263 -
Quote:*shrug* I can run my Claw/WP brute throw the Cyborg Fire farm with no worries.Search for "Fire Farm" and you will find many for Fire Armor.
Willpower is a generalist set and is flexible enough to fight any damage type, but not focused enough to farm as efficiently as Fire Armor. Willpower's best bet for farming would be against S/L mobs that don't debuff, assuming your build has a decent amount of S/L defense and Tough.
Big key I find with any farm.... dont be afraid to use your Inspirations. Thiers lots of them and just 1 of you so go hog wild. -
Just a slight nitpick...
Soul Drain has a +40% base damage boost, then gains an additional 8% per target up to 10. For a total maxium of +120% damage boost. Not +80%.
Plus.. double stacked rage also means twice as many rage crashes. 20s of no Damage per crash. -
Quote:105% Disagree with thisHoarfrost first. Slotted to six as soon as practical. Its your best survival tool as a new ice armor user. It gets less needed as you progress and take your armors, but it is never droppable or skippable. .
We are talking about a power you cannot perma on SOs alone. Permaing Hoarfrost is its biggest use, other wise its jsut a really slow heal. Its very skippable in the lower levels because of its slow recharge time, and non-perma status. Taking it over a DEF boosting power is a step backwards.
In my view anyways *shrug*. -
Quote:Good points about what to compare.You're comparing the wrong powers. Pain Bringer should be compared with Adrenalin Boost and World of Pain(+resistance power) should be compared with Fortitude. Soothing Aura should be compared with Regeneration Aura.
WoP can give +18% resistance to everyone in your team(in theory, I'd imagine getting everyone in range for it when it's up could be a challenge) and Fortitude can give +24% defense to 3-6 allies at once and can be power boosted to give much more.
Because of the way defense and resistance works, defense gives twice as much mitigation as resistance does. This puts Fortitude way ahead of WoP in terms of mitigation.
Less mitigation=more time spent healing, simple as that.
To be fair to Pain, we probley should compare to Controller Empathy vs Pain.
As Defender's Empathy is on a differnt scale all together. Defender Empathy vs Corruptor/MM Pain is kinda a no brainer due to the scale difference.
Fortitude Base of 11.25% vs 15% etc So more like 17-18% Def instead of 24% Def.
Your point however still stands... 18% Def generaly does much more for a Toon then 18% res.
Recharge on Fortitude is pretty crazy, I didn't realize it was that low and lasted 120s. Pain does have one big advantage here, its 1 click for World of Pain vs multi buffing for fortitude. Also because of World of Pains 35 ft radius and massive target taging capacity in a big group of 8 toons with pets World of Pain starts to look better then fortitude when you factor in just how many targets are being buffed by it. Granted you do need to tag everyone vs the single target tagging.
So depending on your group make up (and how large) each buff has its pros and cons.
* Damage/Tohit side, WoP is lower in both per target, but once you start multiplying how many are effected by WoP its over all To Hit boost/Damage Boost its giving across the board because pretty huge (10% base Tohit and 16% damage x tons of targets vs 6 targets with 15% and 25%).
AB vs PB
Thats a toss up at first glance.... Both have the same Recovery and Reg boost. Same Duration, same recharge, the only thing that is different.... +50 Damage boost vs 100% recharge.
I going to say AB wins this one. +100 Recharge is pretty massive for what it can do to a toon. +50% Damage boost is definitely nice, but I'm willing to beat in the long run that extra recharge will surpass the damage boost that PB gives.
But its close
*unless your buffing a pet with it.. then Pain Bringer wins
Regenerating Aura vs Suppress Pain/Sootheing Aura.
Thats a really tricky one.
500% reg base of RA vs 200% Base of Suppress.
Clicky with 500 sec recharge and 90s duration vs a toggle.
Sootheing Aura does a Heal Tick and its a toggle.
This one would take math to figure out , and I dont care enough about it to figure it out LOL. Think its going to come down more to style of play then anything else.
Over all I think they did a good job balanceing Pain as the villian version of Empathy.
So I still hold to my suggestion of Pain as a alternative to Empathy. -
True, you need to keep a double stacked rage to avoid the Def crash. The Damge Crash is unavoidable (now).
PS - I honestly always wondered why Fire wasn't a Defense based set, and Ice wasn't a Resistance based. *shrug* Just made more sense to me, but doesn't really matter at this point in the game hehe. -
Heres what I would want by 10th level on a Ice/Ice
1 - Frozen Armor (Sm/Le Def a must)
1 - Frozen Fists
2 - Ice Sword
4 - Frost
6 - Wet Ice (Status Pro and other Def.. nuff said)
8 - Chilling Embrace (-Dmg debuff, Recharge and a slow. Aggro and surviability)
10 - Combat Jumping
Hoarfrost recharge is massive, and without better enchancments its reuse value is rather limited. Combat Jumping is a VERY cheap toggle, and effective way to boost your DEF early on with minimal slotting needs.
Frozen Fists, Ice Sword, Frost, Brawl + any Veteran you have makes a very nice attack set. If you have Veteran Frost + Sands of Mu can do a real number on a group of bad guys.
You certainly do not need taunt at these levels, even if grouped Chilling embrace has plenty of aggro in it, not to mention your Tanker Innate.
As mention above... Get Ice Patch at 20. Ice patch can do some crazy things!!
Be fore warned.. its not the same Ice Patch you see Controller throwing around freezeing an entire rooms floor. Its a lot smaller but still very very useful. -
WEll Ice Tankers vs normal content certainly can do that.
However, a Ice Tanker really doesn't "biuld" for resistence, because.. well... no Def set can really biuld for resistance other then taking Tough, and the odd IO set bonus here and thier. But you rarely get much more then 2% boost to something so even going out of yoru way and trying to get the res boosts (and gimping yourself) your probley only looking at adding 5-10% Tops.
Ice Tankers are nice in that, just taking Tough, Weave, Combat Jumping and slotting everything up with SOs/Generic IOs you jsut about hit sof-caps. Add in yoru Abosrb Energy and you can push the Ice Tanker into soft-caps and beyond withotu the IO system.
Something I do have to point out. SS is a very nice set, however after playing a SS/EnA Brute I will never again mix SS rage crash with a Defensive set. The Def Crash is just about a death sentence in a large pack of mobs.
Additonal little add ones, Medince pool could be intersting. Also Manuver for even more Def boost. Nice thing to since you have so many Def spots its easy to get 5 luck of the gambler recharges in the set for a nice Recharge bonus. -
Quote:Barrier definitely could use some toneing down. At least with the moding of the color you can turn it its "loudness" down a bit.
Yes and yes. Diamagnetic is this sickly yellow and it's very flashy. I'm not a fan of the flashy. Powers that flash too much bug my eyes. There is no reason why these debuffs need to have a visual effect beyond the usual debuff graphic.
Speaking of visuals, I'd tone down Barrier too. Clarion is fairly minimal and looks kinda neat, Rebirth and Ageless are completely unobtrusive, but that striped bubble is just...no. Ugh. Ick.
I tryed Yellow to get that golden Incarnate power look. OMG I think I burned my eyes out when I hit the button with 30+ people around me with pets. It was like the Yellow Dawn all over again *shivers*.
Currently I have it set to a darker purple, very soft and easy on the eyes. -
Quote:I took Diamagnetic on my Tanker. Being able to stackup to -20 to Hit Debuff is pretty impressive. Being a Electric Tanker, I didn't have prefect Def like Inv or Granite tankers. So being able to effectively buff up my Def that was weak in a few area's was very nice.Interface:
Interface seems pretty good all around, but I have a hard time seeing the value of the non-Reactive varieties with such low stacking caps. That might just be me.
not to mention it helps midigate Defense Debuffs.
Between all my AoEs, and Damage Aura (and 100% Proc chance) it very quick and easy to have things hitting stack cap.
The Neg Reg? *shrug* being that it only stacks to a maxium of -60% and that anything I would really want that -60% reg on (AVs, GMs etc) have massive resistance to it. Yeah... kinda a dud. One place I did find it somewhat useful was stacked with my Warworks neg reg (can get up to -210% Reg if everything stacks up), and vs Longbow Wardens that are Reg base along with Paragon Protectors. -
Quote:Closest to the Empathy Defender would be the Corruptor Root, taking /pain.First of all, necro bump. Second, is that suppose to be Root/pain because I have no clue what the hell that is.
A bit clearerIt was written late night/early morning half asleep.
As to the comment on the last page.. Pain healing more then Empathy.
hasn't been my experience with playing Pain and being grouped with a Pain Corruptor.
Pain brings a 18+% Permable Resistance boost across the board thats pretty impressive resistance boost for everyone (plus its damage and to hit boost). A 400%+ Reg Boost Toggle for those around you as well. The new Incarnate at its weakest (rebirth) is 200% reg. Granted with the toggle you do need to stay within 15ft of the /Pain toon. But its double the effectiveness when slotted.
Fortitude vs Pain Bringer
Kinda a hard call. Granted Fortitude is easyer to perma and can be kept on multi-targets were as Pain Bringer is really only going to be used on 1 person. (unless you some how manged to get its recharge down to 45s O_o )
Certainly not saying ether is better then the other (emp vs pain) just that Pain plays differently then Empathy while still doing a lot of what Empathy can do. Which is why I brought it up as a possible option.
As to the Team kicking conversation...
I would NEVER kick anyone jsut because of some precived view that they may have Poorly biuld thier toon, and/or didn't take "key" powers.
Thats what I like about CoX so much, you dont need KEY powers, or the prefect biuld to play this game. Have fun, mix and match things up a bit. I'd gladly take the Petless mastermind that was fun to play with and had a intersting character concept then yet another Forum Clone "Prefect: Robot/Traps" FOTM biuld.
Now kicking people for being A-Holes etc... is a different matter.
And I seriously almost kicked a Kin for constantly SBing me all the time even after me repeatly saying I DONT WANT SB, STOP SBing ME etc etc.
PS - I hate Speed Boost -
Ok today did some experimenting on this issue.
Slotted a Def enchacment again (doubled checked it was Def and not Debuff).
No Effect
Dismissed Enforcer, and resummoned
No Effect
Logged out, and came back into game
Had Effect
.... werid *shrug* At least its working now. Just gfor giggles I tossed in a second Def Enchacment same issue (didn't work, even after resummon). So I then instead of logging zoned over to sharkhead. Enchancments took effect.
So its something about the zone you put the Def in not registering them on the pet until you log or zone for the first time with them equipt.
Bizare... but at least thier working now. -
Wonder if they could combine the bubble/shields. After all thiers no reason other the time sink investment of sillyness that prevents you from wanting to double shield everyone.
What if the second Shield power was a passive add on to the orginal shield.
Whenever you would use Deflection shield the game would check to see if you have the other shield (or vice versa. A simple code could be put on the buffer, that once you take the 2nd shield power a code is turned to : ON mode) so that any time you used a shield power it would cast both shields at the same time (1 animation) on your target.
Suddenly your 12 casts of Shields/Bubbles turns into 6.
Kinda a middle ground between what we have currently and what some have suggested. -
Yeah resummoned the enforcer just to make sure, this was around 4pm Est yesterday.
I didn't try reloging or zoning as I was heading off to work. *shrug* Hoping it was just a glitch. -
So I finaly dropped some DEF enchancments into my Enforcer to buff up his Manuvers. Low and behold... nothing. Any veteran Thug MMs out thier confirm if thats normal? Seems kinda silly he takes DEF enchancments but doesn't get anything out of it. So I'm guessing (hoping) its a bug.
I have a suggestion (thats only valid if you can do this, and are willing to.. Starting in Praetoria or Villian side would be required).
You could go Pain Domination. It fills an intersting bridge between a heal set, buff set, and a debuff set.
Can't be a Defender however, but Pain Domination gives you those 3 non-To hit heals, buffs, and even a debuff, along with a Regeneration Toggle.
Closest to a Defender would probley be Corruptor Root /Pain
Never liked Empathy's play style much, Pain however I'm digging since it mixes things up a bit.
Just a thought however. -
I'm not a fan of Kinetic Melee at all, but its a personal preference thing.
I have to say .. DA/Ice is a interesting sounding combo. ST damage wouldn't be very impressive. Having played a FA/Ice Tanker up back in the day, it was pretty sad that I was better off useing my AoEs to kill a single target then useing any of my ST attacks.
But Controlish abilites would work together pretty well. Not to mention the combo has very solid AoE damage output between Death Shroud, Frozen Aura and Frost.
Soul would be my first pick for Epic/Patron due to Gloom giving you a very nice single target attack. Not to mention souls other bonuses.
DA/Ice/Soul... Mmmm... I feel a New Alt coming and I hate you all for it LOL. -
Wow... This Trial sounds more Incarnate then the Incarnate Trials LOL.
Going to have to give this a try just for giggles -
Quote:Just a quick reply to this part...and my reaction was.......................... WTF!!!!!
The cost of those sets we are literally talking astronomical. There were recipes on there for over 10 million, each,
10 Million influence is a small drop in the bucket when your looking at fully IOed out biulds.
My Main Tanker is literaly a 15 Billion Influence Biuld. I have 2 IOs that cost 2 Bil+ each.
My Advice is to take it slow with the biuld.
Fill the biuld out with what you can (SOs, Generic IOs etc). Use downgrade IO sets while you save up for the final sets. (Positrons blast in place of Ragnarok, Smashing Haymaker in place of Kinetic are great examples).
Everything you do to improve your toon, makes it that much easyer to gain rewards faster.
Even if you dont play the market (which I dont) you can biuld up some pretty impressive Influence totals just by selling what you get, and doing your Alightment missions, and TFs for Merits.
To many time I see and hear people scared off from the IO system due to sticker shock, never realizeing its really not that bad. if you start small and work your way up. (this coming from a causal player, with Atlitus).
PS - Avoid Purple sets... #1 mistake I see so many people do when planning out a Biuld for thier toon. Purples % wise arn't that much better then other sets, but cost 100 times more then the cheaper set. Purple sets really are only for squeezeing every last ounce out of a biuld when you have the cash to do it.
I always plan my biulds in 3 phase sets. Phase 1... the working biuld. Phase 2... after I have a working biuld thats solid, I see were I can refine it some more after playing around with Phase 1 for a bit. Phase 3 is were the Purples sets replace certain sets.... to date 99% of my toons never reach phase 3. Because of Cost vs effectiveness. -
I'm having a lot of fun with my Claws/Wp Brute.
I have multi toons with SS, and Stone... welll. Just didn't fit what I was going for with my WP brute. Midigation certainly is great with WP.
Of course I wanted to go for a brawler type brute, so I used Widow Claws and Valkyrie Gloves so it looks like hes just punching people.. ala SS light. Only weridish thing is the slashing sound effect *shrug*.
My 1 biggest conceran with SS and WP is the Def Crash on Rage. So if your looking for all around set, with midigation biuld in that pairs well with WP, I would have to go with Stone as well.
PS - Shockwave looks like a super Upper cut on my toon. I had to take it dispite the knockback -
I went with Spiritual on my Nin/Nin, for more crazy recharge goodness and of course making the heal up faster and heal for more.
Ma was definitly a strong contendor however, as bonus damage is always nice.
Comes down to... do you feel you have enough recharge vs some extra damage? -
Quote:I ment just on S/L. But yeah the more resistance toggles you have the more and more bang you get out of it.Or triple or quadruple dip depending on build. As Grey mentioned, a /fire has two toggles in their AT powers plus tough. /Dark has three plus tough.
Case in point.. Elec Tanker. My Base Res Numbers are 35% (except for Neg Energy) add in Tough, and dont forget power surge (its very rare power but cardiac does efffect it).
Adds up to lots of things being boosted by the res.
Like 8% S/L and 5%ish to everything else (Neg, Cold, Fire, Psi).
Add on the +3% PVP IOthen also Add the T4 Barrier effect
Quote:I normaly just run over to the Mother Ship and bash 2-4 groups of what ever rikiti I find spawned (pull 2 groups together at a time and bash them all).The best place to actually do the tip missions is a small zone, like Atlas Park. With the exception of a couple of tip missions which always spawn in Independence Port, they'll spawn in your current zone. For me, rather than flying through gray bosses to maximise my tip drops, I just head to RWZ on x8 difficulty and do one timed mission. I get the lvl 50 drop chances and Inf, and I always end up with at least 3 tips from one mission.
But obviously thats not for every AT to do.
Definitely second useing Atlas Park, the zone is smal and very easy to navigate quickly. -
Yeah my biuld Im shooting for would keep Single Shot, and Burst.. then use Suppression and Shatter Armor. Just wasn't sure since the weapons back mounted if it would cause the redraw.
Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn!