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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I will be making my toon tonight, Might go with the Dark/spine scrapper .. but need to look again at everything.

    I think I will rebuild Moo Shoe

    are we starting this week? I am out of state and need to do the Fanisty Football Draft this week as well

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dark/Spine Scrapper?

    Several problems with that.
    You need to invet the powersets. You mean Spine/DA Scrapper.
    And secondly, we are running villains now. Scrappers can't join.
    Are there Spine Brutes?

    Also, wee need to start listing who is confirmed and has thier character made and ready to start.
    The desired level is 4, and should be at the Beginning Fort in Mercy to start. Please rply and fill in your information on the list below if you are confirmed with a toon made and ready.

    1 - @BlackAmaranth "Angry Sysop" Elec/Inv Brute - Lvl 4
    2 -
    3 -
    4 -
    5 -
    6 -
    7 -
    8 -

  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Since you all decided on level 4, I don't even need to reroll (that was the level I left her at) so just let me know when you are ready.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What's her name?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    i'll roll a plant/fire dom to fill in the control gap. i'll let yall know the name once i come up with it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Already taking one for the team! Seeing as none of us have the strength of will to play a Dominator.
  4. Awesome.
    We are getting everything together now.
    Cim - Necro/Dark MM
    Me - Elec/Inv Brute
    Jak - DM/?? Stalker

    I made my Brute last night. His name is "The Angry Sysop"
    I took him through Breakout, but didn't leave the Zone yet. I wasn't sure what Level/Zone we wanted to start in. Did we want to get our toons to 3 or 4 in Mercy to get a feel for them then meet up, or do we want to meet in Breakout and start from there?

    <EDIT> Jak already answered that. So, I'll take Kalinda as my Arachnos Contact, and go though the Snake Missions and run me up 4.

    And BrokenGoddess will probably be bringing a Brute as well.
    Can't have enough SMASH on a villain team, now can we?

    And Stray, that Thermal Corrupter will be a welcome addition!

    I'll get myself and BrokenGoddess into Big Bads, and whenever any of you want to get invites, let me know.

    And just for the record, I made the first draft of the Team outfits last time, so Cim and Jak, it's your turn to design them. But, we have 20 levels before we can consider it. So take your time.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm up for playing just about any AT. I checked and my Soldier is lvl 7 and while I currently don't have any open slots on Champion I should be getting another on my main account with the 4 year vet badge. (At least I hope that's how it works). My only 50 villain is a brute so my only preference would be to play something other than a brute for this.

    As far as being part of the same supergroup I'd say that while it can make coordination / communication a little easier I don't think it should be required. I play with a static group on Sunday nights and have had (and still have) some folks that belong to other SGs in the group and it's worked out fine.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What AT/Powerset was your Soldier again?

    And you know. We could just use Big Bads SG for this. It's all but abandoned except 3 of my toons, 1 of Jak's and a few of my RL friends. And it has a fully equipped base with all the TP Pads and Beacons, and a Hospital. It would be a shame to let that go to waste.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm Regen I can take anything...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh yeah?
    *flicks spoonful of strained peas to the forehead*
    Take that!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Wednesdays now? Dang.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking putting Thursday. It's been Wednesday for over 2 years, why in the world would I put Thursday? I'm just crazy I guess.
  8. Swanky!

    I'm really just waiting on Jak to post what he wants to make so I can make a decision on what I want to bring. Then we have the core 3 (not that the rest of you aren't important, but it's been proven that we 3 can continue to be a team for years) and everyone else knows what we need or lack.

    Jak? You out there bud?
  9. Well /Dark Masterminds enhance Any team. They Debuff nicely, and heal, and..... Well a little of everything.
    Undead are a little temperamental according to my roommate BrokenGoddess (who might be joining us also). They sometimes don't like to go where you tell them to. Ninjas, I don't know much about. Mercs seems to be easier to control than Undead, as well as Bots. Thugs, seem to have a problem closing the distance to the targets, even when you order them to get into Melee range, and they don't always like to go to the next target that's aggroed. So I guess you can say Thugs are a bit Temperamental too.

    Well, no matter what you choose, MM is a good start. Ad if you choose Dark, we really won't need a Healing Corrupter. Unless we really wanted extra healing.
  10. Mastermind is interesting. It kinda plays like a support toon, but really you fullfill the role of a Damage Dealer. And most Mastermind Powersets can complement any team. What Powersets where you thinking of?
  11. As far as ATs go.
    I have 2 Extra Slots I have yet to spend, that We all know are going to be going to Champion. So I have no constrains as far as AT goes. I like ALL the Villain ATs exceed Dominators. And I've got a thousand different concepts in my head, so anything we need I'll be willing to roll up. Corrupter, Brute, Stalker, Mastermind, VEAT, whatever. I'll conform to what Jak and Cim make.

    And PantherShade, I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be welcome. It'll inspire more Roleplaying elements in us!

    And we normally start about 8pm Eastern Time on Wdnesday nights, for those who are interested.

    Jak, Cim, PS? What were you thinking about making?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Uh BA, we've been playing wednesday nights (8pm ET), not thursday nights.
    I can't make many thursday nights. Now i could move to sunday, monday or tuesday, but I work 2nd shift most thursdays.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Epic Fail.
    I editted it.
    I have NO idea why I said Thursday.
  13. Some of you might remember a long, long time ago, in a thread far far away, a group of use started a Hero Static Team that we ran every Wednesday Night. Over the years people can and went, and it whiddled down to just 3 of us. Laughin' Jak, Cimmadif, and myself.

    Well after years of teaming together, Our toons are approaching the end. Within the next 3 weeks, all three of us will be 50. And we will still have these toons to play for other purposes, we probably will not be running them on Static Night.

    So, we have decided to continue. We are going to start a Villain Static Team on Wednesday nights.

    Now, we are glad to have just the 3 of us, because we have so much fun together. But, we are always looking for more people who would be interested in making a Character, and only playing that character with the team on Wednesday Nights. And we prefer steady players.

    At this point Jak, Cim and I are still discussing what ATs we want to play, but if you want to join, speak up here, and let us know what you'd like to play.
  14. Please give a warm round of applause to the newest Pingu Division.

    Pingu Coalition - Order of the Fierce Fail Force

    Come on. You know you're glad to see more of us.
    You know you are all secretly envious.

  15. [ QUOTE ]
    As of now in this forum, Biological children are now required to be born with...

    A Mute Button
    A Pause Button
    The Sudden Urge to Clean their rooms
    Unending Attention to Prevent "Boredom"
    Pet Sense (so they know the litter box needs to be cleaned)
    A Pull Start (for the mornings they just WONT get out of bed)
    For Boys: The Will Mom will approve my Girlfriend Sense
    For Girls: The Will Dad shoot this guy sense

    And last but not least....

    Common Sense (though this one will be a mircle if any)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...And that's when Rainbow Brite came into the room with 2 foot Roast Beef Hoagies for everyone and told us all that we were all going to win the lottery and be responsible for world peace.


    Hey who's that funny white jacket with the long arms and straps for?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I dinged 50 back on the last Double XP Weekend, but didn't post.

    Magic Act, Illusion/Storm Controller.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    A Controller Villain?
    That is impressive.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I wear spandex in my off time...


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Does a hero ever, really, get any off-time?
    I mean especially when thier day job is police officer, and by night, The Defuser, and at home Superdad/Superhusband?
    What off-time?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyone ever heard of Audiosurf?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The deepest level of hell is reserved for Televangelists and Rick Roll-ers.
  19. I bow down before the master!
    The Breaking Benjamin Video was 110% AWESOME! I do think that Breaking Benjamin is the best band to hit mainstream in the past 5 years, (and I have some strange obsession with the Wizard of Oz that I haven't been able to explain)but beyond all that, the black and white coloring, and the way you put the clips together was really good. Almost professional quality. Even people who don't know City of Heroes can appreciate this Vid.
    Keep it up.
  20. Fear the Tanker!
    Well done WS!
  21. Big Gratz!
    If we start Corrupticon agian, we'll need to get that Corr to 50!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    OK..I can't remember if I ever posted a pic..but here
    is one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Didn't you used to roadie for the Grateful Dead?
    If so, your Cool Stock just went up a bunch of points.