69 -
Quote:Ah, someone beat me to it...The second pic is ok. but I think they could have gotten a better model. Just look at the thighs... no sculpting there.
Actually I was going to point out the knees... I think you could get away with the thighs without the kneefat...
Also, I think I know the dude in the first pic. -
I actually found, in a local store, yesterday... old (I have no idea how old) discontinued Levi's 28Wx34L, the dude said they were "student cut" but they didn't have the numbers (501, 517, whatever).. the tags say "saddleman boot jeans" and "duraplus" a bunch of times.
oh... I'm looking at the tag now, it says copyright 1977 on it...
damnit! does that make me trendy or something? is this vintage? I don't want to be trendy!
I don't know. I wore them today, felt like I had a damn ***-cast on... It'll be a while before these things are comfortable. -
Oh, I was never saying Levi's doesn't make 28x32... I have some number of pairs of that... Just not in this 507 (skinny, low, boot). the 517 isn't low.
Also, I believe there are 3 Levi's outlets in manhattan.
I'd probably settle for 517 pending on a try-on... (the low cut stuff tends to fit me better 'cause i'm a skinny *******).
... what the hell is "student cut" or "cowboy cut" anyway? -
I can't believe i'm scouring the internet for clothes...
This really feels like a low point in my life. -
Ok internet... where can I find mens low rise skinny fit boot cut jeans size 28W 32L...
Seriously, I don't even know what brands to seek out.. Levis comes close with a 30W 32L. But close just doesn't work... -
Hey kry...
got those hookers worked out yet?
Did you see, divine said he likes to get one a day. -
haha... vegans
<ul type="square">[*] Good music -- separate from the above, since NOTHING gets me going faster or better than a good song.[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]
Well... I guess now if I ever need to know how to seduce Castle... -
(P.S. Laughed so hard I nearly spit soy milk through my nose!)
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(P.S. Don't drink soy milk. You'll thank me later) -
That story arc I made gives you a quick rundown of the Chaos Pope family... aside from being unable to use traps as a MA powerset, those are all real alts... (which is part of the reason why they wont go easy on you (bring a team, treat it like a TF))
So anyone hear from Jack Zodiac?
Amrien Talfrey - Moved on from the game and not sure hes in any game right now. I talk to him on DA here and there. He's still drawing too
TA by Emo
[/ QUOTE ]
Amrien considers trying again from time to time... AE and Going Rogue are both tempting prospects...
and my art bit is more recent than yours... although still old: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y21...uneralcopy.jpg
But that was after not seeing the character and being out of game for a year or so, so that's why it looks so odd... After that I sent him screen shots and on at least 2 seperate occasions he claimed to have done something really good that ended in him having no working scanner, and losing his bag with it in it... or so he claims!
About a month ago he said he was just hired to do illustrations for a comic book. -
has anyone heard from Borts?
[/ QUOTE ]
seriously? -
there's a white castle around the corner from me...
i used to eat the chicken rings..
if i was going to eat fast food again, it would more than likely end up being checkers... their stuff is pretty tasty. -
Manoa is a jerk.
[/ QUOTE ] -
I need a "Conan The Cimmerian" themed hospital...
[/ QUOTE ]
I like to imagine your doctor will have a huge flowing beard and say "BY CROM, YOUR TUMOR IS BENIGN!" and then slay a thousand soldiers.
[/ QUOTE ]
And it was at that very moment that this became what is possibly the best thread ever on these forums. -
tic, you can create and save critters without being in a mission creation.
just go to my creations -> my characters.
and use the Create Character button on the bottom. -
Name: Zero Tolerance
Currently Recruiting: As always, new members are welcome, but not "open recruiting". There is an application on our webpage.
RP Level: We do not get involved in any RP as a group, but we do have some RP members that we respect.
PvP: We do not specialize in pvp, but we have been known to throw a team together and go on a slaughter-romp in one of the pvp zones from time to time for fun. We enjoy using our "pve builds" to their maximum potential in any scenario. We do, however, have a couple dedicated PvP members in our ranks.
Theme/Concept: The general idea is as the name says "Zero Tolerance" or "Common sense is the only rule". It's all about having people to team with that don't make you want to drive nails into your skull. People that are able to work well on teams, and quickly adapt to any situation. However, we have a tendancy to like the 'unpopular' powersets, rather than just filling out the teams with the 'tired but true' type of stuff, and we make it work and work good, too.
Activity: Actually just over a dozen real people at the moment, all active. Mostly EST, but our playtime easily supports any US timezone. Weekdays, Weekends, it's all the same to us.
Requirements for Membership: We use teamspeak, don't care if you don't have a mic, or just plain don't like to talk, but you do need to hear us when we're teaming. No alts in other "competitive" VGs, (If you have an alt in some personal group, or strict RP group, we don't mind) but for the most part, all members want all their alts in ZT because we all share the common attitude of wanting the group to succeed. We use our website calendar and forum for scheduling events, as well, so keeping up with that is strongly recommended.
Leadership: Funeral, Execrate Pravus, Torch Takacs
In-Game Contact(s): Global @Borts @Nachtkinder
Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM Borts on the forums, or visit our website (which you'll have to do anyway to apply, so unless you want to ask us some questions first, just go there)
URL: http://zerotolerance.guildportal.com
yeah, it's not so shiny, but it gets the job done.
Coalitions: We've been offered, many times over to join coalitions involving all the top ranking groups on the server. We have no interest in joining this sort of coalition. After all, these groups are supposed to be our competition.
Other Details: You'll find that all our members share one thing, more important than being able to work well together, we all share the same mindset about the group. Every member wants the group to succeed as if it was their own creation. That's probably why we're so strong with such small numbers. Also, probably why our numbers stay so low. Ideally we want people with that same amount of dedication. And it doesn't mean you have to play every night and grind prestige for hours. It's just a matter of mindset. We like our casual members just as much as anyone else.
Oh yeah, and it might not seem like it, but we actually like taking in players who are entirely new to the game. Some of our best and favorites came like that.
And, it's not an issue yet, but when it does come, we intend on being a strong force in the IoP/CoP/raiding game. -
I don't know why anyone bothers, he's never going to give away any money.