Bronze Knight

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Well, that's pretty accurate - GR will have the level 1-20 content, plus the level 20-50 side switching Tip missions
    I was referring to the content that we will have to pay for. Tip missions are free with I18 IDK about the side switching. Even so more things for L50s to do was a big thing for me with GR with that being cut... well it just feels like I was cheated.
  2. Sooo... GR has nothing but 1-20 content we have to wait till I19?

  3. We the players have just the thing for you. The Mentor Project we have a chat set up ingame. As a Freedom Redside mentor I would be more than happy to help you. Just ask in N P C chat or send a tell or Email to @Knight Of Bronze if you have any questions. I am usually on 8-12PM EST.

  4. Bronze Knight

    Vanguard Sword

    Vanguard Sword the reason why there are things like Caltrops.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    Want to cut down on the low population complaints?

    There is plenty of room on the server selection page to put in a note

    "Attention new players. The top server is the currently least busy and the bottom server is the currently most busy. If you have played already then the top server is the one you were last active on but the rest are in a least to most busy order."

    It's not the fact that some servers are crowded and some are virtually empty that causes the complaints. It's that new players (and many veteran players) don't know which is which and wind up selecting a server that doesn't suit their preferences.

    This please. There is allways going to be people for and against server merges. However this solution would put a stop to most of the complaints about this issue. At the same time it wont realy change any thing. Its just informing players of what could easy be found out here on the forums or on the wiki the only difference is that it would be right there when they log in and not be something they would have to go digging for. (By that I mean do anything other than play the game)
  6. At one time I think that this bandoleer, was available for females but not any more.

    Now females only have access to the crossed bandoleer. Note both these toons are useing the armored torso, however only males get the single bandoleer. I have no proof of this other than my faulty memory. It should be changed in any case.

  7. Bronze Knight


    No sadly not there is a bug with Pet AI right now and that is part of the problem. For the most part tho they've always acted like a bunch of school girls on crack with guns.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Here's the thing I don't understand. I usually play with /hide from search on and yet if there are fewer people playing then ever before why is it I'm seeing a rise in the number of invites being sent to me even tho I'm using the /hide from searches.

    Due to the lower population people resort to looking at whos in global channels and put every one they see on there friend lists. So that they have people to ask when they are trying (desperately) to get a team going. Also I thought /hide stopped all incoming tells any way.
  9. Bronze Knight

    Hami Raid

    Never done a Hami ether would love to tho. L50 Merc/Traps or L50 Power-blast/Thermal Rad your choice, would rather use my MM tho.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Most problems seem to be people not using server channels (mostly out of ignorance). I've pointed that out in many threads over the past couple years, and even made sure to add a "Welcome to Victory" thread to help out people with those on my home server.

    When most people find out about those, the problem is almost always solved.

    The thing is that many (IMO) people don't see that as a valid argument because in there opinion its not something the developers intended the global channels to be used for. Mostly based on the fact that its not automatically set up. They see it as something extra they shouldn't have to do to get a team. There for the servers should be merged. As far as weather or not that is right, well... probably not but it doesn't matter that's how they see it.

    (Or that's how I see them as seeing it...)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
    10 - More costume pieces.
    9 - More costume pieces.
    8 - More character slots.
    7 - More character customization in terms of power picks. (mix-match, like pistol+sword).
    6 - More costume pieces.
    5 - More costume slots.
    4 - More costume pieces.
    3 - More costume slots.
    2 - More costume pieces.

    and finally.


    Yep. Thats about right. I think you forgot somthing tho...

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JoeKent View Post
    That would be awesome if the little guys didn't decided on their own that the current mob is boring and rush off to agg the next group or three. My bots tend to do this.
    Not saying you're lying. However the only time I see that kind of behavior is when they are set to aggressive. Even then only when the enemy is in range. Granted Bots have a longer range than mercenaries.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    I don't know about single server for CoX but we probably should cut things down to 4 (US) and 1 (EU). Oh yeah, those 5 servers should be accessable to both US and EU players. I see no reason to keep the players divided.
    This is what will most likely happen if there is a merge or if GR fails to meet its expectations.

    Also they fixed the lag in Jita and the other trade hubs its not even that bad on the weekends.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I was advised to repost this here, as it's an animation/emote matter, so I'm reposting here:

    I just found something which our characters are capable of doing which I would LOVE to see added to the game as a legitimate emote. In the editor, when you're editing your weapon and you zoom in, your character will do this:

    (pic sniped)

    Could we please, please, PLEASE have that as an in-game emote? That would be so cool for all sorts of weapon users!

    This looks good could there also be a version where you nod your head as well? with a head nod it would be like a warriors salute. Also can we have the dual pistols and broad sword versions of this emote?
  15. Eve Online did it right. Single Server for every one that plays the game. This gives you the best sense of cohesion and community. It also solves a number of problems inherent in MMO's. For examtople playing with your friends is easier if theirs only one server its. Its also better for the devs so they can do big events. Unfortunately at this point all our servers are too well-established to effect a server merge, people would scream bloody murder.

    Also asking for a general consensus on a forum for voicing your personal opinion is.... a bit redundant.
  16. I haven't played demons so I cannot offer you any real advice. Other than puling the offending minion back.
  17. /traps

    I have a L37 Bots/FF and as others have said it gets boring fast but even at L37 with nothing but basic IOs I can solo 0(5) missions very well. However they are a snooz fest. I go in buff pets move to first group drop repulsion bomb and then go afk for 2-3 min come back move to next group drop repulsion bomb.... repeat adnasum.
  18. Whats this? Could Mod 8 not take the heat?

    ...Cant say I blame him those PVP forums are mean.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
    There was a 'feature', a funny colour combination, one of the purple colours and one of the greens, when selected as primary and secondary, it made the body part invisible.

    Once it became very common knowledge, and everybody did it, I guess the Devs removed it and found a new way to make things invisible when needed.

    IWhile most people were doing funny floating heads (that was fun) I had a character who lacked upper arms, and had only big gloves, and uised the electric arm aura to make them look held on by that.

    It was quite fun, and the option to make things invisible again would be most enjoyable

    O yes PLEASE I asked for something like this in the ATA: Animation thread but if it's doable like this then PLEASE give it back at least for the upper arms as this is exactly the look I was going for.
  20. I think we need more missions to poison and destroy the food for the poor and destitute.

    But I agree with you to complain that your doing evil things when your a VILLAIN makes no sense. OFC then you have the RP people that have a "Hero" on the Villain side. GR will with any luck, will put an end to sutch complaints.
  21. This may not necessary be in the right topik but has the Rikti Rifle ever been in game? The WIKI says you get it with the Watchmen Accolade but its bugged, and been that way for as long as I've known about it.
  22. I would like to have the targeting drone animation usable for the Leadership pool. (Once we can change Pool powers that is.) I love that little drone. So here is what I'm thinking.

    A blue light for Maneuvers
    A red light for Assault
    A Yellow light for Tactics
    Or just a color tintable version like devices gets. (You can change the one in devices right?)

    Option 1. The drone rotates around your head. (Same as current Targeting drone animation.)

    Option 2. The Drone(s) floats over left shoulder.

    Option 3. The Drone(s) floats over right shoulder.
  23. I was there last night and no problems. Was it a hero or a Villain? Which ever it was try the other one. If you still have problems you should wate a bit. If it only happens on one side or the other then you probably have a corrupt GFX file or something else verify isn't caching try a reinstall.
  24. Yep happens all the time.

    HERE you can see some picks. More on page 2.
  25. Yea this happens with Mercs as well.