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  1. Derail incoming...

    I like Grasshoppers, Vodka Crans, White Russians, and Cosmos among others. Call them sissy drinks if you will, but I like them, and order them without shame in bars.
  2. Just thought I'd chime in with an update on my pc... I got a deal on a 40 inch 1080p tv, and am going to be using that. Hah! The only problem is it will be about three feet from my face. Aaw. We'll see how it works out. I'm pretty excited.
  3. If players had ragdoll...

    ...Unless they got it. I haven't played in ages. DA page here.

    Done in about five minutes. I'm not really sure, but I did it fast.
  4. Damn that's sweet! Alright, I'll do something tonight. Already got a dirty idea for ragdoll. Heh heh heh.
  5. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    Thanks TA! I've gotten some really nice compliments on that one. Anyway, here's the next one, Catwoman.

  6. Okay, playing catch up...

    Superman - powers

    Bees - been stung before. 3 stings are better than fifty bites.

    Coma - I guess. Both are pretty awful and have awful consequences. At least in a coma I don't have to deal with the disappointment of my family.

    Taller - Both options turn me into a freak, but at least I can be freak to be feared.

    Forget me - could be liberating.

    Movie star - More fun I bet. Better pay for sure.
  7. Reference is a reference. It's not copying or tracing. Doesn't matter if it's an illustration, photo, or real life. I think the copyright laws are very good, so if it is legal it is ethical. I'm sure exceptions could come up, but mostly the law has it and all the different scenarios covered.

    Anyone who says you stole or treaded a thin line because you referenced is being pompous.

    As for the masters, many used camera obscura for their paintings, which is a fancy way of saying tracing. It boils down to projecting the image onto your canvas so you can put down the lines quickly.

    And yes, many masters had teams helping them, and they got the credit, but the argument is that it was their vision. Andy Warhol did this too, well after copyright laws were established, and it's his name on his pieces. I'm sure many others before and since have.
  8. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    Thanks Starwind, it took me forever too.

    The book is Introduction to Algebra. She's a student. The text doesn't skew very well in Photoshop, or at least the version I own.
  9. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    This one took too long. I'll note that it did start before that December armageddon contest, and those had no influence. Not trying to horn in on anyone's show.

    DA page here. Comments and critiques welcome.
  10. I know. I briefly discussed building pc's with him. I told him the website I go through, and asked him what he went through and he said, "Oh, I go through about six vendors."

    That's dedication. When I start looking for my new monitor I'm going to be talking to you CR.
  11. I love the dramatic lighting in that one! Man that's good.
  12. First thread I've seen. It's weird.
  13. Blood_Wolffe

    Hi, I'm back

    WB DA. You've been gone a long time.
  14. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    Colored my speeder chick now. Used techniques I learned from various places (Eddy Swan being one).

    Turned out okay. I like it anyway.

    Edit: Oh yeah. DA page here.
  15. Blood_Wolffe

    Pumpkin Vote!

    Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
    Okay ill count

    tuter_king: 2,000,000,000,001 votes
    All the rest: 0


    I'm thinking some chads were hanged on this count.
  16. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    Thanks Larissa. I'm glad I'm doing it again. It's very calming and I've been happy with the results.
  17. Blood_Wolffe


    Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
    Also im totally using


    just coprighted it , its mine now !!

    I actually do agree with you though. Selling art is a business, not a pastime.
  18. That was fun. You've got a lot of talent Eddy.
  19. Blood_Wolffe

    How long...

    I'm glad you got your art. That letter looks like a copy/paste, generic format. Way to not feel someone's passion for their character.
  20. Blood_Wolffe


    Hey Scarfgirl, I think you're being too harsh. Everyone else had valid points though.


    Sorry. Hard for a Wolffe to bah. Turns into howling.
  21. Wow Bobby, that's really cool! Where's that technique?
  22. Blood_Wolffe

    Art by Wolffe

    Not quick by any means, but I'll admit, I spent a lot of time just staring.

    I've been playing with hair a lot, and I've developed a few techniques i like. This one came out very 80's I think, which is cool with me.

    DA page is here.