Bright Shadow

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  1. Hail of Bullets.

    Haters gonna hate. The Tanker rushes in, talking crap to a bunch of the enemies. They rush to him, and the Controller stops them in their tracks. The Mastermind unleashes her pets and the Corruptors and Defenders lay down their debuffs...

    And then you jump in!

    In the middle of all that chaos, there is you, dancing in the middle of all that mess and firing your guns madly, making the enemies flip-flop in the air with all that knock back before everything's shot into hell and back.

    And then everything calms down, and there is only a field of corpses around you.

    Yah, that's pretty darn satisfying to me!

    And with the right recharge bonuses, it can go down to 30 seconds recharge. It's really my favorite T9 attack of all time! It gets only more badass when you combine it with Psychic Shockwave.

    Also, you forgot Psychic Wail from Fortunatas. That one's pretty awesome too!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
    What do you guys think stands in the way of removing the i13 PvP changes(other than a simple "devs don't care"), and what would be a valid way of dealing with that hurdle?

    Is it an issue with post-i13 character builds getting hurt? Enhancements being stuck in bad builds?

    Is it an imbalance issue? Is it how easily imbalance affects gameplay?
    From what little experience I had in PvP, to me, the issue was very quirky and arbitrary restrictions and mechanics that made very little sense from a gameplay perspective.

    For example, how is it that Flurry (the pool power) is stronger than the Tier-9 attacks of many melee-oriented characters?

    Why should healing be diminished? It defeats the purpose of recovery as a means of defense.

    And with the current system, most Archetypes that relied on stacked defenses and/or resistance values no longer get those because of diminishing returns. The name of the game is "Who can debuff faster?".

    While I see the incentive behind all these changes, I don't agree with them. And I don't blame the developers for them either.

    Balancing something as big as PvP is no simple task. To make everyone happy, you need to reach a very, very fine line that makes the mechanics easy for new players to adapt to while at the same time giving the veterans the tools they need to really reach the top...regardless of archetype and/or powersets.

    And that is easier said than done.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
    actually, this is completely wrong. in the case of pvp, the player base knows much more than the developers do. The devs had no idea what they were doing with the changes. they thought they did, but look how that turned out.


    [Condensed to preserve space!]
    I'm sorry if I worded it poorly. But I never meant to say the developers never made a mistake about PvP, or any other aspect of the game. What I am saying is that there COULD be more barriers and issues around it that we, as players, simply are not aware of. It doesn't HAVE to mean it's because they are incompetent or lazy.

    Could the developers communicate better regarding PvP and let people know WHY they are pushing PvP aside? Sure!

    Originally Posted by Dissolution View Post
    I don't think they are mad and you don't need to be sorry. It's hard to read the emotion in type.

    Most are just frustrated that so many, many..... many things seem to be wrong with i13 changes. But also remember i12 had some issues also. It needed tweaking not rebuilt.
    Personally I'm not mad or frustrated at all. Personally I'm disappointed because every time I see someone complain about PvP, it's a poorly written, poorly interpreted, and poorly structured argument that comes off as the poster just being annoyed that they keep losing in the current PvP system, so they come here to rage about it and blame it on the developers.

    I know I'm using a blanket statement here for the sake of simplicity (I truly apologize to anyone who doesn't meet these specifications).

    I remember once I tried to get into PvP. To be quite frank, I enjoyed it...for a while. But the one thing that eventually drove me off wasn't the "broken" PvP system, nor the number of times I lost matches (and I lost 90% of the matches I took part in...but I had FUN! And that was important to me!). What did drive me was how the PvP community behaves in general. Just constant blaming and complaining and raging. Maybe my views are skewed. But this is what I see.

    And I come here and see this thread, and it fits the pattern quite nicely. "Hey guys let's start a petition! The developers are stupid and this game is gonna die if they don't fix PvP!!!!"

    Do you think the PvPers deserve something more special than the base builders? The base builders have been crying for a better base building utility for ages now. But do you see any "petitions" or ragequits from base builders? No. Why? I don't know!

    But that's why I'm disappointed.

    Maybe I'm wrong in viewing the PvP community like this. I'd be glad if I'm wrong. Seriously!
  4. I sure hate the Base Editor. I should go start up a petition thread to ask these developers (who care not one bit about my feelings! How dare they!!! I pay them $15/month!!!) to fix it!

    Oh, I also want more costumes! Without costumes, THIS GAME WILL DIE! I should go and post a petition thread about that too! The developers of this game have no idea how to develop a game, but I sure as hell do!

    Right! I also want a pony! Maybe a cupcake too! TO THE PETITION-MOBILE!

    Sarcasm aside, Roborg, the developers don't hate you. You do not know better than them on what's good or not. You are not the center of this game. I'm sorry you're disappointed in a feature of the game that otherwise you mostly enjoy. But please don't pretend you know what's good or bad, and do not ever accuse the developers of being lazy or incompetent because to be quite blunt, you have no the slightest bit of clue about what goes in in Paragon Studios.

    So sit down. Relax. Chill. Adapt. And hopefully, at some point, when the developers gather the tools or data needed to take a look at PvP as an issue in their game, they will.

    I'd also hate to act like a forum vigilante, but forming petitions are against the rules of the forums.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
    Actually, another thing that may be obvious but I've met people who needed to hear it: it is very likely you will see people doing things in the D that you do not like, or whose bios suggest you may not like them. It will inevitably happen. Super Pro Ancient RP Wisdom: do not go up to these people and antagonize them. Think twice before approaching them at all, if you're really bothered by them. Maybe they're ERPing in public, maybe they're textfighting and you don't like that, maybe they have something distasteful in their bio. Whatever. Let them be, the D is very large and there is plenty of room to avoid people and activities you dislike. If you absolutely must say something, a polite and non-confrontational tell is the best way to go. Don't be that guy that starts a public scene, comes back to the boards raging about it, and has to be reminded that it was his own damn fault for making a point of interacting with these people in the first place. That guy is always a bigger jerk than the people he's complaining about.
    But a great green-skinned and wise man told me once that I have to let the world know of my standards and beliefs and try to enforce and impose them on others to the best of my abilities!

    Are you saying...he lied to me?!

    I agree with Warp Factor though. Don't be trollin'.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
    6. Cloaking Device: Double the stealth and defense values.
    Come on! Stealth Strikes would be fun!!! You know you want it!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Though it does give a bonus when paired with AR's snipe, as I recall.
    That's Targeting Drone, not Cloaking Device, if I remember correctly. And the bonus really is minor at best.
  8. Bright Shadow's Official Devices Redesign:

    1. Web Grenade: Untouched.
    2. Caltrops: Untouched.
    3. Taser: Untouched.
    4. Targeting Drone: Untouched.
    5. Smoke Grenade: Untouched.
    6. Cloaking Device: Allow Stealth Strikes when successful attack is made while hidden. Stealth Strike would be weaker than Critical Damage.
    7. Trip Mine: Untouched.
    8. Time Bomb: Make this power more useful by reducing its cast time to a value even smaller than Trip Mine. The power's damage is already balanced by the fact that it is incredibly hard to time it with the movement of enemies; it doesn't need a massive cast time. It also fits thematically because a bomber usually doesn't BUILD a bomb on the scene. You just place the bomb and press a button to arm it.
    9. Gun Drone: Replace with Seeker Drone equivalent.
  9. Devs, for the love of...

    Make Devices suck less!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    Is there a reason, other than "it's an MMO!", for the end game to be "team-based"?

    Remember, the "MMO" did not start with Ultima Online. That was just when they added graphical sprites.

    You don't like to play with the market.

    You don't wanna do Tip/Alignment missions to earn Alignment Merits.

    You don't like to do TF longer than 90 minutes.

    You don't like to do TF Speedruns.

    You don't like to utilize AE.

    You don't like to farm.

    You don't have time or don't want to team.

    Edit: You don't want to wait any more than other players in getting the NotW.

    Would it be okay if someone comes up to you and just hands you a Notice of the Well? Would you like it if they also gave you a nice pat on the back and a pony?


    Can you tell me WHY you should be entitled to a Very Rare Alpha Ability when you refuse to utilize almost 90% of the game mechanics given to you in order to advance you in the game?

    Adapt to change. Upgrade. Learn to try new things. Otherwise understand that things have costs associated with them, however trivial or non-trivial they may be.

    Personally, I like this. If it was up to me, I'd even increase the amount of Inf. required for this. It could give some structure to the market inflation. Maybe have multiple ways of acquiring this. Maybe a recipe that costs 200,000,000 Inf., but less shards for the rich and lazy, and then a recipe that costs less Inf., and more shards for the poor and determined.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
    Does this mean we have to wait an extra 2 weeks for our Vanguard Packs?
  12. That was the most hilarious thing I've read in a while. It was awesome. Thanks! xD
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inno View Post
    ...including the most recent one to surface Fire/Ice Corruptor.
    I have one of those! It's one of my characters with an "unconventional build" that would get me kicked out of most PuG's cause the leader hates variety!

    You see, I don't like being a shield-bot! I wouldn't like people constantly telling me to shield them, and I'm certainly lazy enough that I wouldn't wanna do it every 4 minutes. Not only that, but cosmetically, I find the Cold Domination shields to look disgusting! People have spent hours and hours on their costumes in the tailor...and then I'd suddenly poop on it by putting their characters in a dumb-looking ice cube.

    So! I took the crazy route! I made a Blasterruptor!

    I skipped all the shields and instead got Aid Self and Hibernate (this is before Inherent Fitness). I aimed for +Damage and +Recharge. I also skipped Inferno. When I was finished with her relatively cheap build, I easily fell in love with the character. To this date, she's my most fun character.

    Near-Perma Heat Loss -> Perma Sleet -> Perma Rain of Fire -> Fire Ball -> Fire Ball -> ... -> Fire Ball -> Giant Pile of Corpses

    That attack sequence made her easily compete with a blaster in terms of raw damage output if you counted all the -RES and Scourge. And thanks to Sleet, the team really wouldn't need any other debuff OR buff to just rip through the generic spawns. And if a fight went wrong, or a big meanie was in our way, I'd just start using the REST of my debuffs to just bring them to their knees! And when the team leader who was like "lol u noob u haz no shields" actually saw this, would suddenly be like "O_O I want one!"

    Don't even get me started on how she just decimated Masterminds for the short period I tried PvP with her!

    So if you do roll that, I say go crazy and do what I did! If not, with inherent fitness, you should be able to be crazy and still have those stupid shields everyone has this obsession with! Pffft. Buffs. Those shields are really gonna protect all ya'll against all those dead or otherwise debuffed to oblivion enemies!!!!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inno View Post
    Your avatar is so cute, how can I not comply?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inno View Post
    ...and then I will dip into a Fortunata and check it out too.
    Just a side note: You will HAVE to deal with a "weapon" (Claws) until level 24 when you can go MIND BOOLETS. But when you do get MIND BOOLETS, it will be fun! I hope!
  16. Yah. It seems you would want a Widow or Arachnos Soldier. Widows specifically.

    Widows and Fortunatas are just a mish mash of several different Archetypes and Powersets.

    You'd get decent damage (not so much AoE, unless you go Fortunata and use their T9 nuke thingy liberally). You'd get team buffs and crowd control. And you could feel tough. It'd also make sense and be incarnate worthy and whatnot.

    Personally I don't like Widows for that reason. It's just a boring sack of just arbitrarily selected pre-existing powers that turn you into a Tankmage. I find Soldiers more fun cause they get neat crab arms and stuff and their powers at least LOOK unique.

    But I know how awesome they can be. And I've seen many in action that just rawk the team and do pretty darn good solo.

    I'd say go with Fortunata. It's weapon-free too!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acanous_Quietus View Post
    Aw, it's OK Bright, we all still like your dancing sister of battle avatar
    It's actually a dancing Space Marine girl! And yes, I'm aware that Space Marines don't have females. I think that's the point! <3
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soul Train View Post
    Why did I -know- I would be slapped in the face with a Wikipedia article for my previous post? xD
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soul Train View Post
    This calls to mind a rather strange fact about Iran. See, Muslim law has a REALLY BIG PROBLEM with homosexuality, to the point of throwing gay folks in jail or outright killing them. However... there's no real edict about switching genders.

    This makes Iran a rather progressive country when it comes to people getting sex changes. Many get the procedures/hormone therapy/etc paid by their healthcare coverage.
    As someone who was born in Iran, I have to say that statement is false. Iran doesn't explicitly follow "Muslim Law" (even though it claims otherwise). If there are any procedures or therapies to get sex changes, they would be done under the table as the government (which believes it is representing Islam, which it is not) sees anything that is not a heterosexual male or heterosexual female as a sinner and an abomination that is punishable by law.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catministrator View Post
    And this is going far too into something that wasn't, initially, the idea. Regardless of what my reasons are - and I probably should have said that in the first place, rather than try and explain things... Goodness knows that's a sure-fire way to confuse even myself!... I am set - permanently, immovably set - on the idea of finding some way to indicate what I want to indicate without being overtly sexual about it.

    But this might be a better dissuasion: Yes, I am, in fact, what you'd call a 'snob'. I see it more as sticking to strictly what I enjoy without looking low on folk who prefer things I don't... but, fleh. Debating that sort of thing never works out very well for anyone!
    I wasn't debating, nor was I calling you a snob. I was merely trying to understand what you're trying to gain so I can try and give you a more helpful feedback. And I still don't see how indicating your character's sex, gender, or sexual preference helps you filter out unwanted style of RP. But okay!
  21. Bright Shadow!

    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    You don't base your analysis of every power set on random PUG idiots misusing them, do you?

    Just because they don't use the rest of the set doesn't mean it's a bad set, ya know.
    I'm not saying it's a bad set. I'm just saying it's too dependent on one power. That could be good or bad depending on your playstyle.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catministrator View Post
    Ah! And here I think we've found the point I completely failed to make when I really should have. I knew there was something I'd missed.

    I know all too well that the folk I'm looking for are very few; but those are the only people I -really- wanted to get involved in deep RP with. I've never RP'd in CoX before - I learned somewhere else; and I've noticed that things take on a much faster, indirect style than I'm comfortable with. I like to sit back, take my time, and get.. well.. wordy, with it. I don't think this is something the faster-paced folk are going to like, so I don't really mind saving them the trouble entirely if it means an easier time finding the minority I want. It's the main reason I just plain didn't consider this issue; or consider RPing, for that matter; for so many years. I'm not sure what I want and what's available are really a comfortable mesh.

    Hmh.. I don't know if I'd call it 'good' or 'professional', though... I see it as a stylistic choice, more than anything. Poor choice of words on my part again!
    And I think I fail to see is how you're relating your genre of RP to your style of RP. Just because someone may avoid you due to a certain tag in your character description, it doesn't mean they are "fast paced" or "wordy" RPers. And someone who approaches your character regardless of your character tags may or may not share the same style of RP.

    Unless you have a tag in your bio that reads something like "Literate and Patient RP only, please!" (which would make you look like a total snob, in my humble opinion!), then there is no way to avoid certain styles of RP that you wish to avoid.

    If you put "Futa" or "Intersex" or whatever in your character description, what's stopping someone who is interested in that sort of thing to come up to you and be like:

    [Local] Awesome Dude: hey bb wut up
    [Local] Awesome Dude: u wana drink???

    If you put "Futa" or "Intersex" or whatever in your character description, what's stopping someone who is interested in that sort of thing to come up to you and be like:

    Awesome Dude walks up to Random Gal, offering her a little smile. He looks about and takes a deep sigh, a playful look on his eyes before finally looking up to her. "Hey there. You looked like you could use a company." After a soft chuckle, he offers his right hand politely, a genuine smile on his expression. "I'm Matthew, by the way. Could I...interest you in a drink?"

    None of those scenarios have any relation to what your character is carrying between her legs, or whether or not the player has any knowledge of what your character is carrying between her legs.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
    If I started RPing with someone, and something like this ended up somehow coming up in RP, and wasn't thrown into people's faces, I'd roll with it, go with how my character would go, and story would move on.

    If I came across someone, and a label like this was in their bio, I'd pass them up and look for other people to interact with.
    That's pretty much what I was trying to say. And I imagine that's how most people who don't know Carministrator, as the player, would react. You have to be realistic and understand that being a "good roleplayer" or "professional roleplayer" (for lack of a better term) is a very, very, very loose and subjective term. And that people who share your particular RP traits or standards (regardless of what they are) are usually very few. So if you want to spark a lot of interaction with total strangers (both characters and players), you need to at least partially consider the "majority" and the "norm", be it positive or negative.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catministrator View Post
    And I'm saying that "not using a label" is not an option for me. I'm not saying it's not the best option - but it's one I refuse to consider, to put it a bit more boldly. I'm not trying to cut the stereotyping completely out of the equation - there's simply no way to do that while sticking to my guns. I do, however, believe that it can be cut down on by adopting some other means of phrase; and then associating what I do with that.
    See, here's the thing. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve.

    Including the label would filter your RP to only those who would enjoy this particular detail about your character. As sad is it sound, you wouldn't get a lot of people to go "Oh, this character is a Futa/Intersex/Whatever! But I'm going to not meta game and have my straight male character to approach her and hit on her anyways, cause that's what my character would do in such a situation!" (e.g. Scenario #3 in my previous post) short of your close RP friends.

    If that is what you want, as in you want to RP only with characters and players who would be interested in such a thing, then sure...go ahead, go nuts and include the label!

    But if you want to not filter out your RP and experience your character realistically (e.g. Some people would make fun of her, some people would find her awkward, some people might love her, some people would be curious about her), then putting the tag would not help you even remotely achieve this.