.
  16. Cool cool. I'll start a new thread up pretty soon with more details.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
    I wouldn't worry too much about it until after the servers are back up and opened to the public. If the points are still missing by that point, THEN there will be a problem. But right now, they're still in the process of setting everything up.
    No need to scream doom quite yet.
  18. I thought it was the other way around, War Witch was still the lead dev, while Positron was in charge of the i21 strike team, which is why we've been hearing so much from him lately.

    edit - maybe not, I realized that he signed off the patch notes as "Lead Designer"... though I suppose that might not be exactly the same as "Lead Developer". Who knows.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jasra View Post
    Here's a stupid question - does Remiel's arc grant Entrusted? I doubt there's actually been a potential Incarnate running it that didn't already have the badge to test that, but theoretically you could do it just off of mooched portals.
    Ramiel's arc *requires* Entrusted with the secret.
  20. Recently I got my Burnt Matchstick dominator to level 50. I've spent most of her playtime on a weekly team running AE story arcs for the past couple years and I realized she didn't have an O-portal yet as almost all of her leveling was done in RWZ, and some costume missions, and the final couple levels to hit 50.

    I wanted to run an ITF so I took her to Cimerora first, running Ashley McKnight's arc and ended up running Sister Arelia's arc instead of an ITF while I was there. I even grabbed the explore badge, but no Entrusted with the Secret.

    Some discussion was involved and it was decided that maybe the Midnighters were hiding from Ouroboros, so their time travel didn't count. But I wondered if getting the Ouroboros day job would count for Entrusted with the Secret. I know I could just run up and grab the explore badge, but my curiosity was piqued. And besides, I didn't have any power pick I really wanted for level 49 except for Long Range Teleport, so she's technically still level 48 and can't start doing incarnate stuff yet.

    And so I got someone to open an O-Portal for me and I parked her there while I played my other alts waiting for i21 to come. And just a few minutes ago she dinged her Chronologist badge and no Entrusted with the Secret. So she's been "working very closely" with Ouroboros, but they still haven't entrusted her with the secret of time travel yet.

  21. I've been hit with both bugs, though not at the same time. And it's been a looong time since I got the exit bug. I think it's specific to a single map maybe? But I've been hit with the disappearing globals quite a bit recently.
  22. I'd like to start this up again, but would first like to get some discussion on the best way to go about it.

    The Goal

    The goal is to get more plays, rates, and feedback on newer and/or lesser played arcs. I know there's tons of us out there that want plays and rates on our arcs. But in order to get plays/rates, you should be willing to give plays/rates.

    How to Achieve

    The real question is how to achieve this goal. In the previous incarnation, I would choose someone's arc each week and offer everyone to play/comment/rate it. Unfortunately depending on the arc it would only get 2-5 plays out of a group of 15 or so players.

    The Questions

    How many people would be interested in trying this out again?
    Should I offer prizes to those who play/rate multiple arcs?
    How should I organize the arcs that want plays?
    At this point, would a thread like this be asking for griefers?
    At this point, would it be wrong to ask for 5 stars or no rating at all?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    I like those terms. Also, this thread requires more awesome.
    It's been a slow build. Been getting a slow but steady stream of guesses. A lot of people are pulling for Protean to be the villain. Though my favorite guess is Colonel Mustard - just so great that someone actually put the inf up for it.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    We're already there.
    Plenty of people play AE arcs, but they don't stray past the first page. Ask me, ask PW, it's not an earthshattering amount. But I get well over a couple dozen plays per week from new players.
  25. It's always sad to hear of someone passing. I also remembering seeing LoT's frequent posts here and I enjoyed reading most of them.