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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    Awesome ! I assume you are going Fire Ancillary and then Ion ?

    Good Luck on this toon.

    Its nice to have a concept toon to shake the min-maxxer out of me.
    Thanks. I figured I'd go Ice Mastery for water and the Pyronic Judgement for fire.
  2. Ok, I've made my Grav/Earth dom over the weekend and it's a blast so far. I've never enjoyed playing gravity before but after making it look like air and a slight color change on earth, I've had alot of fun. It's up to 26 now and I hope to have it up to singy real soon.
  3. Hmmm I've always thought that SJ stood for Super Jump. Wouldn't StJ be a better abbreviation?
  4. Silas I didn't know you owned a road near my house.......

  5. I have 20 50's and counting. When I make a new one, I usually play it up to 50 or if it doesn't make it that far it'll get deleted or shipped off to a random server. I haven't had alot of time to play this past year so my leveling speed has slowed alot. I have three projects I'm working on and they're all in the 30's and I've just about leveled them evenly and one new concept to make. Whenever I get something to 50 I'll work on getting it IO/Incarnated out before I work on anything else.

    I have three 50's I play regularly when I'm not in the mood to play a lowbie. After I get the 4 I'm working on to 50, I'll most likely stay away from the low level stuff until some new great powerset comes out that catches my attention. I did reroll my BS/Inv scrap into a TW/EA scrap recently. That's the only time I've ever deleted something high level because a better thematic set came out.
  6. My personal favorite is the one about spike "eating carpet".....
  7. Hmm thinking more on it Mind wouldn't be a good representation of Air besides levitate and TK. I think Gravity would do well for Air, Earth Assault for Earth(of course), Ice or Leviathan mastery for water and Pyronic Judgement for fire.

    Man actually thinking about this has got me interested in making an elemental mage themed dom(Grav/Earth/Ice/Pyronic) and this is very rare. I don't think I've ever made an alt that I have no care to min/max and would just be playing it without a goal.
  8. Perhaps a Mind(air)/Earth(Earth and Melee Oriented)/Ice(Water) with Pyronic Judgement dominator.
  9. Ok I have spent a good bit on my little brony today and watched the first episode on hub..... that **** is AWESOME. True story.
  10. Man I wish I still had mine. I was gifted one with ALL the games way back when but I didn't have them long. My ex-stepmom is a real ***** and decided to sell all of it while at a flea market while I was at school one day.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Icy_J View Post
    I'm on the other end of the argument. I can't get enough points!

    I'm big on costumes and new powers, and everything they've released so far is so cool. My wallet can't keep up with my spending habits.
    Pretty much this.

    While I don't like everything that they've put on the market, my OCD kicks in and I MUST buy it all for the sake of having it all. I have yet to play StJ, BR or some of the new costume sets(barring my anglerfish I made with the halloween pack) but I've still bought them so I'd have them. Also whenever the xp boosters go on sale I stock up on them to make running through the low levels go faster.
  12. I've ran into similar situations before. I've caught alot of flak when trying to get enough people together for trying to solo tf's.
  13. That FF7 one is hilarious.
  14. This is epic stuff. I have to say that I haven't watched any of the episodes but now I HAVE to.
  15. Awesome stuff.

    I just got into working with dubturbo so once I get familiar with it I'm going to have to do some stuff with old atari music.
  16. Boomie

    I did it.

    Wow that took forever but grats regardless.

    It took me 9 months to get my first 50(stone/stone brute) then after that it just got quicker and quicker. I used to have serious altitis but I found that if I make myself focus on one it takes less than a month to get it to 50 then I have time to IO/incarnate it out in between my other alts.
  17. I'll second basically everything Riora said except for the alpha part. Before agility came out I was just going to get spiritual on my Elec/Time to get perma CS but I'm hard pressed to figure out which to take. Both are awesome but the extra end mod and +def from agility can give a build a little more breathing room. OTOH spiritual will boost regen and healing plus give slightly more +rech.

    Here's what I was planning for mine but I just may rework the build with agility in mind.
  18. Boomie

    Hey guys!

    Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
    Welcome back. You've been missed.
  19. I'd just like to say that I really enjoy my TW/EA scrapper.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
    U fail go to 14-18 and run Posis
    NO U

    Running a posi is ok but I rather just level up and then mal down to run one. I only like running low level tf/sf's for badges, other than that I could be out leveling a whole lot faster sir.
  21. I ran it on my TW/EA scrapper until he hit lvl28. I still hate the low levels so I'll most likely run DFB on all my alts until they all reach at least 26.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
    With all due respect, I have a very low estimate of the intelligence of the average trial-goer. When I type in league chat "team 1 grenades, team 2 acids" I fully expect both teams to go into the lab, leaving me, 2 fire imps and a Vanguard MVAS to solo the warehouse. Meanwhile 2 masterminds will be cowering under the corpse of the security bot watching a constant stream of heroes trickle by on their way back from the hospital while my channel fills up with genius utterances such as "WTF I hate this ****", "where are all of you?" and "dammit we need more heals". That's why I design builds not to rely on teammates and recommend that others do the same. But seriously, if what you said happened, I would just go back to the choke and reinforce it. Teammates may be stupid but you don't have to follow suit.

    Also nothing is foolproof. I've been on multiple BAF's where everyone is at chokepoints and end up letting guys run around the building and escape.
  23. I have no problems soloing doors with my Fire/Fire/Ice dom. That thing melts all but Lt's soon as they walk out the door and fire blast/blaze takes care of the rest. I put my lore pets on the sidewalk to help take out guys that make it past others.
  24. Boomie

    Hey Y'all

    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Anyone miss me? ... Or remember me? Been gone a while
    Wait who are you again?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
    Anime is actually quite poorly supported, because:
    • Too little cute hair decorations in Detail 1.
    • Too few wild hairstyles.
    • No animated hair.
    • No hair to the feet.
    • Too few rage-fit emotes.
    • Chest slider can't be below 10.
    • School uniform generator is too limited.
    • Eyes too small and still lacks expressiveness.
    • Mouth too big.
    • Nose too big.
    • No face expressions.
    • No way of setting eye colours.
    • Animal ears don't flick.
    • Too few sock options in Boots. (I mean, just baggy socks or grade D zettai ryouiki... sheesh)
    • No accessories.
    • No chainsaws. Well, that's not that big a problem, but still...
    • Mechs to small.
    • Mechs don't transform.
    • Can't ride mechs.
    • No implied nudity in costume change emotes.
    • No animal pets.
    • Skirts won't lift in the wind. Or flutter for any reason. So panty shots are tricky.
    • No collateral damage (outside Mayhems, and even then it's limited: you have to use AoE or explicitly aim at a post box for it to explode).
    • The world doesn't fade out to a whooshing effect when attacking.
    • No beach episodes or hot springs episodes.
    • No nose-bleeds.
    • No maid or harem MM set.
    • Poor swimsuit options.
    • No rain.
    • No jiggle physics.
    • And no jpop song playing when logging in or out.
    ...just to mention a few of the most important things to fix.
    Make this so.