2935 -
So does "ascend higher" mean tier 5 or 6 in the current slots, or unlocking the next set of incarnate slots?
This thread is bugging me, and now I'm trying to see a pattern where there is none - yet.
Week 1 - Beam Rifle powerset / Barberian Costume set / Rocket Board travel power
Week 2 - Signature Story Arc
Week 3 - Circle of Thorns Costume set
Week 4 - Street Justice
Week 5 - Signature Story Arc
My thoughts? If they were going to have a 4 week rotation, then I think the first week got a little messed up and it should be something more like this.
Week 1 - Signature Story Arc
Week 2 - Miscellaneous (QoL item, maybe AT IOs?, or maybe wolf pet?)
Week 3 - Costume set
Week 4 - Power - either powerset or single power like the Rocketboard or the booster pack powers -
One tip that kinda works. In that only a small section of authors actually used this tag, but search for the tag "LBMA" which is supposed to be used on arcs that are suitable for low level play. Alternately, you can check PW's contact tree for MA arcs stickied at the top of this forum for a list of arcs along with a suggested level range.
I feel pretty much the same way as the first post here. I'm only just starting on Katie's arc but it's alternating between "that's cool", "man this is a lot of running around talking to people", "That's kind of neat", "well that's a kick in the pants", "getting my butt handed to me", and "that's pretty funny".
Another week, another video. This time it's On Your M-Arc #13 Kill or Cure #459581 Author's Cut with special guest Samuraiko. A great episode talking about the destruction of Galaxy City, choosing the right enemy groups, and Aeon's Architect Challenge. Until next time!
At this point it's a little late to complain, as the voting is over tomorrow. But yeah, considering the other titles that were included, it doesn't make sense that they overlooked CoH.
I think it may be an issue with any unlockable costume pieces. I know that any defense or IDF pieces will work in the costume creator, but will show an error when you try to save it. This may extend to other unlockable pieces like the cyborg pieces or any other store-bought pieces regardless of whether they're supposed to be available on your account or not.
I was in college when 3rd edition had just come out and I was with a group that played mostly 1st edition with a touch of 2nd edition thrown in.
I think you'll have to wait until they add Manticore's mansion to the AE for something like that.
#CoHMA Playing Arc #517859: Crime is Art and Art is Crime, by @Twoflower for the Architect Arc club
#CoHMA contact is Captain Sabine - very nice look, quite steampunky. She specializes in art crime.
#CoHMA my first task in helping the PPD Art Crimes division- Sabine is the only member FYI is shutting down the Carnie "extreme" art gallery
Some fun art references and nice looking custom Carnies. Love the optional boss who's such a nobody I wasn't even there to arrest her.
#CoHMA M1: Mistress Yomi was a fun one too, her dialog was all in Haiku... kinda.
#CoHMA M1: One of the "artists" surrendered out of fear of "Sven Dali" - an abstract artist creating living sculptures and hates competition
#CoHMA M2: Dali is working with more dangerous people than the Carnies, with a warehouse called Richter Holdings, supected 5th hideout.
#CoHMA M2: Though Richter seems an odd choice for 5th considering Stephan Richter, also 5th seem more laughable than dangerous.
#CoHMA M2: Apparently Sven's plan is to animate Mount Rushmore, and with the help of the 5th, he may just have the means to do it.
#CoHMA M3: I kinda like how my contact is still referring to this as "The biggest art crime ever."
#CoHMA M3: Now I'm heading into Dali's tunneling operation heading towards the monument.
#CoHMA M3: 4 prototypes to destroy? I get the feeling I'm going to see some #CoH founding fathers soon.
#CoHMA M3: And the founding statue fathers are very heavy on the historic puns.
#CoHMA M3: I thought the puns were going a little bit overboard after fighting all 4 of them in a row, but otherwise a fun little arc. -
Yep, got your guess up there CP. Also had a fun guess come in that one of the FP becomes corrupt and the rest have to take him or her out, and then Statesman says something stupid like "let's build a memorial for them in Boomtown!"
Eh, why not. I'm not usually one to toot my own horn, but if anyone enjoys my sense of humor my arc "Whack a Mole: Lambda Sector" #508837 by @Bubbawheat would be eligible in the comedy, short arc, or best group design. I haven't felt the need to exclude my own arcs since I have no control over the nominations or voting, I just keep track of it all. I think my personal preference would be for the short arc category.
Best Lowbie Arc:
The Blue Devils #468738 by @Flame Kitten (aka Coulomb2) -
Nice, she looks very cute. Thanks! I tried adding a little flame in there myself.
The bigger question for me would be on which two servers? Probably end up on Pinnacle and Virtue, though I would want to have a spot on Liberty as well, and Union's growing on me.... you get the picture.
Nice, I was starting to get a little worried about these. But where's this month's Dev Choice arc? Talos Vice was last month's, and I'm sure you've played at least one other DC worty arc.
Got mine, and earlier than expected. Don't have any pics because I don't have a good camera, and it's for my daughter's birthday on the 8th. Like most others have said, it looks great, even better than they look in the pictures. My daughter's a fan of Secret of Kells, and since it's an independent movie with no merchandising, I had to get creative. The cat came out amazing too.
Pic from Rei's dA page -
The quickest way to get references for artwork is to say "Free", then the art forumites come out of the woodwork.
Quote:For future reference - click edit, then there's four buttons: Save, Go Advanced, Delete, and Cancel.sorry.. it was late at night.. I was drunk.. and I cant find that dam delete post button..
ok.. I checked again... I CANT find that dam delete thread button... *sigh*
If your editing shows up on it's own page, there's two radio buttons at the top, one is selected and says "Do not delete message" and the other one says "Delete message". -
The one thing I found interesting about the article which I don't think has been mentioned yet is that he's requested that they leave out his real name which *most* media outlets are complying with.
Added a couple important clues in the first post, in between the spoiler tags.
Oh, I remember what I thought was an omission - I thought that between Sky High and Zoom - Academy of Superheroes, that Zoom was the funnier movie.
Good point, updated OP.
Also, FYI - if you're busy speculating be sure to check out my Who Will Die guessing contest for a chance to win over 2 billion inf with the prize pool growing all the time.
I'm always up for more matchstick art - link in signature. If you want me to be more specific, I'd suggest my Tanker on Pinnacle without her helmet. But feel free to choose any that match with what you want to practice with.