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  1. Tank-tastic!

    Yeah, I said it. So what?
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    That was one crazy party *lampshade still on head*

    Gratz to the Pingus for 4 years and one helluva a party!

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    There ain't no party like a Pingu Party, 'cause a Pingu Party don't stop.... till all the Team members are faceplanted!
  3. BlackAmaranth


    [ QUOTE ]
    Welcome to the champ server. I'm one of the local loonies so don't take anything I say to serious.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes. Our Loonies are Micro-brewed Domesticly with fresh hops, barley and Hami-Os. Screw those Snooty, Imported Loonies and thier berets and Mime-ish ways!
  4. BlackAmaranth


    Not to mention, we run Rikti Ship Raids rather often too (although not EVERY week) and soon (or is it Tsoon?) we will be re-instating our Weekly "Master of Statesman TF Friday Night Runs"

    We do love our community events over here on Champion!
    Welcome to the Server!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    See thats funny BA, cause I was paying people who had no pants on to come /em dance you

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll get you for this. Every knife in your drawer shall be dull forever more!
  6. We were discussing your run on Ventrillo last night, and were amazed that you guys won a speed TF with Witty on the team but then we saw Amygdala was part of it, and decided that she more than makes up for Witty's penchant for getting distracted by shiny things!
  7. That was really fun.
    Who knew the Pingus had so many friends? I gave away over 300 Million on my inane Contests, and just random trade-aways to lowbies, faceplanters, and to make people put pants on... *shudder* (Damn you Fire Buccaneer!)
    And I still say Cobalt won the Worst Costume Contest.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    And finally, the winner is, for a whopping 500 million influence, Sakitumi!

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    I said it before, and I'll say it again, Gotta Respect the Angelic Pimp Suit!

    Congratz to all. Alot of good entries there.
  9. I'm hoping to be there to throw Ping's money to the masses...
    But, today my niece went into the hospital for surgery. Not an emergency, mind you, but a scheduled event. Not that it's scheduled makes it any less important. Anyway, each of the close family are taking shifts with our girl. I'm hoping to be home in time for the event, but you will have to forgive me if I'm needed, bedside, for a scared 13 year old girl.

    Now that I've completely broken the fun, carefree mood.
  10. [ QUOTE ]

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    .... And so the seduction of AceMACE into the Carnies was complete. No one can resist Dancing Girls and Cotton Candy Forever.

    [ QUOTE ]

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  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    DNR..??? NO WAY... wake me up so I can do it again...!!!
    I'll get'em this time

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I deleted JW

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  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey Ping. I am thinking of running a TF race with my 100 mil donation... anyone think that sounds fun?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The only thing I can see wrong with that, is I can't compete and win it!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    NO no BA he just will post it in the ANNUAL pingu newsletter! LOL

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    Oh, is it that time of year yet?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Alright ... I'll post some shots tonight.

    Anyone know how to take a screenshot in the editor at at the Tailor edit window?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Use the same Keystroke you normally use to get screenshots. Normally this is the PRNT SCRN button.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    The long twilit struggle of my Grav/Energy Dominator, Dark Witty, is over. He dinged 50 this morning running a time management mish for Pither.

    Dark Witty is still quite mad, however, as he still does not have his revenge against both Countess Crey and his clone progenitor WittyLibrarian...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I could say, "Took you long enough" but then some people may be quick to point out my namesake toon has been in the high twenties for going on 2.5 years now.

    So, I'll just say... Villains are tough to level.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    And while not in BMT, here's one for BA:

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    Shoulda kept my mouth shut.

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    It's ok BA.. in a few months no one will remember.. or Ping will just bring it back up again cause that's HILARIOUS!

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    Oh, Count on it. Ping loves to re-hash my embarrassment.
    But, then again, don't we all?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]
    Makes perfect sense to me if the Level 43 was a tank.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    If it wasn't:


    Can we get the teleporter ready for teleport to the Phantom Zone?

    Yeah, only one for now.

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    I want one of those ring-hulahoop spinny things for my base.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I tried to hold it in as long as possible, hoping someone else would say it.
    You all disappoint me.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Skeptic Control and Karaza

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think I remember seeing those names on the Rooftops in SC for Fight Club too.
    Wow. That was awhile ago. In my Pre-Pingu Days. When I was hanging on Quason's coat-tails in PvP.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    Well, it's not the costume I would enter into the contest. Here it is, but I think the one I posted was better.

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    Dude. You look like a Praetorian Century 21 Realtor. Instead of the Gold Blazer, in the Praetorian universe you get "70's Station Wagon Green" Blazers.
    I give it a thumbs up!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Although, in *sigh* his defense, it's pretty much impossible NOT to like Spongebob.

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    I despise Spongebob.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He's allergic.
    To Sponges.
    And Pants.
    Square or otherwise.
    It's all very disturbing.

  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Klingon is easy..just learn to use Linux :
    "Grep ls awk chmod."
    "Mknod ksh tar imap."
    "Wall fsck yacc!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what you used yacc after fsck??

    always thought it was "fsck uptime gasp sleep"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've been using Linux for 20 years,, and a Trek Fan for 24 years and never made that connection.
    My Geek Cred just dropped several points.
  22. [ QUOTE ]

    And while not in BMT, here's one for BA:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shoulda kept my mouth shut.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Daq nuq poH?

    tlhIngan poH!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Girl that speaks Klingon?
    That's hot.
    Wait.... No I didn't say that out loud, did I?
  24. [ QUOTE ]

    What? I date nice guys. They are the only ones worth bothering with these days. But then I am from MN, and we tend to like all people who are nice.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, all you Northerners cross-bread with those damned cheerful and courteous Canadians don't ya?
    Damn it.
    Why do the Canucks get all the girls? DAMN YOU BRYAN ADAMS! DAMN YOU!
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    .. you seem like a nice guy ...

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    Your doomed my friend a girl has just given you the kiss of death

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    O HAI! Welcome to my Vacation Home in the Friend Zone! Isn't it nice? I've had nothing but time for the past 17 years to build this house with my bare hands. It's about 16 bedrooms and 9 full bathrooms.......
    Yeah, I know of the "Nice Guy" line.