1046 -
Got just about all the characters I need. A few spots are still open but I am going to start writing tonight.
I already know what role Blood Wolffe is going to play and it isnt the main character (although it is very important and ego boosting), so one of you will be the star!
((Damn, late again. This is how I think Blood Wolffe would react, I think he really wouldnt care. He was defending himself after all))
Blood Wolffe saw the Council's anouncement and demands. He watched as a few heroes were grief stricken, he didnt understand their pain but he felt their passion, and for a brief moment it was something enviable. But he was a true wolf, which didnt care for others unless they were in their pack. Those ones they would gladly die for.
He heard a hero say the Council base was in Striga Isle.
"I am coming too, but if anything gets in my way dont expect me to not defend myself." He said baring his teeth.
"Like it or not, people are going to have to die." He was brutal but he was right, there was no way the Council's base would have just council. The sleepers would be there too, and maybe other monstrosities.
Sleeper Base, Striga Isle
"Sir, allow me to explain the final phase of my plan."
"Go on" The Center said.
"I have put some clues throughout the city to lead heroes here."
"And why would you do that?" The Center said with a dry tone.
"When they come and if they get through the sleepers I have throughout the base, they will find the super sleeper I have created. She has all the powers of the others and is completely under our control, but she is still aware of what is happening. The heroes will have to hear her screams of agony and pleas for her life as they fight her or die."
"Very good Requiem."
"It doesnt end there sir, if they get past her they will enter the control room and be faced with the ultimate decision.
On the left of the room is a machine that stops the signal and frees the sleepers for one hour. But to power it, you need the life force of a meta-human, a hero. With out the password it cannot be hacked for a permanent cure. Its programming is encrypted and would take weeks to figure out, by then the city will be torn apart. The heroes will have to die, one by one until the city is freed of them or our demands are met. Some of the public will even demand the heroes sacrifice themselves, turning the public against them or...
On the right is a series of switches. Once activated all the sleepers will be freed for a moment only to die painfully. The public will be saved from themselves but the heroes will be criminalized. There will be hidden, undetectable cameras broadcasting the whole thing over Paragon City.
Either way, we win."
The Center offered a rare smile.
"Embher, Rock-Hopper, Fox Soilder, Wolfe Gunner, Tik-Tok, Blood Wolffe and others have already found out about the base so they will be coming soon."
His speed at getting information was unsettling, even to Requiem.
"Kill the rest, but dont kill Blood Wolffe, he would kill the citizens without giving it a second thought. I would rather see the heroes of this city demonized than have our sleeper army defeat them. They will become criminals and have to go into hiding or face the wrath of the public, leaving us free to carry out our plans."
"The time of heroes is almost at an end."
((I thought I would expand on Unknown's idea. This really makes the moral dilemna present. I even left a good prevails all the way around out with the password. If I left your name out of Center's list, sorry. There are alot of us in this))
((Wow, gone for almost two days and the thread launches. Sorry Tik-Tok you aint gettin help this thread, I am still at the building
. BTW this remind anyone else of Dawn of the Dead? Thats the feel I am getting and I am gonna run with it, if thats not a good feel for it, just go another way with it. I dont mind.))
Blood Wolffe suddenly felt a a sharp pain in his brain and a screeching noise at the presence of Fox. The wolf in him did not like him, but he could see he was a hero and refused to let himself lose control like that. He just got a few feet away and the noise went away.
The giant man was wondering aimlessly through the smoke, swinging blind sometimes. Blood Wolffe charged up his energy into a bolt and fired at the man's head. It impacted and the man fell limp, head misshapen.
Blood Wolffe sniffed the air for a moment.
"Doesnt smell like any particular group. Its a civilian. There are more, alot more. All around us."
A bus sped by, swerving left and right before finally tipping over.
Some started to run to go help.
"NO! DON'T!"
They started coming out of the windows, some with pieces of glass in them, or limbs obviously broken. Then they changed, a few grew tentacles, three turned into behemoths like the one that just fell. One started running to the group of heroes.
"This is Andrea Mitchell reporting to you live, we are getting reports of riots breaking out on the streets of Paragon. Even the areas considered safest to citizens, such as Atlas Park and Galaxy City. It would seem that half the citizens have gone mad now attacking heroes, strangers, friends, even family members, and gangs. They will not, however, act against each other. Is this some strange new Vahzilok disease? A Circle spell? Only time will tell in this dark hour of our fair city."
"How was that Tom?"
"We lost the feed to the station." The camera man replied.
"SH--! Were you recording?"
"Yes...Oh god look out!"
Police in full riot gear were trying to hold back some of the mobs. Some were turning into monsters. Before one could an officer struck the head of an individual. He exploded, killing a few of the officers. They broke through the line and were now running for the news van.
They got into the news van and took off at full speed. They could see people getting chased down, flipped over burning cars, and chaos everywhere. One man was sitting on his roof with a high powered rifle, shooting everyone who came near.
"Where are we gonna go?" Tom said
"We are getting out of Paragon City." She replied
A red-eyed man jumped in front of the van covered in blood. Tom swerved but it was too late. The kamikaze detonated, flipping the now burning wreckege over. It slid for a few seconds on its original course and came to a sudden halt. -
Thanks everybody, I was originally planning to "finish" it but I actually think this makes a very nice ending. Blood Wolffe is going to have more stories, right now I am working on a big project with some audience participation. You can get involved by clicking here. As for advice, I would be glad to give what ever I could offer, send me a PM for any questions.
Woo Hoo, I have gotten some great responses so far, I would still like a healer, controller, and a tank. I want at LEAST eight characters for this. Also some women characters too for balancing it out and possibly some tension of a different kind?
Blood Wolffe felt the energy course through him from The Core Being and was more than ready for action. He picked his first target and let loose an energy blast. It impacted the Hoverbot with considerable force, after two more blasts it looked like it had been crushed. The drone flipped backwards in the air and fell to the ground with a metal crunch. Another spotted The Core Being energizing the other heroes and took off after her at full speed. Blood Wolffe stepped in front and gave the machine one of his most powerful blasts that punched a hole all the way through it.
Blood Wolffe saw the Bots firing into the bar and knew they were pinned inside, he needed to act fast. He put his hands to the roof and shot a hole in it, collapsing the roof in about a three foot radius around him.
Wolfe Gunner and MaDeuce were blasting away at the drones and the Warwolves. He then made another hole in the back wall of the bar.
"LETS GO!" he waved the bartender and the few customers through the hole.
All that were left were the two shooting up the drones and warwolves.
Wolfe Gunner just gave him a dirty look, and Ma Deuce wouldnt leave him by himself, as stubborn as he was.
Frustrated Blood Wolffe joined. Bracing himself he charged up a bolt of energy. A slight bulge formed in his arm as energy passed down. Light came from ripped seams and as it entered his fist a loud boom shook the immediate area, raising dust and blowing apart the few glass bottles that were still intact and near him. With one shot another drone exploded in the air. He saw the clawed hunter from earlier, ripping into the warwolves as blood thirsty as, well, Blood Wolffe felt he was. They all had made short work of the ambush, Rock-Hopper and The Core Being came down to survey the other four.
"What the hell was that all about?"
((Notice Blood Wolffe kept himself occupied with the drones over the warwolves.)) -
Hello everyone, I have been bitten by the writing bug and was thinking of taking it in a different direction this time.
My plan is to use people's characters from the boards. Its simple, submit your character to me with a few details (see below) and I will write them into a story I am making. It may not be as creative as making my own characters but I thought it would be more fun to have the interaction of an open RP (almost). Submit here or PM me. Here is what I need.
1- Basic hero info (name, age, sex, height, appearence, AT, desired level for story, power pools)
2- Brief bio of hero (history)
3- personality (moral beliefs, are they a clutz? a ninja mysterious? etc.)
4- What can I NOT do with your character (Their skin is unbreakable, bullets bounce off, etc.)
5- No submitted heroes will die, only created ones will. Unless you want me to have them die.
6- Fo-givah-ness preez (While I will try to stay as close to your character as I can, if it is out of character, take it as artistic liberties. Like when a real comic is done by a guest writer. If you have very strict rules for your character and dont want any wavering, maybe you shouldnt submit.)
7. You WILL be important (While my character, Blood Wolffe, will be in it, yours will be just as, if not more crucial to the story than mine.)
The story will be based on the assumption that the Ernesto Hess TF has failed and the council has had several other victories and is now near the brink of world domination... at least in the beginning. Any info on the Burkholder's Bane TF is appreciated, please PM. Its been a while since I did it and I forgot alot about it.
This is a big project and I do have a life so it will be done of the course of at least a week. I dont want to rush it like I did with Blood Wolffe's origin. It could have used some more filler I think.
Two spots are already slotted. One for Captain Neem and one for The Core Being. I also would like to take this opportunity to offer Permafreeze a slot, she 5 starred my storyand I also feel guilty because I kinda ignored her in another open RP
Assuming I get overwhelmed with requests I will try to get everyones name in, but the roles will have to vary in importance/size. That is if I get any!
Here is hoping people go for this and I can give you all a story worthy of your heroes! -
((GAH! Now there are two amulets at least!?
Im gonna assume that it has an evil will of its own and replicated itself, I thought Heat Storm had it too but...))
Blood Wolffe promptly proceeded to empty the fire extinguisher on himself, steam hissing off of him as he relieved the pain Heat Storm caused.
"You are a slick one Heat Storm."
A few police surrounded Blood Wolffe, weapons drawn. A young officer tried to muster his courage "B- Blood Wolffe, you are under arrest."
Blood Wolffe sniffed the air for a moment. "Dont bother trying to hide your fear, I can smell it."
He then gave a wicked, toothy, canine grin and they all backed away slowly.
Blood Wolffe headed for Galaxy City where Xyfen was reported last. He then followed the sirens to the pitched battle that was spreading chaos all over the district.
Blood Wolffe proceeded to open fire on the nearest mage knocking him off an overlord.
Rifle fire, explosions, energy blasts, and the screeching sound of psychic blasts were almost deafening. The skies were lighting up over Paragon as other heroes joined in. More Demons were coming and the battle was intensifying. The Overlords swooped over head virtually carpet-bombing the area with fireballs. Blood Wolffe lept onto one of them. With a scream of bloodlust he spread his arms out to his sides, his hands wrapped in energy and clapped the beasts head, crushing its skull. The beast fell like a rock and Blood Wolffe landed next to it. There was much work to be done. Another overlord threw a fireball at Blood Wolffe and struck him.
"AAAAGH! I swear to god after this I will never be anywhere near ANY heat EVER again!" He said as he patted out the flames. -
"Well Rock-Hopper, you get to the point. I will give you that. I am Blood Wolffe."
He flashed a toothy smile but didnt get up or offer his hand to greet the man. He was not accustomed to such greetings and never thought to offer them. Scent was enough for him.
"He is very angry. I could smell coming off of him. This isnt my pet either, he sent it after me. Told it to kill me if I made a false move."
Suddenly Blood Wolffe perked up. Something was wrong. Fire knew it too.
Council hoverbots swarmed in on their position from no less than three different directions firing missiles in a chaotic burst of explosions all around. Some were firing into the bar.
Blood Wolffe grabbed Fire and jumped to an alleyway out of harms way "I know he told you to follow me but I am sure he would rather have you be safe so I need you to stay here Fire, trust me." Something was different about this man's wolves, he could see that.
Fire wouldnt have listened until Blood Wolffe took his goggles off and showed him his eyes. Fire stayed after that.
Blood Wolffe returned to the fight immediately.
"Sir, a few heroes were apparently on to our plans, but we have sent them a message." Requiem reported.
"I would like to see a few sleepers field tested, when will this be possible?" The Center replied.
"soon, my lord." Requiem answered.
((yes that was another "soon" just like statesman.If I stepped on the toes of anyones plans, sorry. This idea is pretty exciting and I want to learn more about the other characters))
While Blood Wolffe was used to heroes landing next to him or swooping in by surprise the wolf was not. It yelped and spun around growling at the gargantuan man.
"Its okay fire." Blood Wolffe said reaching out, touching the wolf's shoulder. Fire immediately calmed down.
"You shouldnt surprise a wolf like that, they may be predators but they arent fearless." Blood Wolffe continued. "Wolves are misunderstood often. They are extremely loyal and love their packs. Its their efficiency at killing they are most known for." He said while petting fire.
"There is a man in the bar who was going to kill me earlier. If it wasnt for the woman in there I might be dead. I am trying to figure out why he wanted me dead and why she wanted me alive."
He left out the part where he brutally slaughtered a Vampyri. He needed to get it out of his system sometimes, just go out, and hunt. Not many people appreciated that.
He turned away from the vent and looked quizzically at the giant man.
"So what's your story?" -
When Heat Storm collapsed Blood Wolffe did too. There was no need to attack him now. He knew him now and there was no doubt that he was good in his intentions.
They were both exhausted and in pain. Blood Wolffe had been saved by his reinforced skin, but it was smoldering. Smoke came off of Blood Wolffe as he lay there.
"Its ok Heat Storm, its not your fault. They ruined my life too, thats all they do."
He turned his head and noticed the dark figure, there only briefly. Then he saw the news reporter talking about all that happened and now Xyfen was an outlaw, last reported near the train station heading to Galaxy City.
"Neem, they are after Xyfen. He doesnt know it yet, he will need help and I am seriously injured, I cant."
He wasnt sure if Captain Neem would listen to a renegade hero but he had to try, he had power with the police. He might be able to convince them.... Or stop them. -
Blood Wolffe went to some water nearby to wash the blood off of him. He smelled a familiar yet different scent. He looked up in the direction of Bloodfang.
Blood Wolffe could sense he was a hunter too , his posture, and the way he looked at things gave him away. Blood Wolffe gave him a look as if to say few will ever understand us.
He could also sense someone he had seen before. In Atlas Park? He could not see him though, an accomplishment that was quite impressive to Blood Wolffe.
He turned to his new wolf escort. It had been a long time since he had seen a fellow wolf and he smiled at the approach of fire, even if he wasnt sent on friendly terms.
He held out his hand for the wolf to get his sent and told the wolf "I want to know what those two are going to talk about, dont you?"
He could communicate with animals much easier than most humans. The only ones that could match him were those psychic humans that had that natural connection.
He and the wolf followed the two heading to a bar Blood Wolffe made sure he wasnt seen and when the two were inside he went to the rooftop next to a vent. His heightened sense of hearing could filter out the usual bar noise leaving just the two. He took the fire escape even though he could have lept to the top of the building for the wolf to follow him easily. Blood Wolffe could easily ditch the wolf in a few short leaps but he didnt want the wolf to feel like he failed his pack leader. Plus he enjoyed the company. Most were either horrified by his actions or he was horrified by the ones killing without purpose.
Little did Blood Wolffe know that sticking out of the pocket of the Vampyri was a note, containing some of the details of Requiem's new, terrible plan.
He listened in to the two talking in the bar.
"They think they know pain." He said to the wolf.
"They probably had lives before they were ripped apart. I was never afforded such a luxury"
Blood Wolffe didnt shed any tears though, he just got a cold, dead look on his face.
"I wasnt even supposed to be born."
((BTW very cool setup unkown hero, I dont even know how Blood Wolffe would react to such a thing. I guess we will all find out when the time comes.)) -
((Sorry about that techsupport, I thought you went after the mage. As for the confusion, this story has gotten pretty wild. I have left openings for more interaction with permafreeze though, right now Blood Wolffe's skin is near ignition temp. A shot of ice would feel real good right about now, no matter how damaging
. The smoothness of the story is faltering, but dont let this thread die, I like it. Just remember dont make someone else do something you arent sure they want to do. i.e. forcing my "gaze of the wolf" to reveal all Heat Storm's sins might go against his character so I said he attempted to make eye contact. It is just considerate.
EDIT: Sorry for making you feel left out too, I was rushing through the first few responses, it wont happen again. I promise)) -
(( no ones gonna fill in who Ice Blok's master is?))
[/ QUOTE ]
((Was going to let PCU tell that one, its his character after all))
Blood Wolffe saw Heat Storm point his index finger at him. He jumped out of the way but nothing happened. Then he looked behind him and saw a stop sign melting and bursting into flames. Heat Storm had some tricks up his sleeve that was for sure. Blood Wolffe returned fire with a blast of energy. Apparently he had some good reaction times because he ducked under it and the blast hit a delivery truck knocking it up on two wheels for a moment then coming back down looking like something hit it.
"This guy is fast" he thought.
Then Heat Storm hit him with what felt like a lance of heat. It burnt terribly and Blood Wolffe spastically flailed at his stomach, where he was hit, yelping and screaming. Blood Wolffe was not one to lick his wounds when more important things were going on though, he fired of a giant blast of energy even Heat Storm couldnt avoid with his "improved nervous system.
It sent him back a few yards and he hit the concrete with a sickening crunch. He sprung right back up though, ready for more.
Heat Storm was faster with his extra electrical connections but his power was spread out between that and his heat lances, Blood Wolffe had the edge in power.
After a few minutes of tearing each other apart Blood Wolffe was smoldering, literally. Heat Storm was probably suffering from internal bleeding.
This was going to end either right now or with both of them dead so Blood Wolffe did the only thing he knew would stop Heat Storm in his tracks. He tried to make eye contact. His rumoured "Gaze of the Wolf". After he would know Heat Storm as well as he knew himself and Heat Storm would know the suffering he caused others, if any. So he started trying to make eye contact.
If that didnt work, they could rip each other to pieces.
((NOTE: I stated "trying to make eye contact" in case Hermod doesnt want that to happen, which is fine. -
((Just to clarify, Blood Wolffe is completely human in appearance, except for canine teeth. He has the soul of a wolf and the body and intellect of a man. I can see where the confusion comes from, my bad.))
Blood Wolffe looked up and saw the man pointing his rifle at him. He bristled up again defensively. He knew if he made on misunderstood move he was dead. Someone else yelled warnings to him, he was beginning to feel cornered and that wasnt good. Avenues of excape were quickly closing.
Adrenaline was still pumping through his veins but he knew his best chance at staying alive was his human side. He could smell the anger coming off the one aiming at him from where he was.
"It was a vampyri."
He wasnt quite sure what to say next.
"I only hunt the wicked."
That was as much civility as he could show and now he took a stance while trying to hide it, getting ready to defend himself. -
((wow, noone wants to help the wolf huh? Solo Lobo I guess.))
The behemoth overlord was a real problem now. With everyones attention diverted to the amulet Blood Wolffe had an opportunity. He looked to make sure that noone had their attention on him then he pulled off his most ghastly move. He lept at the beast and clamped down on its throat with his canine jaws. Blood gushed out as he growled, crushing the overlords airway. It sent adrenaline coursing through his veins. When the beast stopped moving Blood Wolffe got excited and let out a blood chilling howl. He ripped off his goggles to reveal his ghostly wolfen eyes, which some said could peirce the soul of whoever made eye contact with him for too long, and they would be judged by the spirit of the wolf. They would know the suffering they caused others, the honor they did or didnt have.
"Hopefully noone saw that." He knew the consequences if someone did.
The adrenaline had fully revitalized him and now he could smell amulet. He took off at full speed after Heat Storm. After catching up to him and seeing who it was he jumped down behind him.
"Heat Storm" He called out, breathing heavily.
"I dont want to fight you and you dont want to fight me."
"The amulet please."
Heat storm turned around and saw Blood Wolffe. His mouth to his chest was covered in blood and he was looking down, avoiding eye contact.
"But if I have to I will."
((Just a note, Blood Wolffe is completely human in appearance except for his teeth, which are somewhere between human and wolf teeth, and his eyes, which look like wolf eyes. There could be some confusion with above post.)) -
((I find the debate of morals and killing very interesting, and thought my characters set of morals quite... unique. I would like to see what other heroes thought of them and would like to see other heroes' moral beliefs too. Feel free to argue or even attempt to arrest Blood Wolffe, beware though, he is truly a creature of the wild and can be quite feral, loyal, or unpredictable. He can smell fear!
Blood Wolffe was not a hero to those who took the moral high ground. He killed every villian he fought.
He was an experiment for Crey a long time ago, raised by and experimented on by them. When he reached adulthood he was marked as a failed experiment and left for dead in the woods of alaska. He survived because a dying wolf fused its soul with his, making him part human part wolf inside.
Its raw animal power overwhelmed his civilized beliefs with pure animal instinct. He could be as kind and loyal as your closest family member. He could also be as cruel as nature could be. He could not, however, be in between. Tolerance, mercy, and second chances were created by man. That was not him.
Paragon City
Blood Wolffe was on the prowl. He had tracked this particular prey for quite a bit of time now. It was a Vampyri. It wasnt his favorite prey but this one displayed some qualities that triggered Blood Wolffe's hunting instincts.
He slowly crept on the roof top, looking down. Pausing every now and then. The Vampyri looked a little nervous, making Blood Wolffe excited.
The Vampyri fidgeted about, waiting for the other council members to show up. They were meeting up to plan a raid on a Portal Corp. facility.
Blood wolffe Bristled up. His heart was beating faster and faster. He waited for the perfect moment and it was approaching.
Faster and faster.
Faster and faster.
The Vampyri sensed his presence too late. Blood Wolffe was on him. He blasted him with powerful, bone crushing waves of energy.
"WAIT!" the vampyri hissed
"I can tell you where my council base is!"
But Blood Wolffe was not hunting him for information. He opened his mouth to reveal teeth that werent human. They were carnivorous teeth and he used them quickly and violently on the vampyri's throat.
When the movement stopped and he was confident the vampyri was dead he let loose a howl not unlike the warwolve's.
He had moral reasons to hunt but no morals that kept him from killing. He served justice the only way he knew how, by hunting. Hunting meant killing. He had only spared one in his path.
He was covered in blood now and howling like a mad dog. His adrenaline was still pumping when he smelled someone else. He turned to find what was looking at him, it was a hero...
((Wether you agree/understand his actions or not, feel free to reply on how your character feels about it. Who knows, maybe you could convince him to be merciful. I would love to see how a healer who doesnt even like to attack would feel about this.)) -
Well Blood Wolffe is an odd one, he really could be science, mutation, and magic. He was going to be born super-powered, his parents were anti-mutant and went to a hospital to have an abortion, Crey extracted the fetus, and conducted experiments on him until his adulthood, after the experiments failed he was left for dead in the woods. A dying wolf found him and fused its soul to his. This made it very hard to decide what gave him his powers. He really is multi-origin.
Atheum is magic because he was once a great warrior who challenged his god of war for the title and lost. He was sent to the underworld and in exchange for his power he was given a second chance at life. He is now slowly gaining his power back to fight the god once again.
Sunburn is mutant, he was always trying to get the perfect tan and went the hole in the ozone layer to get the ultimate tan. Needless to say the gamma radiation gave him the ability to control fire, and a REALLY bad sunburn.
He is actually quite painful to look at! -
Blood Wolffe woke up to the newly cold air eminating from Permafreeze with a start. He looked around and saw the two looking at each other. He cocked his head for a moment looking at Permafreeze. Sniffing the air he could smell some insecurity. He would never say that in front of other heroes but he let her know he knew with his facial expression.
"What happened?"
They explained to him that a Behemoth Overlord had taken the amulet and Heat Storm shot it.
It was still flying away though at an incredible speed.
Blood Wolffe's predatory instincts kicked in at the sight of what he considered prey running away.
He lept into the air and was racing down the beast.
It didnt take long to catch up to him and as soon as Blood Wolffe felt he was in range he let loose with beams of energy. One blast hit the Overlord in the side and threw off it's balance. The fight was now on the street.
The Overlord threw a stream of fire at Blood Wolffe. He dodged most of it but he felt the flames flow over part of his arm and shoulder. Blood Wolffe returned the favor by sending a powerful burst of energy at the creatures chest. It took a step back to brace itself. It took the damage well, it was strong. This one was going to be extremely difficult to take down. What just sent a police car tumbling threw the air for 25 yards the beast just took smiling.
The Behemoth ran up to him and hit him with a fire sword it created from thin air. It hurt bad, he needed help fast. Blood Wolffe threw a wave of energy at his legs to knock him down. He couldnt hold the Overlord off much longer. -
Still here...been busy with visitors this week. Plus - we've got E3 around the corner and, of course, City of Villains (though I'm not saying anything other than "this year" for a time estimate).
And I've been working some on the Arena (playtesting) and even Issue 5 stuff. Oh - and whatever comes AFTER City of Villains. Wouldn't you like to know that?
[/ QUOTE ]
I dont know if anyone else said it so I am going to say it now. Yes, yes we would. -
After CoV... The only logical step would be City of Morally Neutral Super-Powered People. Or CoMNSPP.
All sorts of heroes were converging on the roof top now. Blood Wolffe could sense that Heat Storm didnt want to pick a fight with him but would if forced to. Blood Wolffe didnt want to pick a fight with him either so they were safe from each other, for now.
He wasn't to popular with heroes who took the moral high ground because they didnt understand his set of morals. He had more of an animal mentality than human which inevitably leads to the law of the jungle, "kill or be killed".
"I think you got this guy wrong Heat Storm" he said.
"He is trying to get an amulet from whatever has it in the warehouse. There are hellions in there... and something else. Give him a chance, I feel his intentions are pure."
Something about Ice Blok's mission seemed important and time could be running out.
The Police helicopter caught up with Blood Wolffe and now a sharpshooter was peeking out the side aiming at him.
"Put your hands in the air and get on the ground, now!"
"Ice Blok, Im gonna grab you and jump."
The beast turned its head and looked at him with what were presumably eyes.
Moving as fast as he could He grabbed the walking Iceberg and pushed off the building as hard as he could sending them both towards the warehouse.
The sharpshooter was better than he thought. The bullet impacted with a stinging sensation in his back.
"AAK!" He yelped and they both tumbled to a grassy area about a hundred yards from the warehouse.
Blood Wolffe reached behind him and pulled out a tranquilizer dart.
"Ha, tranquilizer! You go on Ice blok, Your mission is important. I will keep their attention."
The beast continued walking towards his mission, as unstoppable as ever. Blood Wolffe got up and was feeling groggy.
"Since when do the cops use tranquilizers?" he asked himself.
"Thats not the cops..."
It was a Crey Industries helicopter. They caught news that he was in the area and dispatched their Project Recovery Team. Blood Wolffe had a past with them they wouldnt soon forget.
The tranquilizer was very strong. He pointed at the helicopter and tried to shoot it but only a small wave of blue energy escaped his hand. So he used what energy he had left to stagger down the street away from the helicopter which was now just waiting for him to collapse.
Blood Wolffe slumped down next to a car, wondering if anyone would save him if they could. He doubted it with his reputation as a renegade murderer.
"You... are either.... a wolf.... or you are... prey!" He said as he gathered all his energy he had left and sent a beam of energy at the helicopter. The shockwave from it burst the windows in the car and set the alarm off. It hit the helicopter causing it to smoke out of the engine but it could still fly. So it began to land a few feet away from him. Some men ran to him and began to pick up the now growling cornered Blood Wolffe, half concsious but still dangerous. But he noticed some men in HAZMAT suits running right by him towards the warehouse the Ice Blok just entered.
"NO!" Blood Wolffe screamed as he lunged on top of one of the men. He was only able to punch him a few times before he got buttstroked by another.
And then everything went black. -
Thanks! Stars for you
So if I want to bind the T key to make my character say "NOVA BLAST! and shoot nova off, can I do that and have it saved in game? If so or if not so how would I do that?
ye musteth stopth this here thread, or must i smacketh all of ye?
[/ QUOTE ]
Dost thou challenge thine own role-eth playing community? Smacketh away but haste, thine challenge to an duel could be thine own undoing lest I get off mine trusted steed for the feast. Huzzah!